



1、2-回應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)任的 責(zé)任數(shù)碼的想知道Freedom andhe Digital Age) is a serious topic. We are facing (today) a strange challenge 2-回應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)任的 責(zé)任數(shù)碼的想知道Freedom andhe Digital Age) is a serious topic. We are facing (today) a strange challenge worldandweare allwondering(whatwearegoing to do)(withthere be /在這個(gè)數(shù)碼時(shí)代/是一個(gè)嚴(yán)。今天差不多 adv.希臘

2、 n.發(fā)現(xiàn) v.文明的 adj.文明 n.輝煌的,燦爛的,埃及 n.公民的 (Some 2,500 years ago) Greece discovered freedom. t) there was no freedom. There great civilizations, splendid empires, butno freedom anywhere. Egypt andBabylon were both tyrannies, erfulman(ruling)(overhelpless2500 / 意志力 n.服從 v.善良憐憫n品質(zhì)痛苦痛苦的控制贊同私人的問題a福利,福祉,好處 v.

3、 驕傲必要的信念解放(In Greece), (inAthens) (雅典), a littlecityin a little country), therewere no helplessmasses. Athenianswillingly obeyedthe written laws福利,福祉,好處 v. 驕傲必要的信念解放(In Greece), (inAthens) (雅典), a littlecityin a little country), therewere no helplessmasses. Athenianswillingly obeyedthe written laws(

4、which they themselves passed), and the unwritten,be obeyed) (if free men live together). They must show each other kindness and pity and the many qualities (without which life would be very painful) (unless one chose) (to live alone) he desert). The never thought t a man was free) (if he could do) (

5、what he wanted). A man was free (if he self-controlled). (To make yourself obey) (what you approved) was freedom. They were saved looking) (at their lives) (as their own private ir). Each one felt responsible (for the welfare) (of (not because it was forced) (on him) (from the outside), but (because

6、 the city was his pride and his The essential f (of ernment) he world) was liberty (for all men) (who could themselvesandwould takeresponsibility) (forthe在希臘,在雅典,一個(gè)小城市/人一起。他們必須展示給彼此善良和憐憫和這些很多的品質(zhì)/沒有它們的話,生活會(huì)很痛苦/這個(gè)沙漠里。這些雅典人從未想過/的/如果他能做/的/如果他是自我控制的。去讓你自己遵守/你贊同的事情/。他們被拯救/政府的/insteadof 珍視 v.價(jià)格,代價(jià) n.發(fā)生 v.注

7、意精神精神的v.物質(zhì)的n.n.然后而不是首要的目標(biāo) n.依靠 v.忽視 v.公司的,合作的擁有 v.權(quán)力But discovering freedom is not like discovering computers. It cannot be discovered once for all. (If people do not prize it), and work (for it), it will go. Constant watch is its price. Athens changed. It was change t took place) (without being not

8、iced) (though it was) (of the extreme 權(quán)力But discovering freedom is not like discovering computers. It cannot be discovered once for all. (If people do not prize it), and work (for it), it will go. Constant watch is its price. Athens changed. It was change t took place) (without being noticed) (thoug

9、h it was) (of the extreme importance), a change (which affected the whole Id been the Athenians pride and joy (to give) (to t theycould getmaterial benefits)(fromher) neverentered theirminds. There hadto bea change(of attitude) (beforetheycould look) (atthecity)(asan employer)(whopaid hercitizens) h

10、er work). Now (instead of men) (giving) (to the se), the se was (to give) (to them). (What the people wanted) was aernment (which would provide a comfortable life) (for them); and (with this) (as theprimary object), ideas (of freedom and self-reliance and responsibility) were neglected (to the ) dis

11、appearing).Athenswasmoreandmorelookedon(asacooperativebusiness)( (in which all citizens had a right) (to share).sessed)(ofgreat并不像發(fā)現(xiàn)電腦。它不能被發(fā)現(xiàn)/具的重要性,一個(gè)精神上的變化/它影響了這個(gè)整個(gè)國家。這件事之前是他們的驕傲/度的/他們的城市/作為一個(gè)雇主/公民付錢/付出給城市,這個(gè)城市在給他們付出!人們此刻想要的是一/它能“供”一個(gè)舒服的生活/都被忽略/作為一個(gè)合作商業(yè)機(jī)器/被擁有/?!狙诺渥兞藞?jiān)持 thecommongood普遍的好v.n.無條件條款A(yù)the

12、ns reached the (when the freedom) (she really wanted) (was freedom) (from There could be only one result. (If men insisted) (on being free) (from the burden) (of self-dependence and responsibility) (for the common good), they would cease (to be free). Responsibility is the price (every man must pay)

13、 (for freedom). It is (to be had) (on no other terms). Athens, the Athens (of Ancient Greece),refusedresponsibility;she雅典人到達(dá)了這個(gè)點(diǎn)/(offreedom) and wasnever(tohave it /她真正想要的/重點(diǎn)。它要被擁有/的/然后再也沒有再次擁有它?!狙诺淙耸?yōu)秀優(yōu)秀adj.永恒adj.提及 v.ernment 自治break突破 v.But, “the esthepermanent”,Aristotlesaid. Athenslostfreedomfor

14、ever,butwas not lost forever (for theworldAgreatAmerican, James Madison, referred to: “The capacity (能力 m ind) (for self- ernment).” No doubt he had not an idea ( not (in the farthest background) (of his mind), but (once man comple y lost. The Digital Age cannot destroy it. Somehow t he was speaking

15、 Greek). Athens was has a great and good idea), it is neverhis t mans thought) such an lives considered) (by the world) (of action). One can never be sure t it is not) (on the )(of breaking out) m ind) (for self- ernment).” No doubt he had not an idea ( not (in the farthest background) (of his mind)

16、, but (once man comple y lost. The Digital Age cannot destroy it. Somehow t he was speaking Greek). Athens was has a great and good idea), it is neverhis t mans thought) such an lives considered) (by the world) (of action). One can never be sure t it is not) (on the )(of breaking out)oaction)only su

17、retitwilldoso)背景中(能力時(shí),忘記了雅典人后來黑化的故事的不失去65.Whatdoestheunderlined word“tyrannies” inParagraph 2referA.Countrieswheretheirpeople need erfuleswithhigherC. Splendidempireswherepeople enjoyernments ruled66. ving infreedomare thoseregard their life astheirownseekgainsastheirprimaryC. behave helawsand value

18、 D.treatotherswith kindnessand67.Whatchange inattitudetook place inA.TheAtheniansrefused totaketheirB.TheAtheniansnolongertook heC.TheAtheniansbenefited spirituallyfromD.TheAthenianslooked onernment asaWhatdoesthesentence “There couldbe onlyoneresult.” in Paragraph 5Athenswould continueto beAthenswouldceasetohaveFreedom wouldcomefromFreedomwouldstopAthensfrom self-Whydoestheauthorre


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