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1、Directions: For this part, you areallowed 30 minutes towritea shortessay.You should start essay with Directions: For this part, you areallowed 30 minutes towritea shortessay.You should start essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your view on the importance courageandconfiden

2、cewhenfacingdifficulties.Youshouldn180east120wordsbutno范CourageandConfidenceAreKeysingAs is hcture, a girl is punching at a spring, which symbolizes And the linesabove reads:Difficultiesare like springs;when you are weak and scared of they e ally, I quite agree with the idea ht youfacedifficultieswi

3、thcourageandconfidence,youwillconquerAsweallknow,difficultiesareinevitableinourlife.Soitisimportanttotaketheattitudewhenfacingdifficulties.Whatwesfacinguptodifficultieswithcourageconfidenceandtryingourbesttosolvetheproblems.hiswaycanweachievetheIn a word, confront difficulties with courage and confi

4、dence and you will t arenotasstrongimidatingastheyappeartobe.Thetitudetowardsdifficultiesis sureway to 2Directions:Forthis part,you areallowed30minutestowriteashortessay.You2Directions:Forthis part,you areallowed30minutestowriteashortessay.Youshouldstart essaybriefdescriptionofctureandthenexpressyou

5、rviewonthee of Youshouldeast120wordsbutnon 180審 思;范OntheeofAs is vividly drawn in the picture above, ais showing self-satisfaction by saying t:“I have learned a lot of skills in flying!” While a bird is flying in the sky showing him the practical action. It is universally t we learn knowledge on the

6、 e ingadoerwithoutbeingconfinedtotherigidAdmittedly, knowledge is important, but practice matters the most. It is useless to put full heart o study while turning a deaf ear to practice. We should combine theory with practice, which can help us learn more efficiently. Take learning English for ex le,

7、 if we only study many grammar rules and accumulate skills to get a high pohe English exam, we are merely pedants. It is wise to join English comer and practice a lot.ord, the development of society has put forward new requirement for uswe befullyequippedwithtrueskillstobea3不亡3不亡Cusbycommentingthesa

8、ying,“Bettern180nnever.”Youshouldeast120wordsbutno手高分范Roll-callSystemonC As the old saying goes, “Better late n never”, whi eans t it is better to do something late n not to do it at all. In some universities, roll-call system has been commonly adopted by college teachers to check students attendanc

9、e. For teachers, it functions a factor to judge students; for students, it serves as a supervisory tool.Nowadays, when asked about the roll-call system, students opinions differ. Some students hold t it is of great importance for both teachers and students, for it will help the former to discipline

10、their students and the latter to obey the rule. Sometimes, it may even work as the determining factor to judge a student. On the contrary, other students argue t the roll-call system is now no more n a form, which cannot reach its ended meaning; in addition, it has been taken advantage of by many na

11、ughty students by asking some others to reply in the roll-call.From my po of view, roll-call system is only a means to supervise students, and students should rely on themselves to disciplinetheir4度4度最后總結(jié)歸納評論高分范ObservingtheSameThingfromDifferentTh cture shows us t he eyes of the man near the apple,

12、it is of good quality, while to the man who is far from it , it is of bad quality with a worm in its flesh. It is the angle rather n the distance t differentiate the observers view on the apples quality. The picture reminds us of a philosophical view-observing the same thing from different angles is

13、 a must.It is important and very ne sary to observe or evaluate a thing from different angles. For ex le, sometimes when you think you are unhappy, to others it may be t you are surrounded by happiness. Therefore, differents would be arrived at when we view a thing from different angles.It is known

14、to all t every coin has its two sides. As college students, we should try to see from others itions.Only hiswayamore5備Directions Forthispart,youareallowed30minutestowriteashortessay.Youshouldstartyour5備Directions Forthispart,youareallowed30minutestowriteashortessay.Youshouldstartyouressayctureandthe

