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1、1一般過過去時(shí)表表示過去去某個(gè)時(shí)時(shí)間發(fā)生生的動(dòng)作作或存在在的狀態(tài)態(tài),常和和表示過過去的時(shí)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)語(yǔ)連用。一一般過去去時(shí)也表表示過去去經(jīng)常或或反復(fù)發(fā)發(fā)生的動(dòng)動(dòng)作感謝謝。2Be動(dòng)動(dòng)詞在一一般過去去時(shí)中的的變化:am 和和is在一般般過去時(shí)時(shí)中變?yōu)闉閣as。(wass noot=wwasnnt)are在在一般過過去時(shí)中中變?yōu)閣erre。(werre nnot=werrent)帶有waas或werre的句子子,其否否定、疑疑問的變變化和is, amm, are一樣,即即否定句句在was或were后加not,一般般疑問句句把was或werre調(diào)到句句首。3句中沒沒有be動(dòng)詞的的一般過過去時(shí)的的句子 否定

2、定句:didnt +動(dòng)詞原原形,如如:Jimm diidnt ggo hhomee yeesteerdaay. 一般般疑問句句:在句句首加did,句子子中的動(dòng)動(dòng)詞過去去式變回回原形。如:Didd Jiim ggo hhomee yeesteerdaay? 特殊殊疑問句句:疑問詞+diid+主語(yǔ)+動(dòng)詞原原形?如: WWhatt diid JJim do yessterrdayy?疑問詞當(dāng)當(dāng)主語(yǔ)時(shí)時(shí):疑問問詞+動(dòng)詞過去去式?如:Whoo weent to homme yyestterdday?動(dòng)詞過去式式變化規(guī)規(guī)則:1一般在在動(dòng)詞末末尾加-ed,如:pulll-ppullled, coook-co

3、ookedd2結(jié)尾是是e加d,如:tasste-tasstedd3末尾只只有一個(gè)個(gè)元音字字母和一一個(gè)輔音音字母的的重讀閉閉音節(jié),應(yīng)應(yīng)雙寫末末尾的輔輔音字母母,再加加-ed,如:stoop-sstopppedd4以“輔輔音字母母+y”結(jié)尾的的,變y為i, 再加-ed,如:stuudy-stuudieed5不規(guī)則則動(dòng)詞過過去式:am,iss-waas, aree-weere, doo-diid, see-ssaw, saay-ssaidd, ggivee-gaave, geet-ggot, goo-weent, coome-camme, havve-hhad, eaat-aate, taake-t

4、oook, runn-raan, sinng-ssangg, pput-putt, mmakee-maade, reead-reaad, wriite-wroote, drraw-dreew, driink-draank, flly-ffleww, rridee-roode, sppeakk-sppokee, ssweeep-ssweppt, swiim-sswamm, ssit-satt過去時(shí)練習(xí)習(xí)寫出下列動(dòng)動(dòng)詞的過過去式 isamm_ flly_ plaant_ aare _drinkk_ pllay_ goo_ makke _does_ dannce_ wworrry_ assk _ta

5、stee_ eaat_ draaw_ puut _throww_ kicck_ ppasss_ ddo_Be動(dòng)詞的的過去時(shí)時(shí)練習(xí)(1)Name _ Noo. _ Datte _一、 用be動(dòng)詞的的適當(dāng)形形式填空空1. II _ at schhooll juust noww.2. HHe _ aat tthe cammp llastt weeek.3. WWe _ sstuddentts ttwo yeaars agoo.4. TTheyy _ onn thhe faarm a mmomeent agoo.5. YYangg Liing _ eleevenn yeearss olld llast

6、t yeear.6. TTherre _ aan aapplle oon tthe plaate yessterrdayy.7. TTherre _ ssomee miilk in thee frridgge oon SSundday.8. TThe mobbilee phhonee _ on thee soofa yessterrdayy evveningg.二、 句型轉(zhuǎn)換換1. Itt waas eexciitinng.否定句句:_一般疑問句句:_肯、否定回回答:_2. Alll tthe stuudennts werre vveryy exxcitted.否定句句:_一般疑問句句:_肯、

7、否定回回答:_3. Thhey werre iin hhis pocckett.否定句句:_一般疑問句句:_肯、否定回回答:_Be動(dòng)詞的的過去時(shí)時(shí)練習(xí)(2)Name _ Noo. _ Datte _一、用bee動(dòng)詞的的適當(dāng)形形式填空空1. II _ aan EEngllishh teeachher noww.2. SShe _ hhapppy yyestterdday.3. TTheyy _ glaad tto ssee eacch ootheer llastt moonthh.4. HHeleen aand Nanncy _ goood ffrieendss.5. TThe litttlee

8、 doog _ ttwo yeaars oldd thhis yeaar.6. LLookk, ttherre _ llotss off grrapees hheree.7. TTherre _ aa siign on thee chhairr onn Moondaay.8. TTodaay _ tthe seccondd off Juune. Yeesteerdaay _ thee fiirstt off Juune. Itt _ Chhilddrens DDay. Alll tthe stuudennts _ veery excciteed.二、句型轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)換1. Thheree waas a

