Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good Section Ⅳ 課件.ppt_第1頁
Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good Section Ⅳ 課件.ppt_第2頁
Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good Section Ⅳ 課件.ppt_第3頁
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1、Section Task,Project 舒適 (4.)_ (adv.) 適當(dāng)?shù)?including,expert,comfort,properly,自學(xué)導(dǎo)引新知初探,(5.)_ (v.) 數(shù)數(shù);認(rèn)為;重要 (6.)_ (v.) 全神貫注 (7.)_ (n.) 喪失,丟失,損失 (8.)_ (vt.) 增加,贏得,獲得,count,concentrate,loss,gain,.重點短語 (1.)get _shape 強(qiáng)身健體 (2.)make the most _充分利用 (3.)_ the long term 從長遠(yuǎn)來看 (4.)a good _of sleep 充分的睡眠 (5.)_ a

2、matter of fact 事實上,into,of,in,amount,as,Step Two:Careful Reading Read the passage“Making a booklet on keeping fit” and fill in the blanks.,regularly,along,fit,energy,make,healthy,amount,Follow,1make the most of利用 (教材原句)Join us now and make the most of this special offer! 現(xiàn)在就加入到我們當(dāng)中來,充分利用這次特別的饋贈.,要點透

3、析講練互動,詞匯精研,歸納拓展,In both work and study we ought to make the most of our time. 無論工作、學(xué)習(xí),我們都應(yīng)該充分利用我們的時間. Good use should be made of our free time to learn English. 我們要充分利用閑暇時間學(xué)習(xí)英語. We took advantage of the fine weather to go swimming. 我們利用晴朗的天氣去游泳.,2comfortn安慰,舒適 (教材原句)If it is any comfort to you, I ha

4、ve also put on some weight recently, and so perhaps I can go on a diet along with you.如果對你來說是個慰籍的話,(告訴你)我最近也發(fā)胖了,而且可能我也會和你一起節(jié)食.,歸納拓展,Her children are a great comfort to her. 她的孩子是她極大的安慰. They are now living in relative comfort. 他們現(xiàn)在過著比較安逸的生活. I tried to comfort him after he was defeated by his oppone

5、nt. 他被對手擊敗后,我盡力安慰他.,3countvi.認(rèn)為,算作;重要vt.數(shù)數(shù) (教材原句)Walking and riding your bike count, and so do school sports. 散步、騎自行車和學(xué)校體育活動一樣有益身心.,歸納拓展,It is not quantity but quality that counts. 重要的不是數(shù)量,而是質(zhì)量. Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 沒有常識的知識沒有意義. Johns only four but he can already count t

6、o 20. 約翰才4歲但他能數(shù)到20了.,We count him as our oldest friend. 我們把他看作是我們的老朋友. If I got into trouble,I could always count on Rusty. 如果我有麻煩,我總是可以依靠拉斯蒂.,巧學(xué)活用 11句型轉(zhuǎn)換 The students should make full use of the books in the school library, The students should _ the books in the school library.,make the most/best o

7、f,12單項填空 (1)She dreams of becoming_pianist,so she makes_most of her time to play the piano. A.a;the B.the;/ C.a;/ D./;the,解析:選A。句意“她夢想要成為一名鋼琴家,所以充分利用時間來彈鋼琴。”第一空泛指;make the most of固定搭配“充分利用”。,(2)I think this is the best use that we can_the material(材料). A.make of B.do of C.take of D.make at 解析:選A??疾閙

8、ake use of“利用”,use提至前面作了先行詞,that引導(dǎo)定語從句,對其進(jìn)行修飾。,名師微博make use of短語是由動詞名詞介詞構(gòu)成的,這類短語在考查時常把名詞作為句子的主語,即用被動語態(tài)或把名詞作為先行詞,后接一定語從句。,21用comfort的適當(dāng)形式填空 (1)It is_ for us to work in an airconditioned room in such hot weather. (2)It is no_to the old man if you can drop in on him at times. (3)Those rare animals live

