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1、船舶技術(shù)規(guī)格書常用條款描述匯總一、總則 GeneralGeneral Arrangement Plan. Midship Section and Makers List to accompany and form an integral part of the Specification. The Specification and attached plans to be complementary to each other.The terms of the shipbuildi ng con tract to prevail and gover n in the event of dis

2、agreeme nt, con tradicti on or any incon siste ncy betwee n the shipbuildi ng con tract and the Specificati on.In addition, in the event of disagreement, contradiction or any inconsistency between the Specificati on and the draw in gs, the Specificati on to prevail uni ess specifically agreed mutual

3、ly by the Owner and the Builder.In the eve nt of con flict or incon siste ncy betwee n the terms of the parts of the Specificati ons, the hull part shall prevail in respect of hull items, the machi nery part in respect of mach inery items, and the electric part in respect of electric items.The descr

4、iption in Part I General Provision to be applied to all parts of the Specification, whereas the descriptions in the other parts to be applied to the respective parts, if not described otherwise.The Builder to furnish all items required for the completion of the vessel in accordance with the specific

5、ati on except items specifically stated here in as to be furni shed and supplied by the Owner.Anything not mentioned in or covered by the Specification and the attached plans but required for no rmal operati on of this type of vessel to be provided by Builder accord ing to the shipbuildi ng practice

6、.It should be understood that anything not mentioned in these Specifications but required by the Classificatio n Society or Regulatory Bodies listed here in shall be supplied and equipped by the builder without any charge to the Owner.Anything twice or more mentioned in the Specifications to be only

7、 once supplied or executeduni ess otherwise specifically in dicated.Any requirement of the Owner, which is in excess of the requirements of the Rules and Regulati ons listed here in an d/or the content of this specificati on, to be subject to agreeme nt and possible adjustme nt to the con tract pric

8、e, deadweight, service speed, con structi on schedule etc. which may be affected.Amendments and changes to the Specification, plans or other written documents to be signed by an authorized represe ntative of the Builder and Owner. These docume nts to be the suppleme nt to the con tract.The Vessel sh

9、all be built in accordance with the Specifications and any modifications and/or cha nges to the Specificati ons shall be agreed mutually by the Owner and the Builder, subject to adjustme nt of price, delivery, guara nteed figures and any other terms in the Con tract and in the Specificati ons and th

10、ose shall be con firmed by memora ndum of discussi on s, letters, pla ns, E-mail, fax an d/or available docume nts by both parties.The Vessel shall be built in accordance with the Builder practice and the classification society rules requireme nts with regard to work other tha n specified by the Spe

11、cificati ons. Where ever Builders practice is referred to in this specificati on, the sta ndard achieved shall be equal to or exceed the sta ndard set out in IACS requireme nt of shipbuildi ng and repair quality sta ndard.Any ame ndme nts or cha nges in Rules and Regulatio ns as described in Article

12、2“ SECTIONCLASS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND CE RTIFICATES ” , and comi ng into effect after sig ningthe Con tract, is to be treated as a modificati on to the Con tract and to be subject to separaten egotiati ons betwee n the Owner and the Builder.During approval of plans, both parties agree to a design

13、which differs from the specifications,it is un derstood that terms in the specificati ons concerning these alterati ons would be no Ion ger | applicable. Consequently in theses cases, the drawings shall be approved by the owner and the approved draw ings shall suppleme nt to the specificati ons.Spar

14、e parts shall be supplied by the Builder according to the Specifications to meet therequirements of the specified Classification Society, the regulatory bodies and manufacturer ssta ndard.Parts and components of equipment made under license to be interchangeable withparts/components produced/install

15、ed as per original maker s standard.Builder s practice shall be submitted to Buyer for reference.When words such asor , an d/or ,if n ecessary, if any , similar , maySpecificati ons, they shall be to in dicate that the use of alter nativesis permitted at the Builder | soptio n.During the tests and t

16、rials, the Builder may use some of the supplied spare parts, tools, and accessories to the vessel if necessary, and the Builder shall furnish them from the original manu facture before delivery.All necessary documents and drawings for construction of the vessel shall be prepared in English or in Eng

17、lish and other Ianguage for approval by the Buyer, classification society and authorities.The meaning of “ theBuyer in the Con tract or “ thQw ner ” i n the Specificati on shall beun derstood to be the same.All figures given in the Specification shall be understood as approximate ones and determined

