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1、 23/23361經(jīng)典英文電影賞析-習(xí)題答案-張曉青-51703036 附:趣味學(xué)習(xí)參考答案: 一.The Terminal幸福終點站 【資料查詢】答案開放 【臺詞學(xué)習(xí)】 1.Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks according to what youve learned from the film. figured out be forced to backed up with have no choice show up 2. Find out and correct the mistakes in the following wo

2、rds spoken by Viktor. (1) You have choose. choice (2) Im afraid from Wolf mans, afraid from sharks. of men of (3) He say he bring the medicine for his father. This why he go to Canada. said brought This is went (4) He did not know he need this document. No one say to him he need document form. neede

3、d said needed (5) Amelia, you know what Napoleon give to Josephine when he win Bavaria? do you gave won (6) He wait month, week, year. waited months, weeks, years (7) Your friend do this for me? Why he do this for me? did Why did he do this for me? (8) I think I want go New York City. want to go to

4、3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined expressions. (1) 我的夢中情人 (2) 他找到了掙錢的方法 (3) 三缺一 (4) 私下付他現(xiàn)金的 (5) 保持低調(diào) 【領(lǐng)悟理解】答案開放 【故事復(fù)述】答案開放 【觀后影評】答案開放 二、The Shawshank Redemption 肖申克的救贖 【資料查詢】答案開放 【臺詞學(xué)習(xí)】 1. Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks according to what youve learned from the fil

5、m. Red: Hes got his fingers in a lot of pies, from what I hear. Andy: Hes got scams you havent evendreamed of. Kickbacks on his kickbacks. A river of dirty money running through here. Red: Sooner or later, hell have to explain where it came from. Andy: Thats where I come in. I channel it. Filter it.

6、 Funnel it. Stocks,securities, tax-free municipals. I send it out into the real world, and when it comes back. Red: Clean as a virgins honey pot, huh? Andy: Cleaner.By the time Norton retires, Ill have made him a millionaire. Red: If they ever catch on, hell wind up in here wearing a number himself.

7、 Andy: I thought you had morefaith in me than that. Red: I know youre good, but all that paper leaves a trail. Now anybody getscurious, FBI, IRS, whatever. Itll lead to somebody. Andy: Sure it is, but not to me, and certainly not to the warden. 2. Find out and correct the mistakes in the following s

8、entences. (1)I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. (2)Truth is, (3) (4)Id like to think they were singing about something so beautiful it cant be expressed in words and it makes you heartache because of it I tell you. (5)Those voices soared higher and farther t

9、han anybody in a great place dares to dream. (6)just too bright. (7)I think it the excitement only a free man can feel. (8) 3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined expressions. (1)強(qiáng)者救贖自己,圣人普度他人。 (2)希望是美好的,也許是人間至善,而美好的事物永不消逝。 (3)懦怯囚禁人的靈魂,希望可以讓你自由。 (4)監(jiān)獄里的高墻實在是很有趣。剛?cè)氇z的時候,你痛恨周圍的高墻;慢慢地,你習(xí)

10、慣了生 活在其中;最終你會發(fā)現(xiàn)自己不得不依靠它而生存。 (5) 【領(lǐng)悟理解】答案開放 【故事復(fù)述】答案開放 【觀后影評】答案開放 三、Forrest Gump阿甘正傳 【資料查詢】答案開放 【臺詞學(xué)習(xí)】 1. Choose the proper words from the following table to fill in the blanks according to what youve learned from the film. Gump:Whats the matter, Mama? Mama: Im dying, Forrest. Come on in, sit down ov

11、er here. Gump: Why are you dying, Mama? Mama: Its my time. Its just my time. Now, dont you be afraid, sweetheart. Death is just a part of life. Something were all destined to do. I didnt know it, but I was destined to be your mama. I did the best I could. Gump: You did well. Mama: Well, I happen to

12、believe you make your own destiny. You have to do the best with what God gave you. Gump: Whats my destiny, Mama? Mam a: Youre going to have tofigure that out for yourself. Life is a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what youre going to get. Mama: I will miss you, Forrest. 2. Translate the f

13、ollowing sentences into Chinese and try to learn them by heart. (1) Mama always said theres an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes. Where theyre going, where theyve been. 媽媽常說要想知道一個人的很多事情,只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道。他會往哪里走,他住在哪里。 (2) Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre goi

