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1、18/18論平屋面的排水與找坡raiged sloe inding f flat rfrdcion: rainge enerallaopts troof wll ad Roo Sling gttperipheral telftwoays t sove。y wrds: flatoof, ainwte, slope fidingDraiagua dopts la of wal d Rofopng gutte peihera lf wways toslve。A gtterin he wall or paraet, t faaes subject to cerain cnstrnts, can nob

2、e full reliz。 n theroo parapet sid ditch, an thecontradictn of te rof ea, plate, eibeaely gvsrutur i lso dificult, loaffct theromspe,rely n esshck inslaton (insulaion) layer n notbe cut, insulatio (insultion)layer isso negativ, olding the geditch (isulti)ayers lo diffcult tofindthesle ptctio;elibera

3、tely thined lye andinulation layer(insulion), le th udrgroundgargeoa thickee layrsd dich i not proiae (see Fgue1). Threfor, teris he roof tructure by lookingforhesloe, the buidigsope to sv, b beaus of the iregar pan,any changs,the sruture for sope iimte, it is diiclt to achiee. I diio, tep uface o t

4、e omisnven ad loosncomfoab Thrfore,th conrucioof slpe is ir and more lexble。The poem disussed here is limitet hiFgure1 cut inulatin (hat insulat)layer to form side ditchI General prciples f raiter iltstng1。 missiopttrnsA cmbinaion of roo,inwate, platoon, latoo, or bot。I oderto facilitat mainenance a

5、n reduce lakage, lesindoor space, he desgn sould be used as aras posb outide the platon, an e the lrge spn otsid e diffiuy o buildng facade remntsca o rowoutde, e se o intralomixepe.。 f thecatcent area calcuto(1): rof athmeara of th roof is aculatd acordn t he horizonaprojcton area of th roof。 Inthe

6、 stndp wh 10s an xamle, hdisplacment f 19(/S) (19 3。668。4m3/h), en hernfll depthis 00mm/h,thcatenarea of 680 uae mee, he ranfl nteity iSnzhen City, toreroduc th horly ranall peodf iv years for he tcnes f62mm/h, ile the catchment rea is 260squre eter, but tang io accunt h rain bucketsi buck, bucket,

7、bucket, uket nsinglesope oher unfarable facoso susened pipe, pls a cerin saetfacor, and herfor not cmplte i acoringto dispcet ofth rser to caculte tecatchmen aeSoSnzhn city equrs aigle ull maximu ahent eais less than150squae meers(2):e all f high-rise buildig a poiu, indow wlls cloe to the outer wal

8、l of thehigrise buildig unround garage ntancerp, n additionto itoncomuing area, ol alo be hgerthan the ide wll a convredby 1/2 n the cathment areaf he roft aulat Wh thee are sverali wallstha rise av th rof, they usualy ny calculte heae ide (or th maiumjecn areaofth wal).3。 te atchmt are of 150 sarem

9、etersshounotbe es tan hroof onl st aran。 In the sm ccment area, th stndpipe huld no be lestha wo,a he unfo lad (witterdring, houl be se upn the gtter or aldo e ovro moth)4 ain o iwatr pipe spacing shoulbe consiered accoing to the deisonfaorsfinge capcty, roof nd guttrlope,enelno moethan m。5. anwatr

10、pipdiameter shall not be lsshan 1.6. leelsp roegt o the achmet ae oferofis ss than100 sqaremees, an be route t the lo of。 Unr the ouletholdeprvided withrotecte anls, gnerally 20 50 x50 x 50 concee slab。ctchmet a of oretan10 squae mtrs, shoud be otedirecty ith he loerroo rain wateror rainate rainagsy

11、stm.d sas uldbe dsigned nt7.aroof foraio,the height o the lo, lowseam all ot e acd in the at ear t downhil, ot n he rain near the mout Oerfsall e ade to he rooo he dormed joint8. dainagspeSpeifcations, la odraingsloeshall b 2 3, te strutre for lopshld be 3%, matrils o sl(i。e building opng) shld , g(

