九年級英語全冊《Review of Unit 1-5》(第1課時)教案 人教新目標版_第1頁
九年級英語全冊《Review of Unit 1-5》(第1課時)教案 人教新目標版_第2頁
九年級英語全冊《Review of Unit 1-5》(第1課時)教案 人教新目標版_第3頁




1、Review of Unit 1-5(第1課時)教案課題:Review of Units 1 -5講課教師:學(xué)科:English 課時:1總課時數(shù):29教學(xué)目標知識與技能Key vocabulary that students have learned in units 15.Train students ability to creatively use the language they have learned.過程與方法A crossword helps us remember words quickly. Thank the inventor.Practice method情感態(tài)度與

2、價值觀Maybe you dont think you need so many rules at home . What you eed is more freedom . In fact , every rule is full of love from your parents . Thank them heartedly instead of complaining .教材分析教學(xué)重點Key vocabulary教學(xué)難點Train students ability to creatively use the language they have learned.教學(xué)過程教師活動學(xué)生活動

3、備注(教學(xué)目的、時間分配等)Step I Revision and leading-in Review the proverbs learned in Activity 2 in proceding class like this: T: Which proverb means that its better to have help to do even small jobs? Ss: One finger cant lift a small stone Get students to practice in pairs as in demonstration. As the pairs w

4、ork together, walk around Listen carefully and practiceIn pairs.10教師活動學(xué)生活動備注(教學(xué)目的、時間分配等)the classroom offering help as needed. Ask different students to share their conversations with the class.Step 1a This activity reviews some of the vocabulary that students have learned in units 15.In this activi

5、ty, well review some of the vocabulary in units 15 by completing a crossword. First, please look at the clues with the headlines Down and Across. Explain down and across to the students.Call students attention to the crossword.Point out the sample answer. Say, Funny stories make me laugh. Elicit the

6、 first answer to the list of across clues(ask).Now please read the clues and complete the crossword.Get students to do the crossword in pairs. As students are doing this, walk around the classroom to make sure that all the students know what they need to do.Check answers by asking differentstudents

7、to read out and spell the answers.Step 1bThis activity requires students to creatively use the language they have learned.Ask students to choose four words from units 15 and write a clue for each word.Use the sample conversation to illustrate the activity: Students work in pairs and take turns to sa

8、y their clues for the words they chose from units 15. Their partner tries to guess the words.Step SummaryIn this class, weve reviewed some of the vocabulary in units 15.Step HomeworkSay and remember the vocabulary words in units 15. Do the crossword in pairs. Read out and spell the answers . Choose four words from Units 15 and write a clue For each word .Work in pairs and take turns


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