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1、lesson 4 An exciting triplesson 4 An exciting tripLike?Do you like travelling? Where do you want to travel? orDislike?Like?Do you like travelling? Listen and answerQuestions on the text 1、 How long has Tim been in Australia? Six months. 2、What does he do in Australia? He works for a big firm there.

2、3、Why is Tim finding the trip exciting? Because he has never been abroad before.Listen and answer新概念二-第4課課件(共41張) An exciting tripI have just received a letter from my brother, Tim.Hes in Australia.He has been there for six months.Tim is an engineer.He is working for a big firm and he has already vi

3、sited a great number of different places in Australia.He has just bought an Australian car and has gone toAlice Springs, a small town in the centre of Australia.He will soon visit Darwin.From there, he will fly to Perth.My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very excitin

4、g. vocabulary excitingadj. 令人興奮的 excite v. 激動 excited 感到興奮 (主語是人) exciting 令人感到興奮 (主語是物)eg. interesting 有趣的 interested 對感興趣 an exciting trip 那個(gè)消息令人振奮,我非常地興奮。 The news is exciting,I am excited.vocabulary excitingadj. 令人興 receive v. 接受,收到 receive / have receive/ have a letter from sb. receive (客觀)收到 a

5、ccept (主觀)接受eg. 今天上午,我收到一個(gè)男孩的一束鮮花,但我沒有接受。 This morning I received a bunch of flowers from a boy, but I didnt accept it. take take the exam 接受考試 take advice接受建議 receive v. 接受,收到 firm n. 商行,公司 =company centre n. 中心 (center美式) metre British English meter American English centre和middle的區(qū)別 centre 表示立體事物的

6、中心(如球心等),其前可用介詞 in , at 用于空間 middle 則指中間或中部,其前可用介詞 in 既可以用于空間,也可以用于時(shí)間或活動等 firm n. 商行,公司 Cultural differences between the USA and the UK Cultural differences betweenContents01.02.03.04.Language FoodClothingEducationContents01.02.03.04.Language F中國:日常打招呼,大多使用“吃了嗎?” “上哪 呢?”等等,這體現(xiàn)了人與人之間的一種親切感。西方:中國這種打招呼

7、的方式會令對方感到突然、 尷尬,甚至不快,因?yàn)槲鞣饺藭堰@種問話理解 成為一種“盤問”,感到對方在詢問他們的私生 活。在西方,日常打招呼他們只說一聲“Hello” 或按時(shí)間來分,說聲“早上好!”“下午好!” “晚上好!”就可以了。而英國人見面會說: “今天天氣不錯(cuò)??!”打招呼中國:日常打招呼,大多使用“吃了嗎?” “上哪 打招呼一般來說,我們中國人在家族成員之間很少用“謝謝”。如果用了,聽起來會很怪,或相互關(guān)系上有了距離。而在英語國家“Thank you.”幾乎用于一切場合,所有人之間,即使父母與子女,兄弟姐妹之間也不例外。送上一瓶飲料,準(zhǔn)備一桌美餐,對方都會說一聲“Thank you.”公共

8、場合,不管別人幫你什么忙,你都要道一聲“Thank you.”感謝和答謝一般來說,我們中國人在家族成員之間很少用“謝謝”。如果用了,在英語國家,贊美也常用來作為交談的引子。贊美的內(nèi)容主要有個(gè)人的外貌,外表,新買的東西,個(gè)人財(cái)物,個(gè)人在某方面的出色的工作等。通常稱贊別人的外表時(shí)只稱贊她努力打扮的結(jié)果,而不是她的天生麗質(zhì)。因此贊美別人發(fā)型的很多,贊美別人漂亮頭發(fā)的很少。對別人的贊美,最普通的回答是:Thank you.但中國人就會很謙虛的說哪里哪里.贊美在英語國家,贊美也常用來作為交談的引子。贊美的內(nèi)容主要有個(gè)人Synonyms(同義詞)British EnglishAmericanEnglish

9、British EnglishAmericanEnglishpavementsidewalkautumnfallrubbishtrash flatapartment footballsoccerliftelevatorbiscuitcookiechipsfriessweetscandypetrolgastubesubwaycar parkparking lotholidayvacationtrouserspants VocabularySynonyms(同義詞)British EnglishAm Differences on spelling The letter l travelled (B

10、rE) traveled (AmE)our-or colour , neighbour (BrE) color , neighbor (AmE) Differences on spelling Th Clothing Clothing British clothingScottish kilt (基爾特)Tailcoat( 燕尾服) British clothingScottish kiBritish Style(英倫風(fēng))British Style(英倫風(fēng))American clothingAmerican clothingFoodFoodAmerican foodAmerican foodB

11、ritish foodBritish food公交車上,一個(gè)中國人和一個(gè)外國人互相撞了一下,中國人想展現(xiàn)自己剛學(xué)的一點(diǎn)英文,中國人說:Im sorry.外國人說:Im sorry too.中國人不明白,我說了對不起,你卻有兩個(gè)(too-two)對不起,他又說:Im sorry three.外國人不知道中國人在說什么,就問:What are you sorry for?中國人以為外國人說是四個(gè)對不起(four-for),說:Im sorry five.笑話公交車上,一個(gè)中國人和一個(gè)外國人互相撞了一下,中國人想展現(xiàn)自 abroadadv. 在國外 直接和動詞連用,一般置于動詞后 eg. go ab