15、nexpressyourviewontheimportanceoftakingprecautions.You本文是一篇圖畫作文,第一段簡要描述圖畫內(nèi)容,第二段針對圖畫所表達(dá)的自己的看法。第三段總結(jié)全文,提出建高分范Taking Precautions Th cture focuses on rson who isstanding in front of the sea, watching the tide rising. Above the picture, there is a thought-provoking sentence which ls us t we should take s

16、ome measures before something bad happens.Life is not always full of happiness and fortune. Therefore, we are sup ed to be aware of the potential risk and danger. For ex le, when the economic downturn is around the corner, an employee with vi should yze the current situation and either learn more to

17、 stabilize his ition in his company or get ready to find a new job. It would be late if he should be laid off with on other job opportunities All in all, it is advisable for anyone to make preparations for unexpecteddifficultiesordisastersinlifein6本文是一篇圖畫作文。第二段描述圖畫內(nèi)容,并給出圖6本文是一篇圖畫作文。第二段描述圖畫內(nèi)容,并給出圖畫含義

18、,分兩個原因解溺愛孩子的危害。第三段重申觀點,提出建設(shè)性意見范On“TooMuchCareSpoilsaWe can see from th cture t a blooming flower isbeing destroyed because of over-watering. People often do something with good entions, but the result turns out to be quite different. t too much care spoils a child is a case in po .The problem of spo

19、iling children is common nowadays, which has done lots of harm to our society. of all, Chi parents tend to dote on their children because many fami s have only one kid. Consequently,childrenare turning o“l(fā)ittle prin ses”and“l(fā)ittle prin ”lacking the sense of independence and responsibility. Whats wor

20、se, the spoiled children depend on their parents for everything.Asa result, once confrontedwith harshreality, they are more likely to yield to hardships and As is discussed above, going too far is as bad as not going far enough. Parents love their children by nature, but it is important to cultivate

21、 their sense of independence as well as their sense of responsibility rather n a habit of laziness. Only his way can theye stronger and shouldertheirdue7畫 Directions:Forthispart,youareallowed30minutestowriteanessaybasedonctureYou should start you essay brief description of cture and then comment on

22、books.Youshouldeast7畫 Directions:Forthispart,youareallowed30minutestowriteanessaybasedonctureYou should start you essay brief description of cture and then comment on books.Youshouldeast120wordsbutnon180“ImontheBookDiet.WheneverIneedasnack,IfeedmybraininsteadofmyAs is vividly hcture above, sitting o

23、n a sofa comfortably, a woman is eresting book and chatting with her husband. Obviously, what the portrayal conveys tutmosthouldbeattachedtoreadingFrom reading extensively, we can derive companionship, experience and and foremost, a good book is like a faithful friend. It can increase our contentmen

24、t then we are cheerful and happy, and lessen our pain when we are sad or lonely. Furthermore, extensively so offer us a wide range of . Few of us can travel far from home live er dred, but all of us can live many lives through the pages of books. Last not least, readingextensively can improve ellect

25、ual ability, broaden our mindsand make Though with the advent of TV, mobile phones and the extensively as they once were, nothing can replace the role 文ernet, books are no longer read t reading extensively plays in 如上圖生動所示,一正舒適地坐在沙發(fā)上讀著一本有趣的書并丈夫聊天顯而易見,這幅漫畫所表達(dá)的意思應(yīng)該充分重視讀書通過廣泛的閱讀可以收獲陪伴,充實人生經(jīng)歷,受到教益。首先,一本

26、好書就如一位忠實的朋友高興時,書能們;傷心或孤獨時,書能輕方去旅游,或能活過一百歲,但是通能經(jīng)歷各種各樣的生活。最后但同樣重是,廣泛閱讀能提雖然隨著電視的智力,開的眼界變得明智和網(wǎng)絡(luò)的出現(xiàn),人們不像以前讀書那么多了,但東西可取代閱讀生活中的作用8/化合)“Were not adapting quickly to the new global economy. But yesterday I had Mexican chandtodayImhaving.Itsa范As is vividly he cartoon above, wearing a formal black suit 8/化合)“W

