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1、PartReading第一Directions:Thereare4passagesinthissection.Eachfollowedbysomequestions.Foreachof them there are four choices markedA, B, C, and D.You should decide on the best choice.PassageIt was June15, and in two days I would be turning thirty. I was insecure about entering anew decade of my life and

2、 feared that my best years were now behind me.My daily routine included going to the gym for a workout before going to work. Every morning I would see my friend Nicholas at the gym. He was seventy-nine years old and in terrific shape.AsIgreetedNicholasonthisparticularday,henoticedIwasntfullofmyusual

3、vitalityand asked if there was anything wrong. I told him I was feeling anxious about turning thirty. I wondered how I would look back on mylife once I reached Nicholass age, so I asked him, What was the best time of your life?Without hesitation, Nicholas replied, Well, Joe, this is my philosophical

4、 answer to your philosophical question:WhenIwasachildinAustriaandeverything wastakencareofformeandIwasnurturedby my parents, that was the best time of my life.When I was going to school and learning the things I know today, that was the best time of my life.When I got my first job and had responsibi

5、lities and got paid for my efforts that was the best time of my life.WhenImetmywifeandfellinlove,thatwasthebesttimeofmyThe Second World War came, and my wife and I had to flee Austria to save our lives. When we were together and safe on a ship bound for NorthAmerica that was the best time of my life

6、.WhenwecametoCanadaandstartedafamily,thatwasthebesttimeofmyWhen I wasa young father, watching my children growup, thatwas the best timeofmy life. And now, Joe, I am seventy-nine years old. I have my health, I feel good and I am in withmywifejustasIwaswhenwefirstmet.ThisisthebesttimeofmyWhatagewasJoe

7、B. C. D.Passagehadthehighestrate,35percent. In 1791, Congress approved a tax on whiskey and other alcoholic drinks. Farmers in western law within a state.TheSupremeCourtoriginallyrejectedthepersonalincometaxasunconstitutional,sothestates collecttaxesonincome.businessesprovidedsixpercent. A.B. D.A.C.

8、 D. PassageForeverycoursethathefollowsastudentisgivenagrade,whichisrecorded,andtherecordis A. D. _.(B)theyhatetheconstantpressureandstrainoftheirtheywill thenbeabletostaylongerinthesuchpositionshelpthemgetbettersuchpositionsareusuallywellPassagetheminagroupproject.Whenyougelintotherealworldyouarenot

9、goingtobeabletopickyourbossor Theymaybecome yourbest friends. B. Theymayinfluence yourC. They may helpyou D. Theymake your lifemore PartII VocabularyandDirections: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices markedA, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer tha

10、t best completes the sentence.He looked out ofthe window, thelandscapeof theA.B. C.D.The speech is scheduled at 3 oclock this afternoon. The students are theassembly hall now.A.filingB. C. D.comeHis father was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to him of his A.B. C.D.housesforafewweeksisago

11、odwayofhavingaA.B. C. D.All the materials collected for the research project on pollution are to all the seniors at this college. (B)A.B. C. D.In no canthestudentshandintheirassignmentsviae-mailafterFriday.A.B. C. D.Language is the medium of , andwhen welearn a foreign language,weare exposed to a cu

12、lture quite different from ours. (D)A.B. C. D.He himselfveryquicklytochangesinculturewhenhecametotheA. has handledB. had C.hasD.hadTheChannelTunnelisoneofthebiggestengineeringprojectseverA.B.C. D.In ,weallhoped thatmoreactivities likethiscould beA.B.C. D. it if you would turn the radio down.A.B. C.

13、D.The engine failed and the pilot had to the plane intheA.put.B.hang C.endD.now His nationality isnt towhetherornothesagoodA.B. C. D.Youradviceisexceedinglytome inmy A.B. C. D.I took carefulnotes which later in the A.makesmeB.caused mein C.had mein agood D.stoodmeingoodHe did not have the tostarthis

14、ownA.B. C. D.Thefirst-aidthecorrectwaytobandageaA.B. C. D.Millionsofpeoplevisitwebsitesdaily,thecyberspacetoA.makeuseB. C. D.tothebeststudentstocome forward,the teacherintroducedthemto theA.B. C. D.DidhefindinganewapartmentclosertotheA.tryB.succeedC.manageD.failIforget,pleaseremindmeofmypromisetoatt

15、endyourgraduationA.InB.InorderC.InD.InorderThe traditional approach A_ with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems.A.todealingB.indealing with C.D.toHe was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he D_ us that he would try as hard as possible.A

16、.B. C. D.Youhaveto B_thewholesituationbeforeyoumakeaA.B. C.look D.findSincewehavenotresolvedthisproblemsofar,weneedtoadoptadifferent to A.B. C. D.Dictionariesshouldbeputwheretheywillbeeasily_B A.B.C. D.Medicalcarereformhasbecomethiscountrysmostimportantpublichealth_C A.B. C.D.Theexperts thattherewil

17、lbeanearthquakethisA.B. C. D.The hopes, goals, fears and desires_Dwidely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.A.B.C.D.Afterhefailedintheexamination,hewasonhisbest_C_forafewmonthsinA.B.C. D.Abusinesscannot_A_withoutgoodA.B. C. D.Thespeechwhich hemade C_ theprojecthas botheredmeA.B.bei

18、ngC. D.Yourtoothachecanbe easilybytakingthisA.B. C. D.Thestatisticalfiguresinthatreportarenot A .YoushouldnotrefertoA.B.C. D.British government often says that furnishing children with to the information superhighway is a top priority.A.B. C.The company plans to itsactivitiestoproducedigitalA.B.C. D

19、.They severalsolutionstotheA.B. C.D.The policeman andsearchedoutthesurroundingA.spreadB.spreadC.spreadD.spreadThe theimportanceofmakingchangesinthestructureoftheA.B. D.Though I like my job very much,itdoes not A.B. C. D.PartIIIDirections: Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. You

20、 should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage according to our textbook.Aat theidea BC DE FGHIJAs I walk down the familiar routes on campus, I 1 J myself doing a lot of soul-searching and reminiscing. I find myself wanting to start all over again and recapture the fun and 2 C of my college

21、days. I have been panicking 3 A graduating. I have been going to school for as long as I can remember, and I feel like there is so much more that I want to learn, but 4 F I have to graduate. The world is enormous and the 5 B are endless.For the past four years I have been 6 E with a safety net. The

22、student status has been a somewhat comforting feeling, giving me an escape from the realities of the world outside.With less than two weeks left of school, Im getting a queasy feeling deep down every time I think about the fact that Im going to be 7 H . For as long as I can remember, I have been a student. I feel like Im living in 8 D about graduating.Every time I get asked about what Im going to do after college I feel like 9 I at the top of my lungs. I dont know what I want to do with the rest of my life. Its too difficult to even 10_G the idea that soon I wi


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