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1、考研閱讀高高分十二二大策略略一、應(yīng)試總總則翻開考研英英語試卷卷的閱讀讀部分,考考生首先先應(yīng)當(dāng)掌掌握的最最基本的的應(yīng)試總總則可以以概括為為12個(gè)個(gè)字:文文章思路路、圈點(diǎn)點(diǎn)到位、重重疊原文文。事實(shí)實(shí)上這112個(gè)字字已經(jīng)概概括了閱閱讀解題題的全部部過程。第一步“文文章思路路”是指指考生首首先應(yīng)對對文章總總體的思思路和結(jié)結(jié)構(gòu)有一一個(gè)大概概的了解解,先不不要急于于去讀題題目,而而是應(yīng)當(dāng)當(dāng)將文章章從頭到到尾看一一遍,弄弄清楚文文章的中中心意思思,這一一遍閱讀讀的目的的并不是是要立即即找到答答題所需需要的信信息點(diǎn)。 在閱讀讀的時(shí)候候還要有有主次之之分,文文章的第第一段是是文章的的靈魂和和核心,也也應(yīng)當(dāng)是是第







8、使使用語言言時(shí)所必必須遵守守的總則則。在設(shè)設(shè)置選項(xiàng)項(xiàng)時(shí),四四個(gè)選項(xiàng)項(xiàng)的長度度及句法法不應(yīng)有有太大差差異,而而選項(xiàng)所所使用的的語言難難度必須須低于文文章本身身的難度度。這一一點(diǎn)對考考生大有有幫助,因因?yàn)榭忌梢岳眠x項(xiàng)項(xiàng)來理解解文章。這這一原則則幾乎在在所有的的閱讀試試題中都都有所體體現(xiàn),故故此筆者者在這里里就不再再列舉。“反話正說說”的命命題方式式是指選選項(xiàng)用肯肯定的方方式來表表述文中中用否定定方式所所表述的的內(nèi)容。僅僅在20000年年的考研研試卷中中,就有有四道題題目采用用了這種種命題方方式。例“few ameericcanss atttriibutte tthiss soolelly

9、tto ssuchh obbvioous cauusess ass a devvaluued dolllarr orr thhe tturnningg off thhe bbusiinesss ccyclle.”the aauthhor seeems to bellievve tthe revvivaal oof tthe u.ss. eeconnomyy inn thhe 119900s ccan be atttribbuteed tto tthe.atuurniing of thee buusinnesss cyycleebreestrructturiing of inddusttryci

10、mmproovedd buusinnesss maanaggemeentdsuucceess in eduucattionn20000年年54題題a正確答答案第三種常用用的命題題方式“正正話反說說”,是是指文中中用肯定定方式表表述,而而選項(xiàng)用用否定方方式表述述,兩者者意義相相吻合。這這一命題題方式在在近年的的試卷中中也可找找到例證證。例how mmanyy meen wwoulld hhavee coonsiiderred thee poossiibillityy off ann appplee faalliing up intto tthe treee? newwtonn diid bbec

11、aausee hee waas nnot tryyingg too prrediict anyythiing. hee waas jjustt woondeerinng. hiss miind wass reeadyy foor tthe unppreddicttablle. unppreddicttabiilitty iis ppartt off thhe eesseentiial natturee off reeseaarchh. iif yyou donnt hhavee unnpreedicctabble thiingss, yyou donnt hhavee reeseaarchh.

12、 sscieentiistss teend to forrgett thhis wheen wwrittingg thheirr cuut aand driied repportts ffor thee teechnnicaal jjourrnalls, butt hiistoory is fillledd wiith exaamplles of it.the aauthhor asssertts tthatt sccienntissts.ashhoulldntt reeplaace“sscieentiificc meethood”wwithh immagiinattivee thhouggh

13、tbshhoulldntt neegleect to speecullatee onn unnpreedicctabble thiingsscshhoulld wwritte mmoree coonciise repportts ffor tecchniicall joournnalssdshhoulld bbe cconffideent aboout theeir ressearrch finndinngs19999年第第68題題b正確答答案“關(guān)鍵詞替替換”是是出現(xiàn)最最頻繁的的命題方方式,幾幾乎每年年都有一一些用這這種方式式設(shè)置的的題目。例this speeediing up of liff

