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64000DWT舵葉制作工藝一、舵葉裝配(The assemble of rudder)1、胎架制作(Fabrication of rudder)舵葉采用以側(cè)板為胎架進行臥造,按圖紙及樣板尺寸制作胎架,并安裝模板。胎架支柱必須與預埋件進行鋼性連接,胎架必須標明FR0號肋位對合線和船體中心線,分段脫胎前必須將各種對合線移至舵葉上并清晰地打上洋沖。Use the side plate of rudder as jig, the jig should be assembled as the drawings and example. Pillars of the jig must be connected to embedded part directly, meanwhile the template should be assembled. Also the mark of FR0 & CL of the ship and the joining line of hull assembly should be signed clearly before the rudder leave the jig. 2、側(cè)板上胎(side construction on the jig)將上胎板按圖紙要求吊裝至已交驗合格的胎架上進行定位,上胎板與胎架模板需施牢固的定位焊,以防止舵葉變形。Hoisting and location the plate attached to the jig that has been accepted as the drawings, tack welding is needed between jig and side plate in case it out of shape.3、舵葉劃線(Marking the rudder)舵葉上胎板的劃線,必須以胎架基線為依據(jù)。The mark on the rudder must on the basis of base line of the jig.4、內(nèi)部構(gòu)件的預裝配(the assemble of the inner construction )因舵葉的頂面大而底面小,所以水平隔板的腹板與面板的交角不相垂直,同樣垂直隔板的面板和腹板的交角也不相垂直,為了保證水平隔板和垂直隔板的面板連接光順,不出現(xiàn)局部的凸起或凹陷,故在進行T型隔板裝焊時,需進行預拼裝,待水平和垂直隔板的面板調(diào)整光順后,裝其拆分開來,將面板和腹板進行臨時加強后焊接。For the top and the bottom plate of the rudder are not in the same size, the angle of the face and the web of the horizontal partition plate is not vertical. And the vertical plate has the same problem. To ensure the fair of the face of horizontal and vertical plate and no local bump and depression happened, before the assemble and welding of the T partition plate, preliminary assembles are needed. After the fairing of the face of horizontal and vertical partition plate, split it and do some temporary strengthen between face and web plate, then welding. 5、舵葉裝配(the assemble of rudder)將進行過預拼裝的水平隔板和垂直隔板進行定位。Location the horizontal and vertical partition plate which have been temporary strengthened.二、舵葉焊接(the welding of rudder)舵葉內(nèi)部構(gòu)架裝配完工后,即可進行內(nèi)部構(gòu)件的的焊接,焊接時,先焊水平隔板與垂直隔的面板對接縫及腹板角接縫,后焊隔板與側(cè)板之間的角接縫。焊接時注意采用雙數(shù)焊工從中間向四周發(fā)散狀對稱焊接。The inner structure can be welded after the assembly of it. When welding, the butt welding and fillet welding between horizontal and vertical partition plate come first, second the fillet welding between partition plate and side plate. When welding, double welders are needed to welding symmetry from intermediate to all around in divergent shape. 三、鑄鋼件的安裝(the installation of steel casting)鑄鋼件的定位需拉鋼線,定位尺寸需滿足要求。與鑄鋼件相對接的位置需按圖紙要求開設好坡口,坡口需打磨光順,對坡口面存在的缺陷應即時處理。Metal line is needed to location the steel casting and location dimension should reach the requirements. The groove should be prepared and make sure its fair and smooth. 四、鑄鋼件的焊接(the welding of steel casting)1、鑄鋼件的焊接采用CO2氣體保護焊或低氫焊條J507手工焊,鑄鋼件焊接,在焊縫區(qū)域各100mm范圍內(nèi),應無油水、無夾渣、無銹等,保證焊道清潔。CO2 welding or manual welding which use J507 can be used to the welding of steel casting. When welding, make sure there is no water 、oil 、slag and rust within the scope of 100mm of the welding region.2、鑄鋼件焊前應進行預熱,預熱溫度120150度。