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1、高考英語一輪作文講義:寫作升格專題模塊一:寫作升格詞匯01司空見慣詞:enough 足夠的;充足的高級替換詞:sufficientsfnt正式用語 足夠的;充足的例句:Make sure you havesufficientfood, water, medicine and batteries for electrical appliances.新外研版 - 必修三 - Unit 602司空見慣詞:necessary 必需的;必要的高級替換詞: essentialsenl必不可少的;最重要的 vitalvatl至關重要的例句:Cooperation between team members i

2、sessential. If each individual does her job and works well with others, then the end goal can be achieved.新外研版 - 選擇性必修第一冊 - Unit 3Artemisinin has become avitalpart of the treatment for malaria, and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone.新人教版 - 選擇性必修第一冊 - Unit 103司空見慣詞:huge 巨大的;龐大的高級

3、替換詞: vastvst巨大的 enormousnms巨大的;龐大的例句:Through intense effort, Yuan overcameenormoustechnical difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice that could be used for farming in 1974.新人教版 - 選擇性必修第一冊 - Unit 5Honestly, it can be both exciting and terrifying to explore avastunknown land.新人教版 - 選擇性必修第一冊 - Uni

4、t 304司空見慣詞:great 杰出的;優(yōu)秀的;偉大的高級替換詞: excellent ekslnt杰出的;優(yōu)秀的;極好的 brilliant brlint杰出的;卓越的;才華橫溢的例句:On 18 April 1955, it was reported that Einstein had passed away, and the whole world mourned the great loss of abrilliantscientist.新人教版 - 必修一 - Unit 5The Nobel Prize in Literature has been awarded to anexc

5、ellentauthor from any country almost every year since 1901.新譯林版 - 必修二 - Unit 105司空見慣詞:clever 聰明的;機靈的高級替換詞: intelligentnteldnt聰明的;有才智的;有智力的 smartsmt聰明的;機敏的;精明的例句:Albert Einstein, who is perhaps the greatest scientist in modernphysics, is often considered one of thesmartestmen who ever lived.新人教版 - 必修

6、一 - Unit 5People who have high IQs may not be emotionallyintelligentand vice versa.新北師版 - 選擇性必修第三冊 - Unit 706司空見慣詞:brave 勇敢的;無畏的高級替換詞:courageouskreds勇敢的;無畏的例句:Einstein was not only a genius; he was acourageousand kind figure loved by many people.新人教版 - 必修一 - Unit 507司空見慣詞:difficult 困難的高級替換詞:challeng

7、ingtlnd有挑戰(zhàn)性的;困難的例句:Although there was not as much homework as I was used to, it was stillchallenging.新譯林版 - 必修一 - Unit 108司空見慣詞:important 重要的高級替換詞:significantsnfknt重要的;(意義) 重大的例句:Customs play asignificantrole in festivals, but sometimes they can change over time.新人教版-必修三-Unit 1That writing systemwas

8、 of great importancein uniting the Chinese people and culture. 新人教版 - 必修一 - Unit 509司空見慣詞:happy 高興的;快樂的高級替換詞:delighteddlatd高興的;快樂的例句:I would bedelightedto have the opportunity to discuss my application further with you. 新外研版 - 選擇性必修第四冊 - Unit 110司空見慣詞:worried 焦慮的;擔心的高級替換詞:concernedknsnd擔憂的;關心的例句:I k

9、now you wont want to, but Im veryconcernedabout you.新北師版 - 選擇性必修第二冊 - UNIT 611司空見慣詞:angry 生氣的高級替換詞: crosskrs惱怒的;生氣的 upsetpset心煩意亂的;生氣的例句:Henry gotupset/crosswith the brothers when they seemed too happy about his bad luck.新人教版 - 必修三 - Unit 512司空見慣詞:surprised 吃驚的;感到驚訝的高級替換詞: shockedkt震驚的;憤慨的 amazedmez

10、d吃驚的;驚奇的 astonishedstnt感到大為驚訝的例句:When he looks at the menu, anastonishedlook quickly appears on his face. 新北師版 - 選擇性必修第二冊 - UNIT 413司空見慣詞: helpful 有幫助的;有益的 useful 有用的;有益的高級替換詞:beneficialbenfl有益的;有利的例句:Psychologists have published various papers stating that the behaviour of sharingis beneficial tose

11、tting up positive emotional bonding.新外研版 - 選擇性必修第四冊 - Unit 414司空見慣詞:different 各種的高級替換詞: diversedavs不同的;多種多樣的 variousveris不同的;各種各樣的例句:At the same time, we all go throughvariousperiods when we feel sad or alone. During those times, music can help you in the same way that it helped me.新人教版 - 必修二 - Unit