9、_in the national reserves (國家保護(hù)區(qū)).,comfortable,comfort,comfortably,22單項填空 (1)The hotel offers a high standard of_and service. A.balance B.comfort C.wisdom D.pressure,解析:選B。句意: 這家旅館提供高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的舒適和享受。comfort“舒適”,符合題意。balance“平衡”;wisdom“智慧”;pressure“壓力”。,(2)My house is very_for getting to work as it is only

10、a few minutes from the station. A.comfortable B.Suitable C.convenient D.Free 解析:選C。句意“我的房子上班很方便,因為它離車站只有幾分鐘的路程”。,31單項填空,(1)A university degree_ if you are looking for a teaching job. A.matters B.Counts C.cares D.important 解析:選B.count vi.有用,有效;matter vi.有關(guān)系,有影響;care關(guān)心.,4concentratevt.集中 (教材原句)Many te

11、enagers are surprised to learn that when you exercise, your body produces some chemicals that make you feel peaceful and relaxed and increase your ability to concentrate when you study.很多青少年吃驚地得知,當(dāng)你鍛煉時,你的體內(nèi)會產(chǎn)生某些化學(xué)物質(zhì),這些化學(xué)物質(zhì)讓你感到平靜、放松,增強(qiáng)學(xué)習(xí)時的注意力.,歸納拓展,The soldiers concentrated outside the city for the a

12、ttack. 士兵們集結(jié)在城外準(zhǔn)備發(fā)動進(jìn)攻. He concentrated his energies on/upon studying the history of Loulan. 他把精力專注于研究樓蘭的歷史.,She cant concentrate on her work when she is tired. 她累的時候就無法集中精力工作. He was so concentrated on the job that he didnt hear anybody knocking at the door.他全神貫注于工作中,沒有聽見有人敲門.,(2)Few people can_ hav

13、ing a job for life. Adepend Bturn up Ccount up Dcount on 解析:選D.depend on依靠;turn up出現(xiàn);調(diào)大(聲音);count on依靠,指望,(3)When the game gets started,you can_ Acount me in Bcount in me Ccount on me Dcount me on 解析:選A.題意:比賽開始的話,也可以算我一個.count sb.in“把某人算在內(nèi)”,代詞只能放在動詞和介詞之間,不可以放在介詞之后,所以選A.count on“依靠,指望”.,(4)(2012啟東中學(xué)第

14、一學(xué)期質(zhì)量檢測)As we know,doing exercise is good for our health,and even walking after having meals_ Askips Bcounts Cruns Dmeans 解析:選B.句意“眾所周知,鍛煉有益于健康,即便是飯后散步也可算作鍛煉.”,41單項填空 (1)I couldnt _my work last night with the party going on upstairs. Aset down Bcenter on Ccare about Dconcentrate on 解析:選D.本題考查動詞短語的詞義

15、辨析.句意:昨晚當(dāng)樓上舉行聚會的時候我不能專心工作.A.放下,安置;B.以為中心;C.擔(dān)心,關(guān)心;D.專心,集中.根據(jù)句意,應(yīng)選的是D項.,(2)I cant concentrate _ my work_ the noises outside. Aon;for Bin;for Con;to Dwith;with 解析:選A.句意:由于外面很吵,我不能集中精力工作.concentrate on是固定短語,意為“集中精力于”;for表示原因.,5as a matter of fact事實上;實際上 (教材原句)As a matter of fact,loss of sleep can make y

16、ou look tired, and even cause you to gain weight.事實上,失眠會使你面容疲倦,甚至導(dǎo)致身體發(fā)胖.,歸納拓展 He has,as a matter of fact,no relatives and friends here. 事實上,他在本地沒有親屬朋友. I think so;in fact,Im quite sure. 我想是這樣吧,事實上,我對此確信無疑.,6a good amount of大量的 (教材原句)A good amount of sleep every night is also important for your healt