18、in accorda nee with the desig n developme nt except those which are of coun table n ature, uni ess otherwise specifically described in the Specification.二、材料 MaterialsIf any specified article or material cannot be obtained or supplied, the Builder to have the rightto select suitable substitutes with

19、 Owner s approval.Materials, mach inery and equipme nt, etc. to be of Chin ese maker uni ess specifically agreedan d/or described in the Specificati ons and the Makers List.All structural steel used for the con structi on of the vessel and mach inery in cludi ng forgings and castings to be of the sh

20、ipbuilding and marine engineering quality, tested, inspected and certified as and whe n required by the Classificati on Society.Minimizingthe use of materials known to be potentially hazardous to health and theenvironment, especially asbestos, refrigerants (R12/ R22), HALON. Lead-based paint andTin-

21、based an ti-fouli ng paint to be not used.Stainless steel without grade notation in the Specification shall be understood as marine type minimum grade SUS 304.If any of the specific description for the machinery or equipment in the Specification is not con siste nt with the fin ally selected manu fa

22、cturers sta ndard Specificati on, such descripti on shall be readily corrected to follow the manufacturers standard Specification with prior notice to the Owner; however in no case these shall be less in performance than described in the Specification.New, first class materials etc. shall be used, w

23、ith a quality suitable for this type and size of Vessel, adapted to world-wide operati on.三、 工藝及標(biāo)準(zhǔn)Workmanship & StandardsAll workmanship entering into the construction of the vessel to be in accordanee with the Chinese ship building standards and/or Builders standard practice, applicable to this kin

24、d of vessel, subject to the approval of the Classification Society where necessary. The standards of Builders practice to be submitted to the Owner for referen ce.The following standards to be applied to the construction of the vessel, as far as practicable except the fitt ings specially described h

25、ere in after.ISO sta ndardChin ese in dustrial sta ndards (GB, CSQS, CB, YB, etc.)Builders sta ndards, and Builders sta ndard practiceIECIACS 47, part A: shipbuildi ng and repair quality sta ndard for new con strucit onIntern ati onal System of Un its (SI) to be adopted for desig ning and con struct

26、 ing of hull, mach in ery a nd equipme nt uni ess specifically stated in this Specificati on.四、船東供品(Owner supply)Follow ing items to be furni shed and supplied by the Owner at their own expe nse, and in stalled on the vessel by the Builder. The Builder to provide sheltered and secure storage, handli

27、ng in storage and han dli ng on-board.-Moori ng ropes in excess of the Specificati on-All air tools, hoses, steel wires, etc. other than those mentioned in the Specification-All charts, nautical and radio station books, house flag and national flag-All con sumable stores-All medicine , medical equip

28、ment and oxygen bottle for hospital except those for life boat-Recreati on equipme nt such as Stereoph ony, Video tape recorder and TV etc and stati onery other than men ti oned in the Specificati on-Pain ti ng and pictures-Boatswains and carpenters tools over and above the Builder s standard-All be

29、ddi ng and linen (bla nkets, sheets, covers, etc.) but excludi ng mattress.-All n apery (serviettes, table clothes, etc.)-All cooks and stewards ute nsils (crockery, cutlery, silverware, earthe nware, glasses, pots, pans, etc.-Typewriters, copy mach ine-Loose lash in g/securi ng fitt ings for cargoe

30、s-Suez Canal searchlight, but socket and davit to be supplied by builder-Navigation equipment in excess of those required by the authorities and/or those specified in this Specificati on-Cargo han dli ng equipme nt such as grabs (in cludi ng the con trol devices) etc.-Pers onal computer-All bunkers,

31、 lubricants, grease/hydraulic oil, working oil and other consumable liquid except those con sumed duri ng con struct ion and test/trials before delivery. The Owner to supply lub. oilfor sea trials and the Builder to pay the cost for the quantities of lub. oil consumed during the trials. |-All other

32、spare, store and equipment in excess of Rule and Specification requirements and makers sta ndard, uni ess maker agrees to supply additi onal spares free of charge after agreeme nt with Own er/Builder.-Gas sampli ng device and temperature measuri ng device for cargo hold-Gymn astic and Sport apparatu

33、s/equipme nt, except specified in other parts of this specificati on-Chemistry deposit-The hazardous gas detect ion equipme nt and pers onal protect ion for carriage of dan gerous cargo.-Portable wash clea ning mach ine for cargo hold |-Garbage cans-Necessary nu mber of operat ing tools for helicopt

