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1、PAGE PAGE 16北京師范大學模糊系統(tǒng)與人工智能方向簡介(討論稿)北京師范大學模糊數(shù)學與人工智能方向是國內(nèi)最早從事模糊數(shù)學及其應用研究的單位之一,可以說是國內(nèi)模糊數(shù)學研究的重要基地。早在1979年北師大數(shù)學科學學院開始就開始招收模糊數(shù)學研究方向的碩士研究生,是我國最早從事模糊數(shù)學研究的碩士學科點。1986年,汪培莊先生牽頭,以模糊數(shù)學為主申請下來應用數(shù)學博士點,這也是我國最早從事模糊數(shù)學研究的博士學科點。迄今為止,北師大數(shù)學科學學院已培養(yǎng)幾十名碩士和博士研究生,并且在各種工作崗位已成為骨干力量。北京師范大學模模糊系統(tǒng)與模模糊信息研究究中心暨復雜雜系統(tǒng)實時智智能控制實驗驗室創(chuàng)建于22000




5、的概率論意意義,指出FFuzzy系系統(tǒng)中常用的的清晰化方法法,即重心法法是合理的且且在平均平方方意義下是最最優(yōu)的方法. 基于不同同的Fuzzzy蘊涵算子子,給出幾種種典型的概率率分布,如ZZadeh分分布、Mammdani分分布、Lukkasiewwicz分布布等,它們充充當Fuzzzy系統(tǒng)的“系統(tǒng)內(nèi)核”作用.9)利用隨機過過程理論刻畫畫了變論域自自適應模糊控控制的自適應應機理,并且且為經(jīng)典自適適應控制的自自適應機理的的源頭給出了了數(shù)學描述。模糊信息處理與與人工智能目目前已是計算算機科學的重重要分支之一一,在國際范范圍里已有相相當?shù)挠绊?。?jù)據(jù)了解,在北北美、歐洲和和日本的許多多大學的計算算機系

6、,都有有專家在從事事模糊信息處處理與人工智智能研究與教教學;他們所所取得的成果果已顯示出模模糊信息處理理與人工智能能在計算機科科學研究與發(fā)發(fā)展中的巨大大作用。北京京師范大學是是國內(nèi)模糊系系統(tǒng)及其應用用研究的發(fā)源源地之一,李李洪興及其帶帶領(lǐng)的學術(shù)團團隊在這一領(lǐng)領(lǐng)域做出了一一系列原創(chuàng)性性、具有世界界領(lǐng)先或先進進水平的研究究成果,在國國內(nèi)外具有重重要的影響。由由于模糊信息息處理是新興興學科,我國國在這一領(lǐng)域域的研究水平平與國外差距距不大,因此此,發(fā)展模糊糊信息處理與與智能計算等等相關(guān)領(lǐng)域的的研究對于我我國計算機科科學研究趕超超世界先進水水平是很有意意義的。附錄 該方向向近期主要研研究成果一. 獲獎情

7、況況1 19887年獲國家家自然科學四等獎。2 20003年獲教育育部自然科學學一等獎。3 20005年獲國家科技技進步二等獎獎。二. 已獲得的的專利1 發(fā)明專專利:預焙電電解鋁生產(chǎn)的的變論域自適適應模糊控制制方法及裝置置 發(fā) 明明 人:李洪洪興;王加銀銀;谷云東;馮艷賓專 利 號:ZZL 02 1 581123.1 授權(quán)公公告日:20004年122月1日2 實用新新型專利:四級倒立擺擺實驗儀 設(shè) 計計 人:李洪洪興專 利 號:ZZL 02 2 572287.2 授權(quán)公告日:22003年99月17日三已出版的主主要著作1 Honng-Xinng Li, P.C. Phillip Chhen a

8、nnd Hann-Pangg Huanng, Fuuzzy NNeurall Inteelligeent Systemss, CRCC Presss, FL, USA, 22001. 2 Honng-Xinng Li and VVincennt C.YYen, FFuzzy Sets and FFuzzy Decission-MMakingg, CRC Preess, FL, USA, 11995. 3 Peiizhuanng Wanng andd Hongg-Xingg Li, Fuzzyy Infoormatiion Prrocesssing aand Fuuzzy CComputters

