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1、吳淞VTS實(shí)用英語匯編一、基礎(chǔ)部分字母拼讀spelling of letters字母Letter識(shí)別碼Code字母Letter識(shí)別碼Code字母Letter識(shí)別碼CodeAAlfaJJulietSSierraBBravoKKiloTTangoCCharlieLLimaUUniformDDeltaMMikeVVictorEEchoNNovemberWWhiskeyFFoxtrotOOscarXX-rayGGolfPPapaYYankeeHHotelQQuebecZZuluIIndiaRRomeo數(shù)字拼讀spelling of numbers數(shù)字Number拼讀Spelling發(fā)音Pronunci

2、ation數(shù)字Number拼讀Spelling發(fā)音Pronunciation0ZeroZEERO6SixSIX1OneWUN7SevenSEVEV2TwoTOO8EightAIT3ThreeTREE9NineNINER4FourFOWER1000thousandTOUSAND5fiveFIFEPlease use IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases請(qǐng)使用IMO標(biāo)準(zhǔn)航海通信用語I will use IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases我將使用IMO標(biāo)準(zhǔn)航海通信用語MAYDAY用于發(fā)布遇險(xiǎn)信文。PAN-P

3、AN用于發(fā)布緊急信文。SECURITE用于發(fā)布安全信文。數(shù)字Numbers數(shù)字逐位讀出應(yīng)讀作:“一五零”;“One-five-zero”2.5應(yīng)讀作:“二點(diǎn)五”“Two decimal five” or “Two point five”術(shù)語 GLOSSARY棄船Abandon vessel漂移Adrift水面高度Air draft風(fēng)向逆轉(zhuǎn)Backing( of wind)盲區(qū)Blind sector登輪船速Boarding speed平艙機(jī)Bob-cat傾覆Capsize (to)方位浮標(biāo)Cardinalbuoy基點(diǎn)(羅經(jīng)點(diǎn))Cardinal points傷亡Casualty貨物相容性Comp

4、atibility限于吃水的船舶Vessel constrained by her draft航向Course推算航跡向Course made good原油洗艙COWCrude Oil Washing最近會(huì)遇點(diǎn)/最近會(huì)遇時(shí)間CPA/TCPA緊急停車Crash-stop破損控制隊(duì)Damage control team喪失航行能力Disabled離船Disembark吃水Draughtor draft走錨Dragging (of anchor)拖錨Dredging (of anchor )漂流Drifting進(jìn)水Flooding (海水不受控制地大量涌入船舶)纏錨Foul (of anchor)纏

5、螺旋槳Foul (of propeller)讓路Give away操縱能力受到限制的船Hampered vessel初始航向Initial course拋棄貨物Jettison (to) (of cargo)泄漏Leaking下風(fēng)Leeward偏航Leeway橫傾List進(jìn)水Make water to(船舶由于船殼損壞或艙口受海浪沖擊及未關(guān)妥而造成海水涌入)應(yīng)變部署表Muster list失控Not under command受限區(qū)域Restricted area點(diǎn)名Roll call安全航速Safe speed貨物隔票Segregation (of goods)貨物橫移Shifting ca

6、rgo溢油Spill風(fēng)向順轉(zhuǎn)Veering (of winds)錨松出Veer out (to) (of anchor)倒出錨鏈Walk out (to)(of anchor)上風(fēng)windward二、通用部分實(shí)用語句和短句:一)、動(dòng)態(tài)報(bào)告Movement ReportsM/V:WUSONG VTS, we are passing CJK reporting line,my position is bearing 60 degrees, distance 2 nautical miles from CJK light vessel,over. 吳淞交管中心,我船剛過長江口報(bào)告線,我的船位距長江口

7、燈船方位60度,距離2海里處,請(qǐng)回答。VTS: M/V TEST, this is WUSONG VTS ,your information received ,out.“TEST”輪,我是吳淞交管中心,收到你的信息,通話結(jié)束。常用短語1、你的船名、呼號(hào)是什么? What is your ships name and call sign?2、拼出你的船名。 Spell your ships name.3、你的船旗國是哪個(gè)國家? What is your flag state?4、你的位置在哪里? What is your position?5、你現(xiàn)在的航向和速度是多少?What is your

