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1、8B Unit 8 A green worldReadingPresentationplastic cups / bagsn. 塑料cut down trees砍倒punish vt. 處罰,懲罰fine vt. 罰款rich forest resourceadj. 豐富的n. 資源plasticseparaterecycling allowcut downpunishfinelimitn. 塑料vt. 分開(kāi),分割vt.&vi 回收利用,循環(huán)利用vt. 允許 砍到vt. 處罰,懲罰vt. 罰款vt. 限制New words & phrasesdependdepend on /uponrich

2、resourcewiselyrun outproducedifferencemake a difference (to sb/sth) vi. 依靠,依賴(lài),指望依靠,取決于adj. 富有的,豐富的n. 資源adv. 明智的,充滿智慧的;用完,耗盡vt. 導(dǎo)致,產(chǎn)生n. 差異,不同之處有影響,起作用Match the words on the left with the meaning on the right.1 separate _2 recycle _3 allow _4 fine _5 run out _6 produce _a cause a resultb make some pay

3、 money because he/she has done something wrongc be used upd put things into different groupse let some one do somethingf treat something used so that it can be used again dfebcaWelcome to Swiss ConfederationSwitzerlanda European country Discussion:What do you do to celebrate your friends birthday ?G

4、reen Switzerland“ Green” here means protecting the environment. Whats the meaning of “green”?What is Swiss ConfederationIn your mind?THIS ? ? ?THIS ? ? ?Or this ? ? ? Switzerland is a country with high mountains and clean blue lakesDo you want to keep it that way?How?Now,let us walk into the beautif

5、ul country.Kittys online friendMartinawrote an article about Switzerland in her blogTo read her articleEnjoy your reading time by yourselves in 2 minutes Read and answer1. How is Switzerland?2. When is World Environment Day?Scanning:It is beautiful. It is a country with high mountains and clean blue

6、 lakes.5 JuneMartinas blogDiscussionRead and match 1 2 3 4 5A beautiful countryRecycling LawsNew energyMartinas hopeParasmain ideasintroductionmain bodyconclusionListen to the first paragraph carefully and answer the questions. 1. What is Switzerland like?2. What do people there try to do?Switzerlan

7、d is a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes.They try to keep their country beautiful and clean.Para 2 Recycling1. What can be recycled in Switzerland?plasticbe treated and used again_be separated intoB. 被處理A. 被分類(lèi)Read silently while listeningDo you know how to separate waste into differen

8、t groups?Para 2 RecyclingrecyclableNon-recyclableHazardous wastePara 2 Recycling2. How does the organization recycle old things?Collect old clothes Some are_.Some are_.Others are_. sold in charity shops given to the poor sent to factories 1. What can be recycled in Switzerland? 2. What does Martinas

9、 family do with their old clothes?Listen to the paragraphs 2 and 3 carefully and answer the questions.Things like glass, plastic, paper, old clothes and shoes can be recycled.They send their old jeans and T-shirts to an organization for recycling.3. Does Switzerland have laws to protect the environm

10、ent?4. What will happen if you drop litter in a public place in Switzerland?Yes, it does. It has many laws to protect the environment.You will be fined by the police.They have laws to_ people who cut down trees. to_ people who drop litter in public. to_ air and water pollution. Para 3-4 Laws & new e

11、nergyHow does the law help protect the environment?punishfinelimitRead together with the tapePara 4 New energyWhat energy from _ _and _WhyWe depend on _of our nature.Advantages優(yōu)點(diǎn)It _.It will_.It _. costs very little never run out produces little pollution the sunwind water rich resources_資源 n._產(chǎn)生 v.

