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1、10 Society, culture, and language1.Fill in the blanks1) In the first stage of its growth from about 1850 to 1900, influenced by the social philosophies of Comte, Spencer, and( Marx ) who can be considered the father of sociology.2) In a certain sense, anthoropology is wider than sociology. Its domai

2、n has been defined as ( the description and explaination of similarities and differences among human ethnic grounps.)3) ( Sapir ), who is often described as the originator of modern American linguistics, was intellectually at the intersection between linguistics, anthropology, and psychology.4) (Mal

3、inowski), represents in Britain an anthropological school of thoughht in which language played a much more significant role.5) Bernsteins contention was that there is a systematic relationship between ( social class) and ( language use ).Answer the following questions 1. what is the main content of

4、The Whorfian hypothesis.Lganguage learners are only too well aware of the fact that certain aspects of a new language-items of vocabulary, or grammatical feartures- often imply concepts for which the native language has no equivalent. Constractive analysis is founded on such comparisons. One languag

5、e has separate vocabulary items for concepts which are left undifferentiated in another language.Acording to Malinkowski, what is the concept of the concept of situation?A centual concept in the development of linguistics in Britain by Firth who acknowledges his indebteness to Malinowski: A key conc

6、ept in the technique of the London group is the concept of the context of situation. The phrase context of situation was first used widely in English by Malinowski.True or False1) British anthropologists under the innfluence of such scholars as Boas, have viewed antropology as a science of social st

7、ructure and function or as a sociology of primitive science. (F) Radcliffe-Brown 2) Sapirs approach represents a view in which language, the individual, society, and culture are studied in close assotiation with each other. (T)3) Radcliffe-Brown and Malinowski were in agreement in believing that a s

8、ociety should be treated as a coherent system in which different parts have certain founctions . (F) culture4) Sapir always saw the relationship between language and culture as an important problem for anthropology, linguistics, or psychology. (T)5) Bloomfield considered himself a student of Boas, and his research included field studies in


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