



1、unit 10 id like some noodles. section a課后作業(yè)一、根據(jù)首字母填空1. may i take your o_?2. we have some s_ in our restaurant.二、單項選擇3. some chicken _ in the bowl. and some eggs _ on the table.a. is, is b. are, are c. is, are d.are, is4. there _ some food on the table.a. have b. are c. is d. has5. im hungry. i woul

2、d like _ a large bowl of dumplings.a. have b. eat c. eating d. to eat6. do you like noodles _ chicken?a. with b. of c. in d. to7. what size shoes do you want? _.a. small shoes b. size 36 c.36 size d. big shoes三、閱讀理解,判斷句子的正(t)誤(f)。a frenchman wants to eat eggs in a restaurant. but he doesnt know how

3、to say eggs in english. he thinks and thinks. then he sees a book with a picture of a hen(母雞)on the table. he asks the woman in the restaurant, “whats the english for a hens child?” the woman says, “its a chick(小雞).”then the frenchman asks, “whats a chick before they are born?”“its an egg,” says the

4、 woman. “thats right. give me four eggs, please.”8.the frenchman cant speak english.9. a hen helps the frenchman get the eggs to eat.10. an egg is a hens child.unit 10 id like some noodles. section a課后作業(yè)參考答案一、1. 【答案】rder【解析】考查對題干的正確理解和單詞的正確拼寫??梢渣c菜了嗎?固定用法:may i take your order?2. 【答案】pecials【解析】考查對題干

5、的正確理解和單詞的應用。我們餐館里有一些特色菜,特色菜是special,用some來修飾,后面用可數(shù)名詞的復數(shù)。二、3. 【答案】c【解析】考查可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞的應用。該題的關(guān)鍵是chicken和eggs,chicken做雞肉講是不可數(shù)名詞,be動詞用is;eggs是復數(shù)形式,be動詞用are。4. 【答案】c【解析】考查there be句型和名詞的單復數(shù)。關(guān)鍵詞是some food,food是不可數(shù)名詞,be動詞用is。5. 【答案】d【解析】考查would like短語的用法。該題的關(guān)鍵詞是would like,would like to do sth.意為想要做某事,想要吃,后面用t

6、o do。6. 【答案】a【解析】考查with的用法。正確理解該題意思,雞肉面,noodles和chicken的關(guān)系應是:面里有雞肉,用介詞with。7. 【答案】b【解析】考查日常用語的回答。該題關(guān)鍵句是詢問what size,什么號碼,答語應是回答多少碼的鞋子;36碼的正確說法應是名詞后加號碼,首字母大寫,即size 36。三、8. 【答案】f【解析】正確理解題干意思,意為這個法國人不會說英語。找到文章的關(guān)鍵句but he doesnt know how to say eggs in english.,意思是他不會說雞蛋;結(jié)合全文法國人和別人的對話,他不是不會說英語,而是不會說雞蛋。9. 【答案】f【解析】正確理解題干意思,意為母雞幫助法國人吃到了雞蛋。理解全文意思,幫助法國人吃到雞蛋的是the woman in the restaurant。10.【答案】f【解析】理解題干意思,


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