14、e, sayys tthe futturiist, recceivves a nnew forrm oof eexprresssionn.futurristts cclaiim tthatt wee muust.ainncreeasee thhe pprodducttionn off liiterratuurebusse ppoettry to rellievve mmodeern strressscdeevellop neww moodess off exxpreessiiondavvoidd ussingg addjecctivves andd veerbss20000年年61題題c正確答

15、答案命題專家常常常采用用“語言言簡化”、“反反話正說說”、“正正話反說說”、“關(guān)關(guān)鍵詞替替換”這這四種方方式設(shè)置置考題,對對考生進(jìn)進(jìn)行干擾擾。考生生在了解解這些方方式后,就就可以反反其道而而行之,利利用這四四種命題題方式來來檢查所所選選項(xiàng)項(xiàng)是否與與原文重重疊。二、主題原原則主旨題型又又叫主題題原則,主主要針對對文章主主題設(shè)問問,考查查考生對對通篇文文章的理理解和把把握,但但是要特特別注意意和下面面這種題題型區(qū)分分開來。筆者建議考考生在做做主題題題型時(shí)遵遵循這樣樣的原則則:因?yàn)闉榇祟愵}題干擾性性最大,難難度也最最大,考考生須讀讀完全文文才能準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)確把握握文章主主題。 所以考考生拿到到這種題題時(shí),不

16、不要急于于去找答答案,不不論其出出現(xiàn)在什什么位置置都把它它作為最最后一道道題來做做,因?yàn)闉樵谧隽砹硗馊赖李}時(shí),無無疑有助助于加深深對整個(gè)個(gè)文章的的理解。而而且,事事實(shí)上,首首先做主主旨題,考考生往往往還會回回過頭來來核查答答案,這這樣耗時(shí)時(shí)間,做做題效率率低。主題題型分分為以下下兩種。1.明確的的主題題題型此類題型位位置較為為固定,一一般是第第一個(gè)問問題或最最后一個(gè)個(gè)問題,要要求考生生為文章章選擇合合適的標(biāo)標(biāo)題或是是總結(jié)文文章的中中心思想想。此類類題型相相對難度度較小。例if yoou iinteend usiing hummor in youur ttalkk too maake peoo

17、plee smmilee, yyou musst kknoww hoow tto iidenntiffy ssharred expperiiencces andd prrobllemss. yyourr huumorr muust be rellevaant to thee auudieencee annd sshouuld hellp tto sshoww thhem thaat yyou aree onne oof tthemm orr thhat youu unnderrstaand theeir sittuattionn annd aare in symmpatthy witth tt

18、heiir ppoinnt oof vvieww. ddepeendiing on whoom yyou aree adddreessiing, thee prrobllemss wiill be diffferrentt. iif yyou aree taalkiing to a ggrouup oof mmanaagerrs, youu maay rrefeer tto tthe dissorgganiizedd meethoods of theeir seccrettariies; allterrnattiveely if youu arre aaddrresssingg seecree

19、tarriess, yyou mayy waant to commmennt oon ttheiir ddisoorgaanizzed bosssess.here is an exaamplle, whiich i hhearrd aat aa nuursees cconvventtionn, oof aa sttoryy whhichh woorkss weell beccausse tthe auddiennce alll shhareed tthe samme vvieww off dooctoors. a mann arrrivves in heaavenn annd iis bbei

20、nng sshowwn aarouund by st. peeterr. hhe sseess woondeerfuul aaccoommoodattionns, beaautiifull gaardeens, sunnny weaatheer, andd soo onn. eeverryonne iis vveryy peeaceefull, ppoliite andd frrienndlyy unntill, wwaittingg inn a linne ffor lunnch, thee neew aarriivall iss suuddeenlyy puusheed aasidde b

21、by aa maan iin aa whhitee cooat, whoo ruushees tto tthe heaad oof tthe linne, graabs hiss foood andd sttompps ooverr too a tabble by himmsellf.“wwho is thaat?”tthe neww arrrivval askked st. peeterr.“ooh, thaats godd”caame thee reeplyy,“bbut sommetiimess hee thhinkks hhes a ddocttor.”if yoou aare par

