Unit 5 情態(tài)動詞學案-高中英語人教版必修第三冊_第1頁
Unit 5 情態(tài)動詞學案-高中英語人教版必修第三冊_第2頁
Unit 5 情態(tài)動詞學案-高中英語人教版必修第三冊_第3頁
Unit 5 情態(tài)動詞學案-高中英語人教版必修第三冊_第4頁
Unit 5 情態(tài)動詞學案-高中英語人教版必修第三冊_第5頁
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1、 情態(tài)動詞的基本用法一、情態(tài)動詞的定義情態(tài)動詞(Model Verbs)又稱為情態(tài)助動詞(Model Auxiliaries),本身有一定的詞義,但要與動詞原形一起使用構成謂語,表示說話人對有關行為或事物的態(tài)度和看法,表示可能、能力、請求許可、建議忠告、命令義務禁止、意圖、推測等。二、基本特征 :1. 在形式上,情態(tài)動詞沒有實義動詞的各種變化,即不隨主語的不同而變化,只有could, might,should,would, had to幾個過去式,其他情態(tài)動詞如must, ought to等的過去式皆與現(xiàn)在式同形。2. 在意義上,大多數(shù)情態(tài)動詞有多個意義。3. 在用法上,情態(tài)動詞與助動詞一樣,

2、須后接動詞原形,構成謂語動詞。三常見情態(tài)動詞、否定式及縮略形式:四情態(tài)動詞的分類五、情態(tài)動詞的基本用法1. can & could + do be done (能力、請求許可、猜測)(1) My grandmother _ do some shopping on the Internet.(2)The building was on fire, but luckily everyone in it _ escape from it.(can/could 表示能力(ability),用于一般現(xiàn)在時和過去時, 意思相當于 be able to。在一般過去時中,was / were able to

3、通常表示能做并且已經(jīng)做了的事=managed to do或succeed in doing,可用于各種時態(tài)中,could 僅表示能力。) _you give me a hand with the box?Could I use your car?Yes, of course you_ _. No, _ ( can/could 表示 “請求” 和“許可”,could語氣更委婉,肯定回答時要用can,不用could。)The temperature here _ be as high as 37.As a human being, anyone _ make a mistake.(can用在肯定句

4、中多表示理論上的可能,“經(jīng)驗之談”,含有“有時會”的意思。)(cant . too/enough 無論也不過分;越越好; cant (help) but do sth. 不得不,只好;cant help doing sth. 禁不住做某事;“couldnt be better”表示“最好,再好不過”)翻譯:你過馬路的時候再怎么小心也不過分.I cant thank you too much for all your help to my son. One cannot but admire her determination. 我這個月的工作最好。含義否定式注意點(表能力)區(qū)別be able

5、to (請求許可)Could 語氣更委婉(表猜測)表推測主要用于否定/疑問句中,陳述句為客觀可能性May & might + do be done(請求許可、猜測)(1)_ I have a few words with your manager?Yes, you _.No, you _.You _ have some fever.That _ be Mary shes in hospital.Mr Smith _ be a great player, but hes a good captain.(may not 不太可能會 cant肯定不會)(5)祝你成功!(may表示祝愿,常用結構為:M

6、ay主語動詞原形)May you ! A. succeed B. success(6)Since it is a fine day, we _walk.His appearance has changed so much that you_ not recognize him.( may/might as well do sth “還是為好;不妨” =had better do sth may/might well do sth“很有可能”)Must & need + do be done(必須、肯定猜測、偏偏)You mustnt do that, because you must keep

7、 your word.Must I finish my homework today? Yes, you _. No, you _.( must表示“必要性”, 意為“必須”,其否定形式為mustnt (不準,禁止),must 的否定回答用 neednt dont have to不需要。must 表示一種主觀的義務和必要;而have to 表示一種客觀被迫需要,含有“不得不,只好”的意思。)(2)That _ be the only way. There _ be other ways of solving the problem.那不可能是解決問題的唯一辦法,肯定有另外的辦法。(肯定猜測“一