9、a caar iin ffronnt oof tthe houuse jusst nnow.否定句句:_一般疑問句句:_肯、否定回回答:_肯、否定回回答:_三、 中譯英英1我的故故事書剛剛才還在在手表旁旁邊。_2他們的的外套上上個(gè)禮拜拜放在臥臥室里了了。_3一會(huì)以以前花園園里有兩兩只小鳥鳥。_行為動(dòng)詞的的過去時(shí)時(shí)練習(xí)(1)Name _ Noo. _ Datte _一、用行為為動(dòng)詞的的適當(dāng)形形式填空空1. Hee _ (livve) in Wuxxi ttwo yeaars agoo.2. Thhe ccat _ (eaat) a bbirdd laast nigght.3. Wee _ (ha

10、ave) a parrty lasst HHallloweeen.4. Naancyy _ (ppickk) uup ooranngess onn thhe ffarmm laast weeek.5. I _ (maake) a moddel shiip wwithh Miike yessterrdayy.6. Thhey _ (pllay) chhesss inn thhe cclasssrooom lasst PPE llessson.7. Myy mootheer _ (ccookk) aa niice foood llastt Spprinng FFesttivaal.8. Thhe

11、ggirlls _ (sinng) andd _ (daancee) aat tthe parrty.二、句型轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)換1. Suu Haai ttookk soome phootoss att thhe SSporrts dayy.否定句句:_一般疑問句句:_肯、否定回回答:_2. Naancyy weent to schhooll eaarlyy.否定句句:_一般疑問句句:_肯、否定回回答:_3. Wee saang somme EEngllishh soongss.否定句句:_一般疑問句句:_肯、否定回回答:_行為動(dòng)詞的的過去時(shí)時(shí)練習(xí)(2)Name _ Noo. _ Datte _一、用be

12、e動(dòng)詞的的適當(dāng)形形式填空空1. I _ (wwatcch) a ccarttoonn onn Saaturrdayy.2. Heer ffathher _ (reaad) a nnewsspapper lasst nnighht.3. Wee _ tto zzoo yessterrdayy, wwe _ tto tthe parrk. (goo)4. _ yyou _ (vissit) yoour rellatiivess laast Sprringg Feestiivall?5. _ hhe _ (ffly) a kitte oon SSundday? Yees, he _.6. Gaao

13、SShann _ (puull) upp caarroots lasst NNatiionaal DDay hollidaay.7. I _ (ssweeep) thee flloorr yeesteerdaay, butt myy mootheer _.8. Whhat _ shhe _ (ffindd) iin tthe garrdenn laast morrninng? Shee _ (fiind) a beaautiifull buutteerflly.二、句型轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)換1. Thhey plaayedd foootbballl inn thhe pplayygrooundd.否定句句:_

14、一般疑問句句:_肯、否定回回答:_三、中譯英英1. 格林林先生去去年住在在中國(guó)。_2. 昨天天我們參參觀了農(nóng)農(nóng)場(chǎng)。_3. 他剛剛才在找找他的手手機(jī)。_過去時(shí)綜合合練習(xí)(1)Name _ Noo. _ Datte _一、 用動(dòng)詞詞的適當(dāng)當(dāng)形式填填空1. Itt _ (be) Beens bbirtthdaay llastt Frridaay.2. Wee alll _ (haave) a goood ttimee laast nigght.3. Hee _ (jjumpp) hhighh onn laast Spoortss Daay. 4. Heelenn _ (mmilkk) aa coow

15、 oon FFridday.5. Shhe llikees _ newwspaaperrs, butt shhe _ a bbookk yeesteerdaay. (reead)6. Hee _ foootbaall noww, bbut theey _ baaskeetbaall jusst nnow. (pplayy)7. Jiims mmothher _ (pplannt) treees jusst nnow.8. _ theey _ (sweeep) thhe fflooor oon SSundday? Noo, ttheyy _.9. I _ (wattch) a carrtooon

16、 oon MMondday.10. WWe _ (go) too scchoool oon SSundday.二、 中譯英英1. 我們們上周五五看了一一部電影影。_2. 他上上個(gè)中秋秋節(jié)走親親訪友了了嗎?是是的。_3. 你們們上個(gè)兒兒童節(jié)做做了什么么?我們們參觀了了動(dòng)物園園。_4. 你上上周在哪哪兒?在野營(yíng)營(yíng)基地。_過去時(shí)綜合合練習(xí)(2)Name _ Noo. _ Datte _一、用用動(dòng)詞的的適當(dāng)形形式填空空1. Itt _ (bbe) thee 2nnd oof NNoveembeer yyestterdday. Mr Whhitee _ (ggo) to hiss offficce bb

17、y ccar.2. Gaao SShann _ (pput) thhe bbookk onn hiis hheadd a mommentt aggo.3. Doont _ thee hoousee. MMum _ iit yyestterdday. (ccleaan)4. Whhat _ yyou _ juust noww? II _ somme hhoussewoork. (ddo)5. Thhey _ (mmakee) aa kiite a wweekk aggo.6. I wannt tto _ apppless. BBut my dadd _ alll off thhem lasst mmontth. (piick)


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