14、ng to get. 人生就像一盒裝滿各式各樣的巧克力,你永遠(yuǎn)也不知道下一塊將是哪一種。 (3)Dont ever let anybody tell you theyre better than you. Forrest. If God intended everybody to be the same, hed have given us all braces on our legs. 不要讓任何人告訴你他們比你強(qiáng)。如果上帝要讓人人都一樣的話,他會給每人一副腳撐。 (4) You are no different than anybody else is. 你和其它任何人是一樣的,沒有任何的

15、不同。 (5) Stupid is as stupid does. 做傻事的才是傻瓜。 (6) Miracles happen every day. 奇跡每天都在發(fā)生。 (7)We all have a destiny. Nothing just happens, its all part of a plan. 我們都有自己的命運,沒有什么事情是完全偶然的,它總是有緣故的。 (8)That is the outstanding answe r Ive ever heard. 這是我聽到過的最優(yōu)秀的答案。 (9) A promise is a promise. 信守承諾。 (10) I am a

16、 man of my word. 我是信守我承諾的人。 (11) There is only so much of fortune a man really needs and the rest is just for showing off. 一個人真正需要財富的就那么一點點,而其余的都是用來炫耀的。(縱有廣廈千間,夜眠三尺之地。) (12) You have got to put the past behind you before you can move on. 你得丟開往事才能不斷繼續(xù)前進(jìn)。 (13)Death is just a part of life, something we

17、re all destined to do. 死亡只是生命的一部分,是我們注定要面對的一件事。 (14) I happen to believe you make your own destiny. You have to do the best with what God gave you. 我相信你能實現(xiàn)自己的命運,你要憑著上帝所給予的做到最好。 (15) Have you given any thought to your future? 你有沒有為將來打算過呢? (16) Im not a smart man, but I know what love is. 我并不聰明,但我知道什么

18、是愛情。 (17) I dont know if we each have a destiny, or if were all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but II think maybe its both. Maybe both get happening at the same time. 我不知道,是否我們每個人都有注定的命運, 還是我們的生命中只有偶然, 就像在微風(fēng)中飄。但我想也許兩者都有吧,也許兩者都在同時發(fā)生著。 (18) If there is anything you need, I will not

19、be far away. 只要你想要什么,我就在你身邊。 3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined expressions. (1) From that day on, we were always together. Jenny and I were like peas and carrots. She taught me how to climb. “Come on, Forrest, you can do it.”I showed her how to dangle. 由那天開始,我們經(jīng)常在一起, 珍妮和我形影不離。她教

20、我怎么爬樹,“快,福雷斯,你能做到”。我教她怎么搖擺。 (2) It was only my induction day, I was getting yelled at. 入伍第一天,我就被罵得狗血噴頭。 (3) Now for some reason, I fit in the army. Like one of them round pegs. 不知什么原因,我很適合當(dāng)兵,就像一對插銷那么合適。 (4) Weve been through every kind of rain there is little bitty stinging rain and big old fat rain

21、,rain that flew in side ways, and sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up form underneath. 我們經(jīng)歷了各種各樣的雨牛毛細(xì)雨還有瓢潑大雨。從側(cè)面下的雨,有時甚至還有從下往上的雨。 (5) I played Ping-Pong even when I didnt h ave anyone to play Ping-Pong with. The hospitals people said it made me look like a duck in water. 甚至沒人陪著的時候我也能打乒乓球。

22、醫(yī)院里的人說打球讓我如魚得水。 (6)Thats whats left after me saying, “When I was in China on the all-America Ping Pong team, I just loved playing Ping-Pong with my Flex-O-Lite Ping Pong paddle”, which everybody knows isnt true, but Mama said it was just a little white lie, so it wasnt hurting nobody. 我拿到這些錢是因為我說:“我

23、和全美乒乓球隊在中國時,我最喜歡用我的菲利奧萊乒乓 球拍打乒乓球”。誰都知道這不是真話,但媽媽說它只是一個善意的謊話,它不會傷害任何人。 (7) He never actually said so, but I think he made his peace with God. 他從來沒說出來,但我想他跟上帝已經(jīng)講和了。 【領(lǐng)悟理解】答案開放 【故事復(fù)述】答案開放 【觀后影評】答案開放 四、My Best Friends Wedding我最好朋友的婚禮 【資料查詢】 1. Have you seen this film? Yes/No 2. What kind of movie is it?

