1、 中國(guó)銀行 2016 年筆試完整試題時(shí)間:180 分鐘001. Raymond and Howell proposed job cuts following a two-year decline in sales .(a) figures(b) actions(c) employers(d) information(c) donated(d) called007. Ever since the drivers strike started, citywide buses have been running thirty minutes to one hour late.(a) finally(
2、b) constantly(c) concurrently(d) very002. In the past three years, our marketing manager to Europe, Australia, Brazil and Thailand.(a) had gone(b) has been(c) gone(d) went008. More than 6.55 million workers are in the manufacturing industry, according to government data.(a) employed(b) employer(c) e
3、mploying(d) employment003. moving to a northern climate, be sure to properly winterize your automobile.(a) gives(b) given(c) giving(d) is giving009. Fair Oaks Transit trains were back on schedule Monday after a mudslide disrupted last Friday mornings .(a) section(b) commute(c) tracking(d) beginning0
4、04. An increase in a nations rate of savings ultimately to lower consumer loans.(a) lead(b) leads(c) leader(d) leadinginterestratesforbusinessand010. Sams Steakhouse is better than famous national chains with larger advertising budgets.(a) argue(b) arguing(c) argument(d) arguably005. We needtoget pa
5、perworkfromhimbefore the end of the fiscal year.(a) him(b) himself(c) he(d) his006. Any information about the revised holiday work schedule can be obtained from Ms. Zeldenrust in Human Resources.(a) volunteered(b) needed011. Daily Dogs targets its advertising campaign to pet owners, it could be head
6、ed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.(a) Until(b) Unless(c) Whereas(d) Except2(c) rise(d) lift012. Mocha Monkeys Coffee very because of its cheap prices and unique drinks.(a) expands(b) are expanding(c) is expanding(d) to expandquickly018. Changes in American eating over the last twenty years are blamed for
7、 a variety of health problems.(a) meals(b) habits(c) dishes(d) restaurants013. Notice: The meeting for today has been postponed until Thursday at 4 P.M.(a) scheduled(b) happening(c) important(d) open019. The Holden Complex has vacancies despite its high rent, inconvenient location and large annual m
8、aintenance fee.(a) unusually(b) rarely(c) frequently(d) assuredly014. The new computerchips will bedelayedbecause the hurricane on the East Coast has disrupted air traffic.(a) probability(b) probably(c) probable(d) probe020. Be informed that this medication is for temporary relief of symptoms, and i
9、s not intended your annual immunization shot.(a) replaced(b) replace(c) to replace(d) replacing015. We would like to thank the Elog Foundation for its generous to our charity fundraiser.(a) donor(b) donate(c) donated(d) donation021. The Healthcare community was shocked Ricardo Peters resignation aft
10、er only one year as president of Healthcorps.(a) in(b) up(c) of(d) by016. After carefully the bid packagesfromeach vendor, we have decided to award the contract to Thomas Cullen.(a) considered(b) considering(c) considerate(d) consideration022. Alanis bought renters insurance to her personal belongin
11、gs while living in an apartment.(a) protect(b) protector(c) protection(d) protective017. Economists predict a in housing prices due to the recent reduction in unemployment.(a) development(b) growth3023. The personnel department requires that all (d) bigbe interviewed at decision is made.(a) applicat
12、ions(b) applicants(c) appliances(d) applicatorleastthreetimesbeforeahiring029. The CEO of Star Records announced plans for aggressive expansion, saying the company will purchase new properties in the next two years.(a) many(b) little(c) much(d) any024. During office remodeling therewill be interrupt
13、ions to ADSL, copier and fax machine service.(a) usual(b) often(c) frequent(d) little030. Human resources workers serve a vital in screening qualified candidates for the companys managerial positions.(a) play(b) function(c) skill(d) piece025. Kindly your colleagues to tip the waitress at least 15 pe
