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1、June 2009REALTY GARDENSRules and Regulations for Renovation WorkAll OOwneer aand Ressideentss inntennd tto ccarrry oout rennovaatioon wworkks iin ttheiir uunitt musst rregiisteer at tthe mannageemennt ooffiice andd suubmiit a ccheqque payyablle tto “SSaviillss Prropeertyy Maanaggemeent Limmiteed” in

2、 thee ammounnt oof HHK$220,0000 as seccuriity depposiit ffor dammagees wwhicch mmighht ooccuur tto tthe commmonn arreass annd ffaciilittiess orr neeighhborringg reesiddentts. Thhe ddepoositt wiill be reffundded upoon rrequuestt wiithoout inttereest upoon ccompplettionn off thhe ddecoorattionn woorks

3、s annd wwithh noo daamagges doone.No Owwnerrs, Ressideentss orr Coontrracttorss shhalll maake or perrmitt anny ddistturbbingg nooisees, or do, orr peermiit aanytthinng tto bbe ddonee inn thhe bbuilldinng oor wwithh thhe bbounndarriess off thhe llot whiich willl iinteerfeere witth tthe rigghtss, ccom

4、ffortts oor cconvveniiencces of othher ressideentss.Renovvatiion Worrk HHourrs:Mondaay tto FFridday 9:00 a.mm. tto 66:000 p.m.Saturrdayy 9:000 aa.m. too 1:00 p.mm. Noisyy woorkss arre aabsooluttelyy noot aalloowedd onn SaaturrdayysRenovvatiion worrks inccluddingg moovinng iin mmateeriaals andd moovi

5、nng oout debbriss arre nnot allloweed oon Satturdday aftternnoonns, Sunndayys aand Pubblicc Hooliddayss.Pleasse pput up thee “Appprovval forr Deecorratiion Worrks“ outtsidde tthe uniit ffor Seccuriity cheeckiing.No buuilddingg maaterrialls, rubbbissh, fitttinngs, tooolss annd ddebrris etcc wiill be

6、allloweed tto bbe pplacced or lefft iin tthe commmonn arreass; ootheerwiise, thhe mmanaagemmentt coompaany is of thee riightt too emmplooy aa clleanningg coompaany to remmovee alll oof tthemm annd ddeduuct thee feee ffromm thhe ddepoositt. Thee enntraancee dooorss off thhe uunitt MUUST BE CLOOSEDD t

7、oggethher witth aaddiitioonall dooor seaal dduriing rennovaatioon tto aavoiid tthe noiise andd duust afffecttingg ottherr unnitss.All OOwneers, Reesiddentts aand Conntraactoors shoouldd taake carre nnot to dammagee liiftss, llobbbiess annd ppubllic areeas durringg thhe ccourrse of traanspporttatiion

8、 of matteriialss, ffurnnituure etcc. Durringg thhe ddeliiverry oof ddebrris andd/orr maaterrialls, worrkerrs sshouuld covver thee flloorr byy wooodeen / pllasttic boaard in ordder to preevennt ddamaagess. CConttracctorrs aand worrkerrs mmustt reemovve aall debbriss leeft behhindd immmeddiattelyy aff

9、terr trranssporrtattionn.It iss addvissed to turn ooff alll waaterr vaalvees bbefoore leaavinng tthe rennovaatinng uunitt, aand to enssuree thhat theere is no infflammmabble liqquidd orr ottherr suubsttancces thaat mmay cauuse firre lleftt inn thhe uunitt.Page 1 oof 22All rrenoovattionn woorkss muus

10、t prooceeed aaccoordiing to thee orrigiinall buuilddingg pllan, Owwnerrs aand Ressideentss muust subbmitt skketcch pplann foor aany altteraatioon wworkk whhichh iss diiffeerennt ffromm thhe bbuilldinng pplann, eespeeciaallyy thhosee maay aaffeect thee sttruccturre aand thee exxterrnall apppeaarannce

11、 of thee buuilddingg. IIt iis tthe ownner liaabillityy too chheckk annd ccompply witth aall thee Gooverrnmeent Staatuttoryy reqquirremeent. Thhe aapprrovaal hhereeby givven doees nnot, inn anny wway, immplyy thhe IIncoorpooratted Ownnerss, aand / oor mmanaagerrs enddorssemeent of thee sppeciificcati

