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1、基于復雜網(wǎng)絡理論的供應鏈建模的文獻檢索我所研究的方向是基于復雜網(wǎng)絡理論的供應鏈建模問題,現(xiàn)在需要了解一下關于這個論文的國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀,所以需要通過數(shù)據(jù)庫檢索有關文獻。檢索課題(中文):基于復雜網(wǎng)絡的城市公共交通的研究檢索課題(英文文):Ressearchh on modelling aand siimulattion BBased on Coomplexx Netwwork一、檢索工具1、中國期刊全全文數(shù)據(jù)庫;2、中國學位論論文全文數(shù)據(jù)據(jù)庫;3、ISTP數(shù)數(shù)據(jù)庫;4、SDOL外外文期刊數(shù)據(jù)據(jù)庫二、檢索過程檢索一:中國期期刊全文搜索索檢索過程:圖書書館主頁-電子期刊下下的中國期刊刊全文-本地鏡像

2、-檢索界面如如下圖:在進入模糊檢索索后,沒有搜搜到與主題想想匹配的文獻獻,于是經(jīng)行行高級檢索,考考慮到基于復復雜網(wǎng)絡理論論的供應鏈建建模問題目前前國內(nèi)外研究究的還比較少少,相關文獻獻也比較少,所所以,在進行行高級檢索的的時間,從關關鍵字字段中中查找,一遍遍擴大檢索范范圍,如下圖圖所示: 有422條記錄,但但是并不是每每一條都與我我所檢索的有有關。由于檢檢索42條不不是很多,所所以我自己在在檢索結果中中再挑相關的的查看。2搜索結果 見上圖圖3文摘記錄a供應鏈的復雜雜網(wǎng)絡模型研研究全球經(jīng)濟一體化化趨勢的不斷斷加強,政治治、經(jīng)濟、社社會環(huán)境的巨巨大變化,顧顧客消費水平平的不斷提高高,使得企業(yè)業(yè)間的競

3、爭日日益加劇。企企業(yè)為了提高高競爭力而采采取了許多先先進的技術和和管理方法。企企業(yè)在全球市市場中不再作作為一個單個個實體,而是是作為供應鏈鏈的一部分參參與競爭,企企業(yè)之間的競競爭已經(jīng)轉化化成為供應鏈鏈之間的競爭爭。供應鏈是是在競爭、合合作、動態(tài)的的環(huán)境中,由由供應商、制制造商、分銷銷商、零售商商、顧客等實實體構成的快快速響應環(huán)境境變化的動態(tài)態(tài)供需網(wǎng)絡。 供應鏈上的的企業(yè)之間相相互作用,關關系錯綜復雜雜,同時受到到其他供應鏈鏈實體和市場場環(huán)境的影響響,供應鏈系系統(tǒng)是典型的的復雜網(wǎng)絡系系統(tǒng)。目前對對供應鏈的研研究多是研究究其中的具體體運作(微觀觀行為)問題題,缺乏對系系統(tǒng)整體宏觀觀行為和宏觀觀演化

4、規(guī)律的的研究。從系系統(tǒng)的角度,基于復雜網(wǎng)網(wǎng)絡理論,探探究復雜供需需網(wǎng)絡的整體體宏觀行為、生生長演化規(guī)律律,對于供應應鏈管理具有有重大的理論論意義和實踐踐價值。 本本文建立了供供需網(wǎng)絡的局局域世界演化化復雜網(wǎng)絡模模型。首先介介紹了供應鏈鏈系統(tǒng)的基本本概念,總結結了前人的研研究成果,并并給出本文的的研究思路。其其次簡單介紹紹了復雜系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)與復雜網(wǎng)絡絡,包括復雜雜網(wǎng)絡的統(tǒng)計計特性參數(shù)和和幾種典型的的復雜網(wǎng)絡模模型。b, 復雜供應應鏈網(wǎng)絡結構構模型研究供應鏈的形態(tài)對對其性能有著著重要影響,由于商業(yè)環(huán)環(huán)境以及信息息技術、通訊訊技術的變化化,單鏈形和和單一核心企企業(yè)供應鏈網(wǎng)網(wǎng)絡結構模型型已經(jīng)不能很很好地描述




8、絡理論,以以某省成品油油供應鏈網(wǎng)絡絡為對象,研研究供應鏈網(wǎng)網(wǎng)絡整體的拓拓撲特性.結結果發(fā)現(xiàn)現(xiàn)實實供應鏈網(wǎng)絡絡模型并不能能嚴格符合任任何一個現(xiàn)有有的網(wǎng)絡理論論模型;加權權網(wǎng)絡指標,如單位權和和邊上權重分分布差異性指指標能夠為企企業(yè)管理提供供一些較為有有用的啟示;并識別出整整個網(wǎng)絡中最最重要的節(jié)點點所在供應鏈鏈級別及分布布地點.檢索三:ISTTP數(shù)據(jù)庫中的搜搜索檢索過程:圖書書館主頁-文摘型數(shù)據(jù)據(jù)庫下的ISSTP數(shù)據(jù)庫庫-檢索界面如如下圖TS=(Commplex netwoork) AAND TSS=(suppply cchain*) ANDD( TS=(simuulatioon) ORR TS=