12、What is our greatest treasure? A. Money B. Water C. Nature2.What are new energy in Switzerland? A. Wind B. The sun C. Water3. Why do people use new energy?A.New energy produce little pollution.B. New energy is very new.C. New energy will run out .4. When is World Environment Day?A.June 6 B.May 5 C.J

13、une 5Careful listening: (Para 4&5) Resources be sold be given be sent have laws punish fine limit use new energy cost little neverrun out produce little pollution recyclea are separated into different groups and recycled.b energy from the sun, wind and water.c to protect the environment.d with high

14、mountains and clean blue lakes.e because we depend on its rich resources to live.f to collect old clothes from around the country.1 Switzerland is a beautiful country _2 In Switzerland, glass plastic and paper _daFinish B2Match the two halves3 An organization was set up _4 The government has laws _5

15、 We should protect nature _6 People are starting to use _a are separated into different groups and recycled.b energy from the sun, wind and water.c to protect the environment.d with high mountains and clean blue lakes.e because we depend on its rich resources to live.f to collect old clothes from ar

16、ound the country.fcebKitty: My online friend Martina wrote last week about how they protect the (1) _ in Switzerland.Sandy: Really? What do they do to keep their country clean?Kitty: In Switzerland, glass, plastic and paper are (2) _ into different groups and then (3) _.environmentseparatedrecycledK

17、itty is telling Sandy about Martinas article. Complete their conversation.Sandy: Do they recycle anything else? What do they do with old clothes?Kitty: An organization (4) _ old clothes from around the country. Then some are sold in (5) _, some are given to (6) _, and others are sent to (7) _ for re

18、cycling.collectscharity showthe poorfactoriesSandy: That sounds like a good idea.Kitty: They have many (8) _ to protect the environment too. For example, people will be (9) _ if they cut down trees because its not (10) _.Sandy: Thats great!Kitty: Yes. And they dont drop (11) _ in a public place. Oth

19、erwise, theyll be(12) _ by the police.lawspunishedallowedlitterfined After-readingWhy is Switzerland so beautiful?recycle many things to reduce pollutionbe separated into different groupsdiscussion After-readingWhy is Switzerland so beautiful?make laws to protect the environment After-readingWhy is

20、Switzerland so beautiful?use new energy to reduce pollutionA Green SwitzerlandKittys online friend Martina is a middle school student in Switzerland, is writing in her blog on 5 June, World Environment Day. Here is her article.I love Switzerland. It is a country with high mountains and clean blue la

21、kes. It is beautiful, and we should try to keep it that way.In Switzerland, things like glass, plastic and paper are separated into different groups and then recycled. Even old clothes and shoes can be recycled. I learnt about an organization for recycling clothes. It collects old clothes from all o

22、ver the country. Some of the clothes are sold incharity shops, some are given to the poor, and others are sent to factories for recycling. My family and I often send our old jeans and T-shirts to this organization.Our government has many laws to protect the environment. For example, we are not allow

23、ed to cut down trees. Otherwise, we will be punished. If we drop litter in a public place, we will be fined by the police. There are also laws to limit air and water pollution.Nature is our greatest treasure. We depend on its rich resources to live, so it is important for us to protect it wisely. Lu

24、ckily, we are startingto use energy from the sun, wind and water.These new types of energy cost very little and will never run out. Moreover, they produce little pollution.Today is 5 June, World Environment Day. What have you done for the environment? Remember that everyone can do something to make

25、a difference!B1 Kitty is not sure about the meanings of some words in Martinas article. Help her match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.B What do people in Switzerland do?1. separate (L5) _2. recycle (L 6) _3.allow (L13) _4. fine (L15) _5.

26、 run out (L 20) _6. produce (L 21) _a. cause a resultb. make sb pay money because he/she has done sth wrongc. be used upd. put things into different groupse. let sb do sthf. treat sth used so that it can be used againdfebcaB2 Kitty mode some notes of Martinas blog on a piece of paper, but her mother

27、 tore it up by mistake. Help her match the two halves of the sentences. Write the correct letters in the blanks.1. Switzerland is a beautiful country_2. In Switzerland, glass, plastic and paper_3. An organization was set up _4. The government has laws_5. We should protect nature_6. people are starti

