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1、2023學(xué)年九上英語期末模擬測試卷注意事項(xiàng):1答卷前,考生務(wù)必將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號填寫在答題卡上。2回答選擇題時(shí),選出每小題答案后,用鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號涂黑,如需改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其它答案標(biāo)號。回答非選擇題時(shí),將答案寫在答題卡上,寫在本試卷上無效。3考試結(jié)束后,將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、Im afraid i cant go to your party._! The party wont be perfect without you.AYoure welcome BThats nothing CWhat a pity DIt doesnt matter

2、2、Robin is a great actor, he is also a good father.Aor Bbut Cso Dand3、Thanks for helping me find _ information I wanted on the Internet.You are welcome.AaB/Cthe4、Who is your favorite singer, Mike?TF Boys. They are very _ boys and girls.Aproud ofBpopular withCstrict withDworried about5、I will go to t

3、he park if it _ tomorrow.Adont rainBwont rainCdoesnt rainDdidnt rain6、Thanks to Project Hope, _ children have better lives.Athousands ofBthousandsCthousand of7、 What about going to the cinema on foot with me, Wei Ming? I prefer _ a bike to _ there.Aride; walk Briding; walk Cride; walking Driding; wa

4、lking8、-How do you like your life here in Mile?- It is _ city that I have ever been to.AcomfortableBthe most comfortableCmuch comfortableDmore comfortable9、Why didnt you open the door for me just now?Sorry,I a bath.Awill take Bam taking Cwas taking Dtake10、I like dancing, _ I dont have enough time t

5、o practice it.AifBbutCandDso. 完形填空11、詞語填空 閱讀短文,掌握其大意,從每題所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選擇最佳答案填空.I have a strong and faithful(忠實(shí)的)dog,Bruce. The dog likes 1 with me. Sometimes he also follows my father to work.One morning when my father worked in the field,he _his coat and put it on the ground under a big tree. He tur

6、ned to the dog and said,“_my coat,Bruce!”Bruce sat down on the coat. Later my father remembered he had to buy some food 2 he hurried to the shop._shopping,he went home directly and forgot all about his _ and the dog.Late in the evening I looked for his dog 3 in the house,but I _find him. At this tim

7、e,my father suddenly remembered his coat and the dog. He went back to the tree 4 He found that Bruce was _ sitting on the coat!1(小題1)Aplaying Bdealing Cagreeing2(小題2)Atook out Btook off Ctook away3(小題3)AWatch BLook CSee4(小題4)ABut BSo CBecause5(小題5)ASince BBefore CAfter6(小題6)Ashop Bfood Ccoat7(小題7)As

8、omewhere Beverywhere Cnowhere8(小題8)Acould Bcouldnt Ccant9(小題9)Aat once Bafter all Cas usual10(小題10)Ayet Beven Cstill. 語法填空12、Think before we speak!It was a sunny and enjoyable day. Everyone in the railway station was waiting for the train 1 (arrive). Among the crowd, there was a group of young frien

9、ds who were on board for vacation.It was a busy station with a lot of people and some juice shops, coffee and tea stalls, newspaper shops, etc. The train 2(arrive) and everyone prepared to get into the train to their seats.The group of friends made loud noise to welcome the train as it moved into th

10、e station. They ran to get their seats before anyone entered the train.The empty seats were 3 (fill) and the train whistled (鳴汽笛) to move. An old man with a young boy 4 (age) around 15 had their seats just next to the friends group. The young boy was so 5 (surprise) to see everything. He cheered, Da

11、d, the train is moving and the things 6 (move) backward.His father smiled and 7 (nod) his head.As the train started moving fast, the young boy again screamed (尖叫) , Dad, the trees are green in color and run backward very fast. His father said, “Yes, dear, and smiledJust like a kid, he was watching e

12、verything with great 8 (interesting).A fruit seller passed 9 (sell) apples, bananas and oranges. The young boy asked his dad, I want to eat apples. His father bought some for him. He said, Oh, this apple looks a lot 10(sweet) than it tastes. I love this color. The group was watching all the activiti

13、es of this boy and asked the boys father, Is your son having any problem? Why is he behaving so 11(different)?His son is mad, I think, a friend from the group made fun of him and shouted.The father of the young boy, with patience, replied to the friends group, “My son was born blind. Only a few days

14、 ago he 12 (operate). He is seeing different things in his life for the first time.The young friends became very quiet. 閱讀理解A13、As the host city of the next Winter Games, Beijing held a wonderful eight-minute show at the closing ceremony of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics on Sunday, sending a w

15、arm invitation to the whole world.The show was directed by Zhang Yimou, a famous Chinese director who was also responsible for the eight-minute summer handover in Athens in 2004 as well as the opening and closing ceremonies in Beijing in 2008 that had a big success in the world.Unlike Athens which f

16、ocused on showing Chinese history with traditional culture like red lantern and jasmine,“Beijing 8 Minutes” gave special importance to the Chinese peoples sincere welcome to the world by using modern technology.Leading the team were two dancers in costumes of panda puppets(布偶) that are the worlds la