9、, Sciennce Prress NNew Yoork/Beeijingg, 19997.4 Puyyin Liiu andd Hongg-Xingg Li, Fuzzyy Neruual Neetworkk Theoory annd Appplicattion, Worldd Scieentifiic Preess, Singgaporee, 20004. 汪培莊,李洪興興, 知識表表示的數(shù)學理理論,天津科科技出版社,1994. 汪培莊,李洪洪興, 模糊系統(tǒng)理理論與模糊計計算機,科學學出版社,1996.李洪興等, 工工程模糊數(shù)學學方法及應用用,天津科技技出版社,1993.李洪興,汪培莊莊,

10、 模糊數(shù)學,國國防工業(yè)出版版社,19994.四. 已發(fā)表的的主要論文(按時間順序)Hong-Xiing Lii, Fuzzzy peerturbbationn anallysis, partt 1, FFuzzy Sets and SSystemms, 177(2), 1985, 189-197. (SCII)Hong-Xiing Lii, Fuzzzy peerturbbationn anallysis, partt 2, FFuzzy Sets and SSystemms, 199(2), 1986, 165-175. (SCII) Hong-Xiing Lii, Mulltifaccto

11、riaal fuzzzy seets annd mulltifacctoriaal deggree oof neaarnesss, Fuzzzy Seets annd Sysstems, 19(33), 19986, 2291-2997. (SCI)Hong-Xiing Lii, Fuzzzy cllusterring mmethodds bassed onn pertturbattion, Fuzzyy Setss and Systeems, 332(3), 19899, 2911-302. (SCCI) Hong-Xiing Lii, Mulltifacctoriaal funnction

12、ns in fuzzyy setss theoory, FFuzzy Sets and Systeems, 333(1), 19900, 69-84. (SCI) Hong-Xiing Lii, Cheengzhoong Luuo andd Peizzhuangg Wangg, Thee carddinaliity off fuzzzy setts andd the contiinuum hypotthesiss, Fuzzzy Seets annd Sysstems, 55(11993), 61-777. (SSCI) Hong-Xiing Lii etc, The operaationss

13、 of ffuzzy cardiinalitties, Journnal off Mathhematiical Analyysis aand Appplicaationss, 1822(19944),7688-778. (SCCI)Hong-Xiing Lii, Intterpollationn mechhanismm of ffuzzy contrrol, SSciencce in Chinaa (中國科學學, Serries EE), 411(3), 1998, 312-320. (SCII) Hong-Xiing Lii, Facctor sspacess theoory annd it

14、ss appllicatiions tto fuzzzy innformaation proceessingg (I), Fuzzzy Setts andd Systtems, 95(2), 19998, 1447-1600. (SSCI) Hong-Xiing Lii, Thee relaationsship bbetweeen fuzzzy coontrolllers and PPID coontrolllers, Scieence iin Chiina (中國科學學, Serries EE), 422(2), 1999, 215-224. (SCII)Hong-Xiing Lii, Ad

15、aaptivee fuzzzy conntrolllers bbased on vaariablle uniiversee, Sciience in Chhina (中國科學, Seriees E), 42(11), 19999, 110-20. (SCCI)Hong-Xiing Lii and L.X. Li, RRepressentinng divverse matheematiccal prroblemms usiing neeural netwoorks iin hybbrid iintellligentt systtems, Experrt Sysstems, 16(44), 199

16、99, 2262-2772. (SCI)Hong-Xiing Lii and C.L. Philiip Cheen, Thhe equuivaleence bbetweeen fuzzzy loogic ssystemms andd feeddforwaard neeural netwoorks, IEEE Transsactioons onn Neurral Neetworkks, 111(2), 2000, 356-365. (SCII)Hong-Xiing Lii, Outtput-bback ffuzzy logicc systtems aand eqquivallence with

17、feedbback nneurall netwworks, Chinnese SSciencce Bullletinn(科學通報), 45(7), 22000, 592-5596. (SCI) Hong-Xiing Lii and Li-Daa Xu, A neuural nnetworrk reppresenntatioon of lineaar proogrammming, Europpean JJournaal of Operaationaal Ressearchh, 1244(2), 2000, 224-234. (SCI)Hong-Xiing Lii, V.CC. Yenn and

18、E.S. Lee, Modell of nneuronns bassed onn facttor sppace, Compuuters and MMathemmaticss withh Appllicatiions, 39(20000), 91-1000. (SCI) Hong-Xiing Lii etc, Facttor sppaces theorry andd its appliicatioons too fuzzzy infformattion pprocesssing: Two kindss of ffactorr spacce cannes, CComputters aand Maa