27、ere not adapting quickly to the new global economy. But yesterday I had Mexican chandtodayImhaving.Itsa范As is vividly he cartoon above, wearing a formal black suit and a stripe tie, s is sitting in front of a desk and speaking to his female secretary report in her hands. is t the implication of the

28、drawing is to show t the cultural exchanges differentnationshavereachedaratherdeepThe t people from different countries are attracted to many other cultures t to some extenta culture can be accepted, respected,ted and ernationally.other words, a nations distinctive culture eernational through worldw

29、ide and cultural exchanges. Since the trend of es irresistible, the cultural exchanges can effectively improve derstanding and friendship among It is my t a national culture as a priceless spiritual treasure should be cherished. Meanwhile, there are good reasons to ernational cultures, for those fro

30、motherculturescanprovidea文forustoobservethehelong的的視角9類頭)“OfcourseIknowhowtocommunicatewithoutaphone.IhaveanappAs is he cartoon, wearing a T-shirt and black trousers, a young boy holding mobile phone is talking 9類頭)“OfcourseIknowhowtocommunicatewithoutaphone.IhaveanappAs is he cartoon, wearing a T-s

31、hirt and black trousers, a young boy holding mobile phone is talking to his mother sitting on a sofa and reading a book. Its my t drawing is to show t the cell phone serves as a symbol of ernet, both peopleandisolatingthemfromeachThe metaphorical and impressive portrayal btly revealed the duality of

32、 the nman and mobile phones. On the one hand, thereis no tis one of the most efficient media used ersonal communication. On the other hand, a many people t they are too much addicted to electronics to ain face-to-face withtheirfriendsandHence, it is sary for us to use mobile phones in a reasonable w

33、ay and restrain overindulgence. After all, electronic products are invented to connect you and me, and to ( toourlifenseta barriertokeepeyond這幅漫畫描述的情景是,一個穿著 T 。因此很有必要以一種合理的方式,避免過度沉迷。畢竟,人們發(fā)明電產(chǎn)品是為了連接你我的生活帶來便利,而不是設(shè)使人彼此疏10文)WritingworshipontheSpending 300 3ruan imiingtheidolshaircut Beckham: A famous Br

34、itish football star( As is vividly cted in the photos above, Beckham, a smart British football superstar, enjoying a striking popularity among picture, Beckhams name appears a young mans 10文)WritingworshipontheSpending 300 3ruan imiingtheidolshaircut Beckham: A famous British football star( As is vi

35、vidly cted in the photos above, Beckham, a smart British football superstar, enjoying a striking popularity among picture, Beckhams name appears a young mans face. In the second photograph, another young man hairstyleina ng Beckhams Undoubtedly, btly ol t idol worship is among young people nowadays.

36、 Beckham represents the image of sport heroes, whose appearance and unparalleled football skills are y adored by many sports fans. peopleareinclinedtoidolizethepeoplewhoexcelinelligenceandFrom , idolatry, the thought-provoking l phenomenon, is a double-swordwhich can exert profound influence on the

37、growth of young people. We will lead s andfruitfullifeif ) ndeavor to improve ourselves by bridging the gap n our 中做的名字出現(xiàn)在一個年輕人的臉上。在第二中,另一位年輕人正在理發(fā)店,漢的成長。如富有收獲自我社點康“Spendmoretimeoutsidewithyoudog.Teachhimhowtothrowastickforyouto)As is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon, wearing社點康“Spendmoretimeo

38、utsidewithyoudog.Teachhimhowtothrowastickforyouto)As is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon, wearing a white gown and a stethoscope, a doctor is holding a medical record and speaking to his patient in a ward of a hospital. endedmeaning of the drawing tpeople ng less and less exercises now, which

