



1、四川省德陽市第一中學高三英語上學期期末試卷含解析一、 選擇題1. _ I admit that there are problems, I dont agree that they cannot be solved. A. WhenB. BecauseC. IfD. While參考答案:D試題分析:考查連詞辨析。連詞when當.時;because因為;if如果;while當.時;盡管;句意:盡管我承認有問題,我并同意它們不能被解決。根據句意可知while表示讓步關系。故D正確。2. Im mad at what Jack said yesterday_! He was just making

2、a jokeA. Take your time B. Lighten up C. Enjoy yourself D. Not at all參考答案:B3. Though he graduated from a famous university, he was _ failure as _ teacher.A. a; aB. /; aC. /; theD. /; /參考答案:A4. -I remember you were a talented pianist at college. Can you play the piano for me?- Sorry, I the piano for

3、years.A. dont play B. wasnt playing C. havent played D. hadnt played參考答案:C 句意:抱歉,我好多年都沒有彈鋼琴了?,F在完成時在此表示從好多年前算起到說話的時候為止的(否定)狀態(tài)的持續(xù)。5. When _ a new word, youd better _ a dictionary.A. come across; refer to B. coming across; consultC. coming across; look up D. come across; consult參考答案:B6. - Is this stick

4、 long enough ? - No, I need one _ . A. twice so long B. so long twice C. twice as long D. as long twice參考答案:C略7. Typhoon Hato brought powerful winds and flooding to the region of southeast China and several deaths on the storm in August, 2017.A. were blamed B. would be blamedC. had been blamed D. ha

5、ve been blamed參考答案:A考查動詞時態(tài)。句意:2017年8月臺風“天鴿給中國東南部地區(qū)帶來強風和洪水,暴風雨導致幾人死亡。根據句中明顯的過去的時間狀語August, 2017,可知用一般過去時。故選A。8. My dream has come true! I am so happy that your efforts have _.A. taken up B. made out C. called back D. paid off參考答案:D9. In my opinion, the beauty of a person should be measured _ ones per

6、sonality rather than ones appearance. A. on account of B. in favor of C. in terms of D. by means of參考答案:A略10. Understanding the culture habits of another nation, especially_ containing as many different subcultures as the United States, is a complex task.A. one B. it C. that D. such參考答案:A 解析:one指代前面

7、提到的culture habit。11. Nowadays, either 21st Century or other English newspapers _ increasingly popular among us students.AareBisC. wereD. was參考答案:A12. 35- You look so upset, Jane _? - I have been told my father has got skin cancer A. Whats for B. Whats up C. So what D. Hows up參考答案:B13. Miss Liu can s

8、how you around _ Mount Yuntai, because she has _ good knowledge of it. A. the; a B. a; the C. /; a D. it參考答案:C14. Mark went through the files once more carefully for fear that he should _any essential details. A. drop B .overlook C. ignore D. display參考答案:B15. They have been working on the bridge for

9、 a week. It seems they need _ two weeks to finish it.A. moreB. otherC. anotherD. the other參考答案:C考查不定代詞。another放在數詞前。16. Sarah, you seem to be a little absent-minded. Whats wrong?Oh, sorry. Actually, I_of the family party this weekend. I have to make a list of what needs to be bought.A. am just think

10、ing B. just thought C. have just thoughtD.was just thinking參考答案:D 試題分析:考查動詞時態(tài)的用法 句意:-薩拉,你似乎是有點心不在焉,怎么了?-對不起,實際上,我我在想周末的家庭聚會的事。我不得不列出要買什么東西。根據語境可知指的剛才薩拉心不在焉的時候在想什么,故用過去進行時,現在完成時表示過去的動作對現在造成的影響,一般過去式只表示動作發(fā)生在過去,跟現在沒有關系,根據句意故選D 17. Shirleys strong love for her hometown is _ in her new songs.A. relieved

11、B. reflected C. responded D. recovered參考答案:B 解析:這題考察動詞的詞義辨析。A.解脫,寬慰。B反映 C回復 D 恢復18. My English teachers humor was _ make every student burst into laughter.A. so as to B. such as toC. such that D. so that參考答案:B解析:本題考查代詞such的用法。以及so/such as to 的用法。這里的such 用作代詞在句中作表語,表示“這樣的人(事物),如:Such was the result.二

12、、 短文改錯19. 假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除和修改。增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。刪除:把多余的詞用斜線()劃掉。修改:在錯的詞下劃一橫線,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改僅限一詞;2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分。Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to our school! Its my great honor to be there and I am very happy t