19、themaatics with Appliicatioons, 440(20000), 8835-8443. (SCI) Hong-Xiing Lii etc, Facttor sppace ttheoryy and fuzzyy infoormatiion prrocesssing: Fuzzyy deciision makinng bassed onn the conceepts oof feeedbackk exteensionn, Commputerrs andd Mathhematiics wiith Appplicaationss, 40(2000), 8455-864. (SCC

20、I) Hong-Xiing Lii, V.CC. Yenn and E.S. Lee, Factoor spaace thheory in fuuzzy iinformmationn proccessinng: Coomposiition of sttates of faactorss and multiifactoorial decission mmakingg, Commputerrs andd Mathhematiics wiith Appplicaationss, 39(2000), 2455-265. (SCCI) Pu-Yin Liu aand Hoong-Xiing Lii, A

21、ppproximmationn of ggeneraalizedd fuzzzy sysstems to inntegraable ffunctiions, Sciennce inn Chinna (中國科學, Seriees E), 43(66), 20000, 6613-6224. (SCI)Qing Hee and Hong-Xing Li, EExtenssion pprinciiples and ffuzzy set ccategoories, Compputerss and Matheematiccs witth Appplicattions, 39(22000), 45-553.

22、 (SCI)V.C. Yeen andd Hongg-Xingg Li, Conceept reepreseentatiion, ffactorr spacce theeory aand innformaation systeems reesearcch, Syystemss Reseearch and BBehaviioral Sciennce, 117(20000), 1163-1772. (SCI)Hong-Xiing Lii and Li D Xu, FFeaturre spaace thheorya matthemattical founddationn for data minin

23、ng, Knnowleddge-Baased SSystemms, 144(5-6), 20001, 2553-2577. (SSCI)Pu-Yin Liu aand Hoong-Xiing Lii, Anaalysess for Lp()-norrm appproximmationn capaabilitty of generralizeed Mammdani fuzzyy systtems, Inforrmatioon Sciiencess, 1388 (20001), 1195-2110. (SCI)Bing-Xuue Yaoo and Hong-Xing Li, WWeak HHX-r

24、inng on a rinng, Ittaliann Jourrnal oof Purre andd Appllied MMathemmaticss, No.10, 22001, 125-1131.Hong-Xiing Lii, Zhii-Hongg Miaoo, Jiaa-Yin Wang, Variiable univeerse aadaptiive fuuzzy ccontrool on the qquadruuple iinvertted peenduluum, Scciencee in CChina (中國科學, Seriees E), 20022, 45(2), 2213-2224

25、. (SCI)Hong-Xiing Lii, Zhii-Hongg Miaoo, Jiaa-Yin Wang, Variiable univeerse sstablee adapptive fuzzyy conttrol oof nonnlineaar sysstem, Sciennce inn Chinna (中國科學, Seriees E), 20022, 45(3), 2225-2440. (SSCI)Hong-Xiing Lii, Jiaa-Yin Wang, Zhi-Hong Miao, Modeeling on fuuzzy ccontrool sysstems, Scieence

26、 iin Chiina (中國科學, Seriees A), 20022, 45(12), 1506-1517. (SCII)Xue-Haii Yuann, Honng-Xinng Li and EE. Staanley Lee, Categgoriess of ffuzzy sets and wweak ttopos, Fuzzzy Setts andd Systtems, 127(22002), 291-297. (SCI) Pu-Yinn Liu and HHong-XXing LLi, Immage rrestorrationn techhniquees bassed onn fuzz

27、zy neuural nnetworrks, SSciencce in Chinaa (中國科學, Seriees F), 20022, 45(4), 2274-2885. (SSCI) Hong-XXing LLi, Lii D Xuu, Jiaa-Yin Wang and ZZhi-Ween Mo, Featture sspace theorry in data mininng: trransfoormatiions bbetweeen exttensioons annd inttensioons inn knowwledgee reprresenttationn, Exppert SSy

28、stemms, 200(2), 2003, 60-771. (SCI) Hong-XXing LLi, Jiia-Yinn Wangg and Zhi-HHong MMiao, Margiinal llinearrizatiion meethod in moodelinng on fuzzyy conttrol ssystemms, Prrogresss in Naturre Sciience, 20033, 13(7), 4489-4996. (SCI)Hong-Xiing Lii, Linng-Xiaa Li aand Jiia-Yinn Wangg, Intterpollationn r

29、eprresenttationn of ffeedfoorwardd neurral neetworkks, Maathemaaticall and Compuuter MModeliing, 337, 7-8, (22003), 829-847. (SCII) Hong-XXing LLi andd E. SS. Leee, Intterpollationn reprresenttationns of fuzzyy logiic sysstems, Compputerss & Maathemaatics with Appliicatioons, VVolumee 45, Issuees 10

30、-11, PPages 1683-1693 (May - Junne 20003). (SCI) Hong-XXing LLi , YYan-Daa Li, Zhi-HHong MMiao aand E. S. LLee, CControol funnctionns of fuzzyy conttrolleers, CComputters & Mathhematiics wiith Appplicaationss, Vollume 446, Isssues 5-6, Pagess 875-890 (Septeember 2003). (SCCI) Hong-XXing LLi andd E.

