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1、網(wǎng)絡(luò)爬蟲實驗報告 院系:國際教育學(xué)院 班級:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)1202 姓名:陳賽賽 學(xué)號:2 “網(wǎng)絡(luò)蜘蛛”或者說“網(wǎng)絡(luò)爬蟲”,是一種能訪問網(wǎng)站并跟蹤鏈接的程序,通過它,可快速地畫出一個網(wǎng)站所包含的網(wǎng)頁地圖信息。本文主要講述如何使用Java編程來構(gòu)建一個“蜘蛛”,我們會先以一個可復(fù)用的蜘蛛類包裝一個基本的“蜘蛛”,并在示例程序中演示如何創(chuàng)建一個特定的“蜘蛛”來掃描相關(guān)網(wǎng)站并找出死鏈接。Java語言在此非常適合構(gòu)建一個“蜘蛛”程序,其內(nèi)建了對HTTP協(xié)議的支持,通過它可以傳輸大部分的網(wǎng)頁信息;其還內(nèi)建了一個HTML解析器,正是這兩個原因使Java語言成為本文構(gòu)建“蜘蛛”程序的首選。文章后面例1的示例程序,將


3、ks類中,這個類實現(xiàn)了ISpiderReportable接口,如例2所示,正是通過這個接口,蜘蛛類才能與示例程序相交互。在這個接口中,定義了三個方法:第一個方法是“spiderFoundURL”,它在每次程序定位一個URL時被調(diào)用,如果方法返回true,表示程序應(yīng)繼續(xù)執(zhí)行下去并找出其中的鏈接;第二個方法是“spiderURLError”,它在每次程序檢測URL導(dǎo)致錯誤時被調(diào)用(如“404 頁面未找到”);第三個方法是“spiderFoundEMail”,它在每次發(fā)現(xiàn)電子郵件地址時被調(diào)用。有了這三個方法,Spider類就能把相關(guān)信息反饋給創(chuàng)建它的程序了。在begin方法被調(diào)用后,“蜘蛛”就開始工

4、作了;為允許程序重繪其用戶界面,“蜘蛛”是作為一個單獨的線程啟動的。點擊“Begin”按鈕會開始這個后臺線程,當(dāng)后臺線程運行之后,又會調(diào)用“CheckLinks”類的run方法,而run方法是由Spider對象實例化時啟動的,如下所示:spider = new Spider(this); spider.clear(); base = new URL(url.getText(); spider.addURL(base); spider.begin(); 首先,一個新的Spider對象被實例化,在此,需要傳遞一個“ISpiderReportable”對象給Spider對象的構(gòu)造函數(shù),因為“Chec




8、pider類的主循環(huán),其一直重復(fù)遍歷“workloadWaiting”,并處理其中的每一個頁面,當(dāng)然我們也想到了,在這些頁面被處理時,很可能有其他的URL添加到“workloadWaiting”中,所以,begin方法一直繼續(xù)此過程,直到調(diào)用Spider類的cancel方法,或“workloadWaiting”中已不再剩有URL。這個過程如下:cancel = false; while ( !getWorkloadWaiting().isEmpty() & !cancel ) Object list = getWorkloadWaiting().toArray(); for ( int i=0

9、; (iprocessURL(URL)listi); 當(dāng)上述代碼遍歷“workloadWaiting”時,它把每個需處理的URL都傳遞給“processURL”方法,而這個方法才是真正讀取并解析URL中HTML信息的。讀取并解析HTMLJava同時支持訪問URL內(nèi)容及解析HTML,而這正是“processURL”方法要做的。在Java中讀取URL內(nèi)容相對還比較簡單,下面就是“processURL”方法實現(xiàn)此功能的代碼:URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); if ( (connection.getContentType()!=null)

10、 &!connection.getContentType().toLowerCase().startsWith(text/) ) getWorkloadWaiting().remove(url); getWorkloadProcessed().add(url); log(Not processing because content type is: +connection.getContentType() ); return; 首先,為每個傳遞進來的變量url中存儲的URL構(gòu)造一個“URLConnection”對象,因為網(wǎng)站上會有多種類型的文檔,而“蜘蛛”只對那些包含HTML,尤其是基于文本的

