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1、2023學年九上英語期末模擬測試卷注意事項:1 答題前,考生先將自己的姓名、準考證號填寫清楚,將條形碼準確粘貼在考生信息條形碼粘貼區(qū)。2選擇題必須使用2B鉛筆填涂;非選擇題必須使用05毫米黑色字跡的簽字筆書寫,字體工整、筆跡清楚。3請按照題號順序在各題目的答題區(qū)域內(nèi)作答,超出答題區(qū)域書寫的答案無效;在草稿紙、試題卷上答題無效。4保持卡面清潔,不要折疊,不要弄破、弄皺,不準使用涂改液、修正帶、刮紙刀。. 單項選擇1、There are _ sharing bikes in many cities. So there will be _ pollution.Aless and less; more

2、 and more Bless and less; fewer and fewerCmore and more; less and less Dfewer and fewer; less and less2、She was happy to get a gift from her friend, _it was only a card.Aif .BunlessCthoughDbecause3、Mom, _ I hang out with my friends now? Sure, but you _ clean up your bedroom first.Acan; mayBmay; have

3、 toCmust; needDneed; must4、Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning?_is OK. Im busy today and tomorrow.ANoneBAllCBothDNeither5、_ young in our village are now living _ much more comfortable life than we did.AA; 不填BThe; theCA; aDThe; a6、Could you please tell me ?Oh, Ill go there to attend a party.A

4、when youll go to BeijingBhow youll go to BeijingCwhy youll go to BeijingDwhether youll go to Beijing7、 We can invite Nick and Nora to Shanghai Disneyland with us. ? Ill give them a call right now.AWhy notBWhat forCWhyDWhat8、Could you tell me the_of making such tasty cakes?Well,I just follow the inst

5、ructions in the cookbook.AtimeBmethodCcostDmenu9、 Why dont you join the English club to improve your spoken English?_ASounds like a good idea.BIts my pleasure.CThats all right.10、Was his father very strict with him when he was at school? Yes. He never praised him _ he became one of the top students

6、in his grade.Aafter Bunless Cif Dwhen. 完形填空11、 Once upon a time, there was a lazy poor man living in a small house with spider webs on the walls and mice running around. People 1 coming into such a dirty place and the poor man was lonely and sad every day. He thought it was poverty(貧窮)that 2 his unh

7、appy life.One day, the poor man dropped in on a wise old man and asked him for 3 about changing his life. The old man gave him a beautiful vase(花瓶)and said, This is a magic vase that bring you 4 . The poor man looked at the vase 5 . Why would he need a vase, in his poor house? However, he didnt want

8、 to 6 such a beautiful vase, so he brought it home and put it on the table.Its not right for something so beautiful to be 7 , the poor man looked at the vase and thought. Then he picked some wild flowers and put them into it, making it even more beautiful. 8 he was still not satisfied. It is not goo

9、d for such a beautiful thing to stand next to a spider web. At this time, he started to do some cleaning in the house and paint the walls. His house turned into a 9 place immediately. The poor man 10 . He suddenly realized that in the past it was his laziness that made him poor and unhappy. From the

10、n on, he worked hard and his life got better and better.1AenjoyedBavoidCforgot2Aled toBconnectedCmade up3AserviceBknowledgeCadvice4ApeaceBhappinessCmess5AsadlyBnervouslyCsurprisedly6Athrow awayBgive outCpay for7AuglyBfullCempty8AAlthough BButCSo9AlargeBdarkCcomfortable10Acheered upBrang upCsped up.

11、語法填空12、World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by the UNESCO(聯(lián)合國教科文組織) in 1955 to encourage people to discover the pleasure of 1(read) . It means you read a book out of interest not because your teachers or parents tell you to do so. “Reading for pleasure ” plays a more important

12、role 2ones growth than ones family background.Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of materials can help us know 3(many) about the outside world and perfect us. However, computer games, online videos and Internet are pushing books off the shelf. Some experts believe its a worrying trend(趨勢).

13、Each 4( China) read 0.38 more books in 2013 than 2012 but still far fewer than those in major developed 5( country). Even worse many bookstores have closed their doors 6many book lovers start to buy fewer books than before.However, many people do still prefer reading because it has been part of 7(th

14、ey) life. It can benefit (使受益) people in many ways. It gives us information about other cultures and places of the world. It 8has a strong influence on forming our personality and makes us more intelligent. The more we read, the more we know. The more we know. The 9(smart ) we become. Its never too

15、late to start reading. So jump into the 10(wonder )world of books now!. 閱讀理解A13、Take a look at the following ads! You may find some useful information you need here!Guitar lessonsExperienced musician from Australia. Good at teaching kids for 5 years! For more information, please visit Larrys website