34、er winching if required-Cable for shore connection-Fire ropes for Suez Canal-Articles specified as Ow ners supply in other parts of this specificati on-Lifting Beams 對(duì)多用途船The Owner shall furnish the Builder with n ecessary specificati ons, pla ns, draw in gs, in struct ion books, manu als, test repo

35、rts, certificates, the manu facturers service engin eer(s), etc. as required by the Builder, which shall form an in tegral part of the Owner ?s supplies.Commissi oning for good work ing order of the Owner ?s supplied equipme nt duri ng and after in stallati on on board shall be carried out by the Ow

36、ner or pers on(s) desig nated by the Own er in accorda nee with the con struct ion schedule of the Vessel.The expenses related with commissioning shall be the Owner ?s account.All Owners supplies to be sent to the Builder ?s shipyard by Owner at Owner ?s costs at the time designated by the Builder i

37、n a condition ready for installation costs such as transportation, customs in specti on fees, etc. shall be borne by the Owner.五、規(guī)范及規(guī)則Rules and Regulationss con tract sThe latest Rules with amendments and Regulations listed as following including any circular, ame ndme nts which are in force before

38、and at the date of the sig ning of the ships con tract sapplied.The rules and requirements shall be understood to include all amendments, supplements and cha nges thereto which shall have bee n published by the date of con tract for con struct ion of the vessel and which shall have become compulsori

39、ly applicable to the vessel by reason of the date of con tract.Rules and Regulations of Classification SocietyMaritime laws and regulations of flag authorityIntern ati onal rules and regulati ons-International Convention on Load Lines (1966) including all and latest amendments-International Conventi

40、on for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1974) including all and latest ame ndme nts-International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973 (MARPOL 1973) with protocol 1978 and all ame ndme nts, in cludi ng Ann exes I, IV, V, VI , and in cludi ng IMOResolution MEPC.203(62) regulati

41、on on EEDI and SEEMP.-International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (London 1972) including latest revisi on-Intern ati onal Tele-com muni cati on conven ti on with ame ndme nts in cludi ng watch keep ing receiver (Ge neva 1976) and radio regulati on-International Regulation on Tonnage

42、Measurement of ships, 1969-MLC Maritime Labour Conven ti on, 2006 , Regulati on 3.1 man datory requireme nts-2008 IS Code -In ternatio nal Code on In tact Stability, 2008-IMO Resolution MSC. 23 (59) (In ternatio nal Grain Code)-IMO Resolution MSC. 137 (76)“ Sta ndards for Ship Ma neuverability“-IMO

43、Resolution MSC. 215 (82) (PSPC)-IMO Resolution A. 868 (20) “ Guidelinesfor the control and management of ships ballast water to mini mize the tran sfer of harmful aquatic orga ni sms and pathoge ns-IMSBC Code -In ternatio nal Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code 散貨船-All IACS Unified Requirements for str

44、ength applicable to New Building of Bulk Carrier which has bee n formal published at the date of sig ning con tract i ncludi ng UR S1A, S21, S24, S25, S26, S27, S28, etc.(散貨船)-SOLAS resolution II-1/3-6 regarding PMA.( 散貨船)-International marine pilots association requirements for pilot ladder-Guideli

45、nes for Construction, Installation, Maintenance and Inspection/ Survey of Means of Embarkation and Disembarkation, MSC.1/ Circ.1331.-IMO resolution A468 (XII) code of noise level on board ships-ISO 6954 guideli nes for vibrati ons on board ships-AFS - International Convention on the Control of Harmf

46、ul Anti-Fouling Systemson Ships,2001-ISPS code only fixed equipme nt-Hong Kong Intern atio nal Conven ti on for the Safe and En vir onmen tally SoundRecycli ng ofShips, 2009.(未生效)Special rules and regulatio ns-Rules and Regulati ons gover ning n avigati on of Suez Can al, i ncludi ng tonn age measur

47、eme nt-Rules and Regulation governing navigation of the Panama Canal including tonnage measureme nt-U.S. Coast Guard Regulations applying to foreign flag vessel trading in U.S. waters concerning pollution prevention (CFR Title 33-Part 155, 159 for pollution and 164 for safety of navigation without c

