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1、1.0purpose 目的the purpose of this standard is to define the part cleanliness requirement goals for engine ready components. component cleanliness directly correlates to break in damage and long term reliability. 此標(biāo)準(zhǔn)目的是說明零件清潔要求目標(biāo).組件清潔度直接關(guān)聯(lián)損壞和長期的可靠性2.0 scope范圍2.1 this procedure applies to all purchased

2、 and manufactured parts that are ready for assembly into an engine. this standard supersedes all other cleanliness requirements. if this standard conflicts with any cited reference, this standard takes precedence. this standard does not apply to rough castings or components in process.此程序應(yīng)用于所有的組裝到一個(gè)

3、發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)里的購買和生產(chǎn)的零件.此規(guī)范代替所有其他的清潔度要求.如果此標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和任何引用參考沖突.適用此規(guī)范.此規(guī)范不適用毛坯鑄件或組件.2.2 the sampling procedures are defined in dwi-05-8575.取樣程序定義在dwi-05-85752.3 the cleanliness requirements are grouped by engine families.清潔度要求依照發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)型號分組2.4 parts as purchased shall meet the visual cleanliness and residual magnetism requ

4、irements of std-05-0852.購買的零件滿足可視清潔度和殘余磁性要求,std-05-08523.0 definitions and reference documents術(shù)語和參考文件3.1 definitions3.1.1 visual cleanliness free of abrasive debris or adhesive wear observable without any optical correction beyond 20/20 corrective lenses. 視覺清潔 無研磨碎屑或看得見的黏著磨損沒有任何視覺糾正超過20/20糾正鏡片。 all

5、machined and fabricated parts are to be delivered clean, free of rust without chips, dirt, grit or debris that can be detected visually. all sharp edges and corners are to be broken and chamfered without violating print dimensions. 所有加工的和成品零件發(fā)貨需清潔,不生銹無缺口、灰塵、砂礫或碎屑等視覺可以看見的。所有銳利的邊緣和棱角破碎和倒棱沒有違背印刷尺寸要求。 c

6、astings shall be leak proof, free of sand, scale, rust, steel shot, gates, fins and casting defects per sp-55 “casting defect acceptance”. .鑄件必須防漏、無沙子、碎片、銹、鋼砂、關(guān)口、鰭狀物和鑄件瑕疵按照sp-55“可接受鑄件瑕疵” forgings shall be free of rust, scale, and excessive flash. 鍛件必須不生銹、碎片和過多的閃光 finished parts are to be free of res

7、idual magnetism that attracts metal chips. allowable magnetic levels are described in std-02-0864, magnetism specification for engine parts”. 制成零件無殘余磁性吸引金屬碎片。容許的磁性標(biāo)準(zhǔn)在std-02-0864發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)零部件磁性規(guī)范中描述。 pipes, elbows and fittings shall be cleaned to remove all scale, foreign material, and processing compounds

8、prior to final surface examination. the cleaning process shall not injure the surface finish, material properties or the metallurgical structure. the cleaned fittings shall be protected against the normal hazards of shipping. 管道、彎頭和管件必須清潔以除去所有碎片、異物和加工混合物,在最終表面檢測之前。清潔過程禁止損壞成品表面、材料性能或金相組織。干凈的管件必須保護(hù)防止海

9、運(yùn)的正常危害。3.1.2cleanliness level an established maximum allowable amount of contamination in a given area or volume, or on a component. 清潔標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 污染物在一個(gè)給定區(qū)域或體積或組件上的既定最大容許數(shù)量。3.1.3contamination unwanted material. 污染物 不需要材料3.1.4particle size the maximum linear dimension of the particle. 顆粒大小 顆粒的最大線性尺寸3.1.5sign

10、ificant surface any surface of a component which is required to meet an established cleanliness level. 主要表面 一個(gè)組件的任何表面要求符合既定的清潔標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。3.1.6engine ready - a part, which can be removed from its packaging, meets this cleanliness standard, with only a wipe with a clean cloth to remove rust preventative resid

11、ue and be assembled into an engine. 主要表面 一個(gè)組件的任何表面要求符合既定的清潔標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。3.1.7abrasive an inorganic material that within normal engine service can cut, scratch or cause abrasive wear of other metallic engine parts. includes materials such as steel chips, sand, aluminum oxide, aluminum, shot, cast iron, steel b