12、gtte) lngtudinal soe soul nt beesstha0。3。Adin the design prcice, e main sopeinto, side slp (the lope) into 0.5is more aproprit.hihruildings, becase theriwaepe n th air vortex andothe rean, esltingith l lar ofh alcon o ash he ater,tak water, the of and alcoy rainwater pipe houd ot be ued. Inaiona was

13、hgachiner ino te itchentthe alconyto achieve rain waer dversion,the waec ot be eTo.Sloefiding method。 squareor rectnularflat oquare o rcngularflat rooar common, and thesolutin to thproblm isthe simplestand te mos basi.(1) si outltfor sigle agleSingle slopetp: an iclined slope towads herint qure or r

14、ecnular coln that intercepsanbliquecrosseiotoform an inclne sope. Ifyopres the diagonal to fid eslope, st themimu atrinlet,thehihst dnal ots, ptpl staght line, nd set it slope, o fid the difrence eween two ints, ds te ratimthod to find te eigt f the other two point, e fue . I i asqur, the oher wo in

15、t r he ame iht, and its al tehiht diffrnce bewenthtopoits。If you okor t sloe at 45 degrees, th principis e same as thsquare,but th rectangle is ttle diffren, as sonin figure。 Accdng o th sae planeofind he p,caclatete eiht of suae diaona ointvlue, theoher a fr to f the eigt vale,olong ed toteexeno ne

16、,endiul tothe ther tw orners fttagle, tetal slop Tese tokinds o le fiding methods a compared with eachoter. The tter hs alightly smller slpe,smalervolme adeser slopefing。Figur 2a pe,slope b daonalFiure 3 slope, 45 ers sloeDle slop type:after two incind anesntrse,the slop fes the a gaeAsquare plae, a

17、 arg slope (or mi ope) none decto, a smllslopin anoterCalledsubsl),the teection of two slos, he rai wll b dirctedo thra ozzle. Seefigur 4i. biireco lopeiding() rn to two o mo ran eof,norr toavoidth a waeris bced nd hpor driag, nd according to he catchmet aa of differt sze, usaly with wo r more rain(

18、a small oof ection) Iesetting ofposion, sld p atenion t th cachmnt rea i h mouth of load should e uniforand easy drinage。Its draiagprincipl,as dscrbed abve。 ue tw slope remoe flexible, ad they a b soved n mplex tations, whleth sile le type is subetto cerain restricion, nd som cases rediffcult o chev

19、e. Seeigure .Inthiscase, singl lope s difficult, the catcmentara s dificleven, it is difficlt toxpress th sface, th constrction nt isnt sy to ndrstand, o i isnot esy to use。Fig. il sloe rinae of threerain ate2. rond flat rh cirularflat rof dsusse here,not therojioplan ft oiqueo srface othe cylinde c

20、one princip and method ofdainae arebaicl tsam as squar or rectange,bu the fur derenFig。 sinle ope daageo l roofhe cicur oof danage slop oe incled setion s cally a cylinder, a drain, a cylnderbevl knife; two symtrial dai cut two nife tree, threeknfe, fur nivesfour.Bcausth crosseiois rom highto lw, he

21、ermeter a gradl rve, and th water an e iharged to te rain gat withou makinnuxlay slope. See figr 6。 If u doanotesoe, u cn, b the consrction s mor coplx, and more ateias。 eefigureFg。 7double sope drainage wih flat roof3。 fa flat rofTe anshpeplae i part of t annuar pan, nd theinneand uter sdes a be d

22、findingtesopead h diae. Te slope issearchedby te bilding foa slope hou, and the lpe isseacdby te structurewn te sope is lrge. Generaly, te fanshaed lops mdeof urve suae,beause it is made athe same ight lng teall of edaughte,and the lped thematelaresavd,so he in and theecondar slosare madint cured ur

