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1、2023學(xué)年九上英語期末模擬測(cè)試卷注意事項(xiàng):1答題前,考生先將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號(hào)碼填寫清楚,將條形碼準(zhǔn)確粘貼在條形碼區(qū)域內(nèi)。2答題時(shí)請(qǐng)按要求用筆。3請(qǐng)按照題號(hào)順序在答題卡各題目的答題區(qū)域內(nèi)作答,超出答題區(qū)域書寫的答案無效;在草稿紙、試卷上答題無效。4作圖可先使用鉛筆畫出,確定后必須用黑色字跡的簽字筆描黑。5保持卡面清潔,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皺,不準(zhǔn)使用涂改液、修正帶、刮紙刀。. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、Benny, _ monitor of our class, is such _ honest boy that we all trust him.A不填; aB不填; anCthe; theDa; a

2、2、Linda, you need to talk to my grandma loudly, she is a bit _.Adeaf B blind C clever D kind3、The summer holiday is coming , Were going to have_ holiday.Aa two-monthBa two-monthsCtwo monthsDtwo-months4、-I dont know _. Can you help me? -I think you should calm down and read texts.Ahow to do Bwhat to

3、do it Cwhat to do Dwhen to do5、We dont know the love of our parents _ we become parents ourselves one day.AuntilBafterCwhenDsince6、Li Wei bought some school things online at the beginning of the new term, according to the information in the form below, he saved _ in all.School thingsThe shop nearby

4、160 30 20 80Online shop 140 20 15 60A 55B 235C 2907、Mr. White became _ because the plane couldnt take off on time.AnervousBangryCgladDcareful8、一Which course would you like to choose this term, DIY or STEM?一 . I prefer paper-cutting.ABothBEitherCNoneDNeither9、My mother teaches English in _ university

5、. She is one of the twenty-five _ in this major.Aa; women teachersBan; women teachersCa; woman teachersDan; woman teachers10、Do you believe that American flags are made China?Yes, I do. And you can see they are made silk.Ain; fromBfrom; inCof; inDin; of. 完形填空11、 At the beginning of this term, my PE

6、teacher suggested to me that I should take part in the marathon(馬拉松). I was very surprised because I was 1 a good runner. In order to encourage me, he said that if I took part in the race, I would get the highest mark for the terms PE class. Therefore, I decided to have a 2 because I had nothing to

7、lose.I prepared for the race very 3 . I ran every day in the morning before school. And after school, I practiced running with many other runners on the sports ground. I even had the 4 diet for athletes. I heard that the special diet could 5 me to get good results.When the day of the marathon arrive

8、d, I was very nervous. As usual, I got up in the morning, had my breakfast, and listened to some music. Then my father gave me a lift to the sports ground, for the marathon race was going to 6 there in an hour. All my family knew how important this race was for me and how much effort I had put into

9、its preparation, 7 they wished me good luck.My competitors looked like athletes. I was afraid that I would be 8 . However, when I started to run, I thought only about the race. As I paid much attention to the 9 itself, I did not remember when I passed the other runners. Suddenly I realized that I ha

10、d come first. I was very happy when I won the race. From the experience, I learn that success always comes out of 10 work.1AneverBoftenCeverDalways2AcoldBtryCmeetingDbreak3AangrilyBshylyCcarefullyDsecretly4AbraveBhonestChumorousDspecial5AhelpBteachCexpectDorder6Atake downBtake placeCtake notesDtake

11、care7AsoBthoughCbecauseDwhy8AfirstBsecondCthirdDlast9AfoodBraceCtermDclass10AeasyBscaryChardDpolite. 語法填空12、 This happened a year ago when I went to an old city on holiday .It was in the afternoon . I could feel the heat of the sun while walking around the city for the 1 (one) time. Then I decided2(

