



1、本系列資料簡介專題一 2012屆高考英語書面表達(圖畫式作文)專題指導(dǎo)與練習講評專題二 2012屆高考英語書面表達(文字提綱式作文)專題指導(dǎo)與練習講評專題三 2012屆高考英語書面表達(圖表式作文)專題指導(dǎo)與練習講評專題四 2012屆高考英語書面表達(開放式作文)專題指導(dǎo)與練習講評專題四2012屆高考英語書面表達(開放式作文)專題指導(dǎo)與練習講評目錄一、2012屆高考英語書面表達(開放式作文)專題指導(dǎo) (含課件和文字稿)二、2012屆高考英語書面表達(開放式作文)練習講評 2012屆高考英語書面表達(開放式作文)練習講評一 (含課件和文字稿) 2012屆高考英語書面表達(開放式作文)練習講評二

2、(含課件和文字稿) 2012屆高考英語書面表達(開放式作文)練習講評三 (含課件和文字稿) 2012屆高考英語書面表達(開放式作文)練習講評四 (含課件和文字稿) 開放作文形同于書面表達,但又不等同于書面表達,因為書面表達往往給出較為詳細的提示(文字提綱式、文字+圖畫式、或圖表式),考生在組織短文時,完全可以把這些提示當作短文提綱或線索;考生在表達時,只需沿著這條線索思維即可,考生發(fā)散思維的空間不多。而“開放作文”是一種限制相對較少、留給考生更多自由發(fā)揮空間的、考查學生書面表達能力的一種時新題型。這種題型只給出主題,也就是說只告訴你正在或?qū)⒁l(fā)生什么事情,至于事情發(fā)生的過程、結(jié)果則完全由考生自

3、己去發(fā)揮,考生的思維完全可以發(fā)散。所以,考生的思路不同,寫出的作文就會是千人千面。常見的開放式作文命題形式漫畫式漫畫式開放作文以北京高考為代表。命題形式往往圍繞一幅漫畫去寫作。(2011北京卷)請根據(jù)下面提示,寫一篇短文。詞數(shù)不少于50。In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it. 隨著高考改革的推進,一些自主單獨命題的省份,逐年加大了書面表達的

4、開放的力度。比如2011年高考湖南卷就是模仿北京卷而出的開放程度很大的書面表達題。(2011湖南卷)假設(shè)你參加所在年級的英語寫作比賽,請按如下要求完成一篇作文1.簡要描述下圖內(nèi)容并點明主題;2.聯(lián)系實際表達該圖帶給你的啟示。 標題式標題式開放作文以上海高考為代表(但是近年來上海試題作文的開放程度有所下降)。命題形式往往圍繞一個特定的話題去寫作。(2005上海卷)古人云:“天生我材必有用”(There must be a use for my talent)。 通過描述你生活中一件事,說明人各有所長,無論才能大小都能成為有用的人。隨著高考改革的推進,一些自主單獨命題的省份,逐年加大了書面表達的開

5、放的力度。比如2011年高考安徽卷和湖北卷就是模仿上海卷而出的開放程度很大的書面表達題。(2011安徽卷)某校英文報開辟了一個專欄:Experience。本期話題是如何解決學習中遇到的困難。請你以“My Approach to Difficulties in Learning”為題,用英語寫一篇短文,談?wù)勛约旱囊恍┳龇?。注意?.詞數(shù)100左右;2.短文中不能出現(xiàn)本人相關(guān)信息。(2011湖北卷)請根據(jù)以下提示,結(jié)合你校園生活中的一個事例,就與人合作這一話題,用英語寫一篇短文。Working in groups at school is an opportunity to learn about

6、 team work. Teamwork shows us how other peoples roles fit the purpose of the group, and it teaches to be patient and how to respond to different people.注意:無須寫標題,不得照抄英語提示語; 除詩歌外,文體不限; 內(nèi)容必須結(jié)合校園生活中的一個事例; 文中不得透漏個人姓名和學校名稱; 詞數(shù)為100左右。寫作指導(dǎo)“標題式”開放作文實際上相當于漢語的命題式作文,考生只要圍繞題目中所給的特定的話題說明、敘述、舉例,加上談?wù)勛约旱母邢牖虬l(fā)表自己的看法就可