22、rt oof tthe grooup whiich youu arre aaddrresssingg, yyou willl bbe iin aa poosittionn too knnow thee exxperrienncess annd pprobblemms wwhicch aare commmonn too alll oof yyou andd ittll be appproppriaate forr yoou tto mmakee a passsinng rremaark aboout thee innediiblee caanteeen foood oor tthe chaair

23、mmanss nootorriouus bbad tasste in tiees. witth ootheer aaudiiencces youu muustnnt aatteemptt too cuut iin wwithh huumorr ass thhey willl rreseent an outtsidder makkingg diispaaraggingg reemarrks aboout theeir cannteeen oor ttheiir cchaiirmaan. youu wiill be on saffer grooundd iff yoou ssticck tto s

24、scappegooat likke tthe posst ooffiice or thee teelepphonne ssysttem.if yoou ffeell awwkwaard beiing hummoroous, youu muust praactiice so thaat iit bbecoomess moore natturaal. inccludde aa feew ccasuual andd appparrenttly offf_thhe_ccufff reemarrks whiich youu caan ddeliiverr inn a rellaxeed aand unf

25、forcced mannnerr. oofteen iits thee deelivveryy whhichh caausees tthe auddiennce to smiile, so speeak sloowlyy annd rremeembeer tthatt a raiisedd eyyebrrow or an unbbeliieviing loook mmay hellp tto sshoww thhat youu arre mmakiing a llighhtheeartted remmarkk.look forr thhe hhumoor. it oftten commes f

26、room tthe uneexpeecteed. a ttwisst oon aa faamilliarr quuotee“iff att fiirstt yoou ddontt suucceeed, givve uup”oor aa pllay on worrds or on a ssituuatiion. seearcch ffor exaaggeerattionn annd uundeersttateemennts. loook at youur ttalkk annd ppickk ouut aa feew wwordds oor ssenttencces whiich youu ca

27、an tturnn abboutt annd iinjeect witth hhumoor.the bbestt tiitlee foor tthe texxt mmay be .ausse hhumoor eeffeectiivellybvaarioous kinnds of hummorcaddd hhumoor tto sspeeechddiiffeerennt hhumoor sstraateggiess20002年年45題題a正確答答案2.隱蔽的的主題題題型這類題型在在設(shè)問時(shí)時(shí)較為隱隱蔽,不不像明確確的主題題題型會會直接問問“文章章的主題題是什么么”,而而且位置置也很隨隨意,不不會固

28、定定在第一一道或最最后一道道。下列列例題即即為隱蔽蔽的主題題題型經(jīng)經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)現(xiàn)的形式式,考生生應(yīng)熟悉悉此類題題型的語語言形式式,以利利于審題題時(shí)準(zhǔn)確確判斷題題型。例when it commes to thee sllowiing ecoonommy, elllen speero isnnt bbitiing herr naailss juust yett. bbut thee 477_yeear_oldd maaniccuriist isnnt ccutttingg, ffiliing or pollishhingg ass maany naiils as sheed llikee too, e

29、eithher. moost of herr clliennts speend $122 too $550 wweekkly, butt laast monnth twoo loongttimee cuustoomerrs ssudddenlly sstopppedd shhowiing up. spperoo bllamees tthe sofftenningg ecconoomy.“imm a goood eeconnomiic iindiicattor,”sshe sayys,“ii prroviide a sservvicee thhat peooplee caan ddo wwith

30、houtt whhen theeyree coonceerneed aabouut ssaviing somme ddolllarss.”sso ssperro iis ddownnscaalinng, shooppiing at midddlee_brrow dilllarrds depparttmennt sstorre nnearr heer ssubuurbaan cclevvelaand homme, inssteaad oof nneimman marrcuss.“ii doont knoow iif ootheer cclieentss arre ggoinng tto aaba

31、nndonn mee, ttoo.”shhe ssayss.even befforee allan greeensspanns aadmiissiion thaat aamerricaas rred_hott ecconoomy is cooolinng, lotts oof wworkkingg foolkss haad aalreeadyy seeen siggns of thee sllowddownn thhemsselvves. frrom carr deealeershhipss too gaap ooutlletss, ssalees hhavee beeen laggginng

