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1、 對(duì)比分析論文:中美達(dá)人秀節(jié)目評(píng)委批評(píng)策略對(duì)比分析【中文摘要】言語(yǔ)行為是人們最常用的交流方式之一。言語(yǔ)交流在人們的生活中起著舉足輕重的作用。對(duì)言語(yǔ)行為的研究,也深受研究者們關(guān)注,但目前主要集中在對(duì)請(qǐng)求,道歉,恭維,拒絕等方面的研究,對(duì)批評(píng)策略的研究還不夠充分。批評(píng)作為一種威脅面子的行為,使用得恰當(dāng)就很可能達(dá)到目標(biāo)效果,使用不當(dāng),不僅很難達(dá)到目標(biāo)效果,甚至可能會(huì)惡化說(shuō)話(huà)者和聽(tīng)話(huà)者的關(guān)系。由此可見(jiàn),對(duì)批評(píng)策略的研究有著深遠(yuǎn)的意義。本文以言語(yǔ)行為理論,禮貌理論以及霍夫斯泰德的國(guó)家文化維度理論為基礎(chǔ),對(duì)中國(guó)達(dá)人秀與美國(guó)達(dá)人秀節(jié)目評(píng)委的批評(píng)策略進(jìn)行了對(duì)比研究。前人對(duì)批評(píng)策略的研究基本上采取調(diào)查問(wèn)卷的方法



4、答語(yǔ)的研究等?!居⑽恼縎ppeecch aact is onee off thhe mmostt coommoon uusedd waays of commmunnicaatioon, whiich plaays an impporttantt roole in peooplees llifee. IIt iis aalsoo onne oof tthe stuudy foccusees ffor ressearrcheers. Thhe pprevviouus sspeeech actt sttudiies maiinlyy foocuss onn reequeest, appoloo

5、gy, coompllimeent andd reejecct, etcc. HHoweeverr, tthe ressearrchees oon ccritticiism strrateegiees aare stiill inaadeqquatte. Criiticcismm iss a facce tthreeateeninng sspeeech actt. IIf iit iis uusedd appproopriiateely, thhe eexpeecteed ccritticiism efffectt caan bbe aachiieveed; if it is missusee

6、d, thee reelattionnshiip bbetwweenn thhe sspeaakerr annd tthe heaarerr miightt bee huurt. Thhereeforre, thee reeseaarchh onn crritiicissm sstraateggy hhas farr-reeachhingg siigniificcancce.BBaseed oon SSpeeech Actt Thheorry, Polliteenesss TTheoory andd Hoofsttedees TTheoory of Nattionnal Cullturral

7、Dimmenssionn, tthe papper connduccts a cconttrasstivve aanallysiis oof jjudggescriiticcismm sttrattegiies in Chiinesse aand Ameericcan tallentt shhowss. TThe datta oof pprevviouus rreseearcchess onn crritiicissm sstraateggiess weere almmostt coolleecteed tthrooughh thhe wway of queestiionnnairres. T

8、hhe rreseearccherrs ccan obttainn a larrge nummberr off daata in a sshorrt ttimee byy suuch a wway. Hoowevver, thhe cconttextt off thhis datta iis aassuumedd. FFor lacckinng oof rreall coonteext, thhe ccorppus is nott peersuuasiive enooughh. BBaseed oon tthe sellf-bbuillt cclossed corrpuss, wwhicch

9、iis ccompposeed bby ssix epiisoddes in Seaasonn 1 of Chiinas GGot Tallentt annd sseveen eepissodees iin SSeasson 3 oof AAmerricaas GGot Tallentt, tthe papper connduccts a cconttrasstivve sstuddy oof jjudggescriiticcismm sttrattegiies in Chiinesse aand Ameericcan tallentt shhowss.177 crritiicissm sst

10、raateggiess haave beeen oobtaaineed ffromm thhe sselff-buuiltt coorpuus, whiich inccluddes 9 OOn-rrecoord Strrateegiees,88 Offf-rrecoord Strrateegiees. Thee juudgees oof CChinnas GGot Tallentt emmplooyedd 144 crritiicissm sstraateggiess ammongg thhe 117 sstraateggiess, aand thee juudgees oof AAmerri

11、caas GGot Tallentt addoptted 16 criiticcismm sttrattegiies. Byy crritiicissm sstraateggiess coontrrastt, iit sseemms tthatt booth thee Chhineese andd Ammeriicann taalennt sshowwsjuddgess prrefeer OOn-rrecoord Strrateegiees. Butt thheree arre bbig freequeencyy diiffeerenncess beetweeen thee twwo ppar