11、文檔感興趣。前述代碼是為了確保文檔內(nèi)容以“text/”打頭,如果文檔類型為非文本,會從等待區(qū)移除此URL,并把它添加到已處理區(qū),這也是為了保證不會再次訪問此URL。在對特定URL建立連接之后,接下來就要解析其內(nèi)容了。下面的代碼打開了URL連接,并讀取內(nèi)容:InputStream is = connection.getInputStream(); Reader r = new InputStreamReader(is); 現(xiàn)在,我們有了一個Reader對象,可以用它來讀取此URL的內(nèi)容,對本文中的“蜘蛛”來說,只需簡單地把其內(nèi)容傳遞給HTML解析器就可以了。本例中使用的HTML解析器為Swing

12、 HTML解析器,其由Java內(nèi)置,但由于Java對HTML解析的支持力度不夠,所以必須重載一個類來實現(xiàn)對HTML解析器的訪問,這就是為什么我們要調(diào)用“HTMLEditorKit”類中的“getParser”方法。但不幸的是,Sun公司把這個方法置為protected,唯一的解決辦法就是創(chuàng)建自己的類并重載“getParser”方法,并把它置為public,這由“HTMLParse”類來實現(xiàn),請看例4:import javax.swing.text.html.*; public class HTMLParse extends HTMLEditorKit public HTMLEditorKit.

13、Parser getParser()return super.getParser(); 這個類用在Spider類的“processURL”方法中,我們也會看到,Reader對象會用于讀取傳遞到“HTMLEditorKit.Parser”中網(wǎng)頁的內(nèi)容:HTMLEditorKit.Parser parse = new HTMLParse().getParser(); parse.parse(r,new Parser(url),true); 請留意,這里又構(gòu)造了一個新的Parser類,這個Parser類是一個Spider類中的內(nèi)嵌類,而且還是一個回調(diào)類,它包含了對應(yīng)于每種HTML tag將要調(diào)用的特

14、定方法。在本文中,我們只需關(guān)心兩類回調(diào)函數(shù),它們分別對應(yīng)一個簡單tag(即不帶結(jié)束tag的tag,如)和一個開始tag,這兩類回調(diào)函數(shù)名為“handleSimpleTag”和“handleStartTag”。因為每種的處理過程都是一樣的,所以“handleStartTag”方法僅是簡單地調(diào)用“handleSimpleTag”,而“handleSimpleTag”則會負(fù)責(zé)從文檔中取出超鏈接,這些超鏈接將會用于定位“蜘蛛”要訪問的其他頁面。在當(dāng)前tag被解析時,“handleSimpleTag”會檢查是否存在一個“href”或超文本引用:String href = (String)a.getAtt

15、ribute(HTML.Attribute.HREF); if( (href=null) & (t=HTML.Tag.FRAME) )href = (String)a.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.SRC); if ( href=null )return; 如果不存在“href”屬性,會繼續(xù)檢查當(dāng)前tag是否為一個Frame,F(xiàn)rame會使用一個“src”屬性指向其他頁面,一個典型的超鏈接通常為以下形式:上面鏈接中的“href”屬性指向其鏈接到的頁面,但是“l(fā)inkedpage.html”不是一個地址,它只是指定了這個Web服務(wù)器上一個頁面上的某處,這稱為相對URL,

16、相對URL必須被解析為絕對URL,而這由以下代碼完成:URL url = new URL(base,str); 這又會構(gòu)造一個URL,str為相對URL,base為這個URL上的頁面,這種形式的URL類構(gòu)造函數(shù)可構(gòu)造一個絕對URL。在URL變?yōu)檎_的絕對形式之后,通過檢查它是否在等待區(qū),來確認(rèn)此URL是否已經(jīng)被處理過。如果此URL沒有被處理過,它會添加到等待區(qū),之后,它會像其他URL一樣被處理。相關(guān)的代碼如下所示:1.CheckLinks.javaimport java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import .*; import java.io

17、.*;public class CheckLinks extends javax.swing.JFrame implements Runnable,ISpiderReportable /* * The constructor. Perform setup here. */ public CheckLinks() /INIT_CONTROLS setTitle(Find Broken Links); getContentPane().setLayout(null); setSize(405,288); setVisible(true); label1.setText(Enter a URL:);