8、定,準是”,只能用在肯定句中, 在否定句、疑問句中要用cant代替,表示“不可能會)(3)Why must it rain today?為什么偏偏今天下雨?(must表“偏要”)Will & would + do be done (表意志;表請求建議;習慣性動作;表猜測)I _ never do that again. (表示意志、意愿和決心)(2)_ you give me a piece of paper?(表示請求、建議。用于第二人稱的疑問句,would表示更委婉的語氣)(3)She _ listen to music, alone in her room, for hours.(4)W

9、e _ sit around Grandpa after supper, listening to his stories.(表示習慣性動作、固有屬性或必然趨勢,“總是;習慣于”。would指過去的習慣=used to。)Shall (意見、命令警告允諾、必須;應該)+ doI am busy now. _ my brother do it for you?(用于第一、三人稱的疑問句中表示說話者征求對方的意見。) A. Will B. Shall C. Must D. May Daddy, can you buy me a new ipad when you go to Beijing? Yo

10、u _ get one if you are admitted to a key middle school.(shall用于第二、第三人稱,表示說話人給對方的命令、警告、允諾。)(用于法律,條約,規(guī)章,等文件中,無論主語人稱如何一律用shall:必須;應該 。)翻譯:每個學生在7:05分以前到達教室早讀。Should(主觀看法) + do = ought to (語氣略強;法令規(guī)則、行為準則、道德責任等客觀)+ do = be supposed to do sth (1)我們應該嚴格要求自己。(2) Its wonderful that you should have achieved so

11、 much in these years. (3)Dont ask me. How should I know?(should表示責任、義務、勸告、建議,意為“應該”=ought toshould表示驚訝、憤怒、失望等特殊情感, 意為“竟然”should表示按常理、經(jīng)驗進行推測,意為“按道理說應該”)Need + do be done(need作情態(tài)動詞主要用于疑問句、否定句或條件句中。)I neednt _(use) a clock to wake me up.Need he _(go) there himself?(need作實義動詞,有人稱、數(shù)、時態(tài)的變化,常用搭配:sb need to

12、 do需要做某事sth need doing/to be done需要被做)(3)I dont need _(use) a clock to wake me up.(4)Did he need _(go) there himself?(5)My watch needs_(repair).8. dareCan&could請求、許可推測能力May&might請求、許可推測祝愿(may)Will & would請求推測意愿、決心習慣性動作must推測必要性偏偏、偏要Should 推測責任、建議竟然shall請求法規(guī)、規(guī)章制度允諾、警告、決心情態(tài)動詞表推測1. I dont know where sh

13、e is, she _ in Shanghai. (可能在上海)2. At this moment, our teacher_.(一定正在上課)3. The road is wet. It _last night. (一定下過雨)4. Philip _ seriously in the car accident. (可能在車禍中受了重傷)5. Mike _ his car, for he came to work by bus this morning.(一定還沒有找回他的車)6. He _ his homework now. (不可能正在做作業(yè))注意:I really regret wast

14、ing the hours when I should have studied hard,but it is too late. I was really anxious about you. You shouldnt have left home without a word.I neednt have worried before I came to the new school, for my classmates here are friendly to me.You could have reviewed, but you played games all night.過去將來時的

15、用法I.用法1.過去將來時表達過去某時之后將要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。它常用于主句謂語是一般過去時態(tài)的賓語從句中。例如:They would begin to discuss this when they arrived.他們到達時就會開始討論這件事。The peasants were sure that they would have another good harvest that year.農(nóng)民們堅信那一年將又會大豐收。II.過去將來時態(tài)的結構1. would do表達將發(fā)生的動作。例如:He wouldnt leave the next Friday.隨后的周五,他不會離開。2. w

16、as / were going to do表達準備、計劃、將要做某事,它所表達可能發(fā)生也可能不發(fā)生的動作。例如:The students were going to play table tennis that afternoon.那天下午學生們要打乒乓球。3. was / were about to do表達馬上發(fā)生的動作,它不可與明確時間狀語連用。其常用句式是was / wereaboutto do when+從句。例如:The meeting was about to be held at once.這個會議馬上舉行。4. go, come, return, leave, start,