48、ertificate)-Australian Maritime Safety Authority MARINE ORDERS Part 32“ CargoHandlingEquipment ” prepared 29 November 2011 (for ladders in cargo hold/deck)-European Union Council directive 2005/33/EC amending 1999/32/EC of 26 April 1999 and, in relating to introduce 0.1% sulfur limit for marine fuel

49、.-U.S. Departme nt of Labor Occupati on al Safety and Health Admi nistratio n (OSHA ) rules, Safety and Health Regulations for Longshoring (espec. CFR, Title 29)(集裝箱船)-Kiel Canal Regulati ons-Great Lakes & St. Lawre nee Seaway Regulati ons-Marine Equipment Directive (MED) 2011/75/EU of 2 September 2

50、011, amending CouncilDirective 96/98/EC on marine equipme nt六、證書 CerfificatesThe Builder to obtain following certificates and deliver to the Owner at the time of Vessels delivery. Each certificate to be delivered in triplicate, one (1) as original and two (2) as coun terparts at delivery of the Vess

51、el.CertificatesIssued byClassificati on Certificate 入級(jí)證書Classification SocietyICLL 1966International Load Line CertificateClassification SocietyApproval of Stability on behalf of flag (declaration will be issued)Classification SocietySOLASCargo Ship Safety Equipme nt CertificateClassification Societ

52、yCargo Ship Safety Con struct ion CertificateClassification SocietyCargo Ship Safety Radio CertificateClassification SocietyPasse nger Ship Safety CertificateClassification SocietyGrain Loading Declaration (Certificate)Classification SocietyMARPOL73/78IOPP_B_In ternatio nal Oil Pollution Preve ntion

53、 Certifidate(Annex I) -B (Oil Tanker)Classification SocietyIOPP-A- In ternatio nal Oil Pollution Preve ntion Certifidate(Annex I) -A (other ship)Classification SocietyNLS-07- International Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substa nces in BulkClassification SocietyISPP-In ternatio nal Se

54、wage Pollution Preve ntion Certificate (IV)Classification SocietyGPP-Stateme nt of Garbage Pollutio n Preven tio n from ships(V)Classification SocietyIAPP-In ternatio nal Air Pollution Preve ntio n (VI)Classification SocietyEIAPP-I nternatio nal Air Pollution Preve ntio n (VI)-for ME/GEand incin era

55、torClassification SocietyTonnageIntern ati onal tonn age certificate (1969)Classification SocietyPan ama Canal PC/UMS docume ntati onClassification SocietySuez Canal tonn ageClassification SocietyBWM-Certificate of Complia nee with the intern atio nal Ballast Water Man ageme ntConven ti onClassifica

56、tion SocietyIBC Code-Intern ati onal Certificate of Fit ness for carriage of dan gerous chemicals in bulk國際散裝運(yùn)輸危險(xiǎn)化學(xué)品適裝證書Classification SocietyIGC Code- International certificate of Fitness for carriage of liquefied gases in bulk 國際散裝運(yùn)輸液化氣體適裝證書Classification SocietyIMSBC Code Certificate of complia n

57、ee for the carriage of IMSBC Code appe ndex A,B,C Cargoes as per ship desig nClassification SocietyMODU-IMO MODU Code certificateClassification SocietyILO152- Certificate for Cargo Gear 起貨設(shè)備證書Classification SocietyILO92/133-Certificate of in spection of crew accommodation船員艙室設(shè)備檢驗(yàn)Classification Socie

58、tyMLC 2006 CertificateClassification SocietyIAFS -i nternatio nal An ti-fouli ng Systems Certificate國際防污底系統(tǒng)符合證書AFS - An ti-fouli ng Systems Stateme nt of Complia nee 防污底系統(tǒng)符合證明Classification SocietySPS Code-Special purpose ship safety certificate 特種用途船安全證書Classification SocietyUSVCS-Certificateof Com

59、plianee Marine Vapour Control System- U.S.Regulati onClassification SocietyUSCG-Declaration concerning complianee with USCG Navigation Regulations (Title 33, Part 164)Classification SocietyUSCG-Declaration concerning USCG Pollution and Sanitation Regulations (Title33, Part 155 and /or 159)Classifica

60、tion SocietyDeclarati on of Survey regard ing complia nee with Pan ama Canal regulati onsClassification SocietyDeclarati on of Survey regard ing complia nee with St. Lawre nee Seaway Regulati onClassification SocietyDeclarati on of Survey regard ing complia nee with Sues Canal Authority Regulati onC


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