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1. 論文化差異視角下的英漢成語翻譯 英語習(xí)語的文化差異及其翻譯對比研究論文關(guān)鍵詞文化 文化差異 成語 翻譯策略 論文摘要成語作為英漢語言的精華,帶有濃厚的歷史和民族文化積淀,它的產(chǎn)生和使用在各自的文化中表現(xiàn)出各自的特色,成語翻譯歷來是翻譯的難點。文章從英漢文化差異的視角,闡述文化差異對英漢成語翻譯的影響,探討如何靈活運用英漢成語翻譯策略,以盡可能在譯文可讀性和保留原語文化間尋求最佳平衡點。 一、引言 成語(set phrases)是習(xí)語(the idiomatic phrases)的一種,是人們在長期實踐和使用過程中提煉出的語言結(jié)晶。成語一般來自于古代經(jīng)典、著名著作、歷史故事、民間傳說等,蘊含著豐富的文化信息,具有強烈的民族特色。 進行英漢成語互譯,要處理語言和文化的矛盾,不僅要譯出原語成語的形象、喻義、修辭,也要譯出其文化含義。如成語“守株待兔”,是中國的一個古代故事,若譯為stand by a stump waiting for the appearance of a hare,會令人大惑不解。若譯為stick to old practice and refuse to have a change 或是trust to chance and windfall,雖然其意表達出來了,但成語的文化特征已是蕩然無存,因而也不可取??梢? 處理英漢成語互譯的關(guān)鍵是運用文化差異的視角。 二、英漢成語所反映的文化差異 如果說語言是反映文化的一面鏡子,那么作為語言的核心和精華的成語更是文化的結(jié)晶,集中的體現(xiàn)了各自文化的差異。英語和漢語作為兩門完全不同的語言,體現(xiàn)的是兩種完全迥異的文化。 文化的最早定義是來自英國人類文化學(xué)家泰勒,他下的定義:文化是一個復(fù)雜的總體,包括知識、信仰、藝術(shù)、道德、法律、風(fēng)俗,以及人類在社會里所得的一切能力與習(xí)慣??梢?,文化是一個很復(fù)雜的系統(tǒng)。通過比較,英漢成語所反映的文化差異主要體現(xiàn)在地理環(huán)境、風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣、宗教信仰和歷史文化四方面。 (一)地理環(huán)境文化 自然環(huán)境是人類賴以生存和發(fā)展的基礎(chǔ),不同的自然環(huán)境對民族文化的形成和發(fā)展有著不同的影響。中國屬于典型的大陸環(huán)境,自古以來,就是一個農(nóng)耕氣氛比較濃厚的國家,土地在人們的生活中顯得至關(guān)重要,漢語中有相當(dāng)一部分和土地和農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)相關(guān)的成語。如“揮金如土” “面如土色”“瓜田李下”等等。西方受海島狹小范圍的限制,土地資源十分有限,為了生存發(fā)展,航海業(yè)和漁業(yè)十分發(fā)達,英語中有很多關(guān)于船和水的成語,如plains ailing(一帆風(fēng)順)to go with the stream(隨波逐流)、to keep ones head above water(奮力圖存)等等。 (二)風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣文化 風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣的差異是文化差異的一個主要方面,在成語當(dāng)中有較多的反映,特別是在動物形象上。龍在中西文化中代表了兩種完全相反的形象。在中國傳統(tǒng)文化中,龍象征著吉利,漢語中與龍有關(guān)的成語一般都含褒義。如“望子成龍”“龍鳳呈祥”等。但在西方神話傳說中,dragon是一種長著翅膀,能夠從口中噴火的怪物,令人感到恐怖。因此,在西方文化中,dragon通常是邪惡的代表,a dragon就常被用來形容飛揚跋扈、令人討厭的人。 (三)宗教信仰文化 與宗教信仰有關(guān)的成語也大量地出現(xiàn)在英漢成語中。佛教傳入中國已有一千多年的歷史,有佛教關(guān)的成語有很多,如“借花獻佛”“平時不燒香、臨時抱佛腳”等。在英國等西方國家,影響最大的宗教是基督教。在人們心中,God具有無上的法力。英語成語中有許多與God相關(guān)的成語。如God helps those who help themselves, Man proposes, God disposes。人們詛咒一個人常說God damn you ,危險過后常說God bless you。 (四)歷史文化 歷史文化指由特定的歷史發(fā)展進程的沉淀所形成的文化,其中一個重要內(nèi)容是歷史典故。歷史典故是民族歷史文化中的瑰寶,蘊含著豐富的歷史文化信息。漢語的典故成語多出自四書、五經(jīng)或神話傳說,如“東施效顰”、“名落孫山”等。英語的典故成語多來自圣經(jīng),希臘羅馬神話或伊索寓言等,如:Achilles hell,a Pandoras box等。 三、英漢成語的翻譯策略 一些翻譯理論家,如蘭博(Lam Bert)和雷恩(Robins)認為:與其把翻譯視為一種雙語之間的轉(zhuǎn)換活動,不如把翻譯看成是兩種文化之間的交流活動。由此可見文化必須納入到英漢成語翻譯的研究范圍,王佐良說:“翻譯者必須是一個真正意義上的文化人。人們?nèi)f,他必須掌握兩種語言,確實如此:但是,不了解語言當(dāng)中的社會文化,誰也無法真正掌握語言?!?翻譯的最終目的是實現(xiàn)不同文化之間的交流,成語翻譯更應(yīng)遵循這個原則。奈達說:“The best translation does not sound like a translation”,魯迅先生講過:“凡是翻譯,必須兼顧著兩面,一當(dāng)然為求其易解,一則保存著原作的風(fēng)姿?!本统烧Z翻譯而言,就是能直譯的就直譯,不能直譯的就意譯,盡可能在譯文可讀性和保留原語文化間尋求最佳平衡點,確保在最大程度上將原文所包含的文化信息呈現(xiàn)給譯文讀者,達到“文化傳真”的目標。實踐當(dāng)中,英漢成語翻譯通常采用以下方法: (一)直譯法 直譯法,指在不違背譯文語言規(guī)范以及不引起錯誤聯(lián)想的條件下,在譯文中保留原成語的比喻、形象和民族、地方色彩。如:A gentlemans agreement(君子協(xié)定);Wall have ears(隔墻有耳);竭澤而漁(to drain a pond to catch all the fish);前人栽樹,后人乘涼(One generation plants the trees under whose trade another generation rests)。直譯能夠比較完整地保留原成語的比喻形象、民族色彩,可以豐富譯語的詞匯,使讀者體驗到一種新鮮感。 (二)直譯加注法 有些成語,其歷史典故文化比較濃厚,直譯之外,還需加必要的注釋。如a Don Juan 唐磺。 意為風(fēng)流浪子。Don Juan是英國詩人拜倫作品中的人物,他是一個勇敢、風(fēng)流的騎士?,F(xiàn)在,他經(jīng)常被用來指代具有這些品質(zhì)的年輕人。這類成語如果不加解釋地直譯出來,譯文讀者一般很難理解其寓意。再如,漢語成語“班門弄斧”:show off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter。如在譯文中不加后半部分解釋語,只譯Lu Ban,恐怕大部分英國讀者不知道Lu Ban 為何許人,自然對這一成語的理解會產(chǎn)生疑惑。 (三)意譯法 意譯法指翻譯時僅保留原文的意思而不保留原文表達形式的方法。當(dāng)由于文化差異而無法直譯,直譯加注釋過長,會破壞成語的簡潔性和可讀性時,就用意譯法,靈活傳達原意。如英語成語Two friends are hand in glove with each other(親同手足), to snap and snarl at a kind-hearted man(狗咬呂洞賓,不識好人心)。漢語成語具有的民族文化特色很多情況下在英語中難以用直譯法體現(xiàn),也常采用意譯法,雖難以保全成語的文化特色和形象,卻能簡潔地反映出成語的喻意。