8、 present course and speed?6、你的目的港/出發(fā)港是哪里? What is your destination?/What was your last port?7、你預(yù)計(jì)到達(dá)長江口燈船的時(shí)間是幾點(diǎn)?What is your ETA to CJK light vessel?8、你預(yù)計(jì)離開長江口燈船的時(shí)間是幾點(diǎn)?What is your ETD to CJK light vessel?9、你的前/后吃水是多少? What is your draft forward/aft?10、你現(xiàn)在的最大吃水是多少? What is your present maximum draft?

9、11、請(qǐng)你轉(zhuǎn)到09頻道。 Please change/switch to Ch09.二)、錨泊Anchoring遇到找不到船舶物標(biāo)和無法聽清船舶呼叫時(shí)I cant located you on my radar and I read your very poor.我現(xiàn)在在雷達(dá)上捕捉不到你的船位,同時(shí)你的信號(hào)也很差遇到船舶抵港后要求拋錨時(shí),應(yīng)詢問其相關(guān)信息Whats your last port of call? 請(qǐng)問你的上一港口?Whats your L.O.A, Breadth, Gross Tonnage, DWT and deep (Max.) draft請(qǐng)問你船全長、船寬、總噸、載重噸

10、、最大吃水?當(dāng)船舶詢問合適的錨地拋錨時(shí)You may choose any safe position to drop anchor in anchorage No.2你可以在長江口2號(hào)錨地任何安全的位置拋錨當(dāng)船舶在錨地航行時(shí)應(yīng)提醒Please keep a wide berth with other anchored vessels請(qǐng)與其他錨泊船保持安全距離在船舶拋錨前的提示Please report your anchor position to me after dropping your anchor on this channel.拋錨后請(qǐng)?jiān)谶@個(gè)頻道報(bào)告你的錨位當(dāng)船舶拋完錨后Plea

11、se keep listening watch on VHF channel 08 all the time and keep good look-out.請(qǐng)保持高頻08頻道守聽,并保持正規(guī)了望。當(dāng)船舶詢問引航信息時(shí)If you want to know your pilot boarding time, please change VHF channel to 69如果你想知道你的引航員登船時(shí)間,請(qǐng)轉(zhuǎn)到69頻道詢問當(dāng)船舶未在錨區(qū)水域拋錨Your anchor position is out of the anchorage; please have anther anchor positio

12、n within the anchorage.你的錨位不在錨區(qū)內(nèi),請(qǐng)你在錨地范圍內(nèi)重新拋錨。當(dāng)發(fā)現(xiàn)船舶走錨現(xiàn)象M/V XXX, maybe you are dragging/dredging anchor, please check your anchor position and stand by your engine if necessary.某某船,我發(fā)現(xiàn)你船可能正在走錨,請(qǐng)你核對(duì)自己的錨位,如有必要請(qǐng)備車。發(fā)現(xiàn)兩船錨位過近Your anchor position is close to another vessel, we suggest you that shift 1 nauti

13、cal mile east. 你的錨位太靠近其他船,我們建議你向東移1海里,通話結(jié)束常用語句和短語1、不得在航道中拋錨。Do not anchor in the fairway.2、禁止拋錨。 Anchoring is prohibited.3、你必須起錨。 You must heave up anchor.4、引航員上船時(shí),你的船員做好起錨的準(zhǔn)備。 Have your crew on stand by for heaving up anchor when the pilot embarks.5、你船正在走錨/拖錨嗎? Are you dragging/dredging anchor?6、不得

14、拖錨。 Do not dredge anchor.7、請(qǐng)錨離底再報(bào)Please report to me when your anchor is clear of bottom三)、船舶靠離泊申請(qǐng)(1)靠泊BerthingM/V:WUSONG VTS,this is M/V “TEST”, we will turn in position 107 light buoy and our ETA ZHANGHUABANG berth is 0900 am,over. 吳淞交管中心,我是“TEST”輪,我船將在107號(hào)浮掉頭,我們預(yù)計(jì)在上午9點(diǎn)靠張華浜碼頭,請(qǐng)回答。VTS: M/V “TEST”,t