23、acs。Sfiur 8。ig ouble slopecurved sucerainage of fatrfIt i importat tnotetha he iersectinohemain ad scony slopes sot a staight ne, b an arc, an the ringprincpl is siila toha of he sque (recangle). I paticular ase,th surae canbemde into a planeinste of a crvd srface, s shon figure 9However,th grphics

24、adificl t nerstand,and the construction more difficult。Fg. 9 sngle loe drage of flat rohree, th rltioship beteen temainandsu sophe main slope reers to he raiaesloe f rgere ordomna daage Te secondary ope is etical o at n ange from temanslopeDnage slpe Themain slope oflae lope, generally ke 2%3%,sbslp

25、eslo sm, generallyake .5%1。 If iti imilar oronsisent, threis no difrc betwee th principalad the scndarsloes.h man lop is arge, it i esyto quikly drain lagereas of rainwater, ten slope rigs lotorain to thesecodary slop, as long s th fow and acrtain lope,yu cnquklyrw Sie ditch slope approximatiunti, s

26、 thesope can be rced,nt imlar to te maslop, o te a lot wok.The alinment ofth main soet the seconary lope, thesecdary sope t the ain gate, ad the algnmnt fthe main and seconary spes arerltd to the size fe two pes,ncanbedered fro h priciple ofequl heght at each ofthe t slpes,whte ontemain sle o the se

27、cdayslopeThe slopeof the ecoda slpe s5, hemain lpe i2%, te lenthfthe seondy lopeis L, the mai slop lengt is a,an th h=0 L=2 a, r =L/4 Similry, itcabe poved at hn th to spe ar eqal, th iesection l s 45 egrees, or1:1;wethe seondry slop ste 1/2 f the ain loe, he intersection lin s :2; the ecdarslop is

28、the min slope; the intersetion line of1/is :4, and s on. shown in fge 1 F farof drwinprnciple ithe same。g 10 loctin of nersecion o mai and seoaryslopesFou,fin theamunt o slo materialIn th usl esign addawiproes, only convnetn easy, can trn off the en thelin,bu toid hesloe material blittl scrutin anan

29、alysi,not noi t draiag iretion and th diffrent wa, ce temael t grow expnentially, butalsa was f esources, swtof atentin, frexmpl。 ee iue 111, singlesope tpe2,douesloptye(1) h min lpeis loaed i a g upwd irction(2)the ain sloe i located na short upad reconFige 11 sketh slpe maeilFom clclatirults f hab

30、oeoucae, te roo arais xatlythesame, t mainlpe te me, bubecase of the differtays a irections of findin t slp, th uber f slope mateia is vey difert. The first, second asesre simil, nd thscond cae aremore convenint for raig and atical operato, anles materials are sd。 Inhe thd,frth case, h way offning t

31、he sop ishsme, but the irection isdiffernt, but quantitys very dffrent。Th tid ases a lmosttwie s anyasth th cases, especially the firsts moretha wice asman as te furth hrefore, the abv forcases, from te range effectisfeasible,but from hnmber ofo materials, codknds than the fist povince, t furth ostp

32、rovineFive lton lope iescti ine dsurfaceayr ecorationNow sme people on the rof, ll pve brck, ith ntersection ad ppet or side lls ofto slope is orthogona, butse (i., no interscion foude) to ut a ot of is, a a l o wrk, but lsonot euifl. So y to make it squre。If youusea sinle losyle, rainnoz, the ake a

33、 spe, slope the rain nol; two in waterinlet, en ke two slopes, repecvel, sloe to w rain ozle, thenhe itersecton ofthe two pes reltiely prigt. See gre 2。n th y, the tersco f the tw loesiless, anditibt imple and beautiful, which enefit pvement engnrin。Therefoe, i ieter to ue hi sige slp whenavintes, u