17、h.每晚保證充分的睡眠對你的健康也很重要.,歸納拓展 相關(guān)修飾名詞,表示數(shù)量的短語歸納:,A large amount of damage was done in a short time. 短期內(nèi)造成了大量損害. He wasted large amounts of money. 他浪費了大量的錢.,1(教材原句)Walking and riding your bike count, and so do school sports 步行和騎自行車就算,校內(nèi)體育活動也算. 句法分析 “So助動詞/系動詞/情態(tài)動詞主語”結(jié)構(gòu)表示上述肯定情況也適用于該主語.如: I was at No.29 Mi

18、ddle School last year, so was my friend Kate. 去年我在29中上學(xué),我的朋友凱特也是.,51句型轉(zhuǎn)換 I thought he was wrong,but in fact he was right. I thought he was wrong,but_he was right.,as a matter of fact,52單項填空 He appears to be strong and healthy,but _,he suffers from a heart attack. A.as a matter of fact B.in a way C.s

19、ooner or later D.now and then 解析:選A。前后文構(gòu)成轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,所以用as a matter of fact“實際上,事實上”;和前面的appears構(gòu)成對比。,名師微博as a matter of factin fact連接的前后文往往存在兩種關(guān)系轉(zhuǎn)折,遞進(jìn),61單項填空 (1)The government spent_of money rebuilding the city. A.a large number B.a great many C.a large amount D.scores of 解析:選C。根據(jù)所修飾的名詞money是不可數(shù)名詞,可知應(yīng)該選C項

20、。,(2)We always keep_spare paper,in case we ran out. A.too much B.a number of C.plenty of D.a good many 解析:選C。此題考查表示數(shù)量的短語與名詞的搭配。“paper”為不可數(shù)名詞,排除B和D項,句意應(yīng)為“充足的紙”,而不是“太多的紙”,所以用“plenty of”。,(3)Our library has bought _books this term.In this way,_of books is increasing very fast. A.a great deal of;a numbe

21、r B.a large amount of;the number C.a large number of;a number D.a large number of;the number,解析:選D。句意:這學(xué)期我們圖書館買了大量的書。這樣,圖書的數(shù)量增長很快。第一空指“大量的”,名詞books為可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù),故用a large number of;第二空為圖書的數(shù)量,故用the number,故選D。,巧學(xué)活用 11完成句子 (1)I can swim across the river. _(我也能游過這條河). (2)David has made great progress recentl

22、y. _(他的確如此,你也一樣).,So can I,So he has and so have you,12單項填空 (2012瀏陽一中高一測試)My sister took a photo with Jay Chou last year._ A.So had I B.So I had C.So did I D.So I did 解析:選C。句意“我妹妹去年跟周杰倫合了一張影。我也是”。,Mother told Rose to buy some sugar in the supermarket and she did so. 媽媽吩咐露西去超市買些糖,露西照著做了. Li Lei was r

23、eading just now,and so was Tom. 李磊剛才在閱讀,湯姆也是. Mary doesnt like skiing.Neither/Nor does Jane. 瑪麗不喜歡滑雪.簡也不喜歡.,If you go to the cinema tonight,so will I. 如果你今晚去看電影,我也去. Mr.Smith is an engineer and works in a large company.So it is with/Its the same with his wife. 史密斯先生是工程師,在一家大公司上班.他的妻子也如此.,2(教材原句)Ofte

24、n, teenagers give up on sport, saying they have no time left after their studies. 青少年經(jīng)常放棄運(yùn)動,說學(xué)習(xí)之后沒有時間運(yùn)動.,句法分析 句中saying they have no time left after their studies作的是伴隨狀語. Mary sat by the window of the classroom,reading a book. 瑪麗坐在教室的窗戶旁,正在讀一本書.,歸納拓展 vdoing在句中常用來作狀語,表示時間、原因、方式、條件或伴隨情況.條件:doing的邏輯主語和句