18、 getContentPane().add(label1); label1.setBounds(12,12,84,12); begin.setText(Begin); begin.setActionCommand(Begin); getContentPane().add(begin); begin.setBounds(12,36,84,24); getContentPane().add(url); url.setBounds(108,36,288,24); errorScroll.setAutoscrolls(true); errorScroll.setHorizontalScrollBarP

19、olicy(javax.swing. ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); errorScroll.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(javax.swing. ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); errorScroll.setOpaque(true); getContentPane().add(errorScroll); errorScroll.setBounds(12,120,384,156); errors.setEditable(false); e

20、rrorScroll.getViewport().add(errors); errors.setBounds(0,0,366,138); current.setText(Currently Processing: ); getContentPane().add(current); current.setBounds(12,72,384,12); goodLinksLabel.setText(Good Links: 0); getContentPane().add(goodLinksLabel); goodLinksLabel.setBounds(12,96,192,12); badLinksL

21、abel.setText(Bad Links: 0); getContentPane().add(badLinksLabel); badLinksLabel.setBounds(216,96,96,12); / /INIT_MENUS / /REGISTER_LISTENERS SymAction lSymAction = new SymAction(); begin.addActionListener(lSymAction); / /* * Main method for the application * * param args Not used */ static public voi

22、d main(String args) (new CheckLinks().setVisible(true); /* * Add notifications. */ public void addNotify() / Record the size of the window prior to calling parents / addNotify. Dimension size = getSize();super.addNotify(); if ( frameSizeAdjusted ) return; frameSizeAdjusted = true;/ Adjust size of fr

23、ame according to the insets and menu bar Insets insets = getInsets(); javax.swing.JMenuBar menuBar = getRootPane().getJMenuBar(); int menuBarHeight = 0; if ( menuBar != null ) menuBarHeight = menuBar.getPreferredSize().height; setSize(insets.left + insets.right + size.width, insets.top + insets.bott

24、om + size.height + menuBarHeight); / Used by addNotify boolean frameSizeAdjusted = false; /DECLARE_CONTROLS javax.swing.JLabel label1 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); /* * The begin or cancel button */ javax.swing.JButton begin = new javax.swing.JButton(); /* * The URL being processed */ javax.swing.JTex

25、tField url = new javax.swing.JTextField(); /* * Scroll the errors. */ javax.swing.JScrollPane errorScroll = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); /* * A place to store the errors created */ javax.swing.JTextArea errors = new javax.swing.JTextArea(); javax.swing.JLabel current = new javax.swing.JLabel(); ja

26、vax.swing.JLabel goodLinksLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel(); javax.swing.JLabel badLinksLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel(); / /DECLARE_MENUS / /* * The background spider thread */ protected Thread backgroundThread; /* * The spider object being used */ protected Spider spider; /* * The URL that the spid

27、er began with */ protected URL base; /* * How many bad links have been found */ protected int badLinksCount = 0; /* * How many good links have been found */ protected int goodLinksCount = 0; /* * Internal class used to dispatch events * * authorwuhailin * version 1.0 */ class SymAction implements ja

28、va.awt.event.ActionListener public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event) Object object = event.getSource(); if ( object = begin ) begin_actionPerformed(event); /* * Called when the begin or cancel buttons are clicked * * param event The event associated with the button. */ void begi

29、n_actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event) if ( backgroundThread=null ) begin.setLabel(Cancel); backgroundThread = new Thread(this); backgroundThread.start(); goodLinksCount=0; badLinksCount=0; else spider.cancel(); /* * Perform the background thread operation. This method * actually starts

30、 the background thread. */ public void run() try errors.setText(); spider = new Spider(this); spider.clear(); base = new URL(url.getText(); spider.addURL(base); spider.begin(); Runnable doLater = new Runnable() public void run() begin.setText(Begin); ; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(doLater); background

31、Thread=null; catch ( MalformedURLException e ) UpdateErrors err = new UpdateErrors(); err.msg = Bad address.; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(err); /* * Called by the spider when a URL is found. It is here * that links are validated. * * param base The page that the link was found on. * param url The act