12、ristles, etc. 耐磨性 無機(jī)材料在正常發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)服務(wù)內(nèi)可以切、刮或?qū)е缕渌饘侔l(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)部件的磨損。包括材料如鋼屑、沙子、氧化鋁、鋁、閃光、鑄鐵、鋼絲等等。3.1.8metallic includes inorganic materials such as iron, steel, brass, copper, etc. 金屬 包括無機(jī)材料如鐵、鋼鐵、黃銅、銅等等。3.1.9graphite smears black residue from graphite flakes found on the surface of cast iron which continues to leech

13、 after several cleaning cycles. 石墨斑點(diǎn) 發(fā)現(xiàn)在鑄鐵表面來自石墨薄片的黑色殘留物,在幾次清洗周期后仍舊依附。3.2 reference documents參考文件3.2.1 qop-03-0002 - retention of quality records質(zhì)量記錄保留3.2.2 dwi-05-8575 - millipore cleanliness test procedures微孔清潔測試程序3.2.3 std-05-0852 supplier manual供應(yīng)商手冊3.2.4 process map nonconforming material proce

14、ss不合格材料程序3.2.5 std-02-0113 standard material specification practices標(biāo)準(zhǔn)材料規(guī)范實(shí)踐3.2.6 std-02-0864 - magnetism specification for engine parts發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)部件磁性規(guī)范3.2.7 sp-55 - casting defect acceptance可接受的鑄造缺陷4.0 requirements and responsibilities要求和職責(zé)4.1 cleanliness of components/ air passages/ oil passages/coolant

15、system組件/空氣通道/油通道/冷卻系統(tǒng)的清潔。4.1.1 all parts, identified in this specification, must be able to meet this cleanliness standard if they are to be assembled into an engine. 此規(guī)范認(rèn)定的所有零件,必須能夠符號此清潔標(biāo)準(zhǔn),倘若它們被組裝到一個(gè)發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)里。4.1.2 graphite smears from cast iron castings are permissible. 來自鑄鐵鑄件允許的石墨斑點(diǎn)。4.1.3 this specif

16、ication is not a substitute for visual cleanliness. if a part or assembly is visually dirty it must be q-traked per the process map, nonconforming material, cleaned and cleanliness verified and deemed engine ready prior to assembly. 此規(guī)范不適合視覺清潔。如果一個(gè)零件或配件看起來臟了,必須按照流程圖、不合格材料、清潔和清潔度核實(shí)與認(rèn)定發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)準(zhǔn)備先于裝配。4.1.4t

17、his specification only applies to components that are deemed engine ready. components that are in process are not required to meet these criteria. parts cleaned by wed are required to meet these criteria after final wash and at time of final assembly. assembly production leaders are responsible for

18、maintaining all part cleanliness from receipt in the assembly area until the engine is shipped. 此規(guī)范僅適用于被發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)準(zhǔn)備認(rèn)定的組件。過程中的組件不要求符合這些標(biāo)準(zhǔn),在最終清洗和最終裝配。裝配生產(chǎn)者負(fù)責(zé)保持所有零件的清潔收到組件區(qū)域直到發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)被裝船。4.2cleanliness acceptance criteria tables清潔度驗(yàn)收標(biāo)準(zhǔn)表格4.2.1cleanliness of critical engine components is determined by a sampling pr

19、ocedure which is used to quantify the amount of debris on surfaces. acceptance criteria are identified in tables 1 thru 3. the sampling procedure and data collection method is described in dwi-05-8575. tables identify maximum particle size for metallic and abrasive particles only. the maximum foreig

20、n metallic particles and abrasive particles only are listed for bushings and journal bearings. 關(guān)鍵發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)組件的清潔度由取樣過程決定,用來確定表面碎片數(shù)量。驗(yàn)收標(biāo)準(zhǔn)在表格1通過3來鑒別。取樣過程和數(shù)據(jù)收集方法在dwi-05-8575中描述。表格確定最大顆粒大小僅供金屬和磨料顆粒。最大外部金屬顆粒和磨料顆粒僅列在套管和滑動(dòng)軸承中。4.2.2table 1 maximum particle size acceptance standard for at, vhp, vgf and apg 1000: 表格

21、1 最大顆粒大小驗(yàn)收標(biāo)準(zhǔn)供at、vhp、vgf和apg1000: the size listed is the largest dimension measured on any given abrasive, ferrous, and metallic particles only. 所列尺寸是最大尺寸測量僅在任何給定的耐磨的、鐵的和金屬的顆粒。 parts not specifically listed in table 1 shall have the maximum particle size and maximum dirt mass determined

