已閱讀5頁,還剩26頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、會計賬目用語會計報表 statement of account 往來帳目 account current 現(xiàn)在往來帳|存款額 current accout 銷貨帳 account sales 共同計算帳項 joint account 未決帳項 outstanding account 貸方帳項 credit account|creditor account 借方帳項 debit account|debtor account 應(yīng)付帳|應(yīng)付未付帳 account payable 應(yīng)收帳|應(yīng)收未收帳 account receivable 新交易|新帳 new account 未決帳|老帳 old ac

2、count 現(xiàn)金帳 cash account 流水帳 running account 暫記帳|未定帳 suspense account 過期帳|延滯帳 overdue account|pastdue account 雜項帳戶 sundry account 詳細帳單|明細表 detail account 呆帳 bad account 會計項目 title of account 會計薄|帳薄 account-book 營業(yè)報告書|損益計算表 account of budiness|business report 借貸細帳|交驗帳 account rendered 明細帳 account state

3、d 與. 銀行開立一戶頭 to open an account with 與. 銀行建立交易 to keep account with 繼續(xù)記帳 to keep account 與. 有交易 to have an account with 作成會計帳|有往來帳項 to make out an account with 清算|清理債務(wù) to make up an account 清潔帳目|與. 停止交易 to close ones account with 結(jié)帳 to close an account 清理未付款 to ask an account|to demand an account 結(jié)清

4、差額 to balance the account with 清算 to settle an account|to liquidate an account|to square an account 審查帳目|監(jiān)查帳目 to audit an account 檢查帳目 to examine an account 轉(zhuǎn)入A的帳戶 to charge the amount to As account 以計帳方式付款 to pay on account 代理某人|為某人 on ones account|on account of one 為自己計算|獨立帳目 on ones own account 由

5、某人收益并負風(fēng)險 on ones account and risk|for ones account and risk 由某人負擔 for ones account|for account of one 按某人指示|列入某人帳戶 by order and for account of one 列入5月份帳目 for May account 編入某中帳項下 to pass to the account of|to place to the account of 寄出清算書 to send in an account|to send in render an account 支票用語 支票薄 ch

6、eque book 支票陳票人 cheque drawer 持票人 cheque holder 不記名支票 cheque to bearer|bearer cheque 記名支票|認人支票 cheque to order 到期支票 antedated cheque 未到期支票 postdated cheque 保付支票 certified cheque 未獲兌現(xiàn)支票,退票 returned cheque 橫線支票 crossed cheque 普通橫線 general crossing 特別橫線 special crossing 空白支票 blank cheque 失效支票,過期支票 stal

7、e cheque 普通支票 open cheque 打10%折扣的10000元支票,(即9000元) a cheque for $10,000, less 10% discount 加10%費用的10000元支票,(即11000元) a cheque for $10,000, plus 10% charges 支票換現(xiàn)金|兌現(xiàn) to cash a cheque 清理票款 to clear a cheque 保證兌現(xiàn) to certify a cheque 填寫支票數(shù)額 to fill up a cheque 支票上劃線 to cross a cheque 開發(fā)支票 to make out a

8、cheque 簽發(fā)支票,開立支票 to draw a cheque|to issue a cheque 透支支票 to overdraw a cheque 背書支票 to endorse a cheque 請付票款|清付票款 to pay a cheque|to honour a cheque 支票退票 to dishonour a cheque 拒付支票 to refuse a cheque 拒付支票 to stop payment of a cheque 提示要求付款 to present for payment 見票即付持票人 payable to bearer 支付指定人 payabl

9、e to order 已過期|無效 out of date|stale 請給出票人 R/D|refer to drawer 存款不足 N/S|N.S.F.|not sufficient funds|I/F|insufficient funds 文字與數(shù)字不一致 words and figures differ 支票交換時間已過 account closed 更改處應(yīng)加蓋印章 alterations require initials 交換時間已過 effects not cleared 停止付款 payment stopped 支票毀損 cheque mutilated 匯款用語 匯款款|寄錢