12、ttiess (tthe freequeencyy off Onn-reecorrd SStraateggiess addoptted by Ameericcas GGot Tallentt juudgees iis aas hhighh ass 800.6%, wwhille tthe Chiinesse iis 552.11%). Affterr Diiscuussiing thee siimillariitiees aand diffferrencces of criiticcismm sttrattegiies empployyed in thee twwo sshowws, thee

13、 paaperr prreseentss thhe iinteerprretaatioon oof tthe simmilaarittiess annd ddifffereencees oof ccritticiism strrateegiees iin tthe folllowwingg. TThe stuudy finnds thaat NNatiionaal CCultturaal DDimeensiion plaays a vveryy immporrtannt rrolee inn thhe iinteerprretaatioon. Nowwadaays, taalennt ssho

14、ww beecommes morre aand morre ppopuularr, aand thee juudgees crritiicissm sstraateggiess arre llikeely to infflueencee annd eevenn too guuidee thhe aaudiiencce hhow to usee crritiicissm sstraateggiess. TTherrefoore, thhe wwritter hoppes to revveall thhe mmystteryy off crritiicissm sstraateggiess too

15、 soome exttentt. TThiss paaperr maay cconttribbutee too crritiicissm sstraateggiess sttudyy, ccrosss-ccultturaal sstuddy aand commmunnicaatioon iin aa ceertaain deggreee. OOf ccourrse, thhis stuudy onlly ttoucchess onn coontrrasttivee reeseaarchh off crritiicissm sstraateggiess, aand morre aaspeects

16、s abboutt crritiicissm aare stiill waiitinng ffor furrtheer sstuddiess annd ddisccusssionns, succh aas tthe ressponnse of criiticcismm sttrattegiies, ettc.【關(guān)鍵詞】對(duì)比分析 言語(yǔ)行為 批評(píng)策略 達(dá)人秀【英文關(guān)鍵鍵詞】cconttrasstivve aanallysiis sspeeech actt crritiicissm sstraateggy ttaleent shoow【目錄】中中美達(dá)人人秀節(jié)目目評(píng)委批批評(píng)策略略對(duì)比分分析 摘要要 3

17、3-4 Abbstrractt 44-5 Liist of Tabbless annd FFiguuress 66-9 Chhaptter 1 IIntrroduuctiion 9-11 1.1 BBackkgrooundd off thhe SStuddy 9-110 1.22 Obbjecctivves of thee Sttudyy 110 1.33 Sttruccturre oof tthe Theesiss 110-111 Chaapteer 22 Liiterratuure Revvieww annd TTheooretticaal FFrammewoork 111-233 22.

18、1 Litteraaturre RReviiew 111-166 22.1.1 DDefiinittionn off Cuultuure 111-133 22.1.2 DDefiinittionn off Crritiicissm 13-15 2.1.33 Prreviiouss Sttudiies on Criiticcismm Abbroaad 15-16 2.1.44 Prreviiouss Sttudiies on Criiticcismm att Hoome 166 22.2 Theeoreeticcal Fraamewworkk 116-223 2.22.1 Speeechh Ac

19、ct TTheoory 177-199 22.2.2 PPoliitennesss Thheorry 19-20 2.2.33 Hoofsttedees NNatiionaal CCultturaal DDimeensiion Theeoryy 220-223 Chaapteer 33 Reeseaarchh Meethoodollogyy annd DDataa Deescrripttionn 223-226 3.11 Meethoodollogyy off thhe SStuddy 23 3.2 DDataa Deescrripttionn 223-226 3.22.1 Datta RRe

20、soourcce 23-25 3.2.22 Reeasoons forr Chhoossingg thhe TTwo Tallentt Shhowss 225-226 Chaapteer 44 Juudgees Crritiicissm SStraateggiess Annalyysiss annd DDisccusssionn 226-449 4.1 OOverralll Crritiicissm SStraateggiess Coontrrastt 226-228 4.22 Onn-reecorrd SStraateggiess 228-336 4.22.1 Balld SStatteme

21、ent 288-299 44.2.2 QQuesstiooninng 29-30 4.2.33 Saarcaasm 300-311 44.2.4 CConssequuencce 31-32 4.2.55 Orrderr/Coommaand 322-333 44.2.6 CComppariisonn 333-334 4.22.7 Inssultt 334-335 4.22.8 Exppresssioon oof NNegaativve FFeellingg 335 4.22.9 Heddginng 35-36 4.3 OOff-reccordd Sttrattegiies 366-444 44.3.1 IInsttrucctioon/SSugggesttionn 336-337 4.33.2 Enqquirry 37-38 4.3.33 Emmpatthy 388-399 44.3.4 FFiguurattionn 339-440 4.33.5 Strrokii


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