如事實勝于雄辯Facts speak louder than words。背黑鍋hold the bag,漢語口語中“背黑鍋”的說法意指某人干了壞事而責(zé)任卻落在未干壞事的人身上。英語中把這種情況說成“捧著布袋子”(hold the bag),值得注意的是:英美人講hold the bag既可能是同犯錯誤的人,也可能是沒有牽連的人。(四)直譯加意譯法 應(yīng)注意到,直譯和意譯是相對而言的,沒有一個絕對的界限。在很多情況下,為保留原文形象,并使譯文暢達,英漢成語可部分直譯,部分意譯。如成語“東施效顰”,如意譯成Dong shi, an ugly woman, knitting her eyebrows in imitation of the famous beauty Xishi only to make herself uglier,英文讀者會由于不知道西施是何許人而無法理解其含義。若采用直譯加意譯的方法,在上文之后加上意譯“blind imitation with ludicrous effect”,其意便一目了然了。在英語中有這樣一句成語“Even Homer sometimes nods”,在這句成語后面,譯者會加上一句“Even the wise are not always free from error”,正好對應(yīng)了漢語成語“智者千慮,必有一失”。 (五)回譯法 有一小部分成語,本來自于源語,翻譯時可采用源語的成語,如以眼還眼an eye for eye,鱷魚的眼淚 crocodilestears,武裝到牙齒 armed to the teeth等。 四、結(jié)束語 作為一種獨特的語言文化現(xiàn)象,成語具有較大的文化信息負載量,是英漢民族語言中最富有民族文化特色的部分。正如Lotman所說:“沒有一種語言不是植根于具體的文化之中的;也沒有一種文化不是以某種自然語言的結(jié)構(gòu)為中心的。”在翻譯成語時,關(guān)鍵是把握好漢語和英語各自的文化,運用文化差異的視角根據(jù)實際情況靈活采用恰當(dāng)?shù)淖g法,盡可能了解民族語言與文化,深刻理解成語本身的意義,才能使成語的翻譯達到最高的境界。參考文獻 1 Nida Eugene A. Toward a Science of Translating M.Leiden; 1964 2 Peter Newmark.翻譯問題探討M,上海,上海外語教育出版社,2001 3包慧南,文化語境與語言翻譯M,北京,中國對外翻譯出版公司,2001 4金惠康,跨文化交際翻譯續(xù)編M,北京,中國對外翻譯出版公司,2004 5劉宓慶,翻譯美學(xué)導(dǎo)論M,北京,中國對外翻譯出版公司,2005 6魯迅,“題未定”草A,魯迅雜文全集C,洛陽,河南人民出版社,1994 7孫會軍、鄭慶珠,譯論研究中的文化轉(zhuǎn)向J,中國翻譯,2000,(5):11-14 8王佐良,翻譯中的文化比較J,翻譯通訊,1984(1) 9張培基、喻云根、李宗杰等,英漢翻譯教程M,上海,上海外語教育出版社,1980Cultural Differences of English and Comparative Study of TranslationI. IntroductionIdioms (set phrases) is the idiom (the idiomatic phrases) a, is that people in long-term practice and use the language to extract the crystal. Idioms generally come from the ancient classic, well-known works, historical stories, folklore, etc., contains a wealth of cultural information, with strong ethnic characteristics.To C translation, language and culture to deal with the contradiction, not only translated the image of the original language idioms, figurative meaning, rhetoric, have translated their cultural meaning. Such as the phrase passive is an ancient Chinese story, if translated into the stand by a stump waiting for the appearance of a hare, would be puzzling. If translated stick to old practice and refuse to have a change or a trust to chance and windfall, although its meaning expressed, but the idiom of cultural identity is gone, and therefore undesirable. Shows that the key to dealing with C translation is to use the perspective of cultural differences.II. English and Chinese cultural differences reflected inIf language is a mirror reflecting the culture, then as the language of the core and essence of the idiom is culture, the concentrated expression of their own cultural differences. English and Chinese as two completely different languages, reflecting the two entirely different culture.Culture is defined as the first scientist from the United Kingdom Taylor of human culture, he defines: Culture is a complex whole, including knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and human society from all the capabilities and habits . Shows that culture is a very complex system. By comparison, English and Chinese cultural differences reflected mainly in the geographical environment, customs, religion, history and culture in four areas.(A) of the geographical and culturalThe natural environment of human existence and the basis for development of different natural environment of the formation and development of national culture have different effects. Environment typical of the mainland of China since ancient times, is a relatively rich country farm atmosphere, land in peoples life are critical, a considerable portion of Chinese language and land and agricultural production-related idioms. Such as big spenders Mianrutuse highly suspicious and so on. Narrow the scope of the West by the islands limited land resources are limited, in order to survive the development of seafaring and fishing very well developed, there are many English idioms on the boat and water, such as the plains ailing (smooth) to go with the stream (drift), to keep ones head above water (struggling for existence) and so on.