32、 ffor monnthss ass shhoppperss teempeer ttheiir sspenndinng. forr reetaiilerrs, whoo laast yeaar ttookk inn 244 peerceent of theeir revvenuue bbetwweenn thhankksgiivinng aand chrristtmass, tthe cauutioous appproaach is commingg att a cruuciaal ttimee. aalreeadyy, eexpeertss saay, hollidaay ssalees a

33、are offf 7 perrcennt ffromm laast yeaars pacce. butt doont souund anyy allarmms jjustt yeet. connsummerss seeem onlly mmilddly conncerrnedd, nnot pannickked, andd maany sayy thhey remmainn opptimmisttic aboout thee ecconoomyss loong_terrm pprosspeccts eveen aas ttheyy doo soome moddestt beelt_tigght

34、eeninng.consuumerrs ssay theeyree noot iin ddesppairr beecauuse, desspitte tthe dreeadfful heaadliiness, ttheiir oown forrtunnes stiill feeel pprettty goood. homme ppricces aree hooldiing steeadyy inn moost reggionns. in mannhatttann,“ttherres a nnew golld rrushh haappeeninng iin tthe $4 milllioon t

35、to $10 milllioon rrangge, preedomminaantlly ffed by walll sstreeet bonnusees,”ssayss brrokeer bbarbbaraa coorcoorann. iin ssan fraanciiscoo, ppricces aree sttilll riisinng eevenn ass frrenzziedd ovverbbidddingg quuietts.“iinstteadd off 200 too 300 offferrs, noww maaybee yoou oonlyy geet ttwo or thrr

36、ee, sayys jjohnn teealddi, a bbay areea rreall_esstatte bbrokker. annd mmostt foolkss sttilll feeel preettyy coomfoortaablee abboutt thheirr abbiliity to finnd aand keeep aa joob.many follks seee siilveer lliniingss too thhis sloowdoown. pootenntiaal hhomee buuyerrs wwoulld ccheeer ffor lowwer intte

37、reest rattes. emmplooyerrs wwoulldntt miind a llittter fewwer bubbblees iin tthe jobb maarkeet. manny cconssumeers seeem tto hhavee beeen infflueenceed bby sstocck_mmarkket swiingss, wwhicch iinveestoors noww viiew as a nneceessaary inggreddiennt tto aa suustaaineed bboomm. ddineers migght seee ann

38、uppsidde, tooo. ggetttingg a tabble at mannhatttanns hhot neww allainn duucasssess reestaauraant useed tto bbe iimpoossiiblee. nnot anyymorre. forr thhat, greeensspann&coo. mmay stiill be worrth toaastiing.to whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing is thee auuthoor llikeely to agrree?aa neww booom, on thee ho

39、orizzon.btiightten thee beelt, thee siinglle rremeedy.ccaautiion alll riightt, ppaniic nnot.dthhe mmoree veentuuress, tthe morre cchannce.20004年年55題題c正確答答案三、態(tài)度原原則命題專家命命題時(shí),為為了驗(yàn)證證考生到到底有沒沒有讀懂懂文章,會會就整個(gè)個(gè)文章或或某個(gè)語語言區(qū)域域相對較較為主觀觀的態(tài)度度設(shè)問。作作者態(tài)度度題有兩兩種題型型:1.文章作作者態(tài)度度題這種題目對對考生而而言難度度較大,迷迷惑性也也較強(qiáng),因因?yàn)槊}題專家是是針對整整篇文章章設(shè)問,考考

40、生很難難找到具具體對應(yīng)應(yīng)的語言言點(diǎn),所所以要把把握整篇篇文章。 例如作作者在談?wù)勔患率聲r(shí)是用用反諷的的口氣,還還是贊成成的語氣氣,此類類題所給給的答案案選項(xiàng)一一般是四四個(gè)形容容詞,考考生應(yīng)在在審題時(shí)時(shí)就把握握好這四四個(gè)形容容詞所表表達(dá)的意意思,然然后返回回文章去去尋找感感覺。特特別提醒醒考生要要牢記所所遇到的的構(gòu)成作作者態(tài)度度題選項(xiàng)項(xiàng)的每一一個(gè)形容容詞。做文章作者者態(tài)度題題時(shí),千千萬不要要把考生生自己的的態(tài)度揉揉進(jìn)文章章中,同同時(shí)要注注意區(qū)分分作者本本人的態(tài)態(tài)度與作作者引用用的觀點(diǎn)點(diǎn)態(tài)度。文文章作者者態(tài)度是是作者說說話的口口氣(ttonee),不不是考某某一個(gè)語語言點(diǎn),而而是文章章中數(shù)個(gè)個(gè)語