12、stop)at a restaurant and eat my late lunch. I sat outside 3restaurant and ordered my food. I was playing with my phone while waiting for my food.Just then a tall man came near me4asked if I had spare money. He didnt look like a beggar( 乞丐 )because he was wearing nice 5(cloth). I asked him what had h

13、appened .He told me that he just came here for a holiday.When he wanted to buy some water at the bus station,he 6 (find)his wallet and phone were gone.He7 (real)didnt know what to do.“You must be hungry .Come and join me for lunch . Its my treat.” After having our lunch I gave him some money .He ask

14、ed my number.”If I have a chance I will visit8 (you)city and pay back,”he said.“Dont think like that.Its my pleasure to help you. You can pay it forward-when someone 9(need)help,help him or her,”I replied.He smiled and said goodbye. I smiled,10. 閱讀理解A13、Swimming in the water of Hawaiis Big Island is

15、 a fun experience. And it can be more exciting if there are dolphins swimming around and jumping out of the sea too. For many people, it would be a wonderful dream to swim with these lovely animals! However, this may not be good for dolphins. They may get hurt because of human interaction (互動(dòng)).Dolph

16、ins are active and usually look for food at night. In the day, they like to rest in shallow bays(淺灣). Many people think the dolphins are awake during the day as they swim. But when they sleep they rest half of their brain and keep the other half awake to breathe, so they may be sleeping even when th

17、eyre swimming in the water.From 2010 to 2013, spinner dolphins (飛旋海豚) of Hawaiis Big Island appeared to human activities more than 82 percent of the time, according to Julian Tyne, a researcher at Australias Murdoch University.The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says disturbin

18、g the animals in their near-shore habitat could force them to swim to less pleasant places where they may be attacked by sharks and other animals.Moreover, when people are around, dolphins become more active. Thus, they cant get enough sleep. “Disturbing their resting behaviors can actually affect t

19、heir long term health and the health of the dolphin population.” Ann Garrett of NOAAs National Marine Fisheries Service said.As a result, the NOAA wants to make rules to help protect the dolphins. For example, people may not be allowed to swim with the Hawaii spinner dolphins. Or they may stop peopl

20、e from swimming in shallow bays when the dolphins are resting. Tour operators must also be taught to watch for signs to know when the dolphins are in their resting state.1Which of the following about dolphins is NOT true?AThey keep half of their brain awake while sleepingBThey like to stay in shallo

21、w bays during the dayCThey spend most of their time sleeping at nightDThey may be sleeping even when theyre swimming2When dolphins are disturbed in their near-shore habitat, they _.Awould swim to youBcould likely sleep longerCcould become less activeDcould move closer to danger3The writer of the art

22、icle mainly wants to_.Aintroduce spinner dolphinsBtell you different types of dolphinsCask you to swim with dolphinsDadvise you not to disturb dolphinsB14、This year, there is something new happening in our school.It was September 6th, Wang Yang discovered that her classroom had changed. She found th

23、at the desks were no longer in rows, but pushed together to make eight bigger desks. She was too excited about it for the first two days and she couldnt listen to the teachers carefully. But soon she and her classmates got used to this new classroom arrangement (安排). “Now our class is quieter,” said

24、 Wang, “Whats more, we can come up with our own ideas and learn more through discussion. Its a better way to study.”Li Yu liked it, too. He said, “Group members first discuss, and then show ourselves in front of the whole class. It makes us believe in ourselves.” It was part of a reform (改革) at Lis

25、school. The school made this reform because they wanted to provide students with easier ways to study and more chances to discuss.“Our school hopes it can improve students abilities (能力) to study by themselves and work in groups,”said Jason, an English teacher.However, the reform has demanded (要求) m

26、ore from teachers. Now they have only 15 minutes to give the lesson which should be taught in 45 minutes before. It is difficult to teach in such a short time. The teachers have to find better ways to teach more effectively.“The reform demands more, but Im sure it is helpful,”added Jason.1(小題1)After