15、his is WUSONG VTS,your berth is not clear until 0930am.Berthing should be delayed by 30 minutes, out. “TEST”輪,我是吳淞交管中心,你的泊位到上午9:30后才有空,靠泊需推遲半個(gè)小時(shí)。通話結(jié)束。(2)離泊DepartureM/V: WUSONG VTS, this is M/V “TEST”, we are leaving ZHANGHUABANG berth at 1600 local time, over. 吳淞交管中心,我是“TEST”輪,我輪將于當(dāng)?shù)貢r(shí)間1600時(shí)離開張華浜泊位。V

16、TS: M/V TEST, this is WUSONG VTS,please be ready to get underway. After entering fairway report to WUSONG VTS, out. “TEST”輪,我是吳淞交管中心,請(qǐng)做好開航前準(zhǔn)備,進(jìn)入航道后再向吳淞交管中心報(bào)告,通話結(jié)束。常用語句和短語1、有我的靠泊指令嗎?Is there any information about my berthing instructions?2、我卸貨完畢,可以移到張華浜泊位去裝貨嗎?I have finished unloading. Do I have perm

17、ission to shift to ZHANGHUABANG berth for loading? 3、你必須等到“”船讓清你后才可以離碼頭。 You must wait for M/V“”to clear before you leaving the berth.4、我可以離港嗎? Do I have permission to depart?5、你可以離港。 You have permission to depart四)、助航當(dāng)發(fā)現(xiàn)兩船有碰撞危險(xiǎn)時(shí)There is a southbound vessel on you starboard bow, your CPA is getting

18、smaller, please pay attention在你的右舷船頭有一艘南下船,你們的CPA正在縮小,請(qǐng)你當(dāng)心According to convention on the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea, you are the give-way vessel. Please take action in the early time.根據(jù)國際避碰規(guī)則,你船為讓路船,請(qǐng)你及早采取行動(dòng)。發(fā)現(xiàn)他船船頭有穿越船舶時(shí)There are several fishing boats crossing the fai

19、rway ahead of you, please pay close attention to the fishing boats你前面有幾條小漁船在穿越航道,請(qǐng)你當(dāng)心發(fā)現(xiàn)船舶在警戒區(qū)追越時(shí)According to relevant regulation of shanghai port, overtaking in the precautionary area is prohibited. Advise you reduce speed根據(jù)上海港的有關(guān)規(guī)定,在警戒區(qū)內(nèi)是禁止追越的,建議你減速當(dāng)錨地有許多錨泊船有船申請(qǐng)起錨時(shí)There are so many anchored vessels

20、 in the anchorage, you should navigate with caution and keep a safe distance with other anchored vessels錨地里面有很多拋錨船舶,請(qǐng)你謹(jǐn)慎駕駛并且與其他拋錨船保持安全距離通過三、提高部分情景對(duì)話應(yīng)急救助和緊急情況下的對(duì)話(一) 船舶故障和失控 not under command1 WUSONG VTS,M/V XXX calling ,吳淞VTS,XXX輪呼叫This is WUSONG VTS, I read you. Please come in .這里是吳淞VTS,我聽到了,請(qǐng)講過來。M

21、y vessel is not under control. 船舶處在失控狀態(tài)。What problems do you have? 你船有什么故障?The main engine is malfunction.我船主機(jī)故障,Whats your present position, what kinds of assistance do you require?你現(xiàn)在的船位在哪里?你需要什么援助?I just passing D9 buoy in band and I required tug assistance.我剛過北槽D9燈浮進(jìn)口,我需要拖輪協(xié)助。What are your MAX.D