17、rgest but the lightest at the same time.To reduce the pressure on the two dancers, researchers had tried hundreds of different materials until ending up with high-technology ones.During the whole performance, the dancers and robots both wore LED lights on them that could be fit for the cold weather

18、at PyeongChang Olympic Stadium without the risks of breaking. The costumes were also made with a kind of special material to keep the dancers warm. Performers danced with 24 intelligent robots standing for Beijing hosting the 24th Winter Olympics. They showed scenes of sports such as skating and ski

19、ing.Pictures were projected to the icy floor while dancers skated across it, making a sense of augmented reality( 增 強(qiáng) 現(xiàn) 實(shí) ). A number of moving screens in the middle of the field were also controlled by artificial intelligence(人工智能).1Which city will host the 24th Winter Olympics?APyeong Chang BAthen

20、s CTokyo DBeijing2According to the passage, how many Olympic projects has Zhang Yimou directed?AOne. BTwo. CThree. DFour.3Which things did Athens use to show Chinese traditional culture?A B C D4What do the dancers and robots both wear on them in the show. ?ARed lanterns and jasmines. BSport suits.CL

21、ED lights. DMoving screens.5What does the text mainly talk about?AAthens 8 Minutes. BBeijing 8 Minutes.CThe 2018 PyeongChang Olympics. DThe 2018 Beijing Olympics.B14、Because earthquakes happen without warning, its important to take steps now to prepare.Because you dont know where you will be when an

22、 earthquake happens, prepare some supplies for your home, workplace, and car.1. Water.A person needs at least 1 or 2 gallon of water daily just for drinking. Store at least 1 gallon of water per person per day and be prepared for a 72-hour period. It is suggested that you buy bottled water. Keep bot

23、tled water and do not open it until you need to use it. Also, do check the “use by” date.2. Food.Its always a practical idea to keep food that can be stored easily. Have an enough supply of canned food, powdered milk, dried fruits, non-salted nuts and canned juices for at least 72 hours.3. Flashligh

24、ts(手電筒) and spare batteries.Keep a flashlight beside your bed, at your place of work, and in your car. Do not use matches or candles after an earthquake. Maybe its dangerous. Prepare a battery-powered radio and spare batteries. Most telephones will be out of service, so radios will be your best thin

25、g of information.4. Clothes.If you live in a cold place, you must think about warmth. You might not have heat after an earthquake. Think about your clothing and bedding supplies.1Why should people prepare themselves for an earthquake?ABecause earthquakes can be known before they happen.BBecause eart

26、hquakes take place without warning.CBecause earthquakes take place at timesDBecause its peoples daily work to prepare the earthquakes.2From the prepared water, we may know that .AA person should prepare 0.5 gallon of water for one day.BYoud better use your own bottle to keep water.CWe should drink w

27、ater after the “use by” date.DYou shouldnt open the bottled water until you need it.3According to the article we know that .Awe can keep some fresh fruits for at least 72 hours.Ba telephone is the most important prepared thing.Cflashlights but not matches are first used after earthquakes.Dclothes ar

28、e used to protect your head.C15、I will never forget one day in my first year in high school. I was sitting on the stairs, putting my head in my hands and crying out to my parents because I would never be able to save enough money for college. My parents tried to comfort me, but it seemed impossible

29、to save64,268, the cost for the private college that I wanted to enter.Now let me tell you the amazing story of how I saved this sum of money. It all began with a newspaper route in Ankeny, IAI hated delivering newspapers that route, but decided to continue for six months until my family moved to Wa

30、usau. With a few dollars from my newspaper route, a small nest egg began to develop. My next job was working in an athletic company. The money continued to grow very slowly. Half a year later, I worked for a fruit store. Then, when I was in junior high school, I began to be a waitress at Dennys rest

31、aurant. It was hard work, but the money began to roll.By the time my senior year arrived, I had saved a large sum of money. This was encouraging, but I knew that I would also need some help, so I began to apply for scholarships. Sometimes I got upset because I was rejected again and again. Then, my

32、first scholarship offer came in,2,000 a year to play tennis. This is only a small sum of money at a school that costs about14,000 a year, but it was a start. Several other scholarships also came and soon I was up to have9,050 in scholarships. With scholarships and savings, I saved enough money for m

33、y first year.Several years later, I was off to college. Because of careful saving, I did not have to work during the school year.1How much should the writer pay for college?A2,000 B14,000C64,268 D9,0502Which is the writers first job?AServing as a waitress.BDelivering newspapers.CWorking at a fruit s

34、hop.DWorking in an athletic company.3Why did the writer want to get scholarships?ABecause he needed some help.BBecause he liked playing tennis.CBecause he didnt want to pay for college.DBecause he hated to work in an athletic company.4Whats the best title for the passage?ADifferent Jobs BMy First Sc

35、holarshipCSave Money for College DMake Money to Be RichD16、Zhang Lili,a young teacher from Heilongjiang,has been given the honor “the most beautiful teacher”. She risked her life to save 2 students from a highspeed bus in May,2012. She was badly injured in the accident. Her good deed(事跡)and brave ac