27、 the new classroom arrangement it was easier for Wang Yang and her classmates toin class.Adiscuss with each other Bsit in the classroomCpush desks together Dteach a lesson2(小題2)The school made the reform in order to provide students with to studyAeasier ways Bnoisier classesCmore seats Dfewer chance

28、s3(小題3)The Chinese meaning of the word “effectively” in this passage is .A簡(jiǎn)單地 B明確地 C認(rèn)真地 D有效地4(小題4)Jason thinks the reform is .Aterrible BawfulChelpful Duseless5(小題5)The best title of this passage may be “ ”.AStudents Friendship BNew Look in ClassCTeachers Hope DDiscussion in ClassC15、We humans live

29、in different parts of the world, but we have the same “mother”. She gives us everything we need in our daily life. She is our Mother Earth.April 22 is Earth Day. The theme of this year is “Green Cities”.A green city is a healthy and pleasant place for people to live, according to the United Nations.

30、 A green city can get its energy fromregenerativesources like solar (太陽能的) and wind power. Also, it is connected by clean public transportation. Moreover, a green city is made up of facilities (設(shè)施) that can save energy and reduce waste.Around the world, many cities and countries have done well to bu

31、ild themselves in a green way. Chicago is well known for its green roof (屋頂) program. These roofs are covered with plants. The plants get a great amount of rainwater. Later, the water evaporates (蒸發(fā)) to help make the air cool and clean. So far, there are about 360 green roofs in Chicago, according t

32、o the US Environmental Protection Agency.Curitiba, Brazil, has great transportation(運(yùn)輸). It opened the worlds first bus rapid transit (BRT) system in 1974. BRT runs on special lanes. This makes sure that buses are on time even in traffic jams. With the help of BRT, the city has the lowest level of a

33、ir pollution in Brazil. Today, many other countries have copied BRT, including China and Mexico.Singapore is home to the first zero-energy building in Southeast Asia. Zero energy means a building is able to create more energy than it uses. Zero-energy buildings work with solar panels (板) mainly on r

34、oofs. These panels can make electricity which powers the buildings. By 2030, Singapore plans to build 80 percent of its buildings like this.1What is a green city according to the United Nations?AA city with many green trees and flowers.BA green place for people to live.CA healthy and pleasant place

35、for people to live.DA place is green for people to live.2The theme of Earth Day this year is “ ”.AGreen Roofs BGreen CitiesCReducing and Recycling DEnvironmental Protection3The underlined word “regenerative” in Paragraph 3 means “ ”.Agetting terrible things and smellsBgiving new life and freshnessCr

36、educing waste thingsDproducing old materials again4From the passage, we learn that in the three cities .Apeople are encouraged to grow plants on their roofsBspecial lanes (車道) are designed to solve traffic jamsCpeople make good use of solar and wind energyDpeople are provided with a pleasant place t

37、o live5The passage is mainly developed by .Agiving examples Bexplaining reasonsClisting suggestions Dshowing different opinionsD16、 Last summer holiday, I got a job working at a coffee shop.One rainy day, one of my regular customers(顧客)came in. He looked upset. He said he wanted to get in bed, pull

38、the sheets(被單) up over his head, and stay there for a few years. I knew that he was unhappy.Before he left, I handed him a bag along with his iced coffee. He was surprised, since he hadnt ordered anything but coffee. I had given him his favorite type of doughnut(油炸圏餅).Its on me, I told him. Have a n

39、ice day. He smiled and thanked me before heading into the rain.The next day, it was still raining. I spent my afternoon hanging out the window handing people their orders. I was wet and cold. Worse, no one was tipping(給小費(fèi)) that day.In the evening, the customer from the day before drove up to the win

40、dow. He handed me a pink rose and a note. He said that not many people took time to care about others today. With a friendly wave, he drove away.I ran to the back of the shop and read the note. It read:Christine,Thanks for being so sweet, kind yesterday. It is so nice to meet someone whos so nice. P