14、rcent.(a) remind(b) remember(c) order(d) command031. In a 20-minute address to computer science students, the CEO of Electro-lite discussed the availability of technology jobs in todays job .(a) market(b) maximum(c) document(d) department026. It is probably safe to say that of all the board members,
15、 Mr. Cain has the most .(a) result(b) effect(c) influence(d) conclusion032. The meteorologist on Channel 2 said that he was certain that the cold front will result in snow tomorrow.(a) reasoning(b) reason(c) reasonable(d) reasonably027. Sales of new homes this month are down 2% from last month, 6% f
16、rom a year ago.(a) too(b) and(c) as well(d) along with033. Ms. Benihana is knowledgeable in several disciplines, but especially biomedical engineering is her area of .(a) expert(b) expertise(c) experts(d) expertness028. Since Dawson Creek Fashion was late getting its new styles on the market, there
17、was not opportunity to meet pre-Christmas sales projections.(a) many(b) little(c) much4034. The chairperson of Walter Bros. announced that(d) Ofthis years annual bonuses employees on Friday.(a) awarded(b) transacted(c) published(d) discardedwill be tocompany038. In order to compete for a shrinking p
18、ool ofqualified programmers, companies that are conservativearenowofferingflextimeandwork-from-home options.(a) sometimes(b) always(c) infrequently(d) otherwise035. All internationalorders are viaGlobalExpress Mail within five to ten business days.(a) spent(b) enrolled(c) collected(d) delivered039.
19、The sales representative suggested an initial meeting to discuss the proposal as soon as the beta product is ready, that might be.(a) no matter(b) which(c) whenever(d) what036. Most shareholdersstill fail both theimmediate impacts and future implications of corporate mergers and takeover bids.(a) un
20、derstood(b) understanding(c) to understand(d) have understood040. Mr. Carter got in trouble acknowledge his secretarys birthday.(a) he(b) himself(c) him(d) hisby failingto037. all formsof advertising, research showsthat direct mail reaches the greatest number of people at the lowest cost.(a) Through
21、(b) In(c) BetweenQuestions 41-43 refer to the following letter.5Memory Map Game by Riven Learning Co.DescriptionFor 1-6 players, 5-11 years oldChildren can their observation and memorization skills with this puzzle that features a colorful picture map of a city.041. (a) causeQuestions 44-46 refer to
22、 the following letter.6Dear Arcish Furniture,I recently purchased a leather sofa from your outlet. The sales representative, Maureen, me to purchase the 10-year warranty. I was told that if my furniture was accidentally damaged, even by a pet, the store would repair it at no cost to me.44. (a) persu
23、asion(b) persuasive(c) persuading(d) persuadedLast week, my cat scratched the sofa, leaving three deep marks in the leather. The marks are clearly visible from a distance. I was surprised to learn from the manager that the 10-year does not cover damage done by household pets when I was informed othe
24、rwise.45. (a) stock(b) service(c) warranty(d) insuranceI have reviewed the fine print on the contract, and I can see that pet damage is not covered. However, this is not what Maureen told me when I bought the sofa. I feel I was about the terms of the warranty. I accept responsibility for not reading
25、 the full contract, but I trusted that I was being given all the facts.46. (a) misrepresented(b) misspelled(c) misled(b) study(c) practice(d) manufactureTo begin the game, children must place the 125 picture cards faced down. Each player then draws a picture card, turns it over, and waits for their