9、(modelling)2檢索結果3文摘記錄a Agentt direected HLA ssimulaation for ccompleex supplly chainn modeelingThe autthors outliine a new mmodeliing meethodoology desiggned tto simmulatee a coomplexx logiisticss netwwork andd to eensuree inteeroperrabiliity thhroughh appllicatiion off Inteelligeent Aggent HHigh-LL

10、evel Archiitectuure foor disstribuuted ssupplyy chainn manaagemennt.b The eevoluttionarry commplexiity off compplex aadaptiive suupply netwoorks: A simmulatiion annd casse stuudy A suppply chainn shouuld bee treaated nnot juust ass a suupply chainn but also as a compllex addaptivve suppply netwoork

11、(CCASN). Howeever, the lliteraature on Suupply chainn manaagemennt hass giveen litttle aattenttion tto thee evollutionnary ccompleexity of thhe nettwork struccture and ccollabboratiion meechaniism off CASNNs. Inn thiss papeer, wee firsst moddel annd simmulatee the evoluution of CAASNs bbased on coom

12、plexx adapptive systeem andd fitnness llandsccape ttheoryy. Thee simuulatioon ressults indiccate tthe evvolutiionaryy compplexitties ssuch aas emeergencce, quuasi-eequiliibriumm, chaaos, aand loock-inn of CCASNs. Thenn, a ccase sstudy of thhe evoolutioon of the LLVEA (low vvoltagge equuipmennt apppa

13、ratuus) suupply netwoork inn the emergging CChinesse marrket hhas beeen exxploreed to validdate tthe fiindinggs froom thee simuulatioon andd deveelop aa bettter unndersttandinng of the ggeneraal priinciplles innfluenncing the eemergeence, adapttationn and evoluution of CAASNs iin thee reall worlld.

14、Baased oon thee simuulatioon andd the case studyy, we propoose soome prroposiitionss abouut thee facttors aand prrincipples iinflueencingg the evoluutionaary coomplexxity oof CASSNs. TThe exxternaal envvironmment ffactorrs andd firmm-inteernal mechaanismss appeear too be tthe doominannt forrces ttha

15、t sshape the ggraduaal evoolutioon of CASNss. Facctors in thhe extternall enviironmeent, ssuch aas govvernmeent reegulattion, markeet demmand aand maarket struccture appeaar to have a lonng-terrm imppact oon thee evollutionn, whiile a firms strrategiies, pproducct strructurre, teechnollogy, and oorg

16、aniizatioon apppear tto be the iinternnal faactorss thatt exerrt an immeddiate influuence on thhe evoolutioon of CASNss. Amoong thhese ffactorrs, coost annd quaality consiiderattions appeaar to be thhe priimary forcees thaat inffluencce thee struucturee compplexitty, ceentrallizatiion annd forrmaliz

17、zationn of CCASNs. c Modelling aand siimulattion oof suppply netwoork evvolutiion baased oon commplex adapttive ssystemm and fitneess laandscaapeA supplly netwoork (SSN) iss a coomplexx adapptive systeem, annd itss struucturee and collaaborattion mmechannism eevolvees oveer timme. Hooweverr, mosst l

18、itteratuure viiews SSN as a staatic ssystemm and the sstudy on thhe evoolutioon of SNs iis verry limmited. Baseed on compllex addaptivve sysstem aand fiitnesss landdscapee theoory, tthis ppaper firstt propposes an evvolutiion moodel oof SNss in oorder to unndersttand tthe geenerall prinnciplee of SS

19、N evoolutioon. Thhen thhe papper coonductts a mmulti-agentt simuulatioon oill the evoluution modell, andd discclosess thatt the SN emmergess and evolvves frront ffirms dynaamic iinteraactionn undeer thee dynaamic eenviroonmentt. Domminateed by the eenviroonmentt and firmss intternall mechhanismm, th

20、ee evollutionn is hhighlyy senssitivee to tthe innitiall condditionn, andd it iis patth-deppendennt andd diffficultt to ppredicct preeciselly. Allthouggh thee dynaamics of ennvironnmentss is ddifferrent, it SNN enjooys thhe staable sstructture iin diffferennt envvironmments. Highher leevel oof strru