Preheat the steel casting between the temperature of 120150.3、焊接開始,單面焊接23批后反面應進行碳刨清根,焊道清潔后方可進行碳刨面的焊接,后續(xù)焊縫注意對稱施工,減小分段變形。In the process of welding, gouging the back when welding for 2 or 3 times. Clean the gouging place before continuing welding. Keep symmetry construction to reduce deformation.4、采用多層多道焊,每層焊道清渣后,使用小錘敲擊焊縫以釋放焊接應力,防止裂紋的產(chǎn)生。如有缺陷要及時用碳弧氣刨或砂輪打磨,如鑄鋼件出現(xiàn)裂縫,應在裂紋開裂趨勢的前方打止裂孔,以防止裂紋的進一步擴大,針對不同的缺陷在焊接過程中選用正確的方法進行修復處理。Adopting multi-layer and multi-passes welding . After clean the welding passes, hit the welding passes to release the welding stress in case of crack. Poor weld should be grinded and grounded in time. If there is crack happened to steel casting, stop hole is needed to stop the crack propagation. Choose the right way to deal with the different problems.5、 使用短弧焊接,每層焊接的起弧點應錯開100mm左右。層間溫度控制在150左右。When adapt short-act welding, staggering arcing point of each layer around 100mm. control the temperature between adjacent layers around 150。6、整個對接焊過程應在單一熱周期內(nèi)連續(xù)進行,而且整個焊接過程要有專人監(jiān)控和檢查測量并做好記錄,每30分鐘進行測量并記錄測量結(jié)果,根據(jù)測量結(jié)果,即時調(diào)整焊接位置,以控制分段的焊接變形。The whole process should be proceeded in one hot cycle.There should be one person to monitor and record in each 30 minutes. Change the position of welding to control the shape.7、施焊完畢后采用石棉布包裹,達到緩慢冷卻的效果。After the welding completed , use asbestos cloth to cover it to slow down the time of cooling.8、鑄鋼件的所有焊縫須經(jīng)超聲波探傷,如有缺陷,立即進行返修。檢驗合格且放置24小時后,方可進行退火處理。All welding line should be checked by ultrasonic testing, if there is poor welding, we must repairing the welds in time. Annealing 24 hours after the inspection passed.9、熱處理后對焊縫進行100%超聲波探傷。100% UT is needed after heat treatment to the welds.五、側(cè)板封板(close the side plate)內(nèi)部構(gòu)件經(jīng)檢驗及無損探測合格后進行側(cè)板封板,并安裝放水塞,側(cè)板的塞焊孔在去除焊渣后用環(huán)氧樹脂加復粉填平。Close the side plate when the UT inspection of the inner instructions has been completed. Installing the plug at the same time. Cleaning the slag in plug weld and fill it with epoxy resins .六、脫胎翻身(turn over the rudder on the jig)上側(cè)板焊接處理完工后,將舵葉與胎架模板割開,使舵葉處于自由狀態(tài)進行四周的水平測量并做好記錄,將舵葉脫胎吊離胎架,進行上胎側(cè)板的處理焊接。Separate the jig and rudder when the side plate complete its welds. Measure the horizontal around and write it down. Lift the rudder from the jig.七、密性(tightness)舵葉制作完工后,需進行密性試驗,密性試驗合格后在舵內(nèi)灌氣相防腐劑。Tightness test comes after the construction of rudder completed. Fill the rudder with preservative gas when the inspection of tightness test passed.附退火工藝(annealing process)退火工藝:(annealing process)1、在焊縫包括兩側(cè)100mm范圍內(nèi)進行去應力退火處理。Annealing the welding line and both sides of the 100mm range.2、采用電熱設備加熱,從室溫自由加熱到300,然后以100/h速度緩慢加熱到575,在57525保溫3.5小時。Use electric equipment to heat from room temper


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