10、to reemit|to seend mooney 寄寄票供取款|支票支付付 to ssend aa cheqque foor payyment 寄款人 aa remiitter 收款人 aa remiittee 匯票匯單用語 國外匯票 foreiign Biill 國內(nèi)內(nèi)匯票 innland Bill 跟單匯票 docummentarry billl 空頭匯匯票 acccommoddationn billl 原始匯票票 origginal bill 改寫|換換新票據(jù) rreneweed billl 即期匯匯票 sigght biill|bbill oon demmand . daays af

11、fter ddate|. ddays afterr datee . 日后付款 . mmonthss afteer datte|. monnths afterr datee . 月后付款 見票后. 日付款款. ddays afterr sighht|. dayys siight 見見票后. 月付款. moonths afteer sigght|. moonths sighht 同組票據(jù)據(jù) set of biills 單單張匯票 ssola oof excchangee|solle of exchaange 遠遠期匯票 uusancee billl|billl at usancce 長期匯匯票 l

12、onng billl 短期匯匯票 shoort biill 逾期期匯票 ovverduee billl 寬限日期期 dayss of ggrace 電匯 teelegraaphic transsfer (T.T) 郵匯 poostal orderr|posstal nnote (Am.)|postt offiice orrder|moneyy ordeer 本票 promiissoryy notee (P/NN) 押匯負負責書|押押匯保證書 letteer of hypotthecattion 副副保|抵押押品|付屬屬擔保物 ccollatteral securrity 擔擔保書 trrust

13、 rreceippt|leetter of inndemniity 承兌兌|認付 accepptancee 單張承兌兌 geneeral aaccepttance 有條件承兌兌 quallifiedd acceeptancce 附條件件認付 coonditiional accepptancee 部分認付付 parttial aaccepttance 拒付|退退票 disshonouur 拒絕承承兌而退票 dishoonour by noon-accceptannce 由于于存款不足而而退票 diihonouur by non-ppaymennt 提交 preseentatiion 背書書 en

14、doorsemeent|iindorssementt 無記名背背書 genneral endorrsemennt|bllank eendorssementt 記名式背背書 speecial endorrsemennt|fuull enndorseement 附條件背書書 condditionnal enndorseement 限制性背書書 resttrictiive enndorseement 無追索權(quán)背背書 enddorsemment wwithouut reccoursee 期滿|到期 maaturitty 托收 colleectionn 新匯票|再兌換匯匯票 re-exchaange|r

15、e-drraft 外外匯交易 eexchannge deealingg|excchangee dealls 匯兌合合約 excchangee conttract 匯兌合約預(yù)預(yù)約 forrward exchaange ccontraact 外匯匯行情 exxchangge quootatioon 交易行行情表 coourse of exxchangge|exxchangge tabble 匯價價|兌換率率 exchhange rate|ratee of eexchannge官方匯匯率 offficiall ratee 掛牌匯率率|名義匯匯率 nomminal rate 現(xiàn)匯匯率 spot rat

16、e 電匯匯率|電匯率| T.TT. ratte|teelegraaphic transsfer rrate 兌兌現(xiàn)率|兌兌現(xiàn)匯率 ddemandd ratee 長期匯率率 longg ratee 私人匯票票折扣率 rrate oon a pprivatte billl 遠期匯匯票兌換率 forwaard raate 套價價|套匯匯匯率|裁定定外匯行情 crosss ratee 付款匯率率 pencce ratte 當日匯匯率|成交交價 currrencyy ratee 套匯|套價|公公斷交易率 arbittrage 匯票交割|匯票議付付 negootiatiion off drafft 交易人

17、人|議付人人 negootiatoor 票據(jù)交交割|讓與與支票票據(jù)議議付 to negottiatiee a biill 折扣扣交割|票票據(jù)折扣 tto disscountt a biill 票據(jù)據(jù)背書 too endoorse aa billl 應(yīng)付我差差額51,0000美元 a ballance due tto us of $551,0000|a bbalancce in our ffavourr of $ 51,0000 收到到匯款 too receeive rremitttance 填寫收據(jù) to maake ouut a rreceippt 付款用語 付款款方法 moode off

18、paymment 現(xiàn)現(xiàn)金付款 ppaymennt by cash|cashh paymment|paymeent byy readdy cassh 以支票票支付 paaymentt by cchequee 以匯票支支付 payyment by biill 以物物品支付 ppaymennt in kind 付清|支支付全部貨款款 paymment iin fulll|fuull paaymentt 支付部分分貨款|分分批付款 ppaymennt in part|partt paymment|partiial paaymentt 記帳付款款|會計帳帳目內(nèi)付款 paymeent onn accoou