12、road live abroad study abroad abroadadv. 在國外 before 1) prep. 在之前 before lunch 午飯前 before 10 oclock 在十點(diǎn)鐘前2) conj. 在.之前 eg. 在遺忘之前把事情做了。 Do it before you forget it. 3) adv. 以前,過去 eg. 我以前看過這部電影。 Ive seen the film before. 他以前從來沒有出過國。 He has never been abroad before. before phrase 短語 a great number of 與 a

13、 lot of a great number of 后面一定要加可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù) a lot of 可加可數(shù)名詞也可加不可數(shù)名詞eg: I have a lot of friends/bread. I have a great number of friends.phrase 短語 a great number of 與 from there 從那地方起 from .to. 即用于時(shí)間或地點(diǎn) from half past 8 to half past 11 from Beijing to Tianjin from there 從那地方起 An exciting tripI have just re

14、ceived a letter from my brother, Tim.Hes in Australia.He has been there for six months.Tim is an engineer.He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.He has just bought an Australian car and has gone toAlice Springs, a small town in the cen

15、tre of Australia.He will soon visit Darwin.From there, he will fly to Perth.My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting. Text1. I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. just 與完成時(shí)連用 完成時(shí) 我已到北京。 I have arrived in Beijing. 我在北京待過一年時(shí)間。 He has been in Beiji

16、ng for one year. has been + in 地點(diǎn) has gone to :去了某地沒回來 has been to :曾經(jīng)去過某地,現(xiàn)在不在那個(gè)地方 你去過巴黎嗎? Have you been to Paris?Text2、He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. work for 強(qiáng)調(diào)對象(為了) work in 強(qiáng)調(diào)地點(diǎn)(在) I am working for a school. I am working

17、in the school. firm 公司 =company a great number of =a great/good many of 修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù) a lot of 可數(shù)/不可數(shù)名詞 a great/good deal of 可數(shù)/不可數(shù)名詞 a great amount of 修飾不可數(shù)名詞2、He is working for a big firm3. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice springs, a small town in the centre ofAustralia. He wi

18、ll soon visit Darwin. in the centre of . research centre 研究中心 business centre 商業(yè)中心,營業(yè)中心 commercial centre 商業(yè)中心 soon adv. 不久, 很快(時(shí)間) shortly ; in or within a short time eg. 她不久就會過來。 Shell soon/shortly be here. 來得容易去得也快。 Soon got, Soon gone. 3. He has just bought an Aust4、My brother has never been abr

19、oad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting. find this trip exciting find +賓語+形容詞做賓補(bǔ) find the room clean and tidy find her happy 動詞+賓語+賓補(bǔ) 使它容易些。 Make it simple.4、My brother has never been abGrammar 重點(diǎn)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)構(gòu)成: have/has + p.p.(動詞的過去分詞)用法:表示過去發(fā)生的動作對現(xiàn)在存在的影響; 表示從過去一直持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在并可能持續(xù)下去的的動作或狀態(tài)。時(shí)間狀語:alre

20、ady, yet, just, never, so far, since, for a long time, in the last few years, these days, lately, ever, for six months, since 1955Grammar 重點(diǎn)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)表一段時(shí)間的時(shí)間狀語, 不能和瞬間動詞(非延續(xù)性)連用. I have lived/been here for four years. He has already retired. He hasnt retired yet. I have bought this book for ten months. I

21、 have got this book for ten months. ()表一段時(shí)間的時(shí)間狀語, 不能和瞬間動詞(非延續(xù)性)連用.(一般過去時(shí)和現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的區(qū)別動 作時(shí) 間一般過去時(shí)動作發(fā)生在過去,現(xiàn)在已停止。表過去的一個(gè)時(shí)間點(diǎn)或特定時(shí)間現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)動作發(fā)生在過去,對現(xiàn)在造成了影響,并且仍可能在繼續(xù)表一段時(shí)間或不確定時(shí)間一般過去時(shí)和現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)的區(qū)別動 作時(shí) 間一般過去時(shí)把下列句子改成現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)形式eg. The bell is ringing. 鈴正在響。 The bell has just rung. 鈴剛剛響過。 1. He is leaving the house. 他正要離開房間。 H

22、e has just left the house. 他剛剛離開房間。 2. He is having breakfast. 他正在吃早飯。 He has just had breakfast. 他剛剛吃過早飯。 3. She is writing a letter. 她正在寫一封信。 She has just written a letter. 她剛剛寫完一封信。把下列句子改成現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)形式Important phrases 與- 不同 在- 中部從國外 住在國外 收到- 的來信 為- 工作 飛往某個(gè)地方 去了某地 去過某地大量的, 許多的 be different from in the

23、centre of from abroad live abroad receive a letter from sb. work for fly to have gone to have been to a great number of Important phrases be differentExercises ( )1、Jim has been studying _ for 3 years . a. abroad b. aboard c. road d. broad( )2. Willam felt very happy because he _ a letter from Cambr

24、idge University . a. sent b. lent c. borrowed d. received( )3. Ann is a kind girl so she has _ friends. a. a great much of b. a great number of c. the much of d. the little of ( )4. Tim went _ America 6 months ago . a. to b. into c. at d. in ( )5. Tom is in Austria. How long _ there? a. is he b. was

25、 he c, has he been d. has he adbacExercises adbac( )6. Xian is a city in the _ of China. a. middle b. centre c. front d. back ( )7. _ people called to ask about her health. a. A great many of b. A large number c. A great many d. Large number( )8. How is this book different _ that ? a. from b. about c. of d. to ( )9. How long _ at this job? Since 1990. a. were you employed b. have you been employed c. had you been employed d. will you be emplo


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