39、 notapieceofgoodnewsfortheirThereare numerousways of ng andforemost, it is mosteffectiveto do exercises. We can choose jogging, playing basketball, swimming, skating, climbing or riding as regular exercises, because exercises never fail to make us stronger and more energetic. Moreover, we should put

40、 great emphasis on forming good habits. A balanced diet and sufficient sleep both indispensable to physical fitness. Finally, mental health should also be taken lly in adversity, we need to ainan optimisticmentality to pull through lifes painsorrow,twistsandTosumup,allthese( guaranteeafitndahappy里他最

41、總而言之,所有這些努力可以保擁有健康的體的生活圖作文 人生哲理類(自文As we can see form cture, in a residence community antennas on houseroof,anupsetyoungmanistalkingtohisfriendwalkingbesidehimalongthestreet. 圖作文 人生哲理類(自文As we can see form cture, in a residence community antennas on houseroof,anupsetyoungmanistalkingtohisfriendwalki

42、ngbesidehimalongthestreet. Itttheformerthe isnotgoodThe lack of confidence ting” their happy life on mon nowadays. For le, many people “ernet. When we see ctures, we may doubt our own But when weighing in the xist in a diversified world, and different people different worries. We can do nothing but

43、face them. Besides, attitude is the key of happy.mingbraveryandconfidencetosolve theproblem,youwillfindthequestionisnot“huge”asyouOn the whole, I ve we young people should face the difficulties in a right manner.nothingissible; 生活??吹竭@可能會對自己的處境畫文:類()Directions:Forthispart,youareallowed30minutestowrit

44、eanessaybasedonctureYoushouldstartyouessaybriefdescriptionofctureandthencommentonYoushouldeast畫文:類()Directions:Forthispart,youareallowed30minutestowriteanessaybasedonctureYoushouldstartyouessaybriefdescriptionofctureandthencommentonYoushouldeast120wordsbutnon180“How can you say were not behaving lik

45、e a team? Were all wearing the same color arent( As is vividly cture,wearing the same T-shirt and staff card, four are heiroffice computer and a cup on a desk. The implication of the cartoon tteamworkisvitalforachievingsheharshSimple as it is, what ctureconveys tous is thought-provoking.With the dev

46、elopmenteconomy and society, competition finish a task all by himself. Hence, ing increasingly fierce. It is sible for anyone ounting numbers put great emphasis on t the ability of teamwork is the most In fact, it has been universally thowantstoachievesAccordingly,it is imperative for us to take som

47、e measures to enhance the sense of in our society.his waycan we obtain sand his way can our emoreharmoniousforpeopletolive二) 考 里四位同事穿著同樣的 T 。因此迫切需要采取一些措施來提高社會上人們的合作意識才能得成功,而人們生活的世界才能變得更加和諧14、體育精As is cture above, there are several ng their best to make a towardsthe14、體育精As is cture above, there are

48、several ng their best to make a towardstheheduringaschoolsportsmeet.ThecaptionindicatesEnthusiasmforsportsis of tremendousbenefitto young peopleandshouldbe promotedas egral part of students ly, exercising and playing sports can have huge for s strength, agility and fitness, as well as to reduce stre

49、ss and improve immune system.Secondly,enthusiasmforsportsingeneral,whetherindividualorteam-based,teach children how to be sportsmanlike in competitive rulesandbeinggraciousineithervictoryor, including playing by Generally speaking, by fostering enthusiasm for sports as a part of childrens societycan

50、ensureagenerationofhealthy,sportsmanlike“體育精神”力、改善免疫系統(tǒng)。其次,一般來講,無論是個人項目還是團隊項目,體育熱情都能夠 孩子在競爭的環(huán)境中如何秉持運動員精神,包括遵守比賽規(guī)則,得體地對待輸贏??傊雅囵B(yǎng)兒童的體育熱情作為教育的一部分,社會才能確保培養(yǎng)出一代健康、具體育精神的人保15、As is he cartoon, two tourists are taking sightseeing on a small boat discardingicleftoversoalake.Andbelowthedrawing,保15、As is he ca