9、“議論式開放作文”與現(xiàn)在流行的新課改、新課程、新課標非常吻合,也與流行的研究性學習、探究性學習非常一致,既迎合了當前教學潮流,又對潮流有一定的引領(lǐng)和推動作用。因此,考生要注意訓練自己圍繞圖片,總結(jié)寫作要點的能力。另外,看圖類文章的審題難度要略大于文字類文章的審題難度,所以考生在平時的訓練中應(yīng)該加強對解圖能力的訓練。因此,本講注重談?wù)劇奥嬍健遍_放作文的寫作。 第一步、描述漫畫內(nèi)容描述漫畫內(nèi)容的基本條件是看懂漫畫。要求是:審圖要準,定位要清;描述時言簡意賅,不可越位;要注意:不要花太多時間挖掘圖畫深意!因為開放作文不看重你的思想厚度,而看重你的語言質(zhì)量。第二步、闡述對漫畫的理解所謂對漫畫的理解,

10、是指圍繞漫畫反映的基本事實進行較為細致的解釋和自己的看法、感想或人生感悟等。要求是:邏輯清晰,合情合理。根據(jù)以上兩個步驟,我們可以這樣認為:“開放作文”只要求你做兩件事情,一件是描述圖畫(describe the following picture),另一件是闡述你對圖畫解釋和看法(explain how you understand it)。相應(yīng)地,你只需要寫兩個段落,一段是“描述段”,另一段是“議論段”。1.“描述段”的寫法:第一句可以使用如下句式: In the picture, there is等。 “描述段”的功能就是傳達圖畫中的信息,向讀者交代圖畫內(nèi)容,所以必能使用“there b

11、e”句型。另外,“描述段”的另一個功用即:為第二段的議論埋下伏筆。 2.“議論段”的寫法: “議論”段的首句有個固定的句式,即:In my opinion, the picture is meaningful and wonderful as well.等。如何發(fā)議論呢?所謂議論,就是根據(jù)圖畫信息,表達你的看法、感想??忌槐剡^深地挖掘圖畫信息,只需用簡單的英文,表達平易的道理。換句話說,只要你能用正確的英文表達你的感想,便贏得了勝利。1.思路清開放式作文的答題思路與語文作文思路有一定程度的類似。在寫作前,一定要先明確主題,先寫什么,后寫什么,突出什么,層次要分明。對于短文的脈絡(luò)要一清二楚。雖

12、然開放式作文是一篇只有50詞左右的短文,但它也是一篇文章。麻雀雖小,五臟俱全。如果要求寫的是一篇記述文,就要按照事情發(fā)展的先后順序來行文,事情發(fā)生的時間、地點、人物、原因、過程、結(jié)果,一個都不能少;若是要求寫一篇議論文,就應(yīng)該按照所議論的觀點順序來安排結(jié)構(gòu),論點、論據(jù),一個都不能缺。開放式作文的寫作注意事項2.思想正開放式作文雖然思維發(fā)散空間很大,但有一點必須注意要有明確的思想性。如果一篇文章沒有了明正確的思想,那它就沒有靈魂。比如有這樣一篇開放式作文:One day, on your way home you saw a boy fall into a river. What did you

13、 do? 如果你寫的文章結(jié)果是 I went away because I didnt know how to swim.那肯定沒有思想性。即使你不會游泳,但你至少可以呼救。如果你寫的文章結(jié)果是 Though I didnt know how to swim, I called out for help. The boy was pulled out by a young man and I tried to save him with other people. 文章這就有了思想性,這樣的文章才有意義。 開放式作文要有思想性的另一方面表現(xiàn)在,句子要有感情色彩,即人情味。這樣的文章讀起來才使人

14、感到親切,才能完全達到與讀者進行交流的目的。如:Im so glad to learn that youre coming in September,這話就富有人情味;如果寫成 Its said that youre coming in September, 這話就平淡無味,沒有感情色彩。 3.語句精盡可能使用較高級詞匯和復(fù)雜語法結(jié)構(gòu)使語句精練。開放作文雖然只有區(qū)區(qū)50個左右的詞,但更要使用較高級詞匯和復(fù)雜結(jié)構(gòu),這樣更能彰顯你的“英雄”本色。這樣的開放作文才顯得渾然一體,一氣呵成。所以,同學們在書寫開放式作文時,一定要盡可能多地使用過渡詞、分詞短語、插入語,靈活運用諸如倒裝句、強調(diào)句、主從復(fù)合

15、句等,使句子顯得豐富多彩,表現(xiàn)出熟練駕馭英語語言的高超能力。實例一(2008北京卷)請根據(jù)下面提示,寫一篇短文。詞數(shù)不少于50。 In an English speech competition, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to the judges how you understand it.該題的寫作要求非常明確:一是描述漫畫內(nèi)容;二是你如何理解漫畫內(nèi)容。本篇作文考查考生的能力主要有兩個:一是審圖,抓住圖片內(nèi)容的實質(zhì)的能力;二是準確的語言表達能力,慎選英語表達思想與想法。針對本題,首先要認真閱讀文