28、ng to use _a. are separated into different groups and recycled.b. energy from the sun, wind and water.c. to protect the environment. d with high mountains and clear blue lakes.e. because we depend on its rich resources to live.f. to collect old clothes from around the country.1. Switzerland is a bea

29、utiful country_2. In Switzerland, glass, plastic and paper_3. An organization was set up _4. The government has laws_5. We should protect nature_6. people are starting to use _dafcebB3 After reading Martinas article, Kitty has written down the main points of the paragraphs. Write the correct numbers

30、 of the paragraphs in the boxes.Martina asks everyone to do something for the environment. b. People are starting to use new energy.c. People in Switzerland recycle many things to reduce pollution. d. The government has laws to protect the environment. e. Switzerland is a beautiful country.ecdbaB4 K

31、itty is telling Sandy about Martinas article. Complete their conversation.Kitty: My online friend Martina wrote last week about how they protect the _ in Switzerland.Sandy: Really? What do they do to keep their country clean?Kitty: In Switzerland, glass, plastic and paper are _ into different groups

32、 and then _.Sandy: Do they recycle anything else? What do they do with old clothes?environmentseparatedrecycledKitty: An organization _ old clothes from around the country. Then some are sold in _, some are given to _, and others are sent to _for recycling.Sandy: That sounds like a good idea.Kitty:

33、They have many _ to protect the environment too. For example, people will be _if they cut down trees because its not _.collectscharity shopsthe poorfactorieslawspunishedallowedSandy: Thats great!Kitty: Yes. And they dont drop_ in a public place. Otherwise, theyll be _ by the police.litterfinedLangua

34、ge pointsIt is beautiful, and we should try to keep it that way.瑞士很美,而且我們應(yīng)該盡力讓它 一直保持那樣。 句中的way 可以和this, that 等詞連用。如: why does he act this way? 他為何這樣做? 2. Some of the clothes are sold in charity shops, some are given to the poor, and others are sent to factories for recycling.一些衣服放在慈善店出售,一些送給窮人,還有一些送

35、到工廠循環(huán)再生。句中的some,some, and others表示“一些., 一些., 還有一些.”。如:Some students are reading quickly, some are taking notes, and others are searching for information on the internet.一些學(xué)生在安靜的看書(shū),一些在做筆記,還有一些在上網(wǎng)查東西。3. These new types of energy cost very little and will never run out. 這些新型能源不僅成本低廉,而且用之不盡。 短語(yǔ)run out意思

36、是“用完,耗盡(供應(yīng)品).如: Our food soon ran out. 我們食物很快吃完了。4. Remember that everyone can do something to make a difference! 記住每個(gè)人都可以做點(diǎn)對(duì)保護(hù)環(huán)境有益的事! 短語(yǔ)make a /no/some/much difference 意思是 “有/沒(méi)有/有些/有很大作用、關(guān)系、影響”。如: The rain did not make much difference to the game. 這場(chǎng)雨對(duì)比賽沒(méi)多大影響。Homework Whats your feeling after readi

37、ng the life the Swiss live? Write a short passage about it.小魔方站作品 盜版必究語(yǔ)文更多精彩內(nèi)容,微信掃描二維碼獲取掃描二維碼獲取更多資源謝謝您下載使用!這些都是由三個(gè)相同部件(俗稱(chēng)偏旁)堆砌而成的、外觀呈“品”字形結(jié)構(gòu)的字。同部件重疊堆砌,是古代的一種造字法。這組字,“矗、卉、磊、晶、品、森、眾”常用字,“其余的都是生僻字。有些字曾經(jīng)是常用字,漢字簡(jiǎn)化之后,被另一個(gè)字形替代。在繁體字文本中,它們還是比較常用的字;而在簡(jiǎn)化字文本中,人們已經(jīng)很難見(jiàn)到它們,它們已經(jīng)淪落為生僻字。例如:蟲(chóng)蟲(chóng) 飝飛 轟轟 聶聶這些字記錄不同的詞,但是這些詞的