12、 5Youll find Chinese culture is much morediversethan you thought.新人教版 - 必修三 - Unit 315司空見慣詞:sad 不愉快的;傷心的;難過的高級替換詞: discourageddskrdd心灰意冷的;垂頭喪氣的 depresseddprest沮喪的;消沉的例句:IwasveryafraidandIfeltsoaloneanddiscouraged.新人教版-必修二-Unit5Iconstantlyfeeldepressed,dissatisfiedandalone.新北師版-選擇性必修第一冊-Unit116司空見慣詞:

13、 only 只有;僅僅;才 just 只是;僅僅高級替換詞: simplysmpli僅僅;只不過 merelymli僅僅;只不過例句:Some students act this waymerelybecause they are afraid of being called on by the teacher.新人教版 - 選擇性必修第一冊- Unit4Organic farming issimplyfarming without using any chemicals.新人教版 - 選擇性必修第一冊 - Unit 517司空見慣詞:thankful 感激的;欣慰的高級替換詞:gratefu

14、lretfl感激的;感謝的例句:People celebrate to show that they aregratefulfor the years supply of food.新人教版 - 必修三 - Unit 118司空見慣詞:honest 坦白的;直率的;誠實的高級替換詞:frankfrk坦白的;直率的例句:To befrank, this chicken tastes horrible.新人教版 - 必修三 - Unit 119司空見慣詞:bad 差的;糟糕的高級替換詞:awfulfl糟糕的例句:He makes an attempt to eat it, but it is cl

15、ear from the look on his face as he is chewing that he finds the taste trulyawful.新北師版 - 選擇性必修第二冊 - UNIT 420司空見慣詞:terrible 可怕的;厲害的高級替換詞:awfulfl可怕的;駭人聽聞的例句:In the end, she discovers the Beast is not asawfuland cruel as he seems.新北師版 - 選擇性必修第二冊 - UNIT 6In 1980, Benchley was diving when he came across

16、anawfulsight.新外研版 - 必修二 - Unit 6模塊二:應用文寫作升格句型書信類開頭1感謝信感謝信的開頭需要先表達感謝,但表達感謝的方法不止一種,可以用下面這些句型。直接感謝:I am writing to extend / express / convey my sincere gratitude to you. Because of your help,_(感謝原因).I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the kindness you have shown for me while doing me a fav

17、or,which enables me_(感謝原因).I am writing this letter to express my heartfelt gratitude to youfor the kindness you have shown to me while doing me a timely favor.我寫這封信是為了表達我誠摯的感謝,感謝您的善意和及時的幫助。假設如果沒有幫助會如何:If it had not been for your assistance in_(對方給予的幫助),I fear that I would have been_(沒有幫助的后果)如果沒有你在x

18、x的幫助,我擔心我將會xxx。Thanks to your generous/ selfless/ kind help, without which I wouldnt havemade such great progress.感謝你慷慨/無私的幫助,沒有你的幫助我就不會取得如此大的進步。2申請信申請信可以先在開頭表達自己看到了這個招募廣告,或者直接表達自己想要申請這個職位,可以用下面這些句型:With burning excitement, I am writing this application in the hope that I may obtain this precious op

19、portunity.滿懷興奮的我正在寫這份申請書,希望能夠得到這個寶貴的機會。*burning excitement 非常興奮I suppose I am quite qualified for this job and I do hope you can offer me this valuable opportunity.我想我很有資格勝任這份工作,希望你能提供給我這個寶貴的機會。Iammore than thrilled onhearingthat you are recruiting_(申請的職位或者志愿者).聽說你正在招聘xxx,我感到很興奮。*more than thrilled

20、/rld/ 激動無比,非常興奮;more than+形容詞,表示很,非常xx。3建議信建議信的開頭需要先交代背景,點明對方需要你提供建議的地方或事件是什么,可以用下面這些句型。Hearing that_(對方遇到的困難),for whomyou are asking me for some proposal to tackle this trouble.聽說你有xx,你向我尋求一些建議去解決這個問題。You have asked me for some advicewith regard to_(問題),and I will try my best to offer you some help

21、.你向我詢問關于xx的一些建議,我將會盡我所能為你提供幫助。*with regard to 關于,可換掉aboutIm sorry to hear that you are having trouble/ difficulties in_(問題).Perhaps the following suggestions are helpful.很遺憾聽說你在xx方面遇到了麻煩。也許以下的建議會有所幫助。4邀請信邀請信開頭得先表述有何活動,要邀請對方來參加,可以這么寫:With_(活動/節(jié)日)approaching, our school will hold an activity to celebr

22、ate it, so Im writing to invite you to join us.隨著xx的來臨,我們學校將舉行一次活動以表慶祝,所以我寫信是邀請你和我們一起參加此次活動。It is my honor toinformyouthat there is an/a_(活動/會議)in+地點on+日期at+具體時間.很榮幸的告知你在何時何地有一個xx。There will be an activity on _(日期)andIm writing to invite you to come and join usif you could spare the time.在何時將會有一個活動,