17、finish等動詞的過去進行時態(tài)表達過去將要發(fā)生的動作。例如。They said they were leaving for Paris soon.他們說不久他們將離開去巴黎。5. was / were to do表達曾經(jīng)計劃做某事。例如:She said she was to buy a flat in Shanghai.她說過要在上海買一套房子。高考鏈接1One of our rules is that every student _ wear school uniform while at school.AmightBCould CshallDwill2Did you attend th

18、e meeting for the experiment project yesterday?Yes, but I dont think I _ because my director was there.Aneed to haveBneed toCneeded toDneed have3Frankly speaking, I am not sure whether I _ this in the old days with that kind of equipment, which looks quite odd and ridiculous.Ashould have doneBneed h

19、ave doneCwould have doneDmust have done4Its already 11 oclock , and he _ have been here half an hour ago.Maybe he got caught in the rain.AmustBought to CMay Dcan5Can I pay the bill by credit card?Sorry, sir. But it is the management rules of our hotel that payment _ be made in cash.AshallBNeed Cwill

20、Dmust6Mark _ have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.AneedntBwouldntCmustntDcouldnt7It has been announced that all the students _ put on masks before going to school in case they are infected with SARS virus.AshallBwillCneedDmay8I feel a little nervous.Take it easy. Y

21、ou _ have difficulty passing the exam when you have prepared for it well.9Whats wrong with you?Oh, I am sick. I _ so much ice cream just now.Ashouldnt eatBmustnt eatCcouldnt have eatenDshouldnt have eaten10Traveling by subway _ sometimes be quite an adventure, especially during the rush hour.AmustBc

22、anCshallDshould11He is a bad-tempered fellow, but he _ be quite charming when he wishes.AshallBShould CcanDmust12It is really cold and the ground is wet; it _ have rained last night.AmightBMust CcanDshould13Paul did a great job in the speech contest. He many times last week.Aneed have practisedBmigh

23、t practiseCmust have practisedDcould practise14I have something important to tell John. But I cant find him.His cell phone is here, so he _ have gone too far.AmustntBneednt CwouldntDcant15Mr. Baker, some students want to see you. _ they wait here or outside?AMayBShouldCShallDWill16Most of the top le

24、aders expressed a common desire at the UN conference, _ that different cultures _ coexist with tolerance.Athe one ; mustBthe one ; shouldCone ; mustDone ; should17It _ be the postman at the door. Its only six oclock.AmustntBcant CwontDneednt18I love the weekend, because I _ get up early on Saturdays

25、 and Sundays.AmustntBneednt CwouldntDshouldnt19Peter searched all the places where he_have left her iPad but it was all in vain. AmightBwouldCmustDshould21 Jim _ what I said annoying though he didnt say anything. So you mean you will have to apologize to him?Amust findBmight findCshould have foundDm

26、ust have found22Tom, you _ leave all your clothes on the floor like this!AwouldntBmustntCneedntDmay not23Skills like critical thinking and analysis _ be found on the Internet, because they must be acquired in the context of facts.AcantBneedntCmustntDshouldnt24_ you disturb me now? Im busy preparing

27、a report. Terribly sorry, but I have something urgent to tell you.ANeedBShouldCMightDMust翻譯1.*(2019天津高考 我本來希望送給彼得一件禮物祝賀他結婚, 但沒有做到。2.*(2019全國卷)人群可能會破壞這個地方的美。3.*她可能不知道這件事。4.(2019江蘇高考 我很樂意在歡迎儀式上穿中國傳統(tǒng)服裝。過去將來時高考真題1The novel written by the author _ best, but five years ago no one could have imagined how g

28、reat a role he _ in the literary world.Asells; was to playBwas selling; was playingCsold; had playedDis sold; is playing2The plane is leaving right now,but Jim hasnt arrived yet.Well,he said he_here on time.Acame Bwould come Ccan be Dwill be3Daddy promised me he _ me a computer.Awas boughtBhad bough

29、tCboughtDwould buy5The students were told that they _ at the school gate at 2:00 the following afternoon.AMet Bwill meet Cwere to meet Dwere met6He said that his car_stolen and he_have to telephone the police.7John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather _with them to school.8 Bob, did y


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