41、言點(diǎn)點(diǎn)串起來來的一根根線給讀讀者的整整體感覺覺。例couldd thhe bbad oldd daays of ecoonommic decclinne bbe aabouut tto rretuurn? siincee oppec agrreedd too suupplly_ccutss inn maarchh, tthe priice of cruude oill haas jjumpped to almmostt $226 aa baarreel, up froom llesss thhan $100 laast deccembber. thhis neaar_ttripplinng o

42、of ooil priicess caallss upp sccaryy meemorriess off thhe 119733 oiil sshocck, wheen ppricces quaadruupleed, andd 1997919880, wheen ttheyy allso almmostt trriplled. booth preevioous shoockss reesulltedd inn dooublle_ddigiit iinfllatiion andd gllobaal eeconnomiic ddecllinee. sso wwherre aare thee hee

43、adllinees wwarnningg off glloomm annd ddoomm thhis timme?the ooil priice wass giivenn annothher pussh uup tthiss weeek wheen iiraqq suuspeendeed ooil expportts. strrenggtheeninng eeconnomiic ggrowwth, at thee saame timme aas wwintter griips thee noorthhernn heemisspheere, couuld pussh tthe priice hi

44、ggherr sttilll inn thhe sshorrt ttermm.yet ttherre aare goood rreassonss too exxpecct tthe ecoonommic connseqquenncess noow tto bbe llesss seeverre tthann inn thhe 119700s. in mosst ccounntriies thee coost of cruude oill noow aaccoountts ffor a ssmalllerr shharee off thhe ppricce oof ppetrrol thaan

45、iit ddid in thee 19970ss. iin eeuroope, taxxes acccounnt ffor up to fouur_ffiftths of thee reetaiil ppricce, so eveen qquitte bbig chaangees iin tthe priice of cruude havve aa moore mutted efffectt onn puump priicess thhan in thee paast.rich ecoonommiess arre aalsoo leess deppenddentt onn oiil tthan

46、n thhey werre, andd soo leess sennsittivee too swwinggs iin tthe oill prricee. eenerrgy connserrvattionn, aa shhiftt too ottherr fuuelss annd aa deecliine in thee immporrtannce of heaavy, eneergyy_inntennsivve iinduustrriess haave redduceed ooil connsummptiion. sooftwwaree, cconssulttanccy aand mobb

47、ilee teelepphonnes usee faar llesss oiil tthann stteell orr caar pprodducttionn. ffor eacch ddolllar of gdpp (iin cconsstannt ppricces) ricch eeconnomiies noww usse nnearrly 50% leess oill thhan in 19773. thee oeecd esttimaatess inn itts llateest ecoonommic outtloook tthatt, iif ooil priicess avvera

48、age $222 a barrrell foor aa fuull yeaar, commparred witth $13 in 19998, thiis wwoulld iincrreasse tthe oill immporrt bbilll inn riich ecoonommiess byy onnly 0.225%-0.55% oof ggdp. thhat is lesss tthann onne_qquarrterr off thhe iincoome losss iin 119744 orr 19980. onn thhe ootheer hhandd, ooil_imppor

49、ttingg emmerggingg ecconoomieestto wwhicch hheavvy iinduustrry hhas shiifteedhhavee beecomme mmoree ennerggy_iinteensiive, andd soo coouldd bee moore serriouuslyy sqqueeezedd.one mmoree reeasoon nnot to losse ssleeep ooverr thhe rrisee inn oiil ppricces is thaat, unllikee thhe rrisees iin tthe 19770

50、s, it hass noot ooccuurreed aagaiinstt thhe bbackkbonne oof ggeneerall coommooditty_ppricce iinfllatiion andd gllobaal eexceess demmandd. aa siizabble porrtioon oof tthe worrld is onlly jjustt emmerggingg frrom ecoonommic decclinne. thee ecconoomissts commmoddityy prricee inndexx iss brroaddly uncch

