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1、Argument完整版注:要把242個題目每一種題目都分析一遍 以免耽誤考場時間(一)Argument日勺寫作特點和整體構(gòu)造給出一篇短文,30分鐘內(nèi)指出文章中重要日勺邏輯錯誤,并提出建議。外推類錯誤過去比較好勺未必會延續(xù)到將來充足必要條件錯誤尚有其她因素錯誤類比讓步式襲擊Argument 193:Survey調(diào)查類錯誤;因果關(guān)系錯誤;錯誤類比第一段:開頭段重要是歸納論點,闡明論點有問題,存在邏輯漏洞,準(zhǔn)備發(fā)起攻打。第二段和第三段甚至第四段:正文段分類別去襲擊各個邏輯錯誤第五段:結(jié)尾段作者勺結(jié)論似乎是合理勺,但是通過論證,不是這樣勺。因此作者在作出決定之前,應(yīng)當(dāng) 還要考慮其她狀況。(二)如何寫開

2、頭段C-E-F 構(gòu)造 conclusion 結(jié)論 evidence 證據(jù) flaw 缺陷 模板1混合態(tài)度體現(xiàn)Merely based on (rely on/ depend on) unfounded assumption and dubious (suspicious) evidence, the statement (the article, the author, the arguer)draws a conclusion that. -C(條理化最佳)To substantiate (support/strengthen) the conclusion, the arguer poin

3、ts out evidence that .a1. In addition, he indicates that .a2. Furthermore, he cites/ quotes the result of a recent survey in support of his recommendation. (Furthermore, the author cites a3 as a typical example in support of his recommendation.) -E(讓步邏輯)At first sight/glance, this argument appears/s

4、eems to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection (考慮)reveals that it ignores/omits some substantial concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument. In my point of view, this argument suffers from (N) logical flaws.避免主觀陳述模板2In this argument, the author concludes that. The author

5、 cites about 123 .In addition, he infers that. Furthermore, the arguer cites sb. sth. as a typical example. In support of.However, this ,in favor of.(先顛覆宏觀連接 在弱化聯(lián)系)Making this argument sound and .perfectC和E不要照抄,把原文進(jìn)行概述、提煉等改寫C最重要argument和issue不同樣,argument要規(guī)范、規(guī)矩,而issue則要多樣。找準(zhǔn)c,概述e(三)如何寫正文段一、合理安排邏輯錯誤日勺

6、襲擊順序按照邏輯錯誤浮現(xiàn)日勺順序進(jìn)行順序式襲擊;(低檔)按照邏輯錯誤勺主次進(jìn)行襲擊;如果文章勺重要錯誤出目前調(diào)查,則先襲擊之。按照邏輯體系進(jìn)行讓步式襲擊(推薦這種,最合理)與浮現(xiàn)順序無關(guān)不是每個題目都 可以這樣勺按錯誤勺演繹關(guān)系,如:A = B = C,則先襲擊A, A不成立;即便A成立,襲擊B, B不成立;假設(shè)雖然A和B都成立,襲擊C,C不成立。何況A、B都不成立。Argument 2:外推類錯誤seven years ago;因果類錯誤since then;錯誤類比注意:逐漸讓步二、各段首句引言局1這個文章存在勺第一種核心性勺問題是the major problem with the ar

7、gument is that.此外一種弱化了原文邏輯勺點在于 another problem that weaken a logic of thisargument is.Before I come to my conclusion, it is necessary to point out the flaw involved in this argument.(暗示讀者是最后一種了,啟下)【具體沒有記,回頭再補(bǔ)充】3個比較好(四)如何寫結(jié)尾段(虛擬語調(diào))ETS:結(jié)尾和開頭要有區(qū)別C-S構(gòu)造C:再次概括原文沒有自圓其說日勺conclusion。S: suggestion 重要模板:To sum

8、 up/ all in all, this arguer fails to substantiate the claim that_, because the evidences cited in the analysis do not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains.To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to provide more information with regard to_ (點到為止).Additionally, he woul

9、d have to demonstrate that_.Therefore, if the argument had included the given factors discussed above, it would have been more thorough and logically acceptable.(這里用虛擬語調(diào)體現(xiàn)遺憾)(五)各個邏輯錯誤勺襲擊措施和語言一、調(diào)查類邏輯錯誤(survey/study) 題庫中重中之重諸多標(biāo)志詞見手寫版筆記。襲擊:樣本勺質(zhì)量和數(shù)量;采樣過程與否科學(xué)合理Procedure調(diào)查過程錯誤核心Selective sample (片面性樣本)襲擊點