16、: .au Lost dogMedium size, with brown spots and white short hair. Answer you when you call it David. Many thanks for sending it back.Call Susan at 7328059Taxi driver wantedFull time or part time. Experience and a good knowledge of the city are necessary. English is also a must.Under 45 years old. Ca

17、ll Mr. White at 5132683.Apartment for saleTwo bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Hot water 8:00-18:00. Beautiful sights out of the windows. E-mail: sdgt.1If you want to have a guitar lesson, you may _ .Acall Susan at 7328059Bsurf the website:.auCtelephone Mr. White at 5132683De-mail sdgt2Who is the

18、 owner of the lost dog?AMr. WhiteBLarryCSusanDDavid3If you want the job as a taxi driver, you should _.Amaster at least three languagesBknow the city very wellCbe an experienced driverDboth B and C4Which information about the apartment is not mentioned in the table?AIt has a beautiful view.BIt has h

19、ot water in the daytime.CIt has three floors.DIt has a kitchen.5How can you contact the owner of the apartment for more information?ABy sending an e-mail.BBy going to visit it.CBy making a phone call.DBy sending a fax (傳真).B14、Special FestivalsSt. Anthonys DayJanuary 17th is St. Anthonys Day in Mexi

20、co (墨西哥). Its a day when people ask for protection for their animals by bringing them to church. But before the animals go into thechurch, the people usually dress them up in flowers and ribbons.The Festival of RakhiLong ago in India, a young lady who needed help sent her silk bracelet(手鐲) to a king

21、. Although he did not arrive in time to help her, he kept the bracelet as a sign between them. Today in India, during the festival of Rakhi, sisters of all ages tie bracelets around wrists of their brothers to show their care and love.Spring FestivalOne of the biggest celebrations in China is Spring

22、 Festival. Its the first day of the lunar year. Families get together and watch special programs on TV with the family on the Lunar NewYears Eve. People can see a lot of traditional programs too, such as lion dancing or dragon dancing. They wish people a happy new year and a bright future.SetsubunOn

23、 the evening of February 3rd, people in Japan celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring. This is known as Setsubun. Family members throw dried beans around their homes, shouting, “Good luck in!”1People celebrate the festival of Rakhi in _.AMexico.BChin ACIndi ADJapan.2Which festival is

24、 on the evening of February 3rd?ASetsubun.BThe Festival of Rakhi.CSpring Festival.DSt. Anthonys Day.3What do people do on the Lunar New Years Eve?ABring their animals to church.BWatch special programs on TV.CGive a bracelet to their family.DThrow beans around their homes.C15、High Housing Cost Makes

25、Sub-Divided FlatsHONG KONGAverage home price have increased by73% since the end of 2008.This huge jump in home price has pushed more and more low income families into sub-divided flats.What is a sub-divided flat? It is a flat that is divided into parts, so that it can house more than one family. Man

26、y sub-divided flats do not meet fire-safety standards (標準).For example, some flat owners have turned fire escape exits into part of their own rooms.In June 2011, a fire happened in an old eight-storey building and left four people dead. That building was filled with sub-divided flats, some as small

27、as 100 square feet. Many people believed that sub-divided flats were one of the causes for the accident. Since then, the government has paid more attention to the housing problem.The best way to lower housing prices is to increase the number of flats; however, the best way may not be the easiest way

28、. To lower housing prices, the government said that 20,000 new flats must be added every year for the next ten years.Even if government could provide land for 20,000 flats a year, we would not know how much that would affect the housing market. One thing is for certain, Hong Kongs housing problem wi

29、ll not soon go away and will be with us for a very long time.1The purpose of this article is to talk about_.Athe fire in June 2011Bthe housing problem in Hong KongCthe sub-divided flatsDthe fire-safety laws2_ family / families would live in one sub-divided flat.A0B1C4D1003The flat owner divided thei

30、r flats into parts because they wanted to _.Abread the lawBhelp the governmentChelp the low income familiesDmake more money4_is one of the causes that drives people to live in sub-divided flats.AThe flat owners invitationBThe fire-safety lawCThe high cost of buying a homeDThe effect of sub-divided f

31、lats5According to the article, _ can lower housing prices.Ato reduce the number of flatsBto build more flatsCto set fire to buildingsDto give money to the poor6According to the government, _flats will be needed in 10 years.A200B2,000C20,000D200,000D16、Jeremy Shu -How Lin is an NBA player on the New

32、York Knicks. He is an Asian-American NBA rising star. He was born on August 23rd, 1988. He is 1.91meters tall. He weighs 91 kilos. He is also agraduate of Harvard University. Months ago, few people knew of him, but in February, 2012, Lin started to shine. He led his team to a series of (一系列)wins. He

