201X年英語 四級(jí)作文_第1頁
201X年英語 四級(jí)作文_第2頁
201X年英語 四級(jí)作文_第3頁
201X年英語 四級(jí)作文_第4頁
201X年英語 四級(jí)作文_第5頁




1、 201X年英語四級(jí)作文201X年英語 四級(jí)作文The tape reorder is one of the mostele and popular eletroni devies ever invented. Noadas, almostever famil has a tape reorder. It an reord peoples voies orpopular songs or some other things that people ould like tolisten to more than one. Tape reorders have been arml eledsine

2、 the da the ere invented.This devie is useful in man as. For example, a reporteran use it in intervies instead of the old, leaurate means ofriting them in a notebook. Also, in studing foreign languages,students an use it to improve their listening abilit.Moreover, the an reord their on voie to impro

3、ve theirpronuniation in the foreign language.Hoever, it an also bee a nuisane. Your hearing an beseriousl harmed if ou listen to a reorder ith the volume toohigh. And, if ou ant ontrol ourself, ou an aste a lot oftime listening to a reorder. So, if used properl, the reorderill serve ou ell. If used

4、improperl, it an do harm to ou.Diretion: For this part, ou are alloed 30 minutes to ritea short essa on the topi Private Shool?You should rite atleast 150 ords folloing the outline given belo It an benotied that a large number of private shools or training第1頁 共5 頁organizations bee a ne landsape in e

5、duation. When ou readnespa-pe-rs, hen ou ath TV, hen ou alk on the road, ou illinevitabl see lots of advertisements about private shools.There are private shools mainl dealing ith foreign languages,puters, musi and 。Hoever, is it a good or bad thing to have so man privateshools? As a oin has to side

6、s, so are the private shools. Onthe one hand, private shools an meet the speial needs of thesoiet or the partiular requirements of people. On the otherhand, the often bring people extra burden beause of parisonand petition。When asked to deide hether e should have a soiet ithoutprivate shools or a so

7、iet ith private shools, I ill nothesitate a moment to prefer the latter. Although attending atraining ourse ill result in the extra ost or burden, it isof tremendous merits in preparing m ork and ultivating mskills。Diretion: For this part, ou are alloed 30 minutes torite a short essa on the topi Cel

8、ebrities as the produtsspokesmen?You should rite at least 150 ords folloing theoutline given belo in Chinese:From: CET46CET4xiezuo201X-05-2077306_2.html第2頁 共5 頁201X年英語專四真題201X年英語專四真題The UK has a ell-respeted highereduation sstem and some of the top universities and researhinstitutions in the orld. B

9、ut to those ho are ne to it all,it an be overhelming and sometimes onfusing.Otober is usuall the busiest month in the XXdemi alendar.Universities have something alled Freshers Week for theirneers. Its a great opportunit to make ne friends, join lotsof lubs and settle into universit life.Hoever, havi

10、ng just left the fort of home and all ourfriends behind, the prospet of meeting lots of strangers inbig halls an be nerve-raking. Where do ou start? Who shouldou make friends ith? Whih lubs should ou join?Lukil, there ill be thousands of others in the same boatas ou orring about starting their unive

11、rsit soial life on theright foot. So just take it all in slol. Dont rush intoanthing that oull regret for the next three ears.201X年英語專四聽力參考答案1. D room servies2. D air tikets, loal transport and all meals3. A The traveller is relutant to bu travel insurane4. C Mark doesnt kno the exat number of the d

12、elegateset第3頁 共5 頁5. A the arrival time of the guest speakers6. B to7. D an airline pan8. C her laptop9. C in her lients offie10. D the hek book inside bore her name11. D the Arts ans Siene program12. B Thirt thousand dollars13. A federal loans14. D Australia15. D take hildren to ath sports events16. B spend more time ith hidren17. C Australia18. B infeted hildren and omen19. D it has orked in five ountries till no20. A the importane of government support21. C a 23-ear-old oman22. B to months later23. A all parties have agreed upon it24. D the end of


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