36、ts have won greatadmirationfrom across the country. Many people have sent best wishes to her and donated(捐獻(xiàn)) a lot of money for her treatment.Zhu Zhiwen was born in Shangdong in 1969. A year ago,he was an unknown farmer. But now he is very famous because of his great voice. He won the first prize in

37、 the program of “Im a Big Star”. That day,he wore an old green overcoat,so people called him “Overcoat Brother”.He studied singing by listening to the radio. And he keeps practicing singing every morning for nearly 30 years.Lin Shuhao,one of the most popular basketball players in NBA,is a Chinese Am

38、erican. He was born in 1988,in California,USALin Shuhao is known to people because of his high skill. Since February 4,2011,he has led his team to win many games. Now he is so popular on the Internet that the videos about him are being crazy spread.根據(jù)表中信息選擇最佳答案。1Zhang Lili has been given the honor “

39、the most beautiful teacher” because _.Ashe was badly injuredBshe risked her life to save two studentsCshe has a lot of money2Whats the meaning of the word “admiration” in the passage?A敬佩B同情C感激3Where is Zhu Zhiwen from?AHeilongjiang.BCalifornia.CShangdong.4Lin Shuhao is _.Aan America teacherBa farmer

40、 singerCa basketball player5From the passage we can know _.Apeople have donated a lot of money for Zhang Lilis treatmentBZhu Zhiwen studied singing by professional trainingCLin Shuhao was born in ChinaE17、Have you ever wanted to travel back through time and see what life was like at the beginning of

41、 man? Well, museums can make history come alive. And one museum in particular can take you on an exciting journey from the beginning of human culture to the present day.It is the British Museum. Being one of the largest museums in the world, it is home to over 7 million objects from all the worlds c

42、ontinents. While most of us may not have the chance to visit London, we can catch a glance of the treasures it holds in Beijing. From December 10 to Februry 10, more than 100 cultural relics will be on show in the Palace Museum.Named “Britain and the World”, a range of pencil sketches, watercolor pa

43、intings, sculptures and many other objects have traveled to China.There are several Chinese objects on show. But “the British Museum got them before 1830 mainly by trade,” said Ma Jige, deputy director of the Exhibition Department of the Palace Museum.In fact, there are more than 23,000 Chinese reli

44、cs in the British Museum, including national treasures like gems, artwork and ancient bronze ware objects.The museum is famous for its exquisite Chinese paintings. Picture of Lady Officials by Gu Kaizhi, a top painter of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (AD 317-420), is there. The British Museum also holds 1

45、3,700 Buddhist records from the Dunhuang Grottoes in Gansu Province.1Go to visit the British Museum, and you will _.Atravel back to the ancient timesBmake history come aliveClearn more about human cultureDhave a visit to London2We can learn from the article that _.Athe British Museum is the largest

46、museum in the worldBthe Palace Museum houses over 7 million objects from all over the worldCpart of the British Museums collection is available in the Palace MuseumDthe two museums will be combined into one3According to the article, _ are shown in the exhibition.Aits exquisite Chinese paintingsB13,7

47、00 Buddhist records from Dunhuang GrottoesCworks of Gu Kaizhi, a top painter of the Eastern Jin Dynasty,Da range of pencil sketches, water color paintings, sculptures and many other objects4How many Chinese relics are there in the British Museum?AOver 100.B13,700.COver 23,000.DOver 7 millionF18、Do y

48、ou know when restaurants were invented? The first restaurants were invented thousands of years ago. However, they were very different from restaurants today.The first restaurants were in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. These restaurants served food in large stone bowls. People didnt order food from

49、 a menu. Everyone used to share the food from big bowls. People believe that these places were very popular because most homes in ancient Greece and Rome did not have kitchens. Also, people didnt have to store food at home if they ate their meals at these restaurants.Later, restaurants began to open

50、 in China. In the early 1100s, more than 1 million people lived in the city of Hangzhou, China. It was a very busy city, and people had money. All of these people had to eat. Smart cooks started cooking and selling food along the Imperial Way, a very big street in the city. Unlike in ancient Greece

51、and Rome, people in China could choose food from a menu. They didnt have to eat the same food as everyone else.For the next several centuries, there were restaurants all over the world. People could buy food on the street or at inns- small hotels. Then, in the middle of the 1700s, restaurants starte

52、d opening in Paris. These restaurants were more similar to restaurants we know today. There was a bigger. variety of food, and eating in these restaurants was a more enjoyable experience. In the 19th century, trains made travel much faster and simpler. In the end, this kind of restaurant began to ap

53、pear all over Europe and in other parts of the world.Now, restaurants are everywhere. You can buy a variety of different kinds of food. You can have food sent to your door. But remember it wasnt always like that.1It is believed that these first restaurants were popular because.Apeople could eat diff

54、erent food.Bthe food there was very cheap.Cpeople were too busy to cook.Dmost homes didnt have kitchens.2How were the restaurants in Hangzhou different from the first. restaurants?AThey offered menus to customers.BThey usually served the same food.CThey sold the food in large stone bowls.DThey prepared food for all people in the city.3The underlined part these restaurants” in Paragraph 4 means.Arestaurants in ancient Greece and ancient RomeBrestaurants in Hangzhou in the early 1100sCrestaurants in Pa


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