12、ionss uppon whiich thee prropoosall haas bbeenn baasedd noor gguarranttee thee peerfoormaancee unnderr alll ccondditiionss off thhe eerecctioon aand matteriialss ussed. Thhe sstafff ffromm thhe mmanaagemmentt offficce hhas thee riightt too coonduuct reggulaar iinsppecttionn too thhe rrenoovattionn f

13、llat witthinn thhe rrenoovattionn peeriood. Condeensiing uniits of spllit typpe aair conndittionnerss orr thhe aassoociaatedd reefriigerratiion pippingg annd eelecctriicall coonduuitss shhoulld nnot be insstallledd onn thhe eexteernaal ttilees wwalll off thhe bbuilldinng (inccluddingg UU sshapped ti

14、lled wallls bettweeen tthe bloockss). Theese insstalllattionns wwilll onnly be allloweed: (i) inn thhe uuntiiledd liightt weellss off kiitchhen proovidded theey aare insstallledd ussingg noon-fferrrouss, sstaiinleess steeel airr-coondiitioonerr raackss orr (iii) witthinn baalcooniees aand witthouut

15、uunsiighttly pippingg annd ccondduitts aalonng tthe extternnal tilled wallls. Foor tthe insstalllattionn off aiir-ccondditiioneer, suppporrtinng fframme iin tthe ligght welll, pleeasee reeferr too Apppenndixx (11). Anyy deeviaatioon sshouuld be appplieed ttogeetheer wwithh drrawiing to thee Maanagge

16、meent Offficee foor pprioor aapprrovaal.With exccepttionn too thhe wwalll off thhe llighht wwelll prroviidedd inn paara.9, no errecttionn orr puuttiing up of anyy teempoorarry oor ppermmaneent strructturee orr obbjeccts afffecttingg thhe aappeearaancee / strructturee off thhe bbuilldinng aare perrmi

17、tttedd onn thhe eexteernaal wwalll. Ereectiion of scaaffooldiing forr thhe iinsttalllatiion of spllit typpe aair conndittionner in thee liightt weell andd foor ootheer ppurpposees (succh aas rrepaairss too orr reeplaacemmentt off wiindoow, etcc.) cann bee apppliied to thee Maanaggemeent Offficee too

18、gettherr wiith draawinngs forr thhe wworkks ppropposeed tto bbe ccarrriedd ouut oon tthe extternnal wallls. TThe extternnal walll mmustt bee fuullyy reeinsstatted affterr remmovaal oof sscafffolldinng. Twoo woorkiing dayys iin aadvaancee nootifficaatioon iis rrequuireed bbefoore ereectiion andd reem

19、ovval of sccafffolddingg. Inn caase ereectiion of scaaffooldiing is reqquirred, plleasse ffilll inn annd ssubmmit Apppliccatiion forr Errecttionn off Sccaffolldinngs. Forr woorkss innstrructtionn, ppleaase reffer to Apppenddix (2). AA phhotoocoppy oof SScafffolddingg Chheckkingg Reeporrt-FFormm 5 sh

20、oouldd bee suubmiitteed tto tthe mannageemennt ooffiice priior to thee usse oof tthe scaaffooldiing.All OOwneers andd Reesiddentts oof tthe rennovaatioon uunitt shhoulld pprovvidee vaalidd thhirdd paartyy innsurrancce ccerttifiicatte tto tthe Mannageemennt OOffiice befforee thhe ccommmenccemeent of

21、worrks, annd iindeemniify thee Inncorrporrateed OOwneers andd / or mannageemennt ccomppanyy foor aany claaimss foor ddamaagedd annd ccostts ddue to thee reenovvatiion worrks andd thheirr suubseequeent efffectts.Contrracttorss / worrkerrs sshouuld dreess prooperrly andd shhoulld nnot smooke in commmo

22、nn arreass.We aggreee annd aacceept thee abbovee teermss annd ccondditiionss:Signaaturre oof OOwneer: Siggnatturee off coontrracttor: Date: Datte: Page 2 oof 22聯(lián)邦花花苑裝 修 維 修 工 程 守 則所有計(jì)劃在在所屬單單位進(jìn)行行裝修維修工工程之業(yè)業(yè)主或住住客,必必須向管管理處辦辦理登記記及繳付付及支付付予“第一太太平戴維維斯物業(yè)業(yè)管理有有限公司司”之港幣幣貳萬(wàn)元支票,作作為可能能導(dǎo)致公公共地方方及設(shè)施施或鄰居居住客單單位受到到損壞之之保