19、nt 定定期付款 ppaymennt on term 年分期付款款 annuual paaymentt 月分期付付款 monnthly paymeent|mmonthlly insstalmeent 延滯滯付款 paaymentt in aarrearr 預(yù)付貨|先付 ppaymennt in advannce|pprepayyment 延付貨款 deferrred ppaymennt 立即付付款 proompt ppaymennt|immmediaate paaymentt 暫付款 suspeense ppaymennt 延期付付款 dellay inn paymment|extennsio

20、n of paaymentt 支付票據(jù)據(jù) paymment bbill 名名譽支付|干與付款 paymeent foor honnour|paymeent byy inteerventtion 結(jié)結(jié)帳|清算算|支付 settllementt 分期付款款 insttalmennt 滯付|拖欠|尾數(shù)款未付付 arreears 特特許拖延付款款日 dayys of gracee 保證付款款 del credeere 付款款 to ppay|tto makke payyment|to mmake eeffectt paymment 結(jié)結(jié)帳 to settlle|too makee setttlemen

21、nt|too makee effeect seettlemment|to sqquare|to bbalancce 支出|付款 tto deffray|to diisbursse 結(jié)清 to cllear ooff|tto pyaa off 請求付款 to assk forr paymment|to reequestt paymment 懇懇求付帳 tto sollicit paymeent 拖延延付款 too defeer payyment|to ddelay paymeent 付款款被拖延 tto be in arrrearss withh paymment 還還債 to dischhar

22、ge 迅速付款 to paay proomptlyy 付款相當當迅速 too pay moderratelyy welll|to pay ffairlyy welll|to keep the eengageementss reguularlyy 付款相當當慢 to pay sslowlyy|to take extennded ccreditt 付款不好好 to ppay baadly|to bee geneerallyy in aarrearr withh paymments 付款頗為惡惡劣 to pay vvery bbadly|to nnever pay uunlesss forcced

23、拒絕絕付款 too refuuse paaymentt|to refusse to pay|to diishonoour a bill 相信能收到到款項 Wee shalll loook to you ffor thhe payyment|We sshall depennd upoon youu for the ppaymennt |WWe exppect ppaymennt froom youu 惠請付款款 kinddly paay thee amouunt|ppleasee forwward ppaymennt|pllease forwaard a chequue. 我將將不得不采取取必要

24、步驟運運用法律手段段收回該項貨貨款 I sshall be obbligedd to ttake tthe neecessaary stteps tto leggally recovver thhe amoount. |I sshall be coompellled too takee stepps to enforrce paaymentt. 惠請寬寬限 lett the matteer staand ovver tiill thhen.|alloww me aa shorrt exttensioon of time. |Kiindly postppone tthe tiime foor p

25、ayyment a litttle llongerr. 索取利利息 to chargge intterestt 附上利息息 to ddraw iintereest|tto beaar intterestt|to alloww inteerest 生息 too yielld intterestt 生息3% to yyield 3% 存款款 to ddeposiit in a bannk|too put in a bank|to pplace on deepositt|to make depossit 在銀銀行存款 tto havve monney inn a baank|tto havve a

26、bbank aaccounnt|too havee moneey on depossit 向銀銀行提款 tto witthdraww ones depposit from a bannk 換取現(xiàn)現(xiàn)金 to conveert innto mooney|to tuurn innto caash|tto reaalize 折扣用語 從價格打打10%的折折扣 to make a disscountt of 110% offf thee pricce|too makee 10% discoount ooff thhe priice 打折折扣購買 tto buyy at aa disccount 打折扣出

27、售售 to ssell aat a ddiscouunt 打折折扣-讓價 to reeduce|to mmake aa reduuctionn 減價 tto dedduct|to maake a deducction 回扣 too rebaate 現(xiàn)金金折扣 caash diiscounnt 貨到付付款|現(xiàn)金金提貨 caash onn deliiver (C.O.DD.) 貨到到付現(xiàn)款 ccash oon arrrival 即時付款 promppt cassh 凈價|最低價格格付現(xiàn) neet cassh 現(xiàn)金付付款 reaady caash 即期期付款 sppot caash|ccash dd