38、意義大多都有“眾多”的詞義特點(diǎn)。例如:毳,鳥(niǎo)的絨毛。(許多細(xì)毛)磊,石堆。(許多石頭)森,樹(shù)林。(許多樹(shù))眾,人群。(許多人)掱,小偷。(比一般人多出一只“手”)上古時(shí)期漢民族以“三”代表多數(shù),因此用三個(gè)相同部件的重疊來(lái)給“眾多”的詞義特點(diǎn)造字。這種字書(shū)寫(xiě)麻煩,結(jié)構(gòu)不但難看,更重要的是,不符合漢字左右布局的主流結(jié)構(gòu),因此,有些被其他字所替代,有些被廢棄不用,成為死字。被替代的有:羴膻 掱扒 鱻鮮 姦奸 犇奔 麤粗淼渺 歮澀 劦協(xié) 馫馨 嚞哲二、口語(yǔ)字漢語(yǔ)中有些詞,在漢語(yǔ)中是常用詞,但是,這些詞僅僅保留在人們的口語(yǔ)中,很少進(jìn)入書(shū)面語(yǔ),人們很少在書(shū)面上見(jiàn)到它們;因此,為這些口語(yǔ)詞造的字,讀出來(lái)人們

39、都熟悉,但是,看到本尊后,卻未必能認(rèn)識(shí),未必能讀出來(lái)。這些專(zhuān)門(mén)為口語(yǔ)詞造的字,就成了生僻字。我的微信曾經(jīng)收到這樣一個(gè)帖子:這個(gè)帖子收的33個(gè)字,就是這種耳朵熟悉眼睛陌生的“生僻字“,說(shuō)白了,就是記錄人們最熟悉的詞的生僻字。這個(gè)帖子很好,每個(gè)字一張圖,字下有【讀音】【釋義】【舉例】,便于學(xué)習(xí)。例如:我們中國(guó)的漢字落筆成畫(huà)留下五千年的歷史讓世界都認(rèn)識(shí)我們中國(guó)的漢字一撇一捺都是故事跪舉火把虔誠(chéng)像道光四方田地落谷成倉(cāng)古人象形聲意辨惡良b xio ku j ch mi wng ling魃 魈 魁 鬾 魑 魅 魍 魎yu shung ru zhu又 雙 叒 叕hu yn yn y火 炎 焱 燚shu zh

40、u mio mn水 沝 淼 ku bo qing qing ji l hng xi y q煢 煢 孑 立 沆 瀣 一 氣j j d xng th gun dng踽 踽 獨(dú) 行 醍 醐 灌 頂min min gu di fng wi gu ni綿 綿 瓜 瓞 奉 為 圭 臬lng xng d d j jio g l龍 行 龘 龘 犄 角 旮 旯png tng nio nu t s png tu娉 婷 裊 娜 涕 泗 滂 沱no no b xi b lng b yu呶 呶 不 休 不 稂 不 莠ng卬du ji di xi mo di to ti(咄 嗟 蹀 躞 耄 耋 饕 餮)lng y yng y j y j y囹 圄 蘡 薁 覬 覦 齟 齬yu w xun h b qun狖 軛 鼯 軒 怙 惡 不 悛q li hu hu z ji ju其 靁 虺 虺 腌 臜 孑 孓zh f zng p zhn bin sh b陟 罰 臧 否 針 砭 時(shí) 弊ln c zh b y zhng y x鱗 次 櫛 比 一 張 一 翕我們中國(guó)的漢字落筆成畫(huà)留下五千年的歷史讓世界都認(rèn)識(shí)我們中國(guó)的漢字一撇一捺都是故事現(xiàn)在全世界各地到處有中國(guó)字黃皮膚的人驕傲地把頭抬起我們中國(guó)的漢字一平一仄譜寫(xiě)成詩(shī)b xio ku j ch mi wng ling魃 魈 魁 鬾 魑 魅 魍 魎yu shun


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