22、 by the relevant significant surface area and fluid in contact with the surface as given in table 1a. unlisted exhaust gas surfaces, painted surfaces and surfaces exterior to the engine are excluded. 沒有特地列在表格1中的零件必須有最大顆粒尺寸和最大灰塵團(tuán)由表格1a中相關(guān)重要表面區(qū)域表面相接觸的液體決定。未列的表面廢氣,拒絕涂在發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的表面和外表面。table 1-asurface contact

23、 fluid type 表面接觸流體型oil/fuel油/燃料air空氣coolant冷卻劑maximum particle size, mm (inch)最大粒徑mm (inch).5 (.020)1.0 (.039)1.5 (.060)dirt mass per 1ft2, mg污垢量255070table 1 maximum particle size acceptance standard and maximum mass acceptance standard for apg 2000 / 3000 /1000, vhp, vgf, at engines:可接收的最大粒徑標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和apg

24、 2000 / 3000 /1000, vhp, vgf, at發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的可接收最大量type, cleanliness level 類型,清潔度等級123456maximum particle size, mm (inch) 最大粒徑mm (inch)0.2(.008)0.4 (.016).5(.020)1.0(.035)1.5(.060)visually clean可視清潔dirt mass per 1000 cm2, mg污垢量1025255070system/component系統(tǒng)組件apg2000vhp, at, vgfapg3000&apg1000typetypeoil circui

25、t油路crankcase (machined oil surfaces and passages to bearings and nozzles)曲軸箱(機(jī)加工油表面和通路到軸承和噴嘴)14crankcase (cast oil surfaces/inner surfaces oil splash)曲軸箱(澆鑄油表面/內(nèi)表面-油污點(diǎn))24pan, oil (internal area)鍋底,油(內(nèi)部區(qū)域)24crankcase lower covers (internal area) 曲軸箱底蓋(內(nèi)部)24crankcase upper covers (internal area)曲軸箱頂蓋(

26、內(nèi)部)14crankshaft assy (includes counterweights/fasteners, timing gear/fasteners)曲軸組合(包括平衡力/緊固件,定時(shí)齒輪/緊固件)13bearing, main lower & upper half軸承,主要上下半部13bearing, cs main #1 thrust 軸承,cs,主要#1推力13bearing cap軸承蓋13cylinder liner缸套14anti-polishing ring保護(hù)環(huán)1-connecting rod assy連接桿13bearing, connecting rod軸承,連接桿

27、13piston活塞13piston rings活塞環(huán)13piston pin活塞銷13nozzle, oil spray噴油嘴1-camshaft凸輪軸13bushing, camshaft套管,凸輪軸13support, bearing sub- assy支撐桿,軸承分-assy23plate, clamping鍍,夾具2-bearing, camshaft thrust軸承,凸輪軸推力23shaft, accessory drive camshaft軸,輔機(jī)驅(qū)動(dòng)-凸輪軸23shim / disc, timing gear墊片/圓盤,定時(shí)齒輪23gear, idler齒輪,空轉(zhuǎn)輪23gea

28、r, camshaft timing齒輪,凸輪軸定時(shí)23tappet, valve housing挺桿,閥體13pin, tappet roller栓,凸輪滾輪13roller, tappet滾軸,挺桿13head cylinder (machined and completed assembly-oil passage, top oil surface, valve bores, bottom surface)磁頭柱體(機(jī)加工和完整裝配-油道,頂部油表面,閥孔,底面)14shaft, rocker arm拍桿/軸,搖桿13rocker arm, inlet and exhaust搖桿,進(jìn)氣和

29、排氣13support, rocker arm支撐桿,搖桿13tube, rocker arm oil supply管,搖桿供油13prechamber assembly預(yù)燃室裝配13rocker cover (internal surface)搖桿蓋(內(nèi)表面)13lube oil module internal surfaces (includes oil filter assy, oil cooler, transfer connections)潤滑油模塊-內(nèi)表面(包括濾油器,油冷卻器,轉(zhuǎn)移連接)13oil pump (internal passages)油泵(內(nèi)部通路)13cover p

30、late, free end (oil circuit only)蓋板,自由端(油循環(huán))23housing, free end (oil circuit only)外殼,自由端(油循環(huán))23flywheel housing (oil side only)飛輪外殼(僅油面)23tube, flywheel housing to lube oil module管,飛輪外殼到潤滑油模塊23connection, flywheel housing to oil pan連接,飛輪外殼到油盤23turbocharger bracket (oil passages only)渦輪增壓器支架(僅油道)13tu