16、字材料,抓住文字信息“describe the following picture,how you understand the picture ”, 即首先要審清題意;其次仔細審讀并描述圖片材料;再次闡明圖片內(nèi)容實質(zhì);最后發(fā)表個人看法。也就是說,解答本題可以按如下步驟進行操作:簡述圖片內(nèi)容;點明圖片實質(zhì);發(fā)表個人看法。當然行文時還要切記:內(nèi)容要點要齊全,表達方式可以靈活多變。 總體分析一、簡述漫畫內(nèi)容從漫畫中我們可以看出:圓規(guī)畫圓游刃有余、輕松愜意而鉛筆劃線劃得滿頭是汗、舉步維艱。上述要點要做到準確表述,也并非易事。所以要用不同表達方法(特別要根據(jù)自己的實際水平)來進行。1.從漫畫中我們可以

17、看出As is shown in the picture,The picture shows us thatWe can see from the picture that寫作指導(dǎo) 2.圓規(guī)畫圓游刃有余、輕松愜意而鉛筆劃線劃得滿頭是汗、舉步維艱。A pair of compasses are proud of drawing a circle with great ease, while a pencil are burdened with drawing a line.It is easy for a pair of compasses to draw a circle, so it is

18、proud and comfortable. However, it is difficult for a pencil to draw a line, so it is sweating all over. It is easy for a pair of compasses to draw a circle, of which it is proud while it is so difficult for a pencil to draw a line that it is sweating all over.把上述的描述連句成段:As is shown in the picture,

19、a pair of compasses are proud of drawing a circle with great ease, while a pencil are burdened with drawing a line. We can figure out something meaningful from the picture.二、點明漫畫實質(zhì)從我們對漫畫的內(nèi)容描述中看,我們應(yīng)該不難看出這樣的道理:圓規(guī)和鉛筆用途不同,各有所長,各有所短。From the picture, we can see the difference clearly between the compasse

20、s and the pencil due to their different application. The compasses have every reason to feel superior in drawing a circle because they are designed to do so. But if the compasses are used to draw a line, the pencil may have the same feeling. Therefore,a conclusion can be easily drawn: both of them h

21、ave their own advantages. From what the picture shows us, we can draw a conclusion that compasses and pencils have their own advantages but disadvantages. Each of them have different functions of its own. Compasses are good at drawing a circle and pencils do well in drawing a line. From the picture,

22、 difference can be seen clearly between the compasses and the pencil due to their different application. The compasses have every reason to feel superior in drawing a circle because they are designed to do so. But if the compasses are used to draw a line, the pencil may have the same feeling. As a r

23、esult, a conclusion can be easily drawn: both of them have their own advantages. To begin with, difference can be seen clearly between the compasses and the pencil due to their different application. The compasses have every reason to feel superior in drawing a circle because they are designed to do

24、 so. But if the compasses are used to draw a line, the pencil may have the same feeling. As a result, a conclusion can be easily drawn: both of them have their own advantages. So dont lose yourself in your life.三、發(fā)表個人看法發(fā)表個人看法:尺有所短寸有所長,和諧社會要求人們懷有容人之雅量。注意:這里的個人看法必須是從圖片所展示或內(nèi)涵的問題中抽象、總結(jié)出的做人做事的普遍規(guī)律,而不能脫離文

25、本,任意發(fā)揮!該題圖片所展現(xiàn)的主要問題是“圓規(guī)與鉛筆各有特點,各有所長”,由此可以推出:我們既要揚己之長,又要敬人之長!So dont lose yourself in your life. From my point of view, we should be aware of our strengths and weaknesses, and show due respect to everyone, for no one is perfect in this world.In my opinion, although we have our own advantages ,we shou

26、ld not turn a deaf to others disadvantages. We ought to learn from each other to make up our weaknesses. From my point of view, we should be aware of our strengths and weaknesses and never show due respect to everyone, for no one is perfect in this world.參考范文From the picture I can see a pair of prou

27、d compasses and a hard-working pencil. The compasses are big, drawing a circle with ease, while the pencil is small, drawing a line with great effort. I think the compasses are reasonable to be proud because no one else can do the job better. At the same time, however, he should realize the pencil h

28、as his own advantages. The pencil can do other shapes better than the compasses, even pictures. So in my opinion, while we are confident in ourselves, we should recognize strengths in others and show due respect for them.【范文點評】范文首先用兩個句子對圖畫進行了描述。然后從圓規(guī)(compasses) 和pencil的特點和各自應(yīng)怎樣看待對方的態(tài)度升華到作者對做人做事的深刻理解