(B) of the customs and culturalDifferences in customs and cultural differences is a key aspect, in the idiom of which reflect more, especially in the animal image. Dragon in East and West represent two totally opposite image. In traditional Chinese culture, the dragon is a symbol of auspiciousness in Chinese dragon with the phrase generally commendatory. Such as family resemblance Dragon and Phoenix and so on. However, in the Western legends, dragon is a kind of wings, to fire-breathing monster from the mouth, it is terrifying. Thus, in Western culture, dragon is usually representative of evil, a dragon is often used to describe the domineering, obnoxious people.(C) religious beliefs and culturalAnd religion-related idioms are also large numbers in English and idioms. Buddhism came to China has 1000 years of history, there are many Buddhist-related idioms, such as Jiehuaxianfo usually do not burn incense, cramming, and so on. In the UK and other Western countries, the most influential religion is Christianity. In peoples hearts, God has the supreme powers. There are a lot of English idioms and God-related idioms. If God helps those who help themselves, Man proposes, God disposes. A common saying among the people curse God damn you, after the often dangerous said God bless you.(D) history and cultureHistory, culture refers to a specific historical development of culture formed by the precipitation of one of the important contents of historical allusion. Historical allusion is in the national historical and cultural treasure, with rich historical and cultural information. The story of Chinese idioms and more from the Four Books, Five Classics or myths and legends, such as mere copycat, Mingluosunshan and so on. The story of English idioms come from the Bible Greek and Roman mythology or the Aesops Fables, and so on, such as: Achilles hell, a Pandoras box and so on.III. English and Chinese TranslationNumber of translation theorists, such as Rambo (Lam Bert) and Rennes (Robins) that: as a bilingual translator with the transition between activities, it is better to translate as exchanges between the two cultures. This shows that culture must be incorporated into the translation of the scope of study, WANG Zuo said: The translator must be a real intellectuals. People all that he had to master both languages, do so: But, do not know Among the social and cultural language, no one can really master the language. Translation ultimate goal is to achieve communication between different cultures, idioms translation should follow this principle. Nida said: The best translation does not sound like a translation, Mr. Lu said before: All translations must be balanced with both sides, a course for the sake of its easiness, a preserved original posture. The phrase translation concerned, is the literal translation of the literal translation can not be literal translation of the free translation, translation as far as readability and retention of primitive cultures to find the best balance between ensuring the maximum extent the cultural information contained in the original presentation to the President readers to cultural fax target. Practice, the translation of commonly used the following methods:(A) of the literal translationLiteral translation, language translation that does not contravene the