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1、CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS IMPACT ON FISHERIES RESOURCES IN BANGLADESH International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB)Sept. 4, 2010. Japan. PresenterMuhammad Tanvir Hossain ChowdhuryPhD Student, Department of Biotechnology Pukyong National University, Busan, KoreaMTH Chowdhury, Z

2、P Sukhan1, MA Hannan Department of Biotechnology, Pukyong National University, South Korea1Laboratory of Marine Biology, Kyushu University, JapanINTRODUCTIONTemperatureRainfallHydrologyDirectly affectFreshwater FisheriesMarine FisheriesFish ProductionOn the basis of vulnerability Source: Macfadyen,

3、G., and Allison, E. (2009). P 38.On the basis of adaptive capacitySource: Macfadyen, G., and Allison, E. (2009). P 38.INTRODUCTIONmost vulnerable countries in Asiadepending on the vulnerability of national economy to the impacts of climate change on fisheries VULNERABILITY* Predicted warming* Relati

4、ve importance of fisheries to national economics and diet* Limited societal capacity to potential impacts and opportunitiesCombinedEffect ofhas lowest adaptive capacity to climate change in fisheriesClimate change directly affect fishery productionFish reproduction, growth and migration patterns are

5、 all affected by temperature, rainfall and hydrology Climate change is likely to adversely affect both the fresh water and marine fisheries in Bangladesh.INTRODUCTION12 M+2nd; 4.83%Foreign Exchange4.48 %GDPContribution of Fisheries Sector in BangladeshPROTEIN SUPPLY58.0 %20.87 %AGRICULTURECAUSES OF

6、CLIMATE CHANGEGreen house gases like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have increased). The global increase of carbon dioxide is due to the use of land and fossil fuel, Increase of methane and nitrous oxide are due to agriculture Rising concentration of the green house gases in the atmospher

7、e are causing global climate changeEFFECT ON FRESHWATER FISHES IN BANGLADESHPoikilothermic animal Growth, reproduction & activity are directly influenced by the change of temperatureTEMPERATURESALINITYSolubility ofINVERSELY RELATED TO&TEMPERATUREDISSOLVEDhas harmful effect in pond fish culture&EFFEC

8、T ON FRESHWATER FISHES IN BANGLADESHTEMPERATUREACTIVITYEVAPOTRANS-PIRATIONSURFACE & VOLUME OF POND WATEREFFECT ON OPEN WATER FISHERIES RESOURCESContribute nearly 1 million metric ton of fishInundated during the flood stagesIsolated from the main channel during the dry seasonRegular flooding ensures

9、the reproductive success of the fish EFFECT ON OPEN WATER FISHERIES RESOURCESYearTemperature change (OC)Precipitation change (%)AnnualDec-Jan-Feb(Dry Season)Jun-Jul-Agu(Wet Season)AnnualDec-Jan-Feb(Dry Season)Jun-July-Aug(Wet Season)BaselineAverage-2278 mm33.7Mm1343.7 mm20301.01.10.8+3.8-1.2+4.72050

10、+5.6-1.7+6.82100+9.7-3.0+11.8GCM estimates of temperature and precipitation changes in BangladeshThis model was run by the IPCC (Inter-government Panel on Climate Change) B2 scenarioEFFECT ON OPEN WATER FISHERIES RESOURCESEVAPOTRANSPIRATIONVOLUME & FAVORABLEFISH HABITATSKILL1CHALLE

11、NGEThe Survival ofNext Years BroodFor Reproduction2EFFECT ON OPEN WATER FISHERIES RESOURCESRunoff with Higher NutrientFloodplain & Productivity+Extend the Feeding Ground of FishEFFECT ON OPEN WATER FISHERIES RESOURCESRunoffFloodDestroy aquaculture InfrastructureRanchingIn Monsonbrings Revolution in

12、Fish Productionreduced the closed water aquaculture productionEFFECT ON OPEN WATER FISHERIES RESOURCESDecrease productivityTEMPERATUREAquatic MacrophyteReduce fish habitatReduce dissolved OxygenCreate anoxic condition Fish KILLBangladesh might face this problem2-3OC of temperature cause 300-500% of

13、macrophyte production123EFFECT ON COASTAL AREASea Level riseThe main impacts of climate change on coastal area in Bangladesh are 1Reduction of freshwater availability by salinity intrusion 2Increasing cyclone frequency3Decrease Brackish water fish production4EFFECT ON COASTAL AREA1Water salinity var

14、ies from 0-20 ppt 2Water salinity and its distribution are increasing with the increase of sea level rise3Soil salinity in South Western part of Bangladesh is also increasing EFFECT ON COASTAL AREAIncreasing rate of soil salinity area of southern part of BangladeshArea (hectare)EFFECT ON COASTAL ARE

15、ACycloneSidr (15 Nov., 2007) and Aila (27 May, 2009)hit South and South West part of Bangladesh and destroy the coastal embankment infrastructure and increase the salinityThis salinity intrusion including sea level rising creates harmful effect on existing fish species. Water salinity exceeds the ex

16、pected salinity level that especially required for fresh water fish productionEFFECT ON COASTAL AREASALINITY INTRUSION Negative EffectPositive Effectthreatened to fresh water fisheriesLoss of fish biodiversityCreate opportunities for catching and cultivating brackish and marine species Potential spe

17、ciesPenaeus vannamei (Western White Shrimp)Penaeus monodon (Tiger Shrimp) Chanos chanos (Milk Fish) Mugil cephalus (Mullet) Tilapia nilotica (Tilapia)EFFECT ON SUNDARBAN FISHERIESWorlds Largest single chunk of continuous mangrove forestFish species inhibit : 175 Supports offshore & deep sea fisherie

18、s by playing as nursery ground for many deep sea fishes and shrimpsAct as protecting wall against the devastating cyclones and tidal surges by deflecting and reducing energyEFFECT ON SUNDARBAN FISHERIESHighly vulnerable to sea level rise and will be disappear by 1 meter rise of the sea levelSea leve

19、l rise may destroy the mangrove forest as well as destroy the marine fish nursery groundEffect on marine fisheriesAverage tropical sea surface temperature is predicted to increase by 50-80%.Increased temperature may affect the distribution pattern of some fish species Some of them may be migrate to the higher latitude for cooler place. Atmospheric CO2 level will be high and this will cause the average Fish embryos and larvae are more sen


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