51、annginng ffromm a yeaar aago. inn 19973 commmoddityy prricees jjumpped by 70%, aand in 19779 bby aalmoost 30%.from thee teext we cann seee tthatt thhe wwritter seeems .aopptimmistticbseensiitivvecglloommydsccareed220022年555題a正確答答案2.局部作作者態(tài)度度題此類題目考考查考生生對局部部細(xì)節(jié)所所體現(xiàn)出出的作者者態(tài)度的的理解,因因此做此此類題時(shí)時(shí),考生生不能再再像前一一種態(tài)度度

52、題一樣樣去找“感感覺”,而而應(yīng)當(dāng)回回到文章章局部上上,落到到實(shí)處。例in thhe llastt haalf of thee niinetteennth cennturry,“ccapiitall”annd“l(fā)laboour”wweree ennlarrginng aand perrfecctinng ttheiir rrivaal oorgaanissatiionss onn mooderrn llinees. manny aan oold firrm wwas repplacced by a llimiitedd liiabiilitty ccomppanyy wiith a bburee

53、auccraccy oof ssalaarieed mmanaagerrs. thee chhangge mmet thee teechnnicaal rrequuireemennts of thee neew aage by enggagiing a llargge pproffesssionnal eleemennt aand preevenntedd thhe ddecllinee inn effficcienncy thaat sso ccommmonlly sspoiiledd thhe fforttunees oof ffamiily firrms in thee seeconnd

54、 aand thiird genneraatioon aafteer tthe eneergeeticc fooundderss. iit wwas morreovver a sstepp awway froom iindiividduall innitiiatiive, towwardds ccolllecttiviism andd muuniccipaal aand staate_ownned bussineess. thhe rraillwayy coompaaniees, thooughh sttilll prrivaate bussineess mannageed ffor thee

55、 beeneffit of shaarehholdderss, wweree veery unllikee olld ffamiily bussineess!at thee saame timme tthe greeat munniciipallitiies wennt iintoo buusinnesss too suupplly llighhtinng, traams andd ottherr seerviicess too thhe ttaxppayeers.the ggrowwth of thee liimitted liaabillityy coompaany andd muunic

56、cipaal bbusiinesss hhad impporttantt coonseequeencees. succh llargge, impperssonaal mmaniipullatiion of cappitaal aand inddusttry greeatlly iincrreassed thee nuumbeers andd immporrtannce of shaarehholdderss ass a claass, an eleemennt iin nnatiionaal llifee reepreesenntinng iirreespoonsiiblee weealtt

57、h ddetaacheed ffromm thhe llandd annd tthe duttiess off thhe llanddownnerss; aand almmostt eqquallly dettachhed froom tthe ressponnsibble mannageemennt oof bbusiinesss. alll thhrouugh thee niinetteennth cennturry, ameericca, afrricaa, iindiia, ausstraaliaa annd ppartts oof eeuroope werre bbeinng dde

58、veelopped by briitissh ccapiitall, aand briitissh ssharrehooldeers werre tthuss ennricchedd byy thhe wworllds movvemeent towwardds iinduustrriallisaatioon. towwns likke bbourrnemmoutth aand easstboournne sspraang up to houuse larrge“ccomfforttablle”cclasssess whho hhad rettireed oon ttheiir iincoome

59、ss, aand whoo haad nno rrelaatioon tto tthe resst oof tthe commmunnityy exxceppt tthatt off drrawiing divvideendss annd ooccaasioonallly atttenddingg a shaarehholdderss meeetiing to dicctatte ttheiir oordeers to thee maanaggemeent. onn thhe ootheer hhandd“shhareeholldinng”mmeannt lleissuree annd ffr

60、eeedomm whhichh waas uusedd byy maany of thee laaterr viictooriaans forr thhe hhighhestt puurpoose of a ggreaat cciviilissatiion.the“ssharrehooldeers”aas ssuchh haad nno kknowwleddge of thee liivess, tthouughtts oor nneedds oof tthe worrkmeen eemplloyeed bby tthe commpanny iin wwhicch ttheyy heeld s


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