22、raft and other particulars?你船最大吃水和其它船舶數(shù)據(jù)?My MAX.Draft is 9.1metre ,BULK CARRIER and L.O.A is 192metre.我船最大吃水9米1,散貨船,船長192米。Please try your best to keep clear of the fairway on the base of the safety. 在保證安全的前提下,請(qǐng)你盡量遠(yuǎn)離主航道。Roger, I will call you back before we drop anchor.明白,下錨前我會(huì)再向你報(bào)告。Attention: M/V X

23、XX is not under command in LAT:.LON:. Keep clear of her. Navigate with caution.各船舶注意:M/V XXX在處失控,請(qǐng)主動(dòng)讓清,注意航行安全。:其他可能接受到的船舶故障報(bào)告 輔機(jī)故障 aux-engine malfunction 舵機(jī)故障 steering gear malfunction 分油機(jī) purifier 渦輪增壓器 turbo charger 空壓機(jī) air compressor 繞車葉 foul of propeller (二) 碰撞 CollisionM/V VIP, This is WUSONG V

24、TS calling. You are proceeding at a dangerous speed. You are running into risk of collision with M/V EVA bearing 070 degrees, distance 1.5 n-miles. Take action to avoid collision. VIP輪 這里是吳淞交管中心,你正以危險(xiǎn)速度航行,并且與你距方位070,距離1.5海里處的EVA輪碰撞危險(xiǎn),請(qǐng)你采取行動(dòng)避碰。 (兩船碰撞)(two ships collided)WUSONG VTS , This is M/V VIP .

25、 I collided with M/V EVA. 吳淞交管,這里是VIP輪,我與EVA輪發(fā)生碰撞 M/V VIP , this is WUSONG VTS. Whats the damage? VIP輪 這里是吳淞VTS 你的損失情況怎樣? WUSONG VTS, this is M/V VIP. The bow of my vessel collided and the damage is slight. 吳淞VTS ,這里是VIP輪,碰撞導(dǎo)致我船船首輕微受損。 Any damage of crews on board ? Could you proceed by yourself? 船上

26、船員有無危險(xiǎn)?你船能自己航行嗎? No damage of crews and I could proceed. 船上船員無危險(xiǎn),我可以自航。 M/V EVA, WUSONG VTS Calling. What is the damage? EVA輪,吳淞VTS呼叫。你船損失情況如何? WUSONG VTS, This is M/V EVA. I have damage above/below water line.I am making water. 吳淞VTS,這里是EVA輪。我船水線以下有破口,正在進(jìn)水。 Can you control flooding by yourself? 你能控

27、制進(jìn)水么 I cannot control flooding.我船不能控制進(jìn)水Can you repair it by yourself? 你能自己修理好嗎?I cannot repair damage.我船不能修理損壞。No, I cant. I require a tug and two divers. 不能,我需要一艏拖輪和兩個(gè)潛水員。Roger, I will send them to you at once.好的,我馬上派他們到你輪。What is your cargo?你船裝的什么貨物?My cargo is 我船裝的是。Do you carry any dangerous goo

28、ds?你是否裝有危險(xiǎn)貨物?Yes, I carry the following dangerous goods:kilograms/tones IMO Class是的,我裝有公斤/噸IMO類危險(xiǎn)貨物。No, I do not carry any dangerous goods. 我船沒有危險(xiǎn)貨物。Roger, Please stand by channel 09, M/V HaiXun 1006 is coming to your assistance. He will be arrive at 1230 local time.好的,請(qǐng)守聽09頻道。海巡1006正去救助你。大約在當(dāng)?shù)貢r(shí)間123

29、0時(shí)到達(dá)。(三)、擱淺 grounding1)M/V EVA, M/V EVA, WuSong VTS calling, Over.EVA輪,EVA輪, 這是吳淞交管中心呼叫。WuSong VTS, This is M/V EVA. Go ahead, please. Over.吳淞交管中心,這是EVA輪,請(qǐng)講。M/V EVA, Your present speed is 3.4 knots. According to the regulation, you must increase your speed to 10 knots. Over.EVA輪,你目前航速為3.4節(jié)。按照規(guī)定你必須加速