34、t i ore diffult tofnd sopes tha double sopes.Figure 2 snle slope iersectin lne founderThe rlaton etweenintesection lin and slope ofsixadt slopsA the wo slpes r the me, the lie f ieretion, rspectiof te idge lne o valeylie, mst be on themiddle linbetwnthe tw ran gats。If t on the enta le, thn theslpe o

35、 the wo lomt not qal, that, lop, mall slope, his t inevitbleret. Ifthe slopesth e,the distaeete e ridge and the lne t he rainge s dfrt,a tha isimpssiblePiting randoms puzling.Sv。Sl cbatons of plane ypesawtr ppeon e ocation, hoping t onsidr drana pssibl and conenient, butthe esignlevel changesmoreado

36、re nw, he facad is asoore an oe attention,s its positn isnotideal, t ind th loe rigs ctin difficuy。1。 rthonl paA sglesquare (o etanla) drinageslpe fning mehod s relativlyimle, twormore square (rectanua) combinins of plaes ar muh mor oplicaed。 Take two ifferentsies ofrectanulr orthogonal combnations

37、of symetrc planes, ad th ran nozl posit has be degnateas an exme (Figur 1):(1)sngle sope type:Fig.13 singl soe mode o ompsie roo forsloe fdingan been f Figure 13, the first saroof slp ireoand slop chanswih arge roofchne,thatis to say, the lpng anglemst e consitent, sotthe vale inescostet, econdly, s

38、mall of oe, unlikethe bg roof frm throof anel on slope in th ain at hemout,and te lf is o te roo, rom the heightofintersecin A 1 = S s o h right sideo he sloe, slope n theroof, f te it of interection Bh = 22。(2) dobe sloe type:Fig.14 obe sloe of composite roofDublspe sope soe typemailne is in heroof

39、surfe,rg rof sidesope as entioned bere, and thesmal slpe roofside terar twoways, neis 1a, dputy from orain lpe o se slop th mainine, tsid slp nthe th interctio is apaapthrizontallie eent, the lef si ofiure 14a n th A seti, F tion ne right or smootanage, nd thn lpe, respctiely,rindivesin to th owr pe

40、, flow to the rannozze. Anohr i the diagam 14b, thesb slope from h size f he inerection f te roof ornr oint A (fro the soe o he ig l of thefatt pt) and its reative slopdgeline relate toanother pn ofB departue,congtohe aoe method,rectiey, te alernaeslop nteectn ine. Aferslopin ai, thouh lighly splfie

41、d, but due to h mll roof lpe roof panel is ot ilie, but thesdeslope as raied a heigh (H = i2),so thesmal Rof Slopinaoun issligtly orethathe forer, and h foreris betr。. olique planehe dringe lope findigethod of ke ompoiteplae is a littl mr omplex tha h o the orthoonalobinain plane, and the symeris mo

42、r colicatedtn the smmetry Taewo rectaulr olqe matins of rreulr lane as an eample:(1) singleslpe typeFIG。 irreglar plae sinle lope dranage()Te two corr poits A ndBo the Figre 1ar nnctd,and ahexagonis diided i wo qaangl, wc s there le a ran gaeor the ridge of thetwo rai gates. Te sln mehd as mentioned

43、efore, butthe fou cornrsare diffeent, and shoulpay attetion to rain wete l liith sde of an included angle lpha, bet anlemust les tan90 degre; te two ai o located in the same sd; th fis set f are rof slope I,nd thendeermethe mall f slpe i。 Ather cae is shon i figur 16. Itis tse he iersecton lne of he

44、 two slps, AB,as te dnag vally le, u be af:G.16 ireguar lat ngl l dringe(tw)First deerminethe log sopeI1,ad thnfnd A poits ih, AB slpe,I and shrt soe I,andwhen30.3, mae er ajutmetTe nlydpth is h sm, at s L1 = , I1 =2 /alpha / betahe angleapha and beta l sgreater han90 egrees,ifone angleesstan 90degrees,heufac of theoucorne poishold obe e sam,


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