51、rtoon, two tourists are taking sightseeing on a small boat discardingicleftoversoalake.Andbelowthedrawing,thereisatopicsays:AftertheFromthe portrayal,we cantthe erwantstoconveysucha message:a manyscenicspotsarefloodedwithvisitors,whospoilthebeautyofnaturebycreatinganda lot of trash. On the one hand,

52、 some t tourism serves as an engine economic growth seem to ignore its negative effects on the environment. On the other tourism has exerted great re on the environment we are living in: water is polluted; ecologicalsystemisdisturbed,andnaturalhavebeenBrieflyspeaking,itishightpeopleenhancedtheirawar

53、enesstorectifythisbytheenvironmentalo二) 考 ,兩名游客三在一艘小船上觀光,同時把野餐后的剩隨意丟入湖中。畫下方的標(biāo)題是:旅程之余根據(jù)漫畫的描繪,可以得出結(jié)論,畫家想要表達(dá)這樣一種信息:成群的游客涌入多景點,制造并留下了大,破壞了自然之美。一方面,有些人認(rèn)為旅游業(yè)是經(jīng)濟展的引擎,似乎忽視了其對環(huán)境影響。另一方面,旅游業(yè)已經(jīng)生存的環(huán)境帶了巨大的壓力:水受到污染;生態(tài)系統(tǒng)遭到破壞,自然資源被過度消耗簡而言之,人們是時候加強意識,通過考慮環(huán)境保來改了作育文化Directions: You should start you essay brief descript

54、ion of the chart and then give east120wordsbut作育文化Directions: You should start you essay brief description of the chart and then give east120wordsbutnon180Thecolumn chartclearly reveals the s istics of studentstaking part-time jobs in acertain university.Accordingtothesurvey,therehasbeenasteadyincre

55、asefrom67.77%to71.93%for students holding temporary jobs from freshmen to juniors, while the percentage of seniorsworkingpart-timejumpedmarkedlytoThe most obvious vinga part-time job can adversely affect students studies is ing a drain on their time. Another t part-time employment can be detrimental

56、 students is by reducing their incentive to study. Despite the above disadvantages ,working part-time during ones college years also offers several potential benefits. For one, it can help students better understand their preferen or to “test out” a sible career direction. Additionally, companies se

57、eking to recruit fresh graduates will give preference to those with part-time experience.he end, the impact of part-time work on college students academic performance depends on their ability to ma ain focus and balance their own time.)學(xué)生的比率從 67.77%穩(wěn)步上升到 71.93%,而大學(xué)生的百分比則急劇上升到 88.24%對大學(xué)生的學(xué)業(yè)產(chǎn)影響的最明顯的方式

58、就是耽誤時間對學(xué)生不利的能幫助學(xué)生更好地了解自己的喜好或“試出”一種可能的職業(yè)方向。其次那些招聘應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生的公司會優(yōu)先選擇有經(jīng)驗的大學(xué)生總之對大學(xué)生學(xué)業(yè)是否有影響取決于他們能否分清重點及平衡時間景文:最工17Directions:Forthispart,youareallowed30minutestowriteashortessayaboutThetwill n180he future. You should e the reasons and 景文:最工17Directions:Forthispart,youareallowed30minutestowriteashortessayabout

59、Thetwill n180he future. You should e the reasons and east 120 words but no )he past two years of my college life, I have never ceased to think what kind of work shall take up upon graduation. Although my ideas are not consistent, I have now decided on collegeteacherasmylifelongAvarietyctorshave ledm

60、e tochoosethisoccupationover othermore lucrative ones.begin with, teaching means freedom and independence. As a teacher, I am free to use my ideasandmake myowns,aprivilegenoteveryonecanhave,eventhosewithhighly-itions. More importantly, I like hat it offers a certain peace of mind. No rushing to catc


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