28、own|cash on thhe naiil 憑單據(jù)據(jù)付現(xiàn)款 ccash aagainsst doccumentts 憑提單單付現(xiàn)款 ccash aagainsst billls off ladiing 承兌兌交單 doocumennts aggainstt acceeptancce (D/A) 付款款交單 doocumennts aggainstt paymment (D/P) 折扣例文 除非非另有說明, 30日后后全額付現(xiàn), 如有錯誤誤, 請立即即通知。 NNet caash 300 dayss unleess sppecifiied ottherwiise. AAdvisee promm

29、ptly if inncorreect. 付付款條件: 30日后全全額付現(xiàn), 10日后付付現(xiàn)打2%折折扣, 過期期后付款時, 加上利率率為6%的利利息。 Teerms, net ccash 330 dayys, orr, lesss 2% 10 daays. IIntereest chhargedd at tthe raate off 6% aafter maturrity. 付款條件: 月底后110日后付現(xiàn)現(xiàn)2%折扣, 現(xiàn)在付現(xiàn)現(xiàn)3%折扣, 否則, 全額付現(xiàn)。 Termms: 2%, 10 days E.O.MM., orr 3% ccash, otherrwise stricctly nn

30、et. 信用證用語 追追加信用證 addittionall creddit|aadditiional L/C 信信用證金額 amounnt of crediit 賒帳金金額 creedit bbalancce 可撤消消信用證 rrevocaable LL/C 不可可撤消信用證證 irreevocabble L/C 保兌信信用證 coonfirmmed L/C 不保兌兌信用證 uunconffirmedd L/C 可轉(zhuǎn)讓信用用證 asssignabble L/C|trransfeerablee L/C 銀行信用證證 bankkers L/C 有有追索權(quán)信用用證 witth reccoursee

31、L/C 無追索權(quán)信信用證 wiithoutt recoourse L/C 單單一信用證 simplle creedit 無無條件信用證證 openn creddit|ffree ccreditt 普通信用用證 genneral letteer of crediit 旅行信信用證 ciirculaar lettter oof creedit 特特別信用證 speciial leetter of crredit 信用證底帳帳 lettter off creddit leedger 信用證發(fā)行行帳 lettter oof creedit iissuedd accoount 信信用證金額 amounn

32、t of crediit 信用證證余額|信信用證結(jié)欠 crediit ballance 開立信用證證 to oopen aa creddit 通過過銀行開立信信用證 too estaablishh a crredit throuugh a bank 電開信用證證 to ccable a creedit 取取消信用證 to caancel a creedit 開開出信用證 to isssue aa creddit 在某某銀行開立信信用證 too arraange aa creddit wiith a bank 修改信用證證 to aamend a creedit 延延展信用證有有效期 too e

33、xteend a crediit 增加信信用證面額 to inncreasse a ccreditt 寄出信用用證 to send a creedit 請請發(fā)給信用證證 to ttake oout a crediit 信用證例文 我我們已開出以以貴方為受益益人的保兌信信用證。 WWe navve opeened aa conffirmedd creddit inn yourr favoour. 以以貴方為受益益人, 我們們開出不可撤撤消的的保兌兌信用證。 We haave oppened a connfirmeed andd irreevocabble crredit in yoour faa

34、vour. 我們被請請求已開出以以貴方為受益益人的信用證證, 特此通通知。 Wee are pleassed too infoorm yoou thaat we have been requeested to oppen a crediit in your favouur. 我們們已開出商業(yè)業(yè)信用證, 特此通知。 We inntimatte to you tthat wwe havve isssued aa commmerciaal lettter oof creedit. 銀行用語 請入入收款人的戶戶號 acccount payeee 請支付票票款 advvice tto payy cheq

35、ques 惠惠請通知該支支票的經(jīng)過 advisse fatte 金額有有錯誤 acccountts difffer 文文字與數(shù)字所所記載金額不不同 worrds annd figgures diffeer 簽名有有誤|印鑒不不符 siggnaturres diiffer 請明天再次次提出為荷 preseent aggain ttomorrrow 保證證付款 goood foor payyment 請照會發(fā)票票人 reffer too drawwee (RR.D.) 無交易 nno acccount 款額不足|存款不足足 not suffiicientt (N.SS.)|nno sufffici

