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1、Unit 3Going places.重要單詞聚焦1 v考慮;認為2 n. 手段;方法3 v. 上(船、飛機)等4 n. 自然5 n. 裝備;設備6 n. 假期;休假considermeansboardnatureequipmentvacation7 n. 刺激;興奮8 v& n. 操作;柄9 adj. 特別的10 adj.& v. 單獨的;分開11 n. 任務12 v& n. 體驗;經歷;經驗13 v. (使)聯(lián)合14 adv. 僅僅;簡單地15 adj.& n. 正常的;標準的;常態(tài)handleparticularseparatetaskexperiencecombinesimplynor

2、malexcitement.重點短語掃描1 逃離2 注意;當心3 保護、保衛(wèi)某人(某事物)4 為某人送行5 另一方面Get away fromWatch outProtect sb./sth.fromSee sb.offOn the other hand6 也;還;而且7 像一樣8 代替9 接近10 徒步旅行As well asAs withInstead ofGet close toGo for a hike.課文原句突破1You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim.信息提取unless連詞,意為“除非,如果不”,相當于if.n

3、ot。例句仿寫如果沒有被邀請,我不會參加聚會。I wont_ _ _ _ _.【答案】attend the party unless invited2As with hiking,you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes.信息提取As with正如,正像。例句仿寫像許多中學一樣,我們學校越來越注重英語教學。_ _ _ _ _,our school pays more and more attention to English teaching.【答案】As with many middle schools3I

4、nstead of spending your vacation on a bus,in a hotel or sitting on the beach,you may want to try hiking.信息提取instead of代替某人/某物。例句仿寫既然你忙于日常的辦公室工作,就由我來代替你參加這個會議。Since you are busy with your routine office work,I will_ _ _ _ _ _.【答案】attend the meeting in place of/instead of you4Ecotravel is a way to fin

5、d out what can be done to help animals and plants as well as people.信息提取as well as除之外還;也;而且。例句仿寫昨天他寄給我一封信,還有一件禮物。He sent me a letter_ _ _ _ _yesterday.【答案】as well as a giftconsider v考慮,打算;認為,以為(1)consider認為,以為 be considered to have done sth.被認為做過某事I consider her (to be) the best tennis player alive

6、today.我認為她是當今最優(yōu)秀的網球手。He is considered to have broken the window.有人認為是他打壞了窗子。Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest presidents of the USA.林肯被認為是美國最偉大的總統(tǒng)之一。 (2)consider考慮,打算 My parents have been considering traveling to Sanya.我的父母一直在考慮去三亞旅游。 I will consider your offer and tell you my decision to

7、morrow.對你的提議我要考慮一下,明天告訴你我的決定。(1)consideration n考慮,體諒o consideration把考慮在內;考慮;顧及be under consideration在考慮中As far as I know,your suggestion is under consideration.據(jù)我所知,你的建議在考慮中。(2)all things considered全面地考慮All things considered,our old car is no good,so we should buy a new one now.總的來說,我們的舊車已沒用

8、了,所以我們現(xiàn)在應該買輛新的。(3)considering鑒于,考慮到,顧及Considering how sick he is,he should go to the doctor.鑒于他病得那樣厲害,他應該去看醫(yī)生。1Charles Babbage is generally considered_ (發(fā)明了) the first computer.(invent)【答案】to have invented2The professor is considered_ (最偉大的科學家之一) in the world.(great)【答案】(as/to be) one of the greates

9、t scientists3_(考慮到) his old age,the team decided to go climbing without him.(consideration)【答案】Taking into considerationmeans n手段;方法(單復數(shù)相同)There is no doubt that radio and television are important means of communication.毫無疑問,收音機和電視是信息交流的重要工具。All possible means have been tried.Every possible means ha

10、s been tried.一切可能的辦法已被試用過了。They succeeded by means of hard work.他們依靠自己的辛勤勞動而獲得成功。By no means should you give up.你決不應該放棄。4In many places in China,a bicycle is still_(受歡迎的交通工具)(means)【答案】a popular means of transportation5May I try the jacket on?_,but I think it will be too small for you.AIn no caseBBy

11、 all means CAs a result DIn fact【解析】by all means當然行,沒問題,符合題意?!敬鸢浮緽6By no means _(他答應了) to keep you informed of how their business is going on.(promise)【答案】has he promisedexperience(1)vt.經驗,體驗;經歷;感受;閱歷Whoever has experienced the terrible earthquake in Sichuan knows how precious a life is.任何一個經歷過四川那場可

12、怕的地震的人都會懂得生命的寶貴。Our country has experienced great changes in the last 30 years.在過去三十年里,我們國家經歷了巨大的變化。(2)n. U經驗;C經歷I learned from experience that it would be a very complicated operation.憑我的經驗,那將是一次非常復雜的手術。Being a fresh hand,he doesnt have much experience in fashion design.作為新手,在設計時裝方面他還沒有多少經驗。experie