13、o see you all. Id like tell you something about our school. The school was found in 1915. It has a history of more than 100 year. At the first it was a school for boys and girls were rare allowed to enter it. Now there are about 3,000 students in our school, most of who are living and having meal at

14、 school. Our teachers were the first-class teachers in our city. We love their students and their teaching work. Im pleasing to be your guide during your visit.Thats all. Thank you!參考答案:Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to our school! Its my great honor to be there and I am very happy to here see you all

15、. Id like tell you something about our school. The school was found to founded in 1915. It has a history of more than 100 year. At the first it was a school for 去掉boys and girls were rare allowed to enter it. Now there are about 3,000 students in rarelyour school, most of who are living and having m

16、eal at school. Our teachers were the whom meals arefirst-class teachers in our city. We love their students and their teaching work. TheyIm pleasing to be your guide during your visit.pleasedThats all. Thank you!本文主要為來訪者介紹學校的發(fā)展情況。第一處:第二句話there改成here 考查副詞 句意:我很榮幸在這里,并且很高興見到大家。here意為“這兒”,there意為“那兒”。該

17、句描述的是在學校這里,故將there改成here。第二處:在like和tell之間加to 考查固定短語 would like to do愿意做某事,想要做某事。故在like和tell之間加to。第三處:將第四句話found改成founded 考查動詞的語態(tài) 句意:這個學校是1915年建立的。the school和found之間是被動關系,故將found改成founded。第四處 將第六句話中的the去掉 句意:起初,這個學校是男子學校,幾乎沒有女學生。at first起初,為固定詞組,故將the去掉。第五處 將第六句話中的rare改成rarely 考查副詞 句意:起初,這個學校是男子學校,幾乎

18、沒有女學生。修飾動詞allow要用副詞,故將rare改成rarely。第七處 將第七句中的meal改成meals 考查固定搭配 句意:現在,學校大約有3000名學生,大多數學生在學校吃住。have meals吃飯,就餐,為固定搭配,故將meal改成meals。第八處 將第八句中的were改成are 考查動詞時態(tài) 句意:我們的老師都是市里一流的教師。此處描述的是學?,F在的客觀情況,用一般現在時,故將were改成are。第九處 將第九句話中的We改成They 考查代詞 句意:他們熱愛他們的學生和工作。此句中主語要和their students,their teaching work相對應,故將We

19、改成They。第十處 將第十句中的pleasing改成pleased 考查固定搭配 句意:在你們訪問期間,我很樂意成為你們的向導。be pleased to樂意做某事,為固定搭配,故將pleasing改成pleased。三、 閱讀理解20. Long ago, there was a rich man, who had a very big house with a lot of treasures and many servants. One day, two silver saucers were stolen from the cupboard. After a few days, an

20、other two saucers were stolen again. The rich man was very angry. He thought, “Someone must have stolen them. I must catch the thief, or another two saucers would be stolen in a few days.”Then he had an idea. He called in all his servants and said. “Some of my silver saucers have disappeared. Someon

21、e among you must have taken them. Who has taken them?”The servants looked at one another and kept quiet. Then the rich man said, “I shall catch the thief myself. I am giving each of you a stick. Look, all the sticks are of the same length, Keep the sticks. Bring them back tomorrow. The thiefs stick

22、will two centimeters longer.”That evening, Salleh, one of the servants, went home sadly. His wife asked him, “Why are you so sad this evening?”“This stick will grow two centimeters longer tomorrow because I have taken the silver saucers,” he said.“Oh, dont worry. Cut off two centimeters from the sti

23、ck,” his wife said. “In other words your stick will be of the same length as any of the other sticks.”Hearing this, he was very happy. At once, he cut off two centimeters from the stick with a knife.The next day, each of the servants brought back his stick. The rich man then measured each of the sti

24、cks. He found Sallehs stick shorter by two centimeters. Salleh was the thief. He was caught and put in prison. The rich man got back the stolen saucers.5. The silver saucers were kept in_A. a cupboard B. a boxC. the kitchen D. the bedroom.6. The rich man found _ silver saucers were stolenA. two B. f

25、ourC. six D. three7. The next day, the rich man knew that Salleh was the thief because Sallehs stick _.A. remained the same lengthB. was shorter by two centimetersC. was longer by two centimetersD. broke in two8. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Sallehs wife told him to return the stolen saucersB. Sallehs wife was angry with himC. Salleh brought back the stolen saucer himselfD. Salleh did as his wife told him to.參考答案:5. A 6. B 7. B 8. D文章講述一個聰明的富翁用智慧的方法抓住了小偷的故事。5. 細節(jié)理解題。根據第一段的句子One day, two silver saucers were stolen from the cupboard


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