33、 surprised everybody and quickly became famous in the sports world.US Education Secretary Arne Duncan wrote an article about Lin for Time. He said Lin breaks lots of wrong ideas. One of them is that Asian Americans cant play basketball well. Another is that you cant be a great sports player and an e

34、xcellent student at the same time.Duncan also noted that Lins success was not an accident(偶然). He worked hard and stayed humble(謙虛的). He lives the right way. He plays the right way.What makes Lin stand out from other players is his hard work and never-give-up spirit.1Which team does Jeremy Shu-How L

35、in play for?AThe Houston Rockets.BThe Los Angeles Lakers .CThe New York Knicks.DThe New Jersey Nets.2How old is Jeremy Shu-How Lin this year?AHe is twenty.BHe is twenty-two.CHe is twenty-five.DHe is twenty-six.3Which university did he graduate from?ATaiwan University.BHarvard University.COxford Univ

36、ersity.DCambridge University.4According to the passage, do you think a person can be a great sports player and a good student at the same time?AYes, I think so.BNo, I dont think so.CYes, I dont think so.DNo, I think so.5What makes him a great success?AHard work and his height.BHis coach and his weig

37、ht.CHis character(性格) and his family.DHard work and never-give-up spirit.E17、Ive loved my mothers desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as Mother sat doing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must

38、be the most wonderful thing in the world. Years later, during her final illness, Mother kept different things for my sister and brother. But the desk, shed said again, is for Elizabeth. I never saw her anger, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it in action. But as a young girl, I wan

39、ted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter. They never happened. And a gulf opened between us. I was too emotional (另動感情的) . But she lived on the surface.As years passed I had my own family, I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked h

40、er to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive (原諒) me. I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came. My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest, finally, peaceit seemed that nothing happened. I couldnt be sure that the letter had even got to mother. I only knew

41、that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not. Now the present of her desk told me, as shed never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside-a photo of my father and a oneletter,

42、folded (折疊) and refolded many times. Give me the answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.1The word “gulf” in the passage means _.Adeep understanding between the old and the young.Bdifferent ideas between the mother and the daughte

43、r.Cfree talks between mother and daughterDpart of the sea going far in land2What did mother do with her daughters letter asking forgiveness?AShe had never received the letter.BFor years. She often talked about the letter.CShe didnt forgive her daughter at all in all her life.DShe read the letter aga

44、in and again till she died.3Whats the best title of the passage?AMy letter to MotherBMother and ChildrenCMy mothers DeskDTalks between Mother and MeF18、 According to the 2018 World Happiness Report, Denmark(丹麥)ranked (排名)No.3! And its not surprising at all! In 2016, Denmark ranked No.l , then No.2 i

45、n 2017. In fact, Denmark has been on the list for many years. Why? Because people who live in Denmark know the secret to happiness “hygge”. But what is “hygge”?The Danish(丹麥的)word “hygge” (pronounced “hoo-ga”)is often translated in English as “coziness”. But “hygge” is more than that. Its also about

46、 spending peaceful time in a quiet environment with no calendar. Its about spending time alone or spending time with family.Danish people are very good at “hygge”. For example, they create a “ hygge” environment by burning candles in classrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, etc. According to some reports, Da

47、nish people bum more candles every year than people from any other European country.However, “hygge” isnt just about creating a nice and warm environment; it is best enjoyed with family members and friends. With up to 17 hours of darkness every day in winter, Danish people spend more time indoors as

48、 a result, and they often get together for a meal or hot drinks, without the distraction(使人分心的事物)of technology or the stress of daily life.Still cant understand what “hygge” is? If youre reading this in a comfortable chair, with a few candles around you, that sense of coziness youre feeling might ju

49、st be “hygge”.1In the World Happiness Report, Denmark used to rank No._ in 2016.A1B2C3D172How do Danish people create a “hygge” environment?ABy repairing their housesBBy playing video gamesCBy cleaning up bedroomsDBy burning candles3With up to 17 hours of darkness every day in winter, Danish people

50、.play computer games till midnight spend more time indoors as a result stay up to work in their own rooms often get together fora meal or hot drinksABCD4In the last paragraph, the word “ coziness” means “ ” in Chinese.A舒適B友善C奢侈D(zhuǎn)密切5The article mainly tells us Ahow Danish people spend their winterBwhat the Danish secret to happiness isCwhen Danish people like to stay at homeDwhy Danish people burn so many candle.書面表達19、你們將迎來一個長達一個月的長假,請根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容提示寫一篇演講稿,給你的同學們講一講應(yīng)該如何度過一個有意義的寒假。1. 仔細計劃好每天的生活,將所有的作業(yè)列一個清單,從而(至少一點)。2. 完成作業(yè)之后,多看書,通過書本更多地了解這個世界。3. 聽聽音樂,了解不同的音樂類型,音樂使人放松。4. 如果整


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