23、證金金。在有有關(guān)工程程完成後後而沒(méi)有有釀成損損壞,此此按金將將無(wú)息發(fā)發(fā)還。任何業(yè)主、住客或承建商商均不得得在該大大廈或該該地段範(fàn)範(fàn)圍內(nèi)發(fā)發(fā)出或容容許產(chǎn)生生滋擾噪噪音或進(jìn)進(jìn)行,或或容許進(jìn)進(jìn)行可能能干涉其其他住客客權(quán)利、舒舒適或便便利感的的任何事事情。裝 修 工工 程 許 可 時(shí) 間 為 :星期一至星星期五上上午九時(shí)時(shí)至下午午六時(shí)星期六上午午九時(shí)至至下午一一時(shí)星期六不準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)進(jìn)行任任何發(fā)出出噪音之之工作星期六下午午、星期期日及公公眾假期期不準(zhǔn)進(jìn)進(jìn)行任何何裝修工工程,包包括搬運(yùn)運(yùn)材料及及廢料請(qǐng)將裝修許許可證貼貼於單位位外,以以方便保保安查閱閱。不得將任何何建築廢廢料、垃垃圾、裝裝置、工工具及廢廢料等放放


25、或物物品。頁(yè)一(共二二頁(yè))聯(lián)聯(lián)邦花苑苑裝 修 維 修 工 程 守 則所有裝修單單位,應(yīng)應(yīng)依照原原本大廈廈之建築圖圖則進(jìn)行行裝修,如如所進(jìn)行行之裝修修與大廈廈建築圖圖則有不不相符之之處,必必須呈交交裝修稿稿圖予管管理公司司查閱,尤尤其是可可能影響響大廈結(jié)結(jié)構(gòu)和外外觀的工工程,必必須呈交交稿圖以以供審核核。業(yè)主主有責(zé)任任參考及及遵守所所有有關(guān)關(guān)政府法法例以符符合其要要求。批出出的裝修修圖則,在在各方面面並無(wú)暗暗示業(yè)主主立案法法團(tuán)及或或管理公公司認(rèn)可可所批準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)工程的的規(guī)格,亦亦並無(wú)保保証該建建築物及及所用材材料在任任何情況況下的效效能。管管理處職職員有權(quán)權(quán)於裝修修期間進(jìn)進(jìn)入單位位作定期期檢查。分體式

26、冷氣氣機(jī)之壓壓縮器及及其冷氣氣機(jī)喉管管不得安安裝在有有牆磚之之大廈外外牆上(包括座與與座之間間所組成成之“U”型牆身身). 這類裝裝備只容容許安裝裝在下列列位置:(i) 在廚房房天井沒(méi)沒(méi)有牆磚磚之外牆牆位置,並並使用不不鏽鋼冷冷氣機(jī)架架;(iii) 在露臺(tái)臺(tái)內(nèi)但不不能有礙礙眼之冷冷氣機(jī)喉喉管安裝裝在有牆牆磚之外外牆上。有關(guān)冷氣機(jī)架安裝規(guī)格可參閱附件(一)。不得興建或或裝上任任何暫時(shí)時(shí)或永久久的結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)或物件件於大廈廈外牆,以以致影響響大廈外外觀及結(jié)結(jié)構(gòu)安全全。有關(guān)關(guān)於天井井安裝分分體式冷冷氣機(jī)或或其他工工程(如如維修或或更換窗窗戶等)而搭建建之棚架,可提供供有關(guān)圖圖則向管理理處申請(qǐng)請(qǐng)。於搭建建及

27、拆除除棚架後後,必須須將外牆牆還原。承辦商必須於搭棚及拆棚前2個(gè)工作天向管理處作出申請(qǐng)。若須搭棚,請(qǐng)?zhí)钔准敖换卮钆锷暾?qǐng)表。搭棚詳情請(qǐng)參閱附件(二)。在棚架使用前,必須將棚架檢查結(jié)果報(bào)告-表格五(棚紙)的副本交予管理處。所有裝修單單位之業(yè)業(yè)主及住客必必須自備備第三者者保險(xiǎn)及及向業(yè)主主立案法法團(tuán)及或或管理公公司負(fù)責(zé)責(zé),因其其裝修工工程所產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生的後後果而引引致?lián)p壞壞及所提提出任何何索償作作出賠償償。有關(guān)關(guān)保單須須於工程程展開(kāi)前前交予管管理處。任何裝修承承辦商或裝裝修工人人於在公共共地方必必須衣著整齊及及不可吸吸煙。本人/等同同意接受受上述守守則:業(yè)主簽署 裝修承承辦商簽署: 日期:日期: 頁(yè)二(共二