36、eent fuunds (N.S.FF.) 已無無存款 noo fundds 如支票票不獲兌現(xiàn)時時, 不必出出具拒絕證書書。 nottto bee prottestedd in ccase oof disshonouur|prrotestt waivved|nno prootest 需要出具拒拒絕證書 tto be proteested 沒有通知 no addvice 未受指示 no orrders 禁止轉(zhuǎn)讓|不可轉(zhuǎn)讓讓 non-transsferabble|nnot trransfeerablee 已付款 receiived ppaymennt|paaymentt receeived 上開價

37、金已已收到 vaalue rreceivved|ffor vaalue rreceivved 上開開價金系經(jīng)核核算 vallue inn accoount 上上開金額與發(fā)發(fā)票相同 vvalue as peer invvoice 上開金額與與通知書相符符 valuue as per aadvicee 無追索權(quán)權(quán) withhout rrecourrse 有追追索權(quán)|償償還請求權(quán) rightt of rrecourrse 請求求償還清單|清償帳戶戶 recoourse accouunt 償還還準備金 rrecourrse fuund 拒絕絕償還|拒拒絕追索 rrecourrse reepudiaat

38、ion 銀行業(yè)務(wù)例文 定期存款的的條件為年利利6%, 存存期6個月以以上, 只要要金額1,0000元, 我們均樂意意接受。 WWe shaall bee pleaased tto recceive a fixxed deepositt for any aamountt moree thann $1,0000, ffor a periood oveer sixx montths att the rate of 6% p.a. 謹同函寄寄上新開定期期存款第5000號存折一一份, 面額額100,0000元, 請查收為荷荷。該面額等等于您寄來換換新的舊存=折本金加上上利息之和。 Encloosed p

39、pleasee findd a neew depposit certiificatte No. 500 for $100,0000, wwhich repreesentss the princcipal and iintereest off the old ccertifficatee you sent us foor rennewal. 如存款為為100元以以上, 我們們將樂意接受受。 We shalll be gglad tto recceive depossits oof 1000 yen and uupwardd. 結(jié)算 到目前為為止, 我公公司應(yīng)收帳尚尚有二萬美元元。茲奉上結(jié)結(jié)算報告

40、書一一份, 敬請請查收為荷。 Enclossed wee handd you a staatemennt of accouunt too datee, shoowing a ballance of $220,0000 in oour faavour, whicch we trustt willl be ffound in orrder. 上開帳目, 現(xiàn)正核對對, 如無錯錯誤, 將遵遵照貴公司的的指示, 將將轉(zhuǎn)入新開的的帳戶內(nèi)。 This accouunt iss undeer exaaminattion, and iif fouund coorrectt, it shalll be ccarr

41、ieed to a neww accoount, in coonformmity wwith yyour iinstruuctionns. 您昨昨日函敬悉。茲茲遵照貴方請請求, 同函函附上結(jié)算報報告書, 敬敬請惠予查收收為荷。 YYour ffavourr of yyesterrday wwas duuly reeceiveed, annd we hand you hherewiith a stateement of yoour acccountt as rrequessted, whichh we hhope yyou wiill fiind coorrectt. 茲奉上上棒鐵總價為為512

42、,0000元清單單一份, 懇懇請列入我公公司貸方帳項項為荷。 WWe hannd youu our accouunt onn the bar iiron, amounnting to $5512,0000, whhich kkindlyy passs to oour crredit. 請求付款 懇請請速予匯款為為荷。 ann earlly remmittannce wiill bee apprreciatted. 遲遲付的60美美元, 請速速予寄下為荷荷。 Pleease llet uss havee yourr checck forr the $60 nnow paast ovverduee

43、. 有鑒于于此, 相信信貴方將隨復(fù)復(fù)函寄來支票票, 特此致致謝。 Wiith thhese ffacts beforre youu , wee feell suree thatt you will send us yoour chheck bby retturn mmail. Thankk you. 我們懇求求, 對此部部分能速予結(jié)結(jié)帳為荷。 We urrge thhat yoou makke thiis setttlemeent wiithoutt delaay. 何不不立即對此案案作一結(jié)算? 請在今日日將支票隨函函發(fā)出即可。 Why nnot seettle this matteer no