24、Comedy/Drama 3. Who is the leading actress? Julia Roberts 4. What is the story about? Julianne is upset that her ex-boyfriend will marry someone and she finds that she still loves him. She decides to run over there and breaks up the marriage 5. How does the story end? Does it have a happy ending? Ju

25、lianne regrets what she has done and wishes them the best. 【臺詞學(xué)習(xí)】 http:/./doc/0c0035738ad63186bceb19e8b8f67c1cfbd6ee2a.html plete the following form with what youve learned from the film about the message left on Juliannes answering machine: 2.Try to do the following exercises according to the song

26、“l(fā) say a little prayer for you”in the film: (1) Whats the routine of a woman in love like? Label the pictures according to the activities described in the song. wake up, put on her makeup, say a prayer, comb her hair, wear a dress, run for the bus, work, have a coffee break (2) Put the following act

27、ivities in order according to the song. put on her makeup ( 2 )wear a dress ( 5 ) comb her hair ( 4 ) wake up ( 1 ) say a prayer ( 3 ) work ( 7 ) run for the bus ( 6 ) have a coffee break ( 8 ) (3)Fill in the blanks with what youve learned from the song. The moment I wake up before I put on my makeu

28、p I say a little prayer for you whilecombing my hair, now, And wondering what dress to wear, now, I say a little prayer for you (Forever) Forever, and ever, (youll stay in my heart and I will love you) (Forever) Forever, and ever, (we never will part. Oh, how I love you) (Together) Together, forever

29、 , (thats how it must be. To live without you) Would only mean heartbreak for me, ooh I run for the bus, dear, While riding I think of us, dear, I say a little prayer for you At work I just take time And all through mycoffee break-time, I say a little prayer for you (Forever) Forever, and ever, (you

30、ll stay in my heart and I will love you) 3. Choose the proper words from the following table to fill in the blanks according to what youve learned from the film. Not particularlywhat I came to dosplit upproud of swept up toucheddrummingdownWonderingdance 4. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the b

31、lackbody expressions. 不是特別好,但是我做了我該做的。 什么事?你把他們分開了? 嗯,悲劇,完美的悲劇,我可以想象你單獨坐在椅子前,穿著你淡紫色的禮服。 頭發(fā)梳上去了,還沒碰你的蛋糕,可能在用手指甲翹著面前的白色亞麻桌布。這是你在真正感到沮喪的時候做的事情。也許盯著這些手指甲,在想:“上帝,我早該停下我邪惡的陰謀去修修指甲,但是現(xiàn)在太遲了。” 突然之間,一首熟悉的歌曲。然后你離開你的椅子,很優(yōu)雅的,驚訝的搜尋著嗅著風(fēng)的氣息,像梅花鹿一樣。上帝聽到你低低的祈禱了嗎?灰姑娘會再翩然起舞嗎?然后,忽然人群分開,他就在那里,時髦而有品位。散發(fā)著領(lǐng)袖氣質(zhì)。很奇怪,他在電話里,但那時

32、,你也是。他朝你走來,像叢林小貓一樣,雖然你很確定的感覺到他是男同性戀。像多數(shù)在他這個年齡的瀟灑帥氣單身男人一樣,你想,管他呢?生活會走向何方呢?也許沒有婚姻,沒有sex。但是,上帝,還是有舞蹈。 五、 Hachi: A Dogs Story忠犬八公的故事 【資料查詢】答案開放 【臺詞學(xué)習(xí)】 1. Choose the best words to fill in the blanks according to what youve learned from the film. a mystery dog, jumped out of 2. Find out and correct the mi

33、stakes in the following words. (1) I understand how you feel. Hachi, my friend, Parker is never coming home. (2) Did you see what he did? I threw the ball and he brought it back with a fetch. (3) If hes gonna fetch, hed wait for a special reason. (4) You know we love you, Hachi. We wanted you to sta

34、y here with us. (5)If its all right, could I wait with you for the next train? (6)Hachi was found by your grandfather. (7) If Hachi wants to wait, then Hachi should wait. (8) The real Hachi was born in Odate, Japan in1923. 3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined expressions. (1) 這正是我要