29、。范文中注重對比手法的運用使描述生動形象:proudhard-working;bigsmall;with easewith great effort;比較級句型“because no one else can do the job better. The pencil can do other shapes better than the compasses, even pictures.”的運用更是增加了說理的力度。全文六句只用了一個簡單句,其余五句均用了復(fù)合句,這說明命題者對于復(fù)合句的運用情有獨鐘,同時對考生提出了更高的寫作要求。另外兩處while的使用又是神來之筆:第一個while表示“

30、對比”,第二個while表示“讓步”。實例二(2004北京卷)請根據(jù)下面提示,寫一篇短文。詞數(shù)不少于50。Xiao Ming tells you that he had 100 yuan yesterday morning, which he put into the pocket of his jacket. He spent 40 yuan yesterday afternoon. But now when he reaches into the pocket of his jacket, he finds only 10 yuan. He is wondering what has ha

31、ppened to the rest of the money. As his friend, you suggest to him three or four different possibilities concerning the missing money. 本文要求考生根據(jù)兩幅圖畫以及一段英語文字提示寫一篇短文,解釋為什么小明昨天裝進口袋的100元錢,現(xiàn)在卻只剩下10元了這一情況,并要求考生給出三至四個“丟錢”的可能性。這就給考生留出足夠的寫作空間,考生可以充分發(fā)揮自己的想象力,給出小明為什么“錢變少由100元變成10元”的原因。此題中的關(guān)鍵句為:He is wondering w

32、hat has happened to the rest of the money. As his friend, you suggest him three or four different possibilities concerning the missing money. 因此,考生寫作時,就應(yīng)該圍繞這一中心來做文章??傮w分析一、設(shè)想“丟錢”的可能性設(shè)想的丟錢的可能性要合乎情理,這些可能性要確實存在于現(xiàn)實生活中。1.昨天你花費40元后,也許在回家的路上丟了那筆錢。2.你買東西時,有可能被人偷了那筆錢。3.你也許忘記你花了那筆錢買其它什么東西了。4.這筆錢根本就沒有丟失。你今天早上穿的

33、衣服跟昨天穿的不一樣。碰巧今天穿的這件衣服里就有10元錢,你認為已經(jīng)丟失的錢有可能在昨天你穿的衣服口袋里。寫作指導(dǎo)二、表達“丟錢”的可能性1.昨天你花費40元后,也許在回家的路上丟了那筆錢。After you spent 40 yuan yesterday, perhaps you lost the money50 yuan on your way home.You spent 40 yuan yesterday and perhaps you lost the money50 yuan on your way home.After you spent 40 yuan yesterday, y

34、ou went home so I guess you lost the money50 yuan on your way home.2.你買東西時,有可能被人偷了那筆錢。Its possible that a pickpocket stole your money while you were shopping.While you were shopping, maybe you had your money stolen.It is possible that someone stole your money while were shopping.3.你也許忘記你花了那筆錢買其它什么東西

35、了.Maybe you forgot you had spent the money on something else yesterday afternoon.Maybe you spent the money on something else yesterday afternoon, but you cant remember it.Maybe you forgot you had bought something else with the money.4.這筆錢根本就沒有丟失。你今天早上穿的衣服跟昨天穿的不一樣。碰巧今天穿的這件衣服里就有10元錢,你認為已經(jīng)丟失的錢有可能在昨天你穿的

36、衣服口袋里。You havent lost the money at all. You put on a different jacket this morning, and there happened to be 10 yuan in the jacket earlier. So the missing money you thought you lost still must be in the other jacket, the one you were wearing yesterday!The money has not been lost at all. This morning

37、 you put on a different jacket from the one yesterday. But in the pocket of the jacket you are wearing today there happened to be 10 yuan earlier. So the missing money you thought you lost still must be in the pocket of the jacket you were wearing yesterday.三、連句成篇I think there are four possibilities

38、 about the missing money. Firstly, After you spent 40 yuan yesterday, perhaps you lost the money50 yuan on your way home. Secondly, its possible that a pickpocket stole your money while you were shopping. Thirdly, maybe you forgot you had spent the money on something else yesterday afternoon. Finally, you havent lost the money at all. You put on a different jacket this morning, and there happened to be 10 yuan in the jacket earlier. So the missing money you thought you lost still must be in the other jacket, the one you were wearing yesterday!考生的考場習作(選自網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源)As a friend, I


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