10、:樣本選擇不隨機(jī)、不具代表性襲擊技巧:調(diào)核對象前一系列限定性定語或修飾詞Quantity of the sample襲擊點:樣本數(shù)量少,即便有典型性也不能闡明問題模板:Unless the surveyors sampled a sufficient number of_樣本集_ and did so randomly across the entire spectrum, the survey results are not reliable to gauge/weigh/assess/value _調(diào)查目勺_ generally/universally (評估什么勺廣泛 性、一般性).Th

11、e number of respondents/samples, in itself, does not ensure/guarantee/warrant representativeness (代表性).For example, if the sample included only _(某一方面),then the results would no doubt suggest (此處 不體現(xiàn)建議,因此不用虛擬語調(diào),體現(xiàn)暗示)_. Or if grosses are considerable(可 觀日勺),_(1500,1200 ) would account for only a litt

12、le percentage, which would render/lead to (導(dǎo)致)the results of the survey meaningless.正反邏輯:正邏輯:順著原文勺條件,得出原文勺結(jié)論。例如:如果這個樣本只波及了參與這個課程有效果勺那部分學(xué)生,毫無疑問會得到這 個課程有效勺成果。反邏輯:與原文相反勺條件,得到相反勺結(jié)論。例如:如果這個樣本只波及了參與這個課程無效勺那部分學(xué)生,很有也許成果就暗示 了該課程勺無效性?;貞?yīng)者與否說了真話是個小錯誤,可以不襲擊,即便要襲擊,用一句話合并在。里面就可以。一般由于 與否匿名、保密、利益。We are not informed

13、 whether the survey response anonymous and confidential, if they were not _.Argument 115暗含性假設(shè)(我看還是不要襲擊了)【孑/113】Argument 115如:是滿意還是非常不滿意?也是一句話概括: We are not informed whether the survey required the respondents to choose their proneness between alternative, if indeed, then the result might have distor

14、t the genuine 想法 of the respondent who might actually prefer A to B or C. Result of the survey調(diào)查成果類錯誤(一句話)Do the statistics make any meaningfulness 數(shù)據(jù)與否故意義 數(shù)據(jù)無意義指日勺是數(shù)據(jù)和結(jié)論不有關(guān)。The statistic should be relating to the conclusion.Argument 14Are the statistics misleadingly vague 數(shù)據(jù)與否模糊標(biāo)志詞:all, many, a num

15、ber of, most絕對化數(shù)量percentage proportion 相對比值注:絕對和相對缺一即要襲擊,題庫中沒有任何一種題兩個均有,因此肯定缺一。1)襲擊“無相對比值”The argument tells us that many(a number of) _.However, the speaker fails to indicate the percentage of_, so this evidence is far too vague to be meaningful.2)襲擊“無絕對數(shù)值”The author fails to provide information re

16、garding the absolute number of _.Argument 102Respondents (這個詞只要浮現(xiàn)肯定回應(yīng)者錯誤)回應(yīng)者錯誤(小錯誤)Argument 11The respondents must be statistically significant in number and representative of the overall_.(3) Who conducted the survey調(diào)查者錯誤 誰做了這個調(diào)查標(biāo)志詞:主觀代詞cross-bencher 中立機(jī)構(gòu)Nnonaligned 中立勺AThe surveyor must be cross-b

17、encher/nonaligned.Argument 179(4) When was the survey conducted?調(diào)查時間錯誤在時間軸上,做調(diào)查日勺時間和通過調(diào)查得出結(jié)論日勺時間在時間上要足夠日勺近。A threshold problem is that the editorial neglects to indicate how recently the survey was actually conducted. When samples are used to make general claims about a particular group, the samples

18、 should be close enough in time to the generalization (得出結(jié)論這個概括性彳亍 為).All we know in the editorial is that the survey was recently published. The less recent the survey itself is, the less reliable the results are to indicate current interest levels.Argument 36 (難題)調(diào)查類錯誤日勺寫作詞匯:名詞:survey, questionnaire, statistical study 記錄研究),sample, specimen (樣本日勺最文本 化表述),sampling (采樣日勺動作),quantity, quality, statistic (記錄


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