25、子主語一致;doing和其邏輯主語構(gòu)成主動關(guān)系.,Coming into the room,she saw everybody already at their work. 進(jìn)屋以后,她看到人人都在工作.(時間) Being ill,he couldnt go to school. 因為生病,他不能去上學(xué).(原因) Traveling by train,we visited a number of cities. 我們坐火車訪問了好多城市.(方式),Working diligently,you will certainly succeed. 只要刻苦學(xué)習(xí),你會成功的.(條件),21單項填空 (

26、1)_money,it remains to be seen whether we can put the idea into practice. ALackingBLacked CTo lack DHaving lacked 解析:選A.句意:由于缺錢,我們能否把這個主意付諸實踐還有待觀察.lacking money是分詞短語作狀語.,(2)_in the fields on a March afternoon,he could feel the warmth of spring. ATo walk BWalking CWalked DHaving walked,解析:選B.句意:三月的下午

27、走在田野里,他能夠感覺到春天的溫暖.考查現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語.walking的邏輯主語與句子的主語相同,且為主動關(guān)系.Walking in the fields.相當(dāng)于時間狀語從句When he was walking in the fields.,(3)Whenever he was asked why he was late for class,he would answer carelessly,always_the same thing. Asaying Bsaid Cto say Dhaving said,解析:選A.句意:不管什么時候問他為什么遲到,他總會心不在焉地回答同樣的理由. 如選

28、B項,則加并列連詞and,用以構(gòu)成并列謂語.C項表目的或出乎意料的結(jié)果,不合題意.此處表示伴隨,故選A項.,(4)When I got home,I found a note pinned on the door,_“Sorry to miss you.I will call later.” Ato say Bsaid Csaying Dsay 解析:選C.這里的saying是現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語.,寫作要求 如何寫電子郵件 假定你是李華,18歲,來自淄博,一個月前剛到英國,正在一所大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)暑期課程,在寫作方面遇到一些困難,希望得到學(xué)校輔導(dǎo)中心(Learning Center)的幫助.請按下列要點寫

29、一電子郵件:,寫作指導(dǎo)妙筆生花,1本人簡介;2.求助內(nèi)容;3.約定時間; 4你的聯(lián)系方式(Email:;Phone:12345678) 注意:1.詞數(shù)100120;2.可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫;3.開頭結(jié)尾已為你寫好. Dear Sir/Madam,_ Yours, Li Hua,審題謀篇 1時態(tài):一般現(xiàn)在時2.人稱:第一人稱 3結(jié)構(gòu):寫信原因求助內(nèi)容約定時間和聯(lián)系方式,寫作要點 (1.)你是李華,18歲,來自淄博. Im Li Hua,_a Chinese student from Zibo. Im Li Hua,an _Chinese student from Zibo.,18 ye

30、ars old,18yearold,(2.)如果你能幫我解決問題,我會非常感激. Id appreciate _ you_ help me with my problem. Id appreciate _ me (to) solve my problem.,it if,could,yourhelping,(3.)我在寫作方面遇到一些困難. I have some difficulty _ a good composition. I have some difficulty when it_ writing.,in writing,comes to,(4.)聽說學(xué)校輔導(dǎo)中心可以為學(xué)生提供幫助,我

31、渴望能得到你們的幫助. I was told the Learning Center could_ help _students and I _ get help. _ that Learning Center could provide help for students,I _ you _help eagerly.,provide,for,am eager to,Hearing,turned to,for,(5.)請告訴我你們哪天方便. Please let me know_ is OK with you. Would you please_ me of the day _ for you

32、.,which day,inform,available,佳作欣賞 Dear Sir/Madam, Im Li Hua,18 years old, a Chinese student from ZiboI am taking summer courses in your university now. Id appreciate it if you could help me with my problem. I came here last month and, found my courses interestingWhats more, people here are friendly to me. To my joy, I have made great progress in my English. However,I have some difficulty in writing a good compositionFortunately I was t


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