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1、7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)7AUnit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí) Amy _ a red TBwears)Bmade in)BchatsDchat)Bwith)Ba fewshirt today (Cis wearingCmade upCfor7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)7AUnit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí) Amy _ a red TBwears)Bmade in)BchatsDchat)Bwith)Ba fewshirt today (Cis wearingCmade upCforClittle)DdressesDmade ofDonDa little牛津譯林七年

2、級上冊一、例題講解1Look!Aput on2What is this scarf _? Silk It feels very comfortable(Amade from3Jack with his cousin _ in the bedroom now(Ais chattingCare chatting4John often asks his teacher help(Ato5The man is _ and he has _ to look after himself(Aold enough; times enoughBenough old; enough timeCold enough

3、; enough timeDenough old; time enough6This animal eats_ or nothing in winter It just keeps sleeping all the time(Afew7Are you_ of the dark?1 / 9 7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)Bworried; offDfear; off)Bare dressed in; cold7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)Bworried; offDfear; off)Bare dressed in; coldDwear; coldly)Banot

4、her oneDanother piece)Bin my way homeYes, so I always go to sleep with my bedroom lights_(Aworry; onCafraid; on8_New Years Eve, people are always busy _different kinds of foodAAt;get away ready toBAt; getting ready forCOn;getting ready forDOn;to get ready to9People_warm jackets today Because the wea

5、ther seems_(Aget dressed;hotCare wearing;hotly10The shirt is too small Could you give me _?(Aother oneCthe other one課堂練習(xí)1Yesterday I met Amy_(Aon my way home2 / 9 7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)Din my way to home)Bhas)Bneednt)Bcarrots)Bhave; will beDwill have; are)Bamong)Bhappily)Bwill beCisCwontCeggsCbetwe

6、enCquicklyCwasDareDcant7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)Din my way to home)Bhas)Bneednt)Bcarrots)Bhave; will beDwill have; are)Bamong)Bhappily)Bwill beCisCwontCeggsCbetweenCquicklyCwasDareDcantDbananasDthroughDcarelesslyDhave beenCon my way to home2My favourite food _ dumplings and rice(Ahave3Must I finish al

7、l the homework this evening?No,you _Tomorrow is Saturday,and you have enough time for it(Amustnt4Would you like some _?Oh,yes,just like a little(Arice5We_some robots at home in the future,and there_some in the office,too(Awill have; will haveCwill have; will be6Did you go to Kenli during the Peach B

8、lossom Festival (桃花節(jié))?YesThe flowers were beautifulBees were flying them(Ain7I carried the bowl with both hands_,so that I wouldnt break it(Acarefully8I called you yesterday evening,but you were not inSorry,I _ in the shop with my mother(Aam3 / 9 7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)BWhen)BHow much)Bher; to walkD

9、hers; to walk)BsoundsDsounded)Bwhat is happeningDwhat happened)Band)BclosingCWhoCHow longCwithCclosed7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)BWhen)BHow much)Bher; to walkDhers; to walk)BsoundsDsounded)Bwhat is happeningDwhat happened)Band)BclosingCWhoCHow longCwithCclosedDWhatDHow oftenDbutDcloses9_ is her favorite

10、subject?Her favorite subject is art(AWhy10_ did you pay for the CD?Only nine dollars(AHow many11Ann met an old friend of _ in the street She at once stopped_(Aher; walkingChers; walking12The little cat miaowed all night It_ a babys cr(Asounds likeCsounded like13Goldfish dont know_ to them three seco

11、nds ago(Awhat happensCwhat happen14In spring, it is good for you to sleep_ your windows ope(Afor15The boy always reads with his eyes_(Aclose4 / 9 7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)BAt ChristmasDOn National Day)Bmany;many; of7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)BAt ChristmasDOn National Day)Bmany;many; ofDmuch; muc;of)課堂檢測1T

12、he lady needs to spend_time _an expensive dress that her boy friend bought for her(Amore some; putting onBsome more; dressing up inCmore some;to wearDsome more; to dress2It is said that 44 people have died in the oil pipeline explosion in Qingdao _(ASorry, I dont knowBThat will be OKCGo ahead please

13、DI am sorry to hear that3When do people in the USA usually eat turkey? _(AOn HalloweenCOn Thanksgiving Day4Children have _fun at the Spring Festival They get_gifts _parents(Amany; muc; fromCmuch;many; from5Can you _the word in French? Sorry, I cant _Frenc(5 / 9 7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)Bspeak; say)Bfi

14、lled withDfill with)Bis made of;intoDis made of; from)BI are; onDme be; on)7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)Bspeak; say)Bfilled withDfill with)Bis made of;intoDis made of; from)BI are; onDme be; on)Bfor a treat; wellDof a treat;good)Bat; hearsDat;listens)Csay;speakDtalk;speakAsay;talk6This room is always _sun

15、shine during the daytime(Afull withCfull of7This shirt _clothAnd we make paper_wood(Ais made from; out ofCis made up of;out of8Let you and _friends and dont play tricks _each other again(AI am;withCme are; with9That kind lady often gives the poor some food_She treats them_(Aas a treat;wellCfor a tre

16、at;good10The postman shouts loudly _the people inside, but it seems nobody _it(Ato;hearCto; listen to11_do you go to work _?_(AHow; every da; By carBWhat; every da;By my car6 / 9 7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)Bputs on;fat inDin;slim in)Btell; withDtalk; with)Bis going to haveDwill have)Bsome moreDmore some

17、7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)Bputs on;fat inDin;slim in)Btell; withDtalk; with)Bis going to haveDwill have)Bsome moreDmore some)Bhow soonChow longDhow oftenCHow; every da; On a carDWhat;every day; In my car12Lucys a little fat and she likes blackShes often_a black dress and she looks_it(Aputting on;fat in

18、Cwears;slim in13Thank you for _us_the Mid Autumn Day, teache(Atalking; aboutCtelling; about14There _a party this evening! Yes , exciting new(Aare going to beCis going to be15Im hungry I need _ brea(Aone moreCanother one課后鞏固1Steve,_ do you play basketball after school?Twice a weekIt can keep me healt

19、hy(Ahow far7 / 9 7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)BWhich)Btoo much; much tooDmuch too; much too)Bany;any)BHowCWhoCsome;some7A Unit5 單元復(fù)習(xí)鞏固練習(xí)題(無答案)BWhich)Btoo much; much tooDmuch too; much too)Bany;any)BHowCWhoCsome;someCWhereDWhoseDany;someDWhy2_girl is your sister?The one under the big tree(AWhat3The meat is _ deliciousYes,but dont eat_(Amuch too; too muchCtoo much; too much4Is there _beef in the fridge?No,there isntThere is _pork(Asome;any5Happy Halloween,Kitty!_(AYes,Im very happyBThanksThe s


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