30、到10節(jié)以上。WuSong VTS, Im aground now. I need assist immediately. 吳淞交管中心,我擱淺了。我立刻需要幫助。Whats your Max draft?你現(xiàn)在最大吃水多少M(fèi)y Max draft 6.4 meters.我最大吃水6.4米How many tugs do you require? Over.你需要多少拖輪?2 tugs of 3000 horse power are required. Over.我需要2艏3000馬力的拖輪。They on the way and will arrive at buoy D32 in 40 m

31、inutes.拖輪已經(jīng)開出40分鐘內(nèi)到達(dá)S18號(hào)浮。Please stand by on channel 26. Over.請(qǐng)保持守聽26頻道。Roger. Stand by.明白,守聽。2)M/V EVA, what your present position? Over.EVA輪,請(qǐng)問你目前的位置?Im at buoy No.D28. Over.我船位在D28號(hào)浮。Are you aground? Over.你輪擱淺了嗎?Yes, Im aground at the line of channel on weak ground. Over.是的,我輪擱淺在航道邊線的軟底上。What par

32、t is aground? Over.你輪什么部位擱淺?My bow is aground. Over.我輪船首部位擱淺。Please report your draught forward, amidships and aft before your ship is grounding.請(qǐng)你報(bào)告下擱淺前的前、中、后吃水。Before grounding, my draught forward is 9.4 m, amidships 9.1m and aft 9.4m.我船擱淺前的前吃水9.4米,中部吃水9.1米,后吃水9.4米。Do you have any list?你船是否傾斜?I ha

33、ve a list to port of 5 degrees.我船向左橫傾5度。What assistance do you require? Over.你需要什么幫助?I require some tugs to assist. Over.我需要拖輪協(xié)助。Can you shift cargo to astern or transit the ballast water and make the bow refloating again? Over.你能否駁貨或打壓載水使船首浮起嗎?Yes, I can.是的,我能。When do you expect to refloat? Over.你準(zhǔn)

34、備何時(shí)脫淺?I expect to refloat when tugs arrive and tide rises. Over.我準(zhǔn)備在拖輪到達(dá)后漲潮時(shí)脫淺。Understood, Call me back please when you refloat. Out.了解,請(qǐng)你脫淺時(shí)向我報(bào)告。通話完畢。(四)、走錨 DraggingWuSong VTS, WuSong VTS, M/V EVA calling. Over.吳淞交管中心,吳淞交管中心,EVA輪呼叫。M/V EVA, this is WuSong VTS, Coming please. OverEVA輪,這是吳淞交管中心,請(qǐng)講。Wu

35、Song VTS, This is M/V EVA. My anchor is dragging in Changjiangkou anchorage No.2. Over.吳淞交管中心,這是EVA輪,我在長江口2號(hào)錨地正在走錨。Whats your present speed and course? Over.請(qǐng)問你現(xiàn)在的航速和航向?My present course is 312 degrees, speed is 2.3 knots. Over.我目前航向?yàn)?12度,航速2.3節(jié)。What assistance do you require? Over.你需要什么援助?I require

36、 two tugs, and I have told it to my local agent. Over.我需要2艏拖輪,我已經(jīng)通知我的代理。Roger, please pay more attentions to other anchored vessels around you. Please stand by your engine now.好的,請(qǐng)注意你周圍的錨泊船。請(qǐng)你立即備車。M/V EVA, this is WuSong VTS, Your anchor is dragging now. Please pay more attentions to other anchored

37、vessels around you, take action immediately to avoid collision. Over.EVA輪,這是交管中心,你正在走錨。請(qǐng)注意你周圍的錨泊船,立刻采取行動(dòng)避免碰撞。Roger, thanks for your information. Out.了解,謝謝你的提醒。通話完畢。(五)、失火和油污染 Fire and Oil Spilling1)失火Wusong VTS, This is M/V EVA. I am on fire. over吳淞VTS這里是EVA輪,我船失火,請(qǐng)回話。M/V EVA , this is Wusong VTS ca

