九年級英語全冊Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious?。ǖ?課時)教案 (新版)人教新目標(biāo)版_第1頁
九年級英語全冊Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious?。ǖ?課時)教案 (新版)人教新目標(biāo)版_第2頁
九年級英語全冊Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(第3課時)教案 (新版)人教新目標(biāo)版_第3頁
九年級英語全冊Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious?。ǖ?課時)教案 (新版)人教新目標(biāo)版_第4頁
九年級英語全冊Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious?。ǖ?課時)教案 (新版)人教新目標(biāo)版_第5頁
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1、Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!教學(xué)目標(biāo)1.知識與能力:one, the other, giveto,take out, more and more popular2. 過程與方法:講解與訓(xùn)練相結(jié)合3.情感態(tài)度與價值觀:體驗在人際交往中用賓語從句與他人交流的樂趣.教學(xué)重點Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America?I believe that there are many ways to show our love.It is also a good

2、 idea to help parents to do something instead. 教學(xué)難點Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America?I believe that there are many ways to show our love.It is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead. 教學(xué)方法在學(xué)生掌握賓語從句句型的基礎(chǔ)上,近一步通過練習(xí),檢查學(xué)習(xí)中存在的問題。板書設(shè)計Unit 2 I think that moo

3、ncakes are delicious!Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America?I believe that there are many ways to show our love.It is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead. 教學(xué)過程與內(nèi)容教法學(xué)法與補記Step 1 Revision 賓語從句和感嘆句Step 2 Grammar focus1. What fun the Water Festival is!2. H

4、ow fantastic the dragon boat teams were!3. How pretty the dragon boats were!Step 3 Grammar(一)賓語從句用作賓語的從句叫做賓語從句。掌握賓語從句的引導(dǎo)詞、時態(tài)及語序是學(xué)習(xí)賓語從句的關(guān)鍵?!纠洹?. She said (that) she would leave a note on the desk.2. He wants to know if/ whether you are a doctor.3. Do you know when he bought this pencil-box?【結(jié)論】A.當(dāng)賓語

5、從句具有陳述意義時,用_引導(dǎo)。它在句子中只起引導(dǎo)作用,在口語中??墒÷?。當(dāng)賓語從句具有疑問意義時,可用_或whether引導(dǎo)。它們在句子中的意思是_(如果/是否)。或者用連接代詞(what, who, which等)或連接副詞(when, where, how, why等)引導(dǎo)。B.賓語從句的時態(tài)一般受主句時態(tài)的影響。當(dāng)主句是_或一般將來時,賓語從句可以根據(jù)具體情況用適當(dāng)?shù)臅r態(tài);當(dāng)主句是一般過去時,從句要用相應(yīng)的_。但當(dāng)從句表示的是名言、客觀真理或自然現(xiàn)象等時,一般_ (不受/受)主句時態(tài)的限制,均用一般現(xiàn)在時。C.賓語從句要用_ (陳述/疑問)語序。 Answers: that,if,是否;

6、一般現(xiàn)在時,過去時態(tài),不受;陳述Exercises:. 把下列句子改為賓語從句的復(fù)合句。1. He said, “I have been toAmerica”. He said _ _ _ _ toAmerica.2. Is there a hotel near here? Do you know? Do you know _ _ _ a hotel near here?3. “The earth moves around the sun”, our English teacher told us. Our English teacher told us that the earth _ _

7、the sun.Answers: 1. that he had been; 2: if /whether there is; 3. moves around(二)感嘆句 用來表達(dá)喜、怒、哀、樂等強烈感情的句子叫感嘆句。感嘆句一般用what或how引導(dǎo),句末用感嘆號。what修飾名詞,how修飾形容詞或副詞。 1. what引導(dǎo)的感嘆句:1) What + a/ an + adj.+可數(shù)單數(shù)(+主謂語)! e.g. What a brave boy (Tom is)! What an excellent idea (it is)!2) What + adj.+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)(+主謂語)! e.g.

8、 What beautiful pictures (they are)!3) What + adj. + 不可數(shù)名詞(+主謂語)! e.g. What delicious food (it is)!2. how引導(dǎo)的感嘆句:How +adj. / adv.+主語+謂語!e.g. How happy the children were! How carefully he is reading!注意:一般情況下,以what和how開頭的感嘆句可以相互轉(zhuǎn)換,轉(zhuǎn)換后意義不變。e.g. What a tall building it is! = How tall the building is!Exer

9、cises:.根據(jù)句意選出恰當(dāng)?shù)囊豁椞羁铡?. _ (What / What a) delicious chicken we are having!2. _ (What / How) warm it is in the classroom!3. _ (What / What a) nice shirt you bought!4. _ (What / How) fast the young man is walking! Answers: What, How, What a, How.將下列句子改為感嘆句。1. The girl is very clever. _ _ the girl is!2

10、. It is a wonderful experience. _ _ wonderful experience it is!3. The wind is blowing strongly. _ _ the wind is blowing!4. The news is exciting. _ _ news it is!5. The sweaters are very nice. _ _ sweaters they are! Answers: 1. How clever; 2. What a; 3. How strongly; 4. What exiting; 5. What niceStep

11、4 Practice4a Write sentences using the words given.Answers: 2. I dont know whether he will come home for the festival. 3. I believe that the Water Festival is the most fun. 4. I wonder if mooncakes are delicious. 5. How exciting the races are! 6. What an interesting city!Step 5 Reading 4b Read the p

12、assage below and underline the objective clauses. If possible, write your own sentences about Mothers Day and Fathers Day using objective clause.Answers: 1. Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America? 2. I heard that it is becoming more and more popular to celebrate Mothers D

13、ay and Fathers Day in China. 3. I wonder if children over there also give similar gifts to their parents. 4. I believe that there are many ways to show our love. Learn the new words: tie.Step 6 Speaking4c Which festival do you like best? Ask your group and report to the class.e.g. In our group, Davi

14、ds favorite festival is He thinks that.Step 7 PairworkMake a conversation.Step 8 Languages points and exercises1. It is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead. It是形式主語, to help parents to do something 是真正主語。類似句型有: It is + n. + to do sth. It is + adj. (for sb.) to do sth. It takes (

15、sb.) sometime + to do sth. e.g. It is not a good habit to get up late. 賴床不是一個好習(xí)慣。 It is very important for young people to learn English well. 對于年輕人來說,學(xué)好英語是很重要的。 It took the workers almost two years to finish the building. 工人們花了幾乎三年的時間完成這一建筑。2. One is Mothers Day on the second Sunday of May, and the

16、 other is Fathers Day 鞋不適合我,你能給我看看另外一雙嗎? My sister has two skirts.Oneis yellow,the otheris black. 我姐姐有兩條裙子。一條是黃色的, 另外一條是黑色的。 others (=other+復(fù)數(shù)名詞)與the others (=the other+復(fù)數(shù)名詞)均含有“其他一些”的意思。others泛指多部分中的一部分,可與some構(gòu)成固定結(jié)構(gòu)some . others .,“一些一些”;the others則特指剩余的一部分。 e.g. Somelike fruit and vegetables, othe

17、rs like junk food. 一些人喜歡吃水果和蔬菜,還有一些人喜歡吃垃圾食品。 Two of you can go to the lab with me, andthe otherswill have to stay in the classroom. 你們當(dāng)中的兩人可以跟我去實驗室,剩下的人將呆在教室。Exercises選擇another, the other, others或the others填空。1. There are two rulers on the table. One is long, _ is short.2. This schoolbag is the worst of all. Ca


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