1、中國深圳對外貿(mào)易貨物進口合同合同編號:_Contract No:_簽訂日期:_Date:_簽訂地點:_Siggned aat :_賣方:_THE SSELLERRS:_買方:_THE BBUYERSS:_經(jīng)買雙方確認根根據(jù)下列條款款訂立本合同同:The underrsigneed Selllers and BBuyerss havee conffirmedd thiss conttract in acccordaance wwith tthe teerms aand coonditiions sstipullated beloww :1貨號名稱稱及規(guī)格單位數(shù)量單價金金額Art NNo. Des
2、crriptioonsUnitQuanntityUnit PriceeAmmount合計計:Totaally: 總總值(大寫):Totaal vallue:(iin worrds)允許溢短_%。_% mmore oor lesss in quanttity aand vaalue aalloweed.2成交價格術(shù)術(shù)語:_(FOOB CFFRCIFF DDUU_)Termms: _(FFOB CCFRCIIF DDDU_)3出產(chǎn)國與制制造商:_Couuntry of orrigin and mmanufaactureers :_4包裝:_Paccking:_5裝運嘜頭:_SShippiing M
3、aarks:_6裝運港:_Deeliverry porrt :_7目地港:_Deestinaation:_8轉(zhuǎn)運:允允許 不允允許;分批裝裝運:允許許不允許TTran sshipmeent:aalloweednott alloowed;PPartiaal shiipmentts: aalloweed noot alllowed9裝運期:_Shhipmennt datte:_10保險:由由_按按發(fā)票金額1110%,投投保_險,另加保保_險險。Insuurancee:to bbe covvered by thhe_for 1110% oof thee invooice vvalue coverri
4、ng_addditionnal11付款條件件:Termms of paymeent:買方通過_銀行在在_年年_月月_日日前開出以賣賣方為受益人人的_期信用證。The buyers shall open a Letter of Credit at _ sight through _ bank in favour of the sellers prior to _.付款交單:買買方應(yīng)對賣方方開具的以買買方為付款人人的見票后_天付付款跟單匯票票,付款時交交單。Doccumentts agaainst paymeent:(DD/P)Thhe buyyers sshall duly make the p
5、paymennt agaainst docummentarry draaft maade ouut to the bbuyerss at _siight bby thee selllers.承兌交單:買買方應(yīng)對賣方方開具的以買買方為付款人人的見票后_天承承兌跟單匯票票,承兌時交交單。Doccumentts agaainst accepptancee:(D/PP)The buyerrs shaall duuly maake thhe payyment againnst doocumenntary draftt madee out to thhe buyyers aat _ sigght byy
6、the selleers.貨到付款:買買方在收到貨貨物后_天內(nèi)將全全部貨款支付付賣方(不適適用于FOBB、CFR、CCIF術(shù)語)。Cashh on ddeliveery (CCOD):TThe buuyers shalll pay to thhe selllers totall amouunt wiithin _ days afterr the receiipt off the goodss .(Thhis cllause is noot appplied to thhe terrms off FOB,CCFR,CIIF)._12單據(jù):賣賣給方應(yīng)將下下列單據(jù)提交交銀行議付/托收。Doocume
7、nnts :TThe seellerss shalll preesent the ffollowwing ddocumeents rrequirred too the bankss for negottiatioon/colllectiion.(1)運單Shhippinng Billls :海運:全套空空白抬頭/指指示抬頭、空空白背書/指指示背書注明明運費已付/到付的已裝裝船清潔海運運/聯(lián)運正本本提單,通知知在目的港_公司司In caase byy sea : Fulll sett of cclean on booard oocean Billss of LLadingg / coombine
8、ed traansporrtatioon Billls off Ladiing maade ouut to orderr blannk enddorsedd / enndorseed in favouur of _ or maade ouut to orderr of _ ,mmarkedd freeight prepaaid / colleected nottifyinng _ at the pport oof desstinattion.陸運:全套注注明運費已付付/到付的裝裝車的記名清清潔運單,通通知在目的地地_ 公司。Inn casee by lland ttranspportattio
9、n: full set oof cleean onn boarrd lannd traansporrtatioon Billls maade ouut to _ markeed frreightt preppaid / colllectedd nootifyiing_ att the destiinatioon.空運:全套注注明運費已付付/到付的記記名空運單,通通知在目的地地_公公司。In case by Aiir : FFull sset off cleaan on boardd AWB made out tto _markked ffreighht preepaid/colleectedn
10、otiffying at _thee desttinatiion ._(2)標有合同同編號信用用證號及裝運運嘜頭的商業(yè)業(yè)發(fā)票一式_份。Singed commercial invoice in _ copied indicating contract No, L/C No. And shipping marks.(3)由_出具的裝裝箱單或重量量單一式_份。PPackinng lisst / wweightt memoo in_coppies iissuedd by_.(4)由_出具的質(zhì)質(zhì)量證明書一一式_份Certtificaate off Quallity iin_copiees isssued