32、ual link address. */ public boolean spiderFoundURL(URL base,URL url) UpdateCurrentStats cs = new UpdateCurrentStats(); cs.msg = url.toString(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(cs); if ( !checkLink(url) ) UpdateErrors err = new UpdateErrors(); err.msg = url+(on page + base + )n; SwingUtilities.invokeLater

33、(err); badLinksCount+; return false; goodLinksCount+; if ( !url.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(base.getHost() ) return false; else return true; /* * Called when a URL error is found * * param url The URL that resulted in an error. */ public void spiderURLError(URL url) /* * Called internally to check wh

34、ether a link is good * * param url The link that is being checked. * return True if the link was good, false otherwise. */ protected boolean checkLink(URL url) try URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); connection.connect(); return true; catch ( IOException e ) return false; /* * Called wh

35、en the spider finds an e-mail address * * param email The email address the spider found. */ public void spiderFoundEMail(String email) /* * Internal class used to update the error information * in a Thread-Safe way */class UpdateErrors implements Runnable public String msg; public void run() errors

36、.append(msg); /* * Used to update the current status information * in a Thread-Safe way */ class UpdateCurrentStats implements Runnable public String msg; public void run() current.setText(Currently Processing: + msg ); goodLinksLabel.setText(Good Links: + goodLinksCount); badLinksLabel.setText(Bad

37、Links: + badLinksCount); 2.ISpiderReportable .javaimport .*;interface ISpiderReportable public boolean spiderFoundURL(URL base,URL url); public void spiderURLError(URL url); public void spiderFoundEMail(String email);3.Spider .javaimport java.util.*; import .*; import java.io.*; impo

38、rt javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.text.html.*;/* That class implements a reusable spider*/public class Spider /* * A collection of URLs that resulted in an error */ protected Collection workloadError = new ArrayList(3); /* * A collection of URLs that are waiting to be processed */ protected

39、Collection workloadWaiting = new ArrayList(3); /* * A collection of URLs that were processed */ protected Collection workloadProcessed = new ArrayList(3); /* * The class that the spider should report its URLs to */ protected ISpiderReportable report; /* * A flag that indicates whether this process *

40、 should be canceled */ protected boolean cancel = false; /* * The constructor * * param report A class that implements the ISpiderReportable * interface, that will receive information that the * spider finds. */ public Spider(ISpiderReportable report) this.report = report; /* * Get the URLs that res

41、ulted in an error. * * return A collection of URLs. */ public Collection getWorkloadError() return workloadError; /* * Get the URLs that were waiting to be processed. * You should add one URL to this collection to * begin the spider. * * return A collection of URLs. */ public Collection getWorkloadW

42、aiting() return workloadWaiting; /* * Get the URLs that were processed by this spider. * * return A collection of URLs. */ public Collection getWorkloadProcessed() return workloadProcessed; /* * Clear all of the workloads. */ public void clear() getWorkloadError().clear(); getWorkloadWaiting().clear

43、(); getWorkloadProcessed().clear(); /* * Set a flag that will cause the begin * method to return before it is done. */ public void cancel() cancel = true; /* * Add a URL for processing. * * param url */ public void addURL(URL url) if ( getWorkloadWaiting().contains(url) ) return; if ( getWorkloadErr

44、or().contains(url) ) return; if ( getWorkloadProcessed().contains(url) ) return; log(Adding to workload: + url ); getWorkloadWaiting().add(url); /* * Called internally to process a URL * * param url The URL to be processed. */ public void processURL(URL url) try log(Processing: + url ); / get the UR

45、Ls contents URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); if ( (connection.getContentType()!=null) & !connection.getContentType().toLowerCase().startsWith(text/) ) getWorkloadWaiting().remove(url); getWorkloadProcessed().add(url); log(Not processing because content type is: + connection.getConten

46、tType() ); return; / read the URL InputStream is = connection.getInputStream(); Reader r = new InputStreamReader(is); / parse the URL HTMLEditorKit.Parser parse = new HTMLParse().getParser(); parse.parse(r,new Parser(url),true); catch ( IOException e ) getWorkloadWaiting().remove(url); getWorkloadError().add(url); log(Error: + url ); report.spiderURLError(url); return; / mark URL as complete getWorkloadWaiting().remove(url); getWorkloadProcessed().add(url); log(Complete: + url ); /* * Called to start the spide


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