31、SS. Leee, Intterpollationn funcctionss of ffeedfoorwardd neurral neetworkks, Coomputeers & Matheematiccs witth Appplicattions, Voluume 466, Isssue 122, Pagges 18861-18874 (DDecembber 20003). (SCI)Shang-MMing ZZhou, Hong-Xing Li annd Li-Da Xuu, A vvariattionall apprroach to inntensiity appproxiimatio

32、on forr remoote seensingg imagges ussing ddynamiic neuural, Experrt Sysstems, 20(44), 20003, 1163-1770. (SCI) Qing HHe, Hoong-Xiing Lii, Zhoong-Zhhi Shii and E.S. Lee, Fuzzyy clussterinng metthod bbased on peerturbbationn, Commputerrs & MMathemmaticss withh Appllicatiions, Volumme 46, Pagees 9299-94

33、6 ( 20003). (SCI)Hong-Xiing Lii, Li LX, WWang JJiayinn, Mo Zhiween, Lii Yandda, Fuuzzy ddecisiion maaking basedd on vvariabble weeightss, Matthemattical and CComputter Moodelinng, 399(20044), 1663-1799. (SSCI)Hong-Xiing Lii, Youu Fei and PPeng JJiayinn, Fuzzzy coontrolllers basedd on ssome ffuzzy im

34、pliicatioon opeeratorrs andd theiir ressponsee funcctionss, Proogresss in NNaturee Scieence, 2004, 14(11), 155-20. (SCII) Pu-Yinn Liu and HHong-XXing LLi, Fuuzzy ttechniiques in reestoraation reseaarchAA survvey (iinviteed papper), Interrnatioonal JJournaal of Compuutatioonal CCognittion, 2(2), 2004

35、4, 1311-149. Song-CChol HHan annd Honng-Xinng Li, Indiices aand peeriodss of iinclinne mattricess, Linear Algebbra annd Itss Appllicatiions, 387(22004), 143-165. (SCI) Pu-Yinn Liu and HHong-XXing LLi, Effficieent leearninng alggorithhms foor thrree-laayer rregulaar feeedforwward ffuzzy neuraal nettw

36、orkss, IEEEE Traansacttions on Neeural Nettworkss, 15(3), 22004, 545-5558. (SCI) Xiao-JJun Toong, MMianyuun Cheen, Hoong-Xiing Lii, Pann-operratorss, strrunturre witth nonn-idemmpotennt pann-addiition, Fuzzzy Setts andd Systtems, 145, 2004, 463-470. (SCI) Song-CChol HHan annd Honng-Xinng Li, Inveert

37、iblle inccline matriices aand Crramers rulle oveer inccliness, Linnear AAlgebrra andd Its Appliicatioons, 3389(20004), 121-1138. (SCI) Song-CChol HHan, HHong-XXing LLi andd Yun-Dong Gu, SStandaard eiigenveectorss of incliine maatricees, Liinear Algebbra annd Itss Appllicatiions, 389(22004), 235-248.

38、 (SCI) Song-CChol HHan, HHong-XXing LLi, Thhe semmigrouup of incliine Haall maatricees, Liinear Algebbra annd Itss Appllicatiions, 390(22004), 183-196. (SCI) Hong-XXing LLi, Jiia-Yinn Wangg, Yann-Bin Feng and YYun-Doong Guu, Harrdwaree impllementtationn of tthe quuadrupple innverteed penndulumm with

39、h singgle mootor, Progrress iin Natture SSciencce, 20004, 114(9), 822-827. (SCII) Zhihonng Miaao, Hoongxinng Li, Jiayyin Waang. OOptimaal adaaptivee fuzzzy conntrol systeems wiith ttrackiing peerformmance. Advaances in Syystemss Scieence aand Appplicaationss, 20004, 4(3): 3367-3774. Pu-Yinn Liu and HHong-XXing LLi, Appproxiimatioon anaalysiss of ffeedfoorwardd reguular ffuzzy neturral neetworkk withh two


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