38、lling. What is your position? OverEVA輪,這里是吳淞交管呼叫。你的位置在哪里?I am at No.2 berth and fire is in No.2 cargo hold.我正在8號(hào)錨地拋錨,我船2艙著火。What is on fire?什么東西著火?Bulk corn in No.2 cargo hold is on fire2艙中的散裝玉米著火。Are there any dangerous goods on board?船上有沒有危險(xiǎn)品?No dangerous goods on board.船上沒有危險(xiǎn)品Whats the action you

39、 are taking?你現(xiàn)在采取了什么措施?We are extinguishing fire by water.我在用水滅火Do you have CO2 system on board?船上是否有二氧化碳設(shè)備?No, CO2 system is not installed.船上未安裝二氧化碳設(shè)備。Is the fire under control? Whats kind of assistance is required?火勢(shì)是否得到控制?你需要什么援助?No, the fire is not under control. I require fire fighting assistan

40、ce.火勢(shì)尚未得到控制,我需要消防援助I will send 2 fire brigades tug from shore side and 1 tug from sea side to your assistance, they will reach you in 15 minutes.我將從碼頭派兩個(gè)消防隊(duì),從水上派1艘拖輪協(xié)助你。他們將在15分鐘內(nèi)到達(dá)。Roger. Thanks a lot. Stand by Ch.19 and 06.明白,非常感謝,守聽19和06頻道。Advice you: close all openings and ventilators near fire a

41、rea. Remove all flammable goods. And huge amounts of water would impair vessels stability. You must take action to prevent vessel from capsizing.提醒:請(qǐng)你關(guān)閉著火區(qū)域附近的所有開口和通風(fēng)裝置,移開附近的易燃物。大量的消防用水會(huì)削弱船舶的穩(wěn)性,你需要采取措施防止船舶傾覆。 2)油污染W(wǎng)usong VTS, This is M/V EVA. I am spilling fuel oil near S2 buoy.吳淞VTS這里是EVA輪,我船在S2浮附近

42、溢出燃油。M/V EVA , this is Wusong VTS calling. What is your position? OverEVA輪,這里是吳淞交管呼叫。你的位置在哪里?Report cause of spilling.請(qǐng)你報(bào)告溢油原因。Spilling of oil is caused by pipe broken during fuel transfer.駁油過程中管路破裂導(dǎo)致溢油。Have you stopped the spillage?你是否已制止溢油?Yes, I have stopped the spillage, but about 3 tons of fuel

43、 oil over board.是的,我已經(jīng)制止溢油,但是大約3噸燃油入海Please take action to recover spillage according to SOPEP.請(qǐng)你按照油污應(yīng)急計(jì)劃清污Yes, I will do that. And I require oil fence,absorbent and bags.我們將按計(jì)劃進(jìn)行,我們需要圍油欄、吸油氈和袋子。OK, And you must get permission before using oil dispersants. Please keep watch on CH26 and 06.好的,如果你要用消油

44、劑必須得到許可。請(qǐng)守聽26 和06頻道。Stand by.我守聽高頻。(六)、應(yīng)急搜救Search and RescueWuSong VTS, WuSong VTS, M/V EVA calling. Over.吳淞交管中心,吳淞交管中心,伊娃輪呼叫。M/V EVA, this is WuSong VTS, Coming please. Over伊娃輪,這是吳淞交管中心,請(qǐng)講。WuSong VTS, This is M/V EVA, Im sinking, I need help. Over.吳淞交管中心,這是伊娃輪,我正在下沉,我需要援助。M/V EVA, Whats your presen

45、t position? Over.伊娃輪,你目前的位置?My present position is Lat.x long.x. (Im at JiuDuan light vessel).Over.我目前位置在北緯x 東經(jīng)x (我在九段燈船)。M/V EVA, Whats the visibility at your position? Whats the wind direction and force? Whats the current course and speed? Over.伊娃輪,你那里的能見度怎樣?風(fēng)向及風(fēng)力是多少?流向流速多少?WuSong VTS, This is M/V EVA, Visibility at my position is 200 meters. Wind direction and force is northeast force 5. Current course is 210 degrees, s


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