31、be, turbocharger oil supply管,渦輪增壓器供油13gas circuit氣路adaptor, main & pcc gas valve適配器,主要的&pcc油閥12fuel inlet models with fuel injectors燃油入口-燃油噴射器特性1-diffuser, gas擴(kuò)散器,汽油12fuel components燃料組件-2tube, gas, pcc manifold管,汽油,pcc歧管12flexible connection, main gas pipe柔性連接,主要汽油管12check value assy單向閥組件12prechamb

32、er gas feed manifold (inner passages & ports)預(yù)燃室氣體入口歧管(內(nèi)部通道和端口)12tube, prechamber gas valve to prechamber管,預(yù)燃室氣體閥到預(yù)燃室12head, cylinder (machined and completed) assembly gas passages)頂部,氣缸(機(jī)加工和完成)裝配-氣體通道14manifold, gas歧管,汽油14air system (internal surfaces)空氣系統(tǒng)(內(nèi)部表面)charge air cooler assy / intercooler增

33、壓空氣冷卻器裝配/中冷器24bellows fuel inlet波紋管-燃油入口1-bellows air intake side波紋管-空氣入口2-bellows exhaust pre-turbo波紋管-渦輪增壓前排氣4-bellows exhaust post turbo波紋管-渦輪增壓后排氣5-turbocharger (air side)渦輪增壓器(供風(fēng)端)15air induction components進(jìn)氣口組件-2air intake filter/housing進(jìn)氣過濾器/外殼14air inlet tube (into turbocharger)進(jìn)氣管(到渦輪增壓器)14

34、air inlet tubes (after turbo into) manifold)進(jìn)氣管(渦輪增壓后到歧管)24bracket, turbocharger (air passages) only)支架,渦輪增壓器(空氣通道)2-multiduct (air passage only)多管(僅空氣通道)2-intake manifold歧管入口24head, cylinder(machined and completed assy-air passages) 頂部,氣缸(機(jī)加工和完成)裝配-氣體通道24wastegate排氣閥門24system/component系統(tǒng)組件typecoola

35、nt system冷卻系統(tǒng)crankcase (water passage only)曲軸箱(僅水管)35water pipes水管35thermostat housing節(jié)溫器殼體35dual water pump雙重水泵35multiduct (water passage only)多管(僅水通道)35bracket, turbocharger (water passages only)支架,渦輪增壓器(僅水通道)35head, cylinder (machined and completed assembly coolant passage) 頂部,氣缸(機(jī)加工和完成)裝配-冷卻劑通道2

36、5exterior surfaces外表面painted surfaces all parts所有零件涂漆表面66post turbine exhaust bellows后渦輪排氣波紋管66exterior surfaces外表面664.3drawing designation圖紙?jiān)O(shè)計(jì)4.3.1absence of a cleanliness notation on the drawing does not exclude a part from this standard. drawings and routings shall have cleanliness class requirem

37、ents call out per std-02-0113 (e.g. - cleanliness class 1 per std-02-0860”).圖紙上沒有清潔符號此標(biāo)準(zhǔn)內(nèi)不排除.圖紙和工藝都有清潔等級要求,根據(jù)std-02-0113(例如,根據(jù)std-02-0860,清潔等級1級)4.4packaging包裝4.4.1the organization shall preserve the conformity of product during internal processing and delivery to the intended destination. this pres

38、ervation shall include identification, handling, packaging, storage and protection. preservation shall also apply to the constituent parts of a product. all parts under this standard must be packaged to maintain cleanliness until packaging is removed for final assembly. 在內(nèi)部處理和運(yùn)輸?shù)侥康牡氐倪^程中組織保護(hù)產(chǎn)品合格.保護(hù)/保

39、存包括鑒別,處理,包裝,存儲(chǔ)和保護(hù).同樣也適用于產(chǎn)品的組成部分.此標(biāo)準(zhǔn)下的所有部件必須包裝清潔,直到最后組裝移除包裝4.4.2all purchased parts must be packaged by the supplier in conformance with std-05-0852, and parts subject to this standard shall be packaged to maintain the specified cleanliness for 3 months after receipt at wed.所有采購的部件,供應(yīng)商的包裝都要符合std-05-0852,并且包裝要保存符合規(guī)定的清潔3個(gè)月.4.4.3the end and/or other openings of tubing, fittings, pipe, and elbows subject to this standard shall be


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