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1、 Unit 5Seasons(Period 1) Xinghe Primary School Shi Lujia Unit 5Seasons(Period 1) Whats this songs topic? 這首歌的主題是什么? Lets enjoy Whats thisseasons季節(jié) Lets thinkeaAbout seasons, what have you learnt?關(guān)于季節(jié),課前你已先學(xué)了哪些知識(shí)?About seasons, what do you want to learn?關(guān)于季節(jié),你還想學(xué)哪些知識(shí)?seasons Lets thinkeaAbout sseason

2、s Activities? (活動(dòng)) Names? (季節(jié)名) Lets focus Weather? (天氣)seasons Activities? seasons Weather? (天氣) Activities? (活動(dòng)) Names?(季節(jié)名) Lets findseasons Weather? Task 1:Underline the key phrases 劃出關(guān)鍵詞組Task 2: Share in groups 小組分享交流Task 3: Try to read, help each other 互幫互助試讀Lets share What do we do in every s

3、eason?在每個(gè)季節(jié)我們做什么? Task 1:Task 2:Task 3: Lets 四人一組卡片牌游戲,組長(zhǎng)出季節(jié)牌,組員三人立刻依次出與該季節(jié)相應(yīng)的卡片。記得要邊出牌邊說喲!activitiesIn It is We Card time四人一組卡片牌游戲,組長(zhǎng)出季節(jié)牌,組員三人立刻activitIn spring, it is warm.We fly kites.We go boating.We like spring.In spring, it is warm.In summer, it is hot.We eat ice creams.We go swimming.We like

4、summer.In summer, it is hot.In autumn, it is cool.We have picnics.We go climbing.We like autumn.In autumn, it is cool.In winter, it is cold.We make snowmen.We go skating.We like winter.In winter, it is cold. Impression summer印象夏天 Impression summer Impression autumn印象秋天 Impression autumn Impression w

5、inter印象冬天 Impression winter四年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語Unit5SeasonsA譯林版課件Let s make Step 1:Choose a favourite season.選擇一個(gè)你喜愛的季節(jié)。Step 2: Draw a mind map about it,then share.畫一個(gè)關(guān)于它的思維導(dǎo)圖并分享。Our picture book我們的繪本Let s make Step 1:Step 2:Ou Impression spring印象春天 Impression springLet s make Step 1:Choose a favourite season.選擇

6、一個(gè)你最喜歡的季節(jié)。Step 2: Draw a mind map about it,then share.畫一個(gè)關(guān)于它的思維導(dǎo)圖并分享。Step3: Take a nice name.確定一個(gè)有意思的書名。Our picture book我們的繪本Let s make Step 1:Step 2:StLet s make Step 1:Choose a favourite season.選擇一個(gè)你最喜歡的季節(jié)。Step 2: Draw a mind map about it,then share.畫一個(gè)關(guān)于它的思維導(dǎo)圖并分享。Step3: Take a nice name.確定一個(gè)有意思的書名。Our picture book我們的繪本Let s make Step 1:Step 2:StLet s rememberlcLet s rememberlcHomework1. Read and act the text emotionally. 有感情地朗讀并表演文本。2.Enrich your mind map ,the more information the better. 完善你的思維導(dǎo)圖,信息維度多多益善。3. Search for seasonal culture differences in differ


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