41、lease dont change your ways!Have a great day!HankAfter that, whenever I felt upset, I thought of Hank and his kindness. Then I would smile, hold my head up high, clear my throat and ask politely, How can I help you?1The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means the customer was .AexcitedBangryCsadDwo

42、rried2The customer ordered that day.Aan iced coffeeBa doughnutCa bagDnothing3The writer felt upset the next day mainly because .Ait was a rainy dayBno one gave her tipsCshe had nothing to eatDshe was sick of coffee4Hank gave the writer a rose and a note to .Ashow he is happyBcheer her upCpay her bac

43、kDshow his thanks5We can tell from the story that .Athe writer likes rosesBthe customer doesnt come to the shop oftenCthe writer is really warm-heartedDno one likes to care othersE17、Shop OnlineAre you tired of carrying a lot of things after shopping? Are you standing waiting for a long time to pay?

44、 Welcome to Fashion Shop on the Internet. You can have less trouble.Have Something DeliciousAre you worrying about where to have dinner? Do you have trouble ordering dishes? Come to Happy Every Day and feel the differences!Learn A LanguageAre you afraid that you are too old to start learning a langu

45、age? With our Smart Learning Program, you can learn to speak any language in a month. Just have a try now.Computer CoursesDo you want to learn how to use computer? Come to Computer World! No matter how old you are, you will be interested in it with our help. And you can get a 40% discount(折扣) if you

46、 come here before August 1. Call us at 8855-6731 for more information.1With Fashion Shop, you _.Adont need to pay for what you wantBdont have to wait for a long time to pay for what you buyCcan buy anything at the lowest priceDcan become tired of buying so many things2If you _, you can learn any lan

47、guage in a very short time.Ago to Fashion ShopBgo to Happy Every DayCjoin the Smart Learning ProgramDcall someone at 8855-67313Suppose the cost of the course at Computer World is 800 yuan. If you go there on July 30, you only need to pay _.A320 yuanB480 yuanC500 yuanD800 yuan4According to the passag

48、e, we know _.Aold people cant take the computer courses at Computer WorldBwe can eat something delicious at Happy Every DayCSmart Learning Program offers service twelve hours a dayDwe can call 8855-6731 to get some information about how to cook5The above passage is a(n)_.AadvertisementBreportCspeech

49、DinvitationF18、 The UK should start producing lab-grown meat to help solve the worlds food crisis (危機(jī)), according to a research group. A report by the Adam Smith Institute says meat made in a laboratory is better for the environment and would be cheaper than meat produced from farm animals.Need for

50、meat around the world is expected to increase by 70% by the year 2050. So could people be eating lab-grown meat in the future? Usually animals like cows are killed to produce the meat that people eat, but scientists have found a way to make meat in a laboratory without killing any animals.Animals ar

51、e made up of cells (細(xì)胞). Scientists worked out how to take cells from an animal, like a cow, and multiply (繁殖) them in a dish. In the end from one tiny cell, tens of billions of cells can be grown. These join together to form meat.In 2013, the first hamburger grown this way was eaten in London. It t

52、ook a year to produce and cost over 200,000 to make. Dr Mark Post, who created the worlds first hamburger from meat grown in a lab, told the BBC it “tastes exactly the same as the meat we know”. When two food critics (評(píng)論家) tried the burger in 2013, one said it was “close to meat” and another said it

53、 tasted like a real hamburger. Its not just beef that is being created; companies are also working on other meat like turkey and chicken.The Adam Smith Institute says moving away from the present way meat is produced would help reduce greenhouse emissions (排放) by up to 96% and free up 99% of the lan

54、d used in farming worldwide. They also think it will reduce chances of food poisoning (中毒) because the meat is grown under such controlled conditions. Jamie Hollywood from the Adam Smith Institute also told the BBC lab-grown meat could be a lot cheaper. He says the price has gone down in five years from 200,000 to 8, so in the future it could be even less.1The main idea of Paragraph 3 is _.Awhat lab-grown


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