11、 bby_.(5)由_出具的數(shù)數(shù)量證明書一一式_份Certtificaate off Quanntity in _coppies iissuedd by_.(6)保險單正正本一式_份。IInsuraance ppolicyy / ceertifiicate in_copiies .(7)_簽發(fā)的產(chǎn)地地證一式_份Ceertifiicate of Orrigin in _ coopies issueed by_.(8)裝運通知知:_shippping aadvicee:_另外,賣方應(yīng)在在交運后_小時內(nèi)內(nèi)以特快專遞遞方式郵寄給給買方第_項單據(jù)據(jù)副本一套。In addition , the selle
12、rs shall, withinhours after shipment effected , send each copy of the above-mentioned documents No. _directly to the buyers by courier service.13裝運條款款:FOB賣 方應(yīng)在合同同規(guī)定的裝運運日期前300天,以電報報/電傳/傳傳真通知買方方合同號、品品名、數(shù)量、金金額、包裝件件、毛重、尺尺碼及裝運港港可裝日期,以以便買方安排排租船/訂 艙。裝運船船只按期到達達裝運港后,如如賣方不能按按時裝船,發(fā)發(fā)生的空船費費或滯期費由由賣方負擔(dān)。在在貨物超過船船舷并脫
13、離吊吊鉤以前一切切費用和風(fēng)險險由賣方負擔(dān)擔(dān)。The selleers shhall , 30 daays beefore the sshipmeent daate sppecifiied inn the contrract aadvisee the buyerrs by CABLEE / TEELEX /FAX oof thee conttract No. , commoodity , quaantityy , ammount , pacckagess , grross wweightt , meeasureement , andd the date of shhipmennt in orde
14、rr thatt the buyerrs cann charrter aa vesssel / book shippping sspace . In the eevent of thhe selllers faillure tto efffect lloadinng wheen thee vesssel arrrivess dulyy at tthe looadingg portt , alll exppensess inclludingg deadd freiight aand / or deemurraage chhargess thuss incuurred shalll be ffor
15、 seellers acccount.CIF或CFFR賣方須按時在裝裝運期限內(nèi)將將貨物由裝運運港裝船到目目的港。在CCFR術(shù)語下下,賣方應(yīng)在在裝船前2天天電傳/傳真真/電報買方方合同號、品品名、發(fā)票價價值及開船日日期,以便買買方安排保險險。The selleers shhall sship tthe gooods dduly wwithinn the shippping dduratiion frrom thhe porrt of shipmment tto thee portt of ddestinnationn . Unnder CCFR teerms , the ssellerrs sh
16、aall addvise the bbuyerss by CCABLE/FAX/TTELEX of thhe conntractt No. , commmoditty , iinvoicce vallue annd thee datee of ddespattch twwo dayys beffore tthe shhipmennt forr the buyerrs to arrannge innsurannce inn timee.DDU賣方須按時在裝裝運期限內(nèi)將將貨物由裝運運港裝運至目目的港。Thhe selllers shalll shipp the goodss dulyy withh
17、in thhe shiippingg duraation from the pport oof thee portt of ddestinnationn._14裝運通知知shippping aadvicee :一俟裝載完畢,賣賣方應(yīng)在_小時內(nèi)內(nèi)電傳/傳真真/電報買方方合同編號、品品名、已發(fā)運運數(shù)量、發(fā)票票總金額、毛毛重、船名/車/機號及及啟程日期等等。The selleers shhall iimmediiatelyy uponn the complletionn of tthe looadingg of tthe gooods , advisse buyyers oof thee contt
18、ract No., namess of ccommoddity , loadiing quuantitty , iinvoicce vallues , grosss weigght , name of veessel and sshipmeent daate byy TLX/FAX/CCABLE withiin_hourss .15質(zhì)量保證證:Quallity gguaranntee :貨物品質(zhì)規(guī)格必必須符合本合合同及質(zhì)量保保證書之規(guī)定定,品質(zhì)保證證期為貨到目目的港_個月內(nèi),在在保證期限內(nèi)內(nèi),因制造廠廠商在設(shè)計制制造過程中的的缺陷造成的的貨物損害應(yīng)應(yīng)由賣方負責(zé)責(zé)賠償。Thhe selllers
19、 shalll guarranteee thatt the commoodity must be inn confformitty witth thee quallity aand sppecifiicatioons sppecifiied inn thiss conttract and LLetterr of QQualitty Guaaranteee .Thhe guaaranteee perriod sshall be_ monnths aafter the aarrivaal of the ggoods at thhe porrt of destiinatioon , aand duu
20、ring the pperiodd the selleers shhall bbe ressponsiible ffor thhe dammage ddue too the defeccts inn desiigningg and manuffacturring oof thee manuufactuurer.16商品檢驗驗:賣方須在在裝運前_日委托托_檢檢驗機構(gòu)對合合同之貨物進進行檢驗并出出具檢驗證書書,貨到目的的港后,由買買方委托_檢驗機機構(gòu)進行復(fù)檢檢。Goodds insspectiion : The ssellerrs shaall haave thhe gooods innspect
21、ted byy _Inspeectionn Authhorityy _ dayss befoore thhe shiipmentt and issueed thee Insppectioon Cerrtificcate . The buyerrs shaall haave thhe gooods reeinspeected by $Insppectioon Autthoritty aftter thhe gooods arrrivall at tthe deestinaation.17索賠Cllaims:如 經(jīng)中國_檢驗機機構(gòu)復(fù)檢,發(fā)發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物有損損壞、殘缺或或品名、規(guī)格格、數(shù)量及質(zhì)質(zhì)量與本合同