13、nced adj.富有經驗的be experienced in在方面有經驗He is much experienced in teaching.他有豐富的教學經驗。Our journey by camel was quite an unforgettable experience.我們騎駱駝旅行真是一次難忘的經歷。 7Jumping out of an airplane at ten thousand feet is quite_(一件使人興奮的經歷)(excite)【答案】an exciting experiencenormal(1)adj.正常的,普通的Were living a norm

14、al life every day.我們每天過著正常的生活。It is normal that he stays up until midnight.他晚上熬夜到半夜是正常的。(2)n.正常,常態(tài)It will take a long time before the peoples life returns to normal in the earthquakestricken area.要過很長時間地震災區(qū)人們的生活才會恢復正常。His English level is far below normal.他的英語水平遠遠達不到一般。8(2007年天津卷)A new_bus service t

15、o Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago.Anormal BusualCregular Dcommon【解析】句意為:一趟開往天津機場的新班車兩個月前開始運營。normal(in accordance with what is usual or regular)正常的,常態(tài)的,正規(guī)的;usual通常的;regular有規(guī)律的;common常見的。依題意可知此車是按規(guī)定時間運營的,即“有規(guī)律的”?!敬鸢浮緾9After the flood,the villagers are trying their best to get thing

16、s back to_.Ausual BordinaryCnormal Dcommon【答案】Cparticular adj.特別的;特殊的;講究的;挑剔的I have nothing particular to do today.今天我沒什么特別的事要做。I didnt feel well on that particular evening.就在那個特殊的夜里,我覺得不太舒服。(1)be particular about對很挑剔或很講究He is very particular about what he eats.他對吃的東西很挑剔。(2)in particular特別地;特別是She l

17、oves the song in particular,because her mother used to sing it.她特別喜愛這首歌,因為她媽媽過去常唱。Is there anything in particular youd like to do this weekend?這個周末你有沒有什么特別想做的事呢?10Why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop for a blouse?Oh,she was very_about her clothes.Aspecial BparticularCespecial Dun

18、usual【解析】第二句句意為“她對衣服非常講究”,be particular about是一習語?!敬鸢浮緽separate(1)adj.各自的,分開的,獨立的The two people hold separate views on the issue.兩人在這個問題上持有不同的看法。(2)vt.& vi.分離,分開;分手I always separate business from pleasure.我總是設法把工作和娛樂分開。The two old friends talked until midnight and then separated.兩位老友談到午夜才分手?!綿ivide與

19、separate】(1)divide指的是把人或物分成若干等份,常與介詞into連用。Lets divide these books into ten parts.我們把這些書分成十份吧。(2)separate指的是將一個整體的人或物分開或將兩個靠近的人或物分開,使其不在一起,常與介詞from連用。The child was separated from his mother.那個小孩和他母親離散了。11As we joined the big crowd I got_from my friends.Aseparated BsparedClost Dmissed【解析】句意為:“當我們加入一大

20、群人的時候,我與我的朋友們分散了?!眊et separated被分散(開)了?!敬鸢浮緼watch out注意;當心;留神(接賓語時,后加介詞for)Watch out!Here comes the bus.注意!汽車開過來了。Mother told me to watch out for traffic when crossing the street.媽媽告訴我過馬路時要留意車輛。When you go for a walk at night,be sure to watch out!晚上外出散步一定要當心呀!(2)keep watch值班,看守,照料(3)keep a close/goo

21、d watch on sb./sth.密切注意,密切監(jiān)視(4)keep an eye out for留心(注意)某人(某事物)The customers are often reminded to keep watch against thieves.顧客經常被提醒要提防小偷。The guards keep a close watch on the prisoners.衛(wèi)兵嚴密看守著囚犯。12_your steps when skating on the lakethe ice might not be thick enough to bear your weight.ALook for BW

22、atch outCWatch for DWatch out for【解析】句意為:在湖上滑冰時小心腳底下。watch out for.look out for.,意思是“小心、提防”,符合題意?!敬鸢浮緿13Mum,its time for me to go to school.OK._for cars when you cross the street.ALook after BWatch outCWatch over DPay attention【解析】固定詞組的考查。look after照顧;watch over看守;pay attention to注意;watch out當心?!敬鸢浮?/p>

23、Binstead of (in place of;rather than)代替;而不是Instead of smiling,each of them made a face.他們每個人都沒有笑而是做鬼臉。If you cannot go,hell go instead of you.如果你不能去,他將替你去。They went there on foot instead of by bus.他們沒乘公共汽車而是步行到那里去的。(1)instead adv.代替;頂替;更換,常用于句首或句末。If there is no coal,oil can be used instead.如果沒有煤,可以

24、用石油來代替。She never studies.Instead,she plays tennis all day.她從不學習,而是整天打網球。(2)in place of代替Wont you go in place of me?你能代替我去嗎?14(2008年湖南卷)Last night Mr Crook didnt come back at the usual time._,he met some friends and stayed out until midnight.AMeanwhile BHoweverCInstead DYet【解析】句意為:昨天晚上克魯克先生沒有像往常一樣按時回

