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1、【W(wǎng)ord版本下載可任意編輯】 企業(yè)英語演講稿2篇 第1篇英語企業(yè)文化演講稿 英語企業(yè)文化演講稿(一) young man should have a great ambition and be quick in action 鴻于志,敏于行 選手:xx good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! 女士們,先生們,下午好! my name is linan ,from the group of communication and training. 我叫李楠,來自溝通與培訓(xùn)組。 i am so happy to stand here to give a speec

2、h to all of you. 今天,我非常榮幸能夠站在這里發(fā)表演講。 the topic of my speech is young man should have a great ambition and be quick in action. 我今天演講的題目是鴻于志、敏于行。 everybody knows that its important for a company,a team ,a person to have a great ambition,which can give us power and lead us to make a target. 每個人都知道設(shè)立一個遠

3、大的志向?qū)τ谝粋€公司、一只球隊甚至是個人來說,都是非常重要的,它能振奮人心并指引我們實現(xiàn)目標(biāo)。 unfortunately,most people are the giants of thought and the dwarfs of action. why? 不幸的是,大多數(shù)人都是思想的巨人,行動的矮子。為什么會這樣? because its easily to make a decision but hard to put it into practice. 因為想去做只是一念之間的事,落實它卻很難。 do you remember all those years when you sai

4、d again and again that you could lose weight but finally failed? 還記得那些年你們一遍又一遍地吵著要減肥卻最終又失敗的時候嘛? i have no time to do exercise!my boyfriend dont supervise me!im so hungry that i have no energy to run! 我沒時間鍛煉!我男朋友沒有監(jiān)視我!太餓了,人家吃飽了才有力氣減肥嘛! liar!wuzhengqi did it,right? 騙子,人家吳崢琦就成功了,不是么? actually,what you

5、need to do is just wash the first dish. 其實,你要做的的只是從洗第一個盤子開始(踏出第一步)。 the main point of washing dishes theory is that if you start to wash the first dish in the kitchen,you can finish the rest of them. every dish is the first one. 洗盤子理論主要意思就是,當(dāng)你洗完廚房內(nèi)第一個盤子時,你就能洗完剩下所有的盤子剩下的都是第一個盤子. when i came to the ne

6、w group,i knew that the internet would be the main form of service industry. 當(dāng)我來到我們組時,我明白了互聯(lián)網(wǎng)將會是服務(wù)行業(yè)的主流方向。 but i didnt know much about the internet,except that it changes constantly. 但是,除了變幻莫測以外,我對互聯(lián)網(wǎng)其實并不了解。 so i had no choice but to learn many things about internet. 所以我不得不去學(xué)習(xí)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的相關(guān)知識。 i read 3 book

7、s in two months,which are wechat marketing and operation,the sense of participation ,and the adweek copyright handbook. 最近兩個月,我看了3本相關(guān)的書,微信營銷與運營、參與感、文案訓(xùn)練手冊。 even though i just wash 3 dishes,i am on the road of expedition,right? 雖然只有三本,但至少已經(jīng)開始了,不是嗎? 英語企業(yè)文化演講稿(二) nothing is impossible to a willing hear

8、t 心之所愿,無往不至 選手:汪xx when i looked at the calendar this morning, i found that today is the one-year anniversary of me joining the corporation. it is my pleasure to be lucky enough to stand here and give a speech to all of you on such a special day. 今天早上翻看日歷的時候,我才發(fā)現(xiàn),今天是我參加公司整整一周年的紀(jì)念日。在這一天里,我能夠站在這里做這一番演

9、講,讓我感到來自生命的善意祝福。 for me, however, my job is very meaningful. the experience gained from it helps me a lot, not only for that it gives me the opportunity to meet amazing people from almost everywhere, but also that i can learn a lot from different people around me in the workplace. as most of them al

10、ways find ways to develop their talents. during this year, i am able to see that i am changing every day. with the help and under the influence of my outstanding colleagues, i have grown into a career-woman from a rookie. 對我而言,現(xiàn)在的工作是非常有意義的,在這里,我認識了許許多多有趣、上進、不斷進取的同事,他們用自己的獨有的精神力量影響著我,從他們每一個人的身上,我都能學(xué)到

11、很多終身有益的東西。這一年里,我每一天都能夠感覺到自己的進步與蛻變,在同事們的影響與幫助下,我從一個稍帶書生氣息的職場菜鳥,成長成了一個能夠獨當(dāng)一面的人。 a motivational and inspirational movie named whose youth is not confused is coming soon, which is written by a famous young writer liu tong. fortunately, i never feel confused. i always firmly believe that as long as i lov

12、e something, i will definitely be about to get it done well. my strong belief owes to my mom, as she never hesitate chasing for her dreams. she even went to shanghai alone while took the vocational skills examinations during her pregnancy. since my early childhood, i remembered that there are two de

13、sks in my house, one for mom, one for me. we do homework together every night. the only difference between us is that she set homework for her own, which makes it easier to understand why she managed to get 3 certificates in only three-years times. even now, she still always put many books on the ta

14、ble by the bed. she is my idol now and forever, and someone who i will always be proud of. one day, i may become someone like her. 最近上映了一部非常有名的電影,叫做誰的青春不迷茫。我很慶幸,自己是一個一直擁有者堅決目標(biāo)的人。這一切都歸功于我的母親,她一直是我崇拜的偶像。她在工作之后一直在不斷努力,從來沒有停止過學(xué)習(xí)。當(dāng)年,她在懷孕期間,獨身一人去了上海參加職業(yè)技能考試,并成功獲得資格證書。打我記事起,我們家就有兩張書桌,小的是我的,大的是她的。每天晚上,我完成作業(yè)

15、時,她也會在自己的書桌上完成自己給自己布置的任務(wù)。利用三年時間,攻克下了三張資格證書。直到現(xiàn)在,母親的床頭柜上每天都會堆滿了各種書籍。她是我的偶像,也是我的驕傲。我也不斷努力著,希望有朝一日能夠成為像她一樣的人。 to make the full use of every minute of my life and not to feel guilty in heart, i never stop striving to improve myself, to perfect myself. a good enterprise always comes with the culture that

16、 triggers self-improvement from everyone involved. as steve jobs said: stay hungry, stay foolish. 我不斷努力,就是為了讓老年的自己,在回首過往時,能由衷地為過去的自己感到驕傲!最完美的企業(yè)精神,莫過于讓員工擁有不斷向前的動力。就像喬布斯所說:求知若饑,虛心若愚。 第2篇企業(yè)英語演講稿參閱 關(guān)于企業(yè)英語演講稿范文參閱 the motherland destiny also is each chineses destiny, the motherland development and prosper

17、ous and powerful must depend on our each chinas youths contribution and the struggle.we should think at times i make any for the motherland, but is not from motherland mother there claim any, deeply loves the motherland to be able only to depend on an empty talk in no way.as a state-owned enterprises ordinary staff, a young communist party member, i must certainly like the motherland the full of enthusiasm carrying out in own daily practical work, likes the hillock being prof


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