28、二頁(yè))REALTTY GARRDENNSAppliicattionn foor EErecctioon oof SScafffolldinngsI am / WWe aare thee Owwnerr(s) / Ressideent of Flat , Flloorr, Couurt, wiill ereect scaaffooldiingss frrom to .I / WWe uundeersttandd thhat 2 wworkkingg daays in advvancce iis rrequuireed tto ssubmmit thiis aappllicaatioon tto

29、tthe mannageemennt ooffiice befforee errecttionn off sccafffolddinggs.I / WWe uundeersttandd thhat thee orrigiinall coopy of Scaafollddiing Cheeckiing Repportt-Forrm 55 iis rrequuireed tto bbe sshowwn aat tthe scaaffooldiingss. I / Wee allso unddersstannd tthatt a phootoccopyy off Foorm 5 is reqquir

30、red to subbmitt too thhe mmanaagemmentt offficce bbefoore thee sccafffolddinggs aare in usee.I / WWe uundeersttandd thhat 2 wworkkingg daays in advvancce iis rrequuireed tto nnotiice thee maanaggemeent offficee beeforre rremoovall off thee sccafffolddinggs.I / WWe uundeersttandd thhat I / Wee amm /

31、aree reespoonsiiblee too buuy aa thhirdd paartyy liiabiilitty iinsuurannce andd emmplooyeee innsurrancce ffor thee woorkeer(ss). I / WWe sshalll bbe rrespponssiblle ffor thee coompeensaatioon(ss) oof aany claaim(s) of losss(ees) / ddamaage(s) duee too thhe eerecctioon oof tthe scaaffooldiingss. II /

32、 We alsso gguarranttee thaat nno aaddiitioon oor aalteernaatioon oof eexteernaal wwallls oor aany pippes or anyy ottherr uttiliitiees.I / WWe sshalll bbe rrespponssiblle ffor reppairr anny hholee(s) (e.gg. sscreew hholees) remmainned on thee exxterrnall waallss duue tto tthe ereectiion of scaaffoold

33、iingss. II / We shaall be ressponnsibble forr thhe ccomppenssatiion(s) of anyy cllaimm(s) off looss(es) / dammagee(s) abboutt leeakaage of watter froom tthe extternnal wallls duee too thhe eerecctioon oof tthe scaaffooldiingss.Signaaturre oof tthe Ownner(s) / RResiidennt : . Contaact Nummberr off th

34、he OOwneer(ss) / Reesiddentt : . Date : .聯(lián)邦花花苑搭 棚 申申 請(qǐng) 表我 (們)為以下下單位的的業(yè)主 / 住住客,現(xiàn)現(xiàn)申請(qǐng)搭搭棚: 閣, 樓, 室, 棚架豎立日日期由 至 .我(們)明明白必須須於搭棚棚前2個(gè)個(gè)工作天天向管理理處遞交交此申請(qǐng)請(qǐng)表。我(們)明明白必須須在搭棚棚現(xiàn)場(chǎng)展展示棚架架檢查結(jié)結(jié)果報(bào)告告-表格五五(棚紙紙)的正正本,亦亦必須在在棚架使使用前將將副本交交予管理理處。我(們)明明白必須須於拆棚棚前2個(gè)個(gè)工作天天知會(huì)管管理處。我(們)明明白我(們)有有責(zé)任為為工人購(gòu)購(gòu)買第三三者責(zé)任任保險(xiǎn)及及勞工保保險(xiǎn)。 我(們)有有責(zé)任就就搭棚引引致的任任

35、何損失失或損壞壞作出賠賠償。我我(們)保證不不會(huì)加裝裝或改建建外牆或或任何喉喉管或其其他設(shè)施施。我(們)有有責(zé)任修修補(bǔ)任何何因搭棚棚造成的的外牆孔孔洞(例例如鏍絲絲位)。我我(們)有責(zé)任任就搭棚棚引致的的外牆滲滲水及其其造成的的任何損損失或損損壞作出出賠償。業(yè)主 / 住客簽簽署 : . 業(yè)主 / 住客聯(lián)聯(lián)絡(luò)電話話 : . 日期 : .REALTTY GARRDENNSRenovvatiion GuaarannteeeI am / WWe aare thee Owwnerr(s) / Ressideent of Flat , Flloorr, Couurt, wiill carrry outt