25、來,相反,他見了幾個朋友,并在外面一直待到深夜。meanwhile同時;however然而;insteadin place of something or someone代替,而不是,相反;yet仍然。根據(jù)句意,只有instead符合句意?!敬鸢浮緾15He felt so sick that he went to work by taxi_on foot yesterday.Ainstead of BinsteadCbut Din the place of【解析】instead of后接介詞短語作賓語。D項應去掉the?!敬鸢浮緼(P18)As with hiking,you should

26、always think about your safety and wear good clothes.正如徒步旅行一樣,你應該時刻考慮你的安全并且要穿合適的衣服。As with hiking為省略說法,相當于As is the case with hiking,as引導定語從句,帶有方式意味,常譯為“正如”,其后還可接過去分詞,如as expected (不出所料)。As with running,learning English needs will.學習英語同跑步一樣都需要毅力。As with many middle schools,our school pays more and m

27、ore attention to English teaching.像許多中學一樣,我們學校越來越注重英語教學。16_many developing countries,China is in great need of science and technology.AAs with BAs to CAs for DAs well【解析】句意為:和許多發(fā)展中國家一樣,中國急需科學技術?!敬鸢浮緼(P18)You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim,and you should always wear a life jacket.你

28、不應該筏游除非你知道如何游泳而且總要穿著救生衣。unless conj.意為“除非;如果不”。(1)unless是從屬連詞,引導條件狀語從句,含有否定意義。相當于if條件狀語從句的否定形式。意思是“如果不就”“除非要不然”。Unless you go at once,you will be late.如果你不馬上走,就會遲到的。Unless he studies hard,he will never pass the examination.他如果不努力學習,就永遠不能考及格。(2)在unless和if引導的條件狀語從句或假設狀語從句中用一般時代替將來時,用完成時代替將來完成時。She wil

29、l go on to do that unless you stop her(if you dont stop her)如果你不攔住她,她就會接著做那件事。I wont attend the party unless invited (if not invited)如沒有被邀請,我不會去參加聚會。17Owen wont go with you_(除非他做完了) his homework.(finish)【答案】unless he finishes (doing)/unless he has finished(doing)18He wont go to my wedding_ (除非得到邀請)(

30、invite)【答案】unless (he is) invited.選詞填空1I cant have you_the situation in that way.【答案】handle2You will be easily cheated by those sellers if you dont_.【答案】watch out3In summer I often wear sun glasses to_my eyes_the sun.【答案】protect;from4The poor woman has to_her brother because he always asks her for m

31、oney without end.【答案】get away from5Some doctors think wed better_ _traditional Chinese medicine_western medicine.【答案】combine;with6_smoking,drinking also does harm to young people.【答案】As with.巧思妙解1(2007年全國卷)I wont call you,_(除非意外發(fā)生)(happen)【答案】unless something unexpected happens2We wont keep winning

32、games_(如果我們不能一直打好)(keep)【答案】 unless we keep playing well3_(除非你嘗試),you cant imagine how pleasant it is.(try)【答案】Unless youve tried it4I wont go to his wedding _(除非他邀請我) tomorrow.(unless)【答案】unless he invites me1Teenagers_(正在損害自己的健康) because they play computer games too much.(damage)【答案】are damaging t

33、heir health2(2009年南昌二模)Are you still very busy?Yes,I_(快完成報告了) for the manager and it wont take long.(finish)【答案】am just finishing the report3My uncles plane takes off at 730 this evening and my parents and I_(到機場) to see him off.(airport)【答案】am going to the airport4(2008年湖北卷)At present lots of food,

34、water,tents,and medicine_(正在運往)from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquakestricken area.(transport)【答案】are being transported5Email as well as telephones_(在發(fā)揮重要作用) in modern communication.(part)【答案】is playing an important part9、靜夜四無鄰,荒居舊業(yè)貧。2022/10/132022/10/13Thursday, October

35、13, 202210、雨中黃葉樹,燈下白頭人。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/2022 11:06:35 PM11、以我獨沈久,愧君相見頻。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/13Oct-2213-Oct-2212、故人江海別,幾度隔山川。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/13Thursday, October 13, 202213、乍見翻疑夢,相悲各問年。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/202214、他鄉(xiāng)生白發(fā),舊國見青山。13 十月 20222022

36、/10/132022/10/132022/10/1315、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。十月 222022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/202216、行動出成果,工作出財富。2022/10/132022/10/1313 October 202217、做前,能夠環(huán)視四周;做時,你只能或者最好沿著以腳為起點的射線向前。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/132022/10/139、沒有失敗,只有暫時停止成功!。2022/10/132022/10/13Thursday, October 13, 202210、很多事情努力了未必有結果,但是不努力卻什么改變也沒有。2022/10/132022/10/132022/10/1310/13/2022 11:06:35 PM11、成功就是日復一日那一點點小小努力的積


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