35、你做的。 (2) 昨晚我在車站發(fā)現(xiàn)了這個小家伙。 (3) 幸運數(shù)字 (4) 看門狗看守?zé)峁罚?(5) 出去遛、得喂它、給它洗澡,還得撿拾它的糞便。 【領(lǐng)悟理解】答案開放 【故事復(fù)述】 A schoolboy reports on his hero: Hachi, his grandfathers dog. In a flashback, a puppy at a Japanese monastery is crated and sent to the US. The crates tag tears, and when the puppy pushes his way out of the c

36、rate at the train station of a small Rhode Island town, Parker Wilson, a professor of music in nearby Providence, takes the dog home for the night. His wife isnt happy about it, but after failing to find the owner, she lets the dog stay. A Japanese friend reads the dogs tag - Hachi or Eight, a lucky

37、 number. Parker cant teach the dog to fetch, but the friend explains that the dog will forge a different kind of loyalty. Hachi sees his master off at the train station every morning and is there in the evening waiting for him when he returns from work. Parker fails to return to the train station on

38、e evening. But Hachi continues to wait at the train station every evening, day after day, year after year, no matter whether it is hot or cold or rainy or snowing. Until finally, one evening, the master finally shows up, so to speak, and takes his beloved dog Hachi with him on a special journey. 【觀后

39、影評】答案開放 五、Air Force One空軍一號 【資料查詢】答案開放 【臺詞學(xué)習(xí)】 1.Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks according to what youve learned from the film. (1)Dialogue One The First Lady: Where is my husband? The Hijacker: He hasfled.The cowardchose to save himself. But one can always strike a bargain. The First L

40、ady: No, you listen to me. I dont knowwho you are or what you want. but you will never get it. He will not negotiate. The Hijacker: Really? His wife. His daughter. A man could not live with himself. Andit would be such bad politics. I think he will negotiate. The First Lady: Oh, my God. (2) Dialogue

41、 Two Russian President: Now,let us be pragmatic.50 lives mean nothing in the grand scheme. The Vice President: Well, then, let me be equally pragmatic. Our presidenttook a great risk to come to your aid against strong opposition in both parties and among our allies. It would be politically impossibl

42、e to do so again. Russian President: If it meantsaving his life, I would gladly do it. But I would have to know for sure, and you cannot tell mehes alive.Can you? The Vice President: No, Mr. President, I cannot. (3) Dialogue Three The President of U.S: This is an emergency call from Air Force One. T

43、his is the president.Connect me to the vice-president, please. The Operator:Who did you say is calling? The President of U.S: This is the president. The Operator: Yeah, right. And Im the first lady. The President of U.S: Dont cut me off. This is an emergency. The Operator: Sir, the president doesnt

44、call this particular phone number. So, whoever you are. The President of U.S: Trace the call.Follow your standard security procedure and trace the goddamn call. The Operator: Okay, sir. You wannamake a federal case out of this, fine by me. 2. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the following expres

45、sions. (1) 真正的和平不是避免沖突而是伸張正義。 (2) 我們等到自己的國家受到威脅時才行動。 (3) 我知道我們沒有資格慶功,誰都沒有資格,找出兇手否則你們就沒命。 (4) 為了安全理由我不能透露劫機(jī)者和人質(zhì)的身份。 (5) 他們以為我們沒膽量支持政見。 【故事復(fù)述】答案開放 【觀后影評】答案開放 六、Sydney White大學(xué)新生 【資料查詢】答案開放 【臺詞學(xué)習(xí)】 1. Choose the proper words from the following table to fill in the blanks according to what youve learned f

46、rom the film. have met would have met step out offit insearching outsiders bizarre unconventional dorkydorks 2. Find out and correct the mistakes in the following words. (1) My dad always did his best. But sometimes, a girl just needs her mom. (2) If your mom was here, shed know exactly what to say.

47、 Shed be so excited youre going to her school, going to join her sorority. (3) Girl, youre going to fit into that place like an overflow tube in a pressure tank. (4) I was raised by construction workers. (5) Im so sorry Im not there to see you off to college. (6) Perhaps youll fill this box with you

48、r own memories to pass on to your daughter someday. (7) If this is what sisterhoods all about, then I dont want any part of it. (8) Ill be your campaign manager and Ill be with you every step of the way. (9) It is cute and itll be even cuter when we win. (10) Nothing could make me prouder than that.