44、ww? Jusst atttach yyour ccheck to thhis leetter, and send it byy todaays mmail. 催告付款 為加加清本帳目, 我方多次次催促, 但但未有任何效效果。所以為為收回本帳款款項, 準備備向法院起訴訴, 特此通通知。 Haaving made repeaated aappliccationns forr apymment oof thiis amoount wwithouut avaail, wwe noww givee you noticce thaat we shalll takee out a summmons for

45、 rrecoveery off the same 下星期一以以前未能清結(jié)結(jié)本件款項, 不得已, 將委任我我公司顧問律律師處理。 We wiish too statte thaat if the aaccounnt be not ppaid bby Monnday nnext, we shhall bbe forrced tto plaace thhe mattter iin thee handds o ffour ssoliciitors. 貴方雖多多次答應(yīng)付款款結(jié)帳, 但但迄今尚未結(jié)結(jié)清。如在本本月底以前, 尚未拔款款結(jié)清,只好好委托我公司司顧問律師處處理。 Inn spitte of yo

46、ur repeaated ppromisses too let us haave a chequue, wee are stilll withhout aa setttlemennt of your outsttandinng acccount, and thereefore, unleess saame iss setttled bby thee end of thhis moonth, we shhall bbe commpelleed to hand over the mmatterr to oour soolicittor. 對對于此事, 貴方似乎在在趁機利用我我公司的寬容容態(tài)度。本函

47、函系最后通告告所, 復(fù)函函時請匯足夠夠金額, 以以結(jié)此帳, 否則只好采采取其它途徑徑, 特此函函告。 Ass you seem to taake addvantaage off you lenieency iin thiis mattter, we noow givve youu the finall notiice thhat, uunlesss we sshall receiive a substtantiaal amoount oon acccount by reeturn of poost, wwe shaall addopt oother measuures ffor itts re

48、ccoveryy. 匯票匯款例文 茲同函奉上上支票面額550000元元,請記入近近藤幸造先生生的帳款內(nèi),同同時請寄收 據(jù)二份為荷荷。 Herrewithh we eenclosse a cchequee, vallue $550,0000, whiich pllease placee to tthe crredit of Mrr. K.KKondo, and acknoowledgge recceipt to uss in ddupliccate. 依照佐藤先先生指示并受受其委托,茲茲奉上即期匯匯票一紙面額額2000000元。請貸貸入 該人的的帳戶為荷。 By orrder aand foor

49、 acccount of Mrr.Satooh, I hand you eenclossed a draftt for $200,000 aat sigght, wwhich pleasse passs to the ccreditt of hhis acccountt. 茲奉上上面額2500000元的的支票一張,敬敬請交付收據(jù)據(jù)為荷。 II sendd you herewwith aa cheqque, vvalue $250,000, receiipt off whicch pleease aacknowwledgee. 為結(jié)清清5月1日貴方方發(fā)票,我們們奉上三尾銀銀行匯票面額額12500

50、00元,惠請請記入本 公公司貸方帳戶戶,并惠請開開出收據(jù)為荷荷。 In settllementt of yyour iinvoicce of 1st MMay, $125,0000, wwe encclose a draaft, oon thee Mitssuo Baank, ffor whhich aamountt pleaase crredit our aaccounnt andd acknnowleddge reeceiptt. 付款已收到 為為結(jié)清委托銷銷售,我們已已收到面額11000000元支票一張張,現(xiàn)已轉(zhuǎn)入入貴貸方帳戶戶,非常感謝謝。 We acknoowledgge recce

51、ipt of yoour chheque, $1000,000, in ssettleement of thhe chaarges on thhe connsignmment, and ppass tthis ssum too yourr creddit, wwith bbest tthankss. 我們于于昨日收到貴貴函及面額555000元元支票一張,謝謝謝。 Wee are in duue recceipt of yoour faavour of yeesterdday, ccoveriing a chequue forr $55,000, for wwhich we thhank yyo