36、reenovvatiion worrk ffromm tto .I / WWe uundeersttandd thhat connnecctinng eelecctriicitty iilleegallly andd duumpiing rennovaatioon ddebrris at commmonn arrea aree offfenndinng tthe reggulaatioons. II amm / We aree wiill to payy thhe ccostt off chheckkingg annd rrecoonneectiing of eleectrriciity an

37、dd cllearringg off deebriis iif nneceessaary.I / WWe sshalll rrespponssiblle ffor anyy daamagge aat ccommmon areea wwhicch iis ccaussed byy thhe wworkk.I / WWe aand thee Reenovvatiion Conntraactoor uundeersttandd annd sshalll oobeyy “TThe Rulles andd Reegullatiionss foor RRenoovattionn Woork of Reaa

38、ltyy Gaardeens”.Renovvatiion conntraactoor eemplloyeed: Addreess: Contaact Perrsonn: Contaact Tellephhonee: Emerggenccy CConttactt:Ownner: TTel: Conttracctorr: Tell: Signnatuure of OwnnerSiggnatturee off CoontrracttorDateeDatteNOTE: ALLL WWORKKERSS MUUST REGGISTTER AT MANNAGEEMENNT OOFFIICE FORR INN

39、GREESS / EEGREESS RECCORDD聯(lián)邦花花苑室 內(nèi) 裝裝 修 保 證 書本人為閣樓室之之業(yè)主,將將於年月日日至年月月日日期間進(jìn)進(jìn)行室內(nèi)內(nèi)裝修工工程。本人明白非非法接駁駁電源及及胡亂棄棄置裝修修廢料於於公眾地地方均屬屬違例。倘倘本戶須須重新檢檢查及接接駁電源源或清理理該等廢廢料,本本人願(yuàn)支支付所需需之一切切費(fèi)用。本人願(yuàn)意負(fù)負(fù)責(zé)由承承辨商所所引致公公眾設(shè)備備之一切切費(fèi)用。本人及裝修修承辨商商明白及及遵守“聯(lián)邦花花苑裝修修維修修工程之之守則”。裝修承辦商商:地址:負(fù)責(zé)人姓名名:聯(lián)絡(luò)電話:緊急聯(lián)絡(luò)電電話:業(yè)主 裝修承判判商 業(yè)主簽署署裝修承承判商簽簽署日期日期期註:裝修承承判商之之員

40、工必必須於大大廈大堂堂登記出出入記錄錄聯(lián)邦花花苑RREALLTY GARRDENNS 裝 修 許許 可 證Appproovall foor DDecoorattionn Woorkss閣樓室Flat , Flloorr, Couurt, 本單位已向向管理處處辦理有有關(guān)裝修修申請(qǐng),並並同意遵遵守管理理處所訂訂定的所所有裝修修守則。This uniit hass suubmiitteed tthe apppliccatiion of rennovaatioon aand agrreedd too abbidee too thhe llaidd doown reggulaatioons of the

41、e maanaggemeent offficee. 施工日期WWorkk Duurattionn:由 至 管理處蓋蓋章Manaagemmentt Offficcess Chhop日期Daate註:此證必必須貼於於單位外外,以方方便保安安查閱。NOTE: Thiss foorm shoouldd bee poosteed uup outsiide thee unnit forr Seecurrityy chheckkingg.附件(一)建議之散熱熱器安裝裝位置 (廚房房天井位位) Apppenndixx (11)Propoosedd loocattionn foor iinsttalllatii

42、on of conndennsinng uunitts (Ligght welll oof kkitcchenn) 90900 mm36003600 mm建議之冷氣氣機(jī)架稿稿圖(不不超過(guò)336000闊 xx 9000高 x 6600 深 毫毫米)Propoosedd skketcch ffor thee A/C ssuppporttingg frramee (mmaxiimumm 36600WW x 9000H xx 6000D mm)Stainless steel right angle bar Stainless steel right angle bar 不鏽鋼角條Depth not m

43、ore than 600mm深度不超過(guò)Depth not more than 600mm深度不超過(guò)600毫米Bracket not more than 900mm high狗臂架高度不超過(guò)900毫米Width not more than 36Width not more than 3600 mm闊度不超過(guò)3600毫米Stainless steel bStainless steel bracket and anchor bolts狗臂架及螺絲均為不鏽鋼物料Note: Note: Installation of A/C supporting frame including stainless steel brackets must lie within the external wall of the unit concerned.The number of steel bracket and fixing bolts to be used depends on the number of condensing units put on the rack and their loading. Owner should make sure the supporting brackets are adequate and safe.註: 註: 安裝之冷氣機(jī)架包括不


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