49、 3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the following sentences. (1)我知道你還要努力地去拿獎學(xué)金,但是答應(yīng)大家你會一直過得很開心。 (2) 不要擔(dān)心,爸爸。我會每天都保持微笑的。 (3) 我媽媽去世的時候我只有九歲。就是說,我的性格形成受了父親很大的影響。 (4) 但是由于我沒有這個機(jī)會,我已經(jīng)把我最美好的回憶都放到了這個盒子里。 (5)珍惜每一刻,雪梨。 (6)抓住每次機(jī)會。 (7) 你在大學(xué)里遇到的朋友將會成為你一生的朋友。 (8) 她媽媽為她贏了個價,但她還得靠自己的力量來當(dāng)選。 (9)我們受夠了他們的虐待。 (10)

50、我確實交到了一輩子的朋友。 【領(lǐng)悟理解】答案開放 【故事復(fù)述】答案開放 【觀后影評】答案開放 七、Freaky Friday辣媽辣妹 【資料查詢】答案開放 【臺詞學(xué)習(xí)】 1.Choose the proper words to fi ll in the blanks according to what youve learned from the film. (Tesss toast:)(in T esss body): Hi. I guess Im gonna start the toasts. So, three years ago, we had a really bad thing h

51、appen in our family. We lost a father and a husband, and I didnt think wed ever be able to get over it. But then. This guy next to me came into the picture. And everybody could see I was happy again. I was singing in the shower again. Not well, I might add. But I was still really worried about my ki

52、ds, Anna and Harry. Whether theyd be able to accept a new man in their life. And now I know how Anna feels. And what she feels is that. No one could evertake the place of her dad. Because he was a really great dad. But somebody could be part of a new family. Its own kind of cool, new, little unit. A

53、nd that for someone as special as Ryan, that we would all just make a little room. Anna really wanted her mom to know that. 2. Find out and correct the mistakes in the following words spoken by Anna or Tess. (1) Anna: You couldnt lasts one day in my high school. last (2) Anna: Youre ruin my life! ru

54、ining (3) Tess: Why do you always have to blames him? blame (4) Tess: I had some car trouble. troubles (5)Tess: Im gonna be availabled on my cellphone. available (6) Anna: Oh, I just realize I have to meet my friends, and theyre waiting for me. realized (7)Tess: I promise there will be seriously con

55、sequences for her. serious (8) Tess: Actually I could, and I would do it without get a detention. getting 3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the sentences. (1)明天是星期五,是我媽媽的彩排晚宴。 (2)我是你人生中最不完美的一部分!. (3)你還沒回答這個根本問題。 (4) 你真的好像跟我原來認(rèn)為的不一樣。 (5)當(dāng)你看到你所缺少的東西時,無私的愛會讓你們轉(zhuǎn)換回來(找回自己)。 (6)當(dāng)我愛上你的時候,我就知道你有一個家庭。 (

56、7)我以為我們不會度過難關(guān)。 (8)她的想法是無人能取代她的父親 【領(lǐng)悟理解】答案開放 【故事復(fù)述】答案開放 【觀后影評】答案開放 八、If You can Catch Me貓鼠游戲 【資料查詢】答案開放 【臺詞學(xué)習(xí)】 1.Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks according to what youve learned from the film. (1) Every pilot has to have two things with him at all times:one is his airline personnel badge

57、 Looks just like this one here, from Pan Am. The other one is their FAA license. and that looks just like this. (2) Do you know what would happen if the IRS found out I was driving around in a new coupe? (3) Two little mice fell ina bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The s

58、econd mouse, wouldnt quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out. 2.Find out and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. (1)Carl Hanratty: Sometimes its easier live in the lie. to live (2) I did it all before my19birthday. 19th (3) The banks

59、didnt know what is happening till last week. was (4) Id like you take a look at something for me. to take (5) These people have been embarrass, Frank. Theyre angry. embarrassed 3.Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined expressions. (1) 假冒泛美航空公司的飛行員 (2) 追究你的責(zé)任 (3) 貸款 (4) 拒絕了你的貸款(請求) (5) 冒

60、充代課教師 (6) (要)離婚 (7) 落井下石 (8) 總的來看;無論如何 【領(lǐng)悟理解】答案開放 【故事復(fù)述】答案開放 【觀后影評】答案開放 十、The Bourne Identity諜影重重 【資料查詢】1. 2.答案開放 3. The following is the summary of the plot, please fill in the gaps with the words given in the table: action spy film stars directed adapted released floating fishermen bullets microfi


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