26、turn to the picture card to the map.42. (a) add(b) addition(c) additive(d) additionally a player cannot find where their picture card goes on the map, they must pick up another picturecard.43. (a) If(b) So(c) And(d) BecauseThe first player to get rid of all their picture cards wins the game. Price $
27、21.99Questions 47-49 refer to the following letter.Questions 50-52 refer to the following letter.7NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEESThe following changes will be effective as of Monday.First of all, the dress code is changing slightly. You may still wear the black pants and skirts as before along with the comp
28、any shirt.50. (a) pair(b) same(c) kindTampa Daily News - Available in Print and OnlineThe Tampa Daily News has two versions of its printed newspaper available online. One version the printed edition, including the editorial and news pages.47. (a) is the same(b) has the same(c) is the same as(d) as h
29、as the same This is available at.The other is a special online edition that includes additional sports, lifestyle, and real estate pages.48. (a) version(b) section(c) article(d) reporterThe electronic edition has a complete classified section as well as up-to-date movie listin
30、gs.49. (a) too(b) and(c) plus(d) alsoThe electronic edition is available at /electronicnews. Subscriptions to the printed version of the newspaper are available at /subscribe.(d) mistakenI would like Arcish Furniture to fix my couch. I await your respons
31、e. Sincerely,Marcel Boule053. What is an apprentice according to thisarticle?(a) Anyone who spends 20% of his or her time inside a classroom(b) An expert in a skilled trade who spends 80% of8Whats an Apprentice?As everyone knows, opportunities in the skilled trades are set to explode in the next fiv
32、e to ten years.Many skilled trades train workers through apprenticeships - new workers spend up to 80% of their days learning on the job, and only 20% in the classroom. This is accomplished through being paired with an expert in the trade who will guide the apprentice through their learning process.
33、Many countries have developed special ”pre-apprenticeship” secondary school programs. If you are in high school, by participating in these programs you can learn job skills and earn credits towards your apprenticeship before you even graduate. Apprenticeships range from auto mechanics to cabinetmaki
34、ng, construction, and pastry making(d) bothHowever, employees are no longer allowed to wear shoes with heels higher than two inches.Secondly, we are implementing a new marketing promotion. From now on, when customers come through your register lineup, you should ask them if they would like to provid
35、e an e-mail address.51. (a) always(b) seldom(c) never(d) rarelyThis will register them to receive notification of upcoming specials.Finally, we are switching to a new coupon-based system, we will be discontinuing the use of customer reward cards. Reassure customers that they can redeem points until
36、the end of the year. Explain to customers that the coupon system will provide greater savings.52. (a) although(b) unless(c) so(d) becauseIf a customer has any further questions, please refer him or her to the manager on duty.Thank you for your hard work in recent weeks. Sincerely,Greg.his or her tim
37、e on the job(c) Any high school student who is learning job skills(d) A new worker matched with an expert to learnaskilled tradetrade(b) By taking part in a pre-apprenticeship program(c) By interviewing auto mechanics or pastry makers(d) By spending only 20% of their time in class054.How can high sc
38、hool students earn credits towards their apprenticeships?(a) By making matches with an expert in a skilled055.What does Tina Barkley find out regarding the presentation?(a) Her presentation will be videotaped.(b) A colleague will not be able to attend.(c) Her presentation is the first one scheduled.