23、我來寫信邀請你與我們一起參加,如果你能騰出時間的話。5投訴信投訴信的開頭一般直接表達對某件事/物的不滿,可以用下面這些表達:I am sorry to trouble you butI am afraid I have to make a complaint about_(投訴內容)很抱歉打擾你,但是我不得不抱怨xx。I feel sorry to trouble you butI am afraid that I have to make a complaint about_(投訴內容).Let me tell you about the problem in detail.很抱歉給您帶來麻

24、煩,但是我不得不投訴xx。讓我詳細告訴你這問題。I wish toexpress my dissatisfaction/ disappointment about_(投訴內容)我想要表達我對xx的不滿。I ammore than reluctanttodisturbyou but I sincerely hope (that) you can pay attention to the fault that_(投訴內容)我非常不愿意打擾你,但我真誠地希望你能注意到錯誤xx。*more thanreluctant/rlkt()nt/ 萬分不情愿,很勉強disturb/dstb/ 打擾,妨礙6祝賀信

25、祝賀信的開頭直接點明祝賀內容就OK!I am writing tooffer my sincerest congratulations on_(祝賀內容).我寫信是祝賀你xx。I ammore than overjoyedon hearing that you_(對方怎么了), whichdrives me towrite this letter to extend myutmostcongratulations on_(祝賀內容).我萬分高興聽到你xx,這使我寫下這封信來發(fā)出我對xxx最大的祝福。*more than overjoyed /uvdid/ 萬分高興;drive sb. to d

26、o sth. 讓/促使/強迫某人做某事;utmost 極度的;最遠的Please accept our heartiest congratulations.請接受我們最衷心的祝賀。Allow me toconvey my congratulations on_(祝賀內容).I am delighted thatmany years effortsyou made to your studyhave eventually paid off.請允許我轉達我對xx的祝賀。我很高興你多年來為你的學習所做的努力最終得到了回報。7求助信求助信則需在開頭表達求助內容,可以用上這些表達。I have been

27、 troubled by the problem that _(求助內容)for a long time, so Im writing to you hoping you can do me a favor.xx一直困擾我很長時間了,所以我寫信希望你能幫助我。What worries me most is that_(求助內容), so Im writing the letter to ask for your help.最讓我困擾的是xx,所以我寫信向你尋求幫助。I wonder how to deal with the problem that _(求助內容), soIm eager to

28、 get your timely help.我想知道如何處理xx這個問題,所以我渴望得你及時的幫助。其他應用文開頭1通知書面通知在開頭時,需要闡述此次通知的目的和與主要事件相關的內容,但表達方式需要根據通知內容而去變換,比如:通知赴美游學活動:To promote the Sino-US cultural exchanges, our school isorganizingan overseas study tourto the school in America.為促進中美文化交流,我校正在組織到美國學校的海外游學活動。通知新冠防護的講座:A campus safety lectureabo

29、ut how to fight against Covid-19 willbe held on our school network platform at 3:30this Friday afternoon. Everyone is welcome to attend the lecture.關于如何對抗新冠疫情的校園安全講座,將于本周五下午三點半在我們的學校網絡平臺上舉行。歡迎大家參加講座。2發(fā)言稿發(fā)言稿的開頭需要講清楚本次演講的目的,寫時可以用用這些句型。I feel it an honor to be given this opportunity,on behalf ofmy scho

30、ol, todeliver this speechon _(演講的主題).我很榮幸能有這次機會代表學校,來發(fā)表關于xx的演講。*on behalf of 代表deliver the speech 發(fā)表演講First of all, let me introduce myself.首先,讓我先介紹一下自己。Ifeelearnestlyhonored toseize this opportunityto give a speech on the subjectof_(演講的主題), a hot topicgaining increasing attentionrecently.我很榮幸能抓住這個機

31、會,就xx這一主題發(fā)表演講,這是一個日益受到關注的熱門話題。*earnestly/nstl/ 誠摯的seize/siz/ this opportunity 抓住機會gain increasing attention 獲得越來越多的關注3報道報道類的作文開頭需要總結活動的大概內容,表述什么對象(在什么地方什么時間)做了什么事情,具體表達方式也要看報道內容變動,比如:學校排球決賽報道:Last Sunday afternoonwitnessedthe competitive volleyball finalon theplayground, whichsparked students burnin

32、g passion for sports.上周日下午,排球決賽在操場上舉行,點燃了學生們的運動熱情。校園藝術節(jié)報道:Last Sunday,our schoolheld the 15th Campus Art Festival. With itstheme HarmoniousCampus, ArtisticCampus, the festival attracted much attention.上周日,我校舉辦了第15屆校園藝術節(jié)。以和諧校園,藝術校園為主題,備受矚目。中國文化宣傳周報道:To enrich students campus life,our schoolheld a Chinese Traditional Culture Week activity last wee


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