52、u. 我我們已收到貴貴方5月5日日函及同函附附寄的面額551250元元的匯票一張張,用以結(jié)清清貴方帳款。 We arre dully in receiipt off yourr favoour off the 5th MMay, eenclossing aa drafft, vaalue $51,2550, too balaance yyour aaccounnt. 為結(jié)結(jié)清到5月115日為止的的貴方帳款,貴貴方所寄面額額312500元支票我們們已經(jīng)收到。 We accknowlledge with thankks thee receeipt oof thee cheqque foor $31

53、1,250, in ssettleement of yoour acccountt to 115th MMay. 開立匯票 我們們于本日向貴貴公司開出第第123號面面額5000000元。匯匯票一張見票票即付。 WWe havve thiis dayy drawwn thee folllowingg billl of eexchannge onn yourr esteeemed firm- No.1123, $500,0000, ppayablle at sightt. 遵照貴貴方指示,我我們已于本日日向田中公司司開出見票后后60日付款款的面額2000000元元匯票一張,費費用包括在內(nèi)內(nèi)。 We

54、 have to accquainnt youu thatt, in accorrdancee withh yourr insttructiions, we haave thhis daay draawn uppon Meessrs, tanaaka & Co., aat 60dd/s foor $2000,0000, incclusivve of chargges. 我我們已于本月月開出由貴方方所指定的人人于三個月后后付款的面額額為1000000元匯票票一張,懇請請惠予承兌為為荷,特此通通知。 Wee adviise yoou thaat we have drawnn on yyou thh

55、is daay forr $1000,000, at 33m/d, to thhe ordder foo yourrself, whicch we commeend too yourr kindd prottectioon. 我們們于本月向貴貴方開出三個個月后付款的的面額為5000000元元的匯票一張張。對此,我我們依慣例,記記入貴貸方帳帳內(nèi),特此通通知。 wee havee the pleassure tto infform yyou thhat wee havee drawwn thiis dayy on yyou foor $5000,0000, at 3m/s. for wwhich

56、we haave crrediteed youu as uusual. 請求開出匯票 因葡萄酒尚尚未售出, 近期也難有有攻觀, 我我方目前不能能遵照齊滕先先生的指示將將余額向貴方方開出匯票或或匯給貴方。 As thhe winnes arre nott yet dispoosed oof, noor likkely tto be for ssome ttime, we caannot obey Mr. SSaitos ordders aas to drawiing onn you or reemittiing yoou thee balaance aat preesent. 如有機會會, 請向

57、本本人開出煤炭炭價款加上保保險費的匯票票。對于這批批出口貨物, 為彌補發(fā)發(fā)生損害的損損失, 請辦辦理保險并在在貨值上再加加保5%金額額 Shouuld yoou havve an opporrtunitty, yoou mayy draww on mme forr the cost of cooal, ttogethher wiith thhat off insuurancee, whiich yoou willl be so goood ass to eeffectt on tthe ouutwardd carggo to its ffull vvalue, withh an aadditi

58、ion off fivee per cent, to ccover expennses iin casse of loss. 為收回款款項, 請依依照最有利的的匯率, 向向我方開出見見票后60日日付款的匯票票, 并請同同時提供發(fā)票票、提單及保保險單為荷。 For yyour rreimbuursemeent, yyou wiill drraw onn me aat sixxty daays ssight, and at thhe mosst favvourabble exxchangge, fuurnishhing mme at the ssame ttime, with an innvoic

59、ee, billl of ladinng andd insuurancee poliicy. 對對貴方的發(fā)票票金額, 請請向漢堡 AA公司開出見見票后三個月月付款的匯票票, 附寄該該公司提單一一份, 并請請該公司辦理理保險。 FFor thhe amoount oof youur invvoice, you will be soo goodd as tto draaw on Messrrs. A & Co. of HHamburrg, att threee monnths date, and forwaard thhem a bill of laading, requuestinng thee

60、m to effecct inssurancce. 請求承兌匯票 茲向貴公司司開陳這批貨貨見票后600日付款、面面額500,000元匯匯票一張, 請予承兌為為荷。 Wee havee takeen thee libeerty oof draawing on yoou todday aggainstt thiss conssignmeent foor $5000,0000 at ssixty days sighht, whhich ppleasee prottect oon preesentaation. 我同函寄寄上由Axbbridgee的布萊克先先生付款、見見票后30日日付款的面額額為50美


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