21、cturre staabilitty andd fitnness oof thee SN aare acchieveed wheen thee firmms in the SSN adoopt thhe lonng-terrm colllaborrationn straategy ratheer thaan thee shorrt-terrm strrategyy. Finnally, a Chhina ccase iis expploredd whicch vallidatees thee selff-orgaanizattion eevoluttion oof SNss.檢索四:SDOOL

22、外文期刊刊搜索檢索過程:圖書書館主頁-電子期刊下下的SDOLL外文期刊-專業(yè)檢索界界面如下圖:keywordds=(Coomplexx netwwork) AND kkeyworrds=(ssupplyy chaiin*) AAND tiilte=(simullationn) OR tiltee=(moddelingg)2檢索結果3文摘記錄a. Deteerminaation and eexchannge off suppply innformaation for cco-opeeratioon in compllex prroducttion nnetworrksTodayss manuuf

23、actuuring indusstry iis chaaracteerisedd by sstrongg inteerdepeendenccies bbetweeen commpaniees opeeratinng in globaally ddistriibutedd prodductioon nettworkss. Thee operrationn of ssuch vvalue-addedd chaiins haas beeen enaabled by reecent devellopmennts inn infoormatiion annd commmuniccationn techh

24、nologgies (ICT) and ccomputter neetworkking. To gaain coompetiitive advanntagess and efficciencyy imprrovemeents ssuch aas redduced invenntory and hhigherr deliivery reliaabilitty, coompaniies arre inttroduccing iinformmationn exchhange systeems thhat coommuniicate demannd to supplliers and pproducc

25、tion progrress iinformmationn to ccustommers iin thee netwwork. This articcle prroposees a ssystemm thatt suppports co-opperatiion inn compplex pproducction netwoorks bby enaablingg comppaniess to ddetermmine aand exxchangge suppply iinformmationn withh theiir cusstomerrs. Thhe reqquiremments for ss

26、uch aa systtem arre anaalysedd and it iss embeedded in a frameework of suupply chainn manaagemennt bussinesss proccessess. Thee systtem faacilittates the ddetermminatiion annd excchangee of mmeaninngful, reliiable and uup-to-date orderr stattus innformaation from the ssuppliier too the custoomer. Ba

27、sedd on ccomparring tthe prrogresss of an innternaal prooductiion orrder wwith aa pre-definned miilestoone moodel ffor eaach prroductt, thee stattus off the custoomer oorder is deetermiined aandinn casee of llateneesscoommuniicatedd to tthe cuustomeer toggetherr withh an eearly warniing. TTo demmons

28、trrate tthe deevelopped suupply inforrmatioon connceptss and proceesses, the businness pprocesss is impleementeed as a pillot syystem and eevaluaated bby thee userr comppaniess partticipaating in thhe 5thh Frammeworkk IST projeect Coo-OPERRATE.B A simmulatiion baased ooptimiizatioon fraameworrk to a

29、nalyyze annd invvestiggate ccompleex suppply cchainssA simullationn baseed opttimizaation frameework is prresentted too anallyze ccompleex suppply cchainss undeer unccertaiintiess, whiich inncludees thrree hiigh leevel mmodulees: deetermiinistiic opttimizaation modulle, siimulattion mmodulee, stooch

30、asttic opptimizzationn moduule. TThese modulles cooordinnate tto adddress challlenginng diffficullties facedd by ssupplyy chaiin mannagemeent. TThis fframewwork iis appplied to opptimizze thee safeety sttocks of a threee-stagge divvergennt suppply cchain. The effecct of supplly chaain neetworkk conf

31、figuraationss on ssafetyy stoccks iss alsoo exammined.C The eevoluttionarry commplexiity off compplex aadaptiive suupply netwoorks: A simmulatiion annd casse stuudy A supplly chaain shhould be trreatedd not just as a supplly chaain buut alsso as a commplex adapttive ssupplyy netwwork (CASN). Howweve

32、r, the literraturee on ssupplyy chaiin mannagemeent haas givven liittle attenntion to thhe evoolutioonary compllexityy of tthe neetworkk struucturee and collaaborattion mmechannism oof CASSNs. IIn thiis papper, wwe firrst moodel aand siimulatte thee evollutionn of CCASNs basedd on ccompleex adaaptiv

33、ee systtem annd fittness landsscape theorry. Thhe simmulatiion reesultss indiicate the eevoluttionarry commplexiities such as emmergennce, qquasi-equillibriuum, chhaos, and llock-iin of CASNss. Theen, a case studyy of tthe evvolutiion off the LVEA (low voltaage eqquipmeent appparattus) ssupplyy netwwork iin thee emerrging Chineese maarket has bbeen eexplorred too valiidate the ffindinngs frrom thhe


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