39、(d) Twenty-three people have said they will attend.056. What does Mary Unger say she will do?(a) Set up the equipment by herself(b) Arrive 30 minutes early on Thursday(c) Make copies of her presentation materials(d) E-mail the presentation schedule later that day.9Item Number 21169 Versatile Sports
40、CoatMade from lightweight wool, this versatile coat can be dressed up with a dress shirt and pair of slacks, orFrom: Mary Unger m_ To: Tina Barkley t_ Subject: PresentationSent: May 4, 10:20:07 A.M.Dear Tina,I wanted to get back to you about the presentation on Thursday. As
41、 of now, 23 people have responded. I expect a few more people to show up at the last minute.Were still planning on holding the lecture in room 240B. Ill make sure we have at least 30 chairs set up. I was also planning to make photocopies of my presentation slides in case anyone would like a copy.Sin
42、cerely, Mary UngerOutreach DirectorPayton Daniels Corporation057. Which feature does the Versatile Sports Coat have?(a) Wrist cuffs(b) A lined collar(c) Reinforced seams(d) An inside pockete.(d) Midnight059. How now cost? (a) $114 (b) $139 (c) $179(d) $211.muchdoestheVersatileSportsCoat058.Which col
43、or NOT available in?(a) Pine(b) Desert(c) EspressoistheVersatileSportsCoat10The Savvy Shoppers”Let us take the Worry out of Shopping!”We all know how important dressing professionally can be.You want to project a certain image with your clothes, and that can vary widely based on what kind of an even
44、t or meeting you need to attend. Approachable, tough, stylish The options are endless, and it can be exhausting trying to find the right outfit for all of the jobs that you do!Meet the Savvy Shoppers!Our team of professional personal shoppers can make your busy life a little easier by giving you bac
45、k the time and energy you had previously been wasting on shopping for office clothes.Trusted ProfessionalsWith extensive backgrounds in retail management, fashion design, and beauty consulting, our experienced team can put together a perfect wardrobe for any woman. Whether its the right power suit f
46、or a big presentation, boardroom-appropriate skirts, or a high heel that wont leave you limping, the Savvy Shoppersdressed down with a t-shirt and jeans. It is impeccably tailored with a perfect drape. Small shoulder pads, full polyester lining, and inside pocket, make this a durable and great looki
47、ng coat. Other details include: two- button front, lined chest pocket, and reinforced hip pockets. Dry clean only.Available in espresso, pine, and midnightPrice: $179, now on sale for $139! Available in S, M, L, XL062.What does Savvy Shoppers send to clients when shopping?(a) Prices and photographs
48、of clothing items(b) Precise measurements and digital photos(c) Gift certificates for tailoring services(d) Information about the work they do060.Who is this advertisement likely targeting?(a) Busy business men(b) Stay-at-home parents(c) Working professional women(d) Chief Executive Officers063.How
49、do clients get their clothes from the Savvy Shoppers?(a) They set up a consultation appointment.(b) They pick up the clothes from the office.(c) They receive them at their own home.(d) They meet their shopper at the store061.What experience does the Savvy Shoppers NOT have?(a) Managing in the retail
50、 sector(b) Clothing design(c) Hair styling(d) Consulting in the beauty sector.11The Bridgeport Revitalization Committee (BRC) 13 Robin WayBridgeport, MA 02126Kevin Taylor 203 8th AvenueBridgeport, MA 02133 Dear Mr. Taylor,I am excited to announce to our members that we have received a $750,000 grant
51、 from the Roger Coopers Foundation for our City Renovation Project.The City Renovation Project focuses on the downtown area of Bridgeport, between First Avenue and Lincoln Way. We will begin by redesigning Baten Park and the pedestrian walkways to create a more inviting space for shoppers and worker
52、s on their lunch breaks.can help!The Savvy Shopping experienceIt begins with a private consultation in your home. Your shopper will look at your current wardrobe, talk to you about the work you do, and take your precise measurements. Once they begin shopping, Savvy Shoppers sends digital photos and
53、price lists for items. You select what you want, and the items are delivered to your door with a free $20 tailoring coupon attached.064.What can be inferred about Mr. Taylor?(a) He is a member of the BRC.(b) He works for Denise LeBaron.(c) He lives between First Avenue and Lincoln Way.(d) He is on t
54、he board of the Roger Coopers Foundation.(b) Redesign a park(c) Expand the highway network(d) Create worker training programs066.What is true about the grant?(a) It is for more than $1 million.(b) It is an extension of an existing grant.(c) It is awarded by the Bridgeport Revitalization Committee.(d
55、) It is the largest the BRC has ever received.065.What will the BRC use the grant money to do?(a) Build a museum067.How many rooms in Kilmer Health Care Center are intended for assisted living?(a) 12(b) 36(c) 48(d) 66.068.What is learned about Kilmer Health Care12Report: Kilmer Health Care Center in Top 10%According to a report that was recently published in Consumer Quarterly, the Kilmer Health Care Center at University Village is ranked in the top 10 percent of all nur
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