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1、Unit 11 How was your school trip?,Section A 2 Grammar Focus- 3a,規(guī)則動詞過去式的構成,規(guī)則動詞過去式詞尾-ed的讀音,清念 /t/, 元濁/d/; /t/ /d/ 之后念/id/,知識結構,動詞的過去式,1. 表示過去某個時間發(fā) 生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。 2. 表示過去經(jīng)?;?反復發(fā)生的動作。,yesterday last night/week/ time. days ago On Sunday morning,一般過去時,科目一考試 科目一模擬考試 仿真考試 最新試題,科目四考試 科目一模擬考試 仿真考試 最新試題,Listeni

2、ng,am(is) was are were 陳述句:He was at home yesterday. 否定句:He wasnt at home yesterday. 疑問句:Was he at home yesterday? Yes, he was./No, he wasnt.,系動詞be的過去時:,陳述句:主語+動詞過去式+其它 I go to the movie. I went to the movie. 否定句:主語+助動詞didnt+動詞原形+其它 I dont go to school today. I didnt go to school. 一般疑問句:Did +主語+動詞原形

3、+其它? Do you have breakfast? Did you have breakfast? Yes, I do./No, I dont. Yes, I did./No, I didnt.,行為動詞的一般過去時:,動詞一般過去時,表示過去發(fā)生事; be用was或用were, have, has變had; 謂語動詞過去式,過去時間坐標志; 一般動詞加-ed,若是特殊得硬記。 否定句很簡單,主語之后didnt添; 疑問句也不難,did放在主語前; 如果謂語之前有did,謂語動詞需還原; 動詞若是was,were,否定就把not添。,巧記一般過去時,3a Here is Jims and

4、Bills letters. Lets help them to complete the letters.,Dear Bill, How _ (is) your school trip yesterday? _ (Do) you _ (go) to the zoo? _ (do) you take any photos? _ (Do) you _ (see) any interesting animals? I _ (go) to the zoo last year and it _ (is) a lot of fun. Jim,was,Did,go,Did,Did,see,went,was

5、,Dear Jim, My school trip _ (is) great! We _ (have) so much fun! We _ (go) to Green Park. We _ (climb) the mountains there and _ (see) a lot of flowers. We _ (eat) our lunch under some trees and _ (play) some games after that. But at about two oclock, it _ (get) very cloudy and we _ (worry) it would

6、 rain. Luckily, it _ (do not), and the sun _ (come) out again! Bill,was,had,went,climbed,saw,ate,played,got,worried,didnt,came,My school trip was great! We had so much _! We went to Green Park. We climbed the _ there and saw a lot of _.,fun,mountains,flowers,Look at pictures and fill in the blanks.

7、Then read it and try to recite it.,We _ our lunch under some trees and _ some games after that. But at about two oclock, it got very _ and we worried it could _. Luckily, it didnt, and the sun _ out again!,cloudy,rain,ate,played,came,Groupwork,Last week I visited my aunts house. _,Make up a story. E

8、ach student adds a sentence.,The weather was beautiful.,We went fishing.,1. She often _ (go) to the park on weekends, but yesterday she _ (go) to the zoo. 2. Last week she _ (have) fun on a farm. 3. What _ they _ (do) on the school trip? They _ (ride) horses and _ (climb) the mountains.,I. 填入適當?shù)脑~。,g

9、oes,went,had,did do,rode climbed,Exercises,4. How _ their school trip? It _ interesting. _ she _ (go) fishing? Yes, she did. 5. _ Li Ming _ (pick) any strawberries?No, he didnt.,was,Did go,Did pick,was,1. 我們在那兒爬山, 看到了很多花。 2. 我們在樹下吃了午餐,之后又玩游戲。 3. 太陽半小時前又出來了。,We climbed the mountains there and saw a l

10、ot of flowers. We ate our lunch under trees and played some games after that. The sun came out again half an hour.,II. 翻譯下列句子。,4. 昨天我們擔心天會下雨。 5. 幾分鐘前,天變陰了。 6. 你拍了一些照片嗎?,Yesterday we worried it would rain. A few minutes ago, it got cloudy. Did you take any photos?,1. Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy _ _ her homework at home. 2. His father worked all day last Monday.(改一般疑問句) _ his father _ all day last Monday?,didnt do,Did work,III. 完成下列句子。,3. I was very busy last week. (改否定


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