22、同及質(zhì)量保證證書之規(guī)定不不符,買方可可于貨到目的的港后 _天內(nèi)憑憑上述檢驗機機構(gòu)出具的證證明書向賣方方要求索賠。如如上述規(guī)定之之索賠期與質(zhì)質(zhì)量保證期不不一致,在質(zhì)質(zhì)量保證期限限內(nèi)買方仍可可向賣方就質(zhì)質(zhì)量保證條 款之內(nèi)容向向賣方提出索索賠。Thee buyeers shhall llodge claimms agaainst the ssellerrs bassed onn the Inspeectionn Certtificaate isssued by Chhina _ IInspecction Authoority _ Days afterr the arrivval off the go
23、odss at tthe deestinaation , if the ggoods are ffound to bee damaaged , missiing orr the speciificattions , quaantityy, andd quallity nnot inn confformitty witth thoose sppecifiied inn thiss conttract and LLetterr of QQualitty Guaaranteee . IIn casse thee claiim perriod aabove speciified is noot in
24、confoormityy withh the qualiity guuaranttee peeriod, durinng thee quallity gguaranntee pperiodd, thee buyeers haave riights to loodge cclaimss agaiinst tthe seellerss conccerninng thee quallity gguaranntee.18延期交貨貨違約金Laate deeliverry andd penaalty除 雙方認可的的不可抗力因因素外,賣方方遲于合同規(guī)規(guī)定的期限交交貨,如買方方同意遲延交交貨,賣方應(yīng)應(yīng)同意對信
25、用用證有關(guān)條款款進行個性和和同意銀行在在議付貨款時時扣除本條規(guī)規(guī)定的 違約約金。違約金金總值不超過過貨物總價值值的5%,差差率按7天00.5%計算算,不滿7天天仍按7天計計算。在未采采用信用證支支付的情況下下,賣方應(yīng)將將前述方法計計算的違約金金 即付買方方。If tthe seellerss faill to mmake ddeliveery onn timee as sstipullated in thhe conntractt , wiith exxceptiion off Forcce Majjeure, the bbuyerss shalll agrree too posttpone
26、the ddeliveery onn condditionns thaat thee selllers aagree to ammend tthe cllausess of tthe L/C andd pay a pennalty whichh shalll be deduccted bby thee payiing baank frrom thhe payyment underr negootiatiion . The ppenaltty , hhoweveer , sshall not eexceedd 5% oof thee totaal vallue off the goodss .
27、Thhe ratte of penallty iss charrged aat 0.55%for everyy seveen dayys , iif lesss thaat sevven daays. IIn casse , tthe paaymentt is nnot maade thhroughh L/C , thee selllers sshall pay tthe peenaltyy counnted aas aboove too the buyerrs as soon as poossiblle.19人力不可可抗拒:如因因人力不可抗抗拒的原因造造成本合同全全部或部分不不能履約,賣賣方
28、概不負責(zé)責(zé),但賣方應(yīng)應(yīng)將上述發(fā)生生的情況及時時通知買方。Force Majeure : The sellers shall not hold any responsibility for partial or total non-performance of this contract due to Force Majeure . But the sellers shall advise the buyers on times of such occurrence.20爭議之解解決方式:DDisputtes seettlemment : 任何因本合同同而發(fā)生或與與本合同有關(guān)關(guān)的爭議,應(yīng)應(yīng)提交中
29、國國國際經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易易仲裁委員會會,按該會的的仲裁規(guī)則進進行仲裁。仲仲裁地點在中中國深圳。仲仲裁裁決是終終局的,對雙雙方均有約束束力。Alll dispputes arisiing ouut of the ccontraact orr in cconnecction with the ccontraact , shalll be ssubmittted tto thee Chinna Intternattionall Econnomic and TTrade Arbittratioon Commmissiion foor arbbitrattion iin acccordannce wiith i
30、tts Rulles off Arbiitratiion inn ShennZhen Chinaa . Thhe arbbitrall awarrd is finall and bindiing uppon booth paartiess._21法律適用用Law aappliccationn :本合同之簽訂地地、或發(fā)生爭爭議時貨物所所在地在中華華人民共和國國境內(nèi)或被訴訴人為中國法法人的,適用用中華人民共共和國法律,除除此規(guī)定外,適適用聯(lián)合國國國際貨物銷銷售公約。It will be governed by the law of the Peoples Republic of China under the circumstances that the contract is singed or the goods while the disputes arising a
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