norms, and Lenovo does not cause an error condition, to retain the original idiom in the translation of metaphor, image, and national, local color. Such as: A gentlemans agreement (gentlemens agreement); Wall have ears (walls have ears); Terra Tragedy (to drain a pond to catch all the fish); predecessors trees, descendants cool (One generation plants the trees under whose trade another generation rests ). Literally be able to compare intact the image of the original idiom metaphor, national color, can enrich the target language vocabulary, the reader to experience a sense of freshness.(B) literal notation methodSome idioms, their relatively strong historical and cultural allusions, literally one must also add the necessary comments. Such as a Don Juan Don Juan. Merry prodigal means. Don Juan is the works of English poet Lord Byrons character, he is a brave, romantic knight. Now, he often used to refer to young people with these qualities. If these idioms literally out without explanation, the reader often difficult to understand its implication. Again, Chinese idiom trespass: show off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter. If asked to explain in the second half without words, only the translation of Lu Ban, I am afraid I do not know the majority of British readers.(C) free translationFree translation means translation, not only to retain the original meaning of the method to retain the original forms of expression. When, due to cultural differences can not be literal, literal translation with footnotes too long, will destroy the idiom of simplicity and readability, the translation on the intended flexibility to convey intent. Such as English Idioms Two friends are hand in glove with each other (with hand, foot and pro), to snap and snarl at a kind-hearted man (dog bites play the part of people do not know well). Chinese Idioms with the cultural characteristics of many cases in the literal translation in English is difficult to reflect, often with free translation, although difficult to preserve the idiom of the culture and image, but it can reflect simple figurative idioms. Such as the facts speak for themselves Facts speak louder than words. Scapegoat hold the bag, Spoken Chinese, scapegoat, saying that a person has done bad things and the responsibility falls to those who did not do bad things. English, regarded this situation as holding the bag son (hold the bag), It is worth noting: British and American people hold the bag while speaking may be the same people who make mistakes, it may not be implicated.(D) literal plus free translationIt should be noted, literal and free translation is relative, not an absolute limit. In many cases, to preserve the original image, and make accessible translation, English idioms can be part of the literal part of the free translation. Such as the phrase mere copycat wishful to Dong shi, an ugly woman, knitting her eyebrows in imitation of the famous beauty Xishi only to make herself uglier, English readers did not know beauties who are the people unable to understand its meaning. Increase the use of a literal paraphrase of the method, after the above paraphrase blind imitation with ludicrous effect, its meaning will be clear of. In such a phrase in English Even Homer sometimes nods, in the back of this idiom, the translator will add a Even the wise are not always free from error, exactly corresponds to the Chinese proverb The best is there must be a loss.(E) back translationA small part of the idiom, this comes from the source language, translation can be used when the source language idioms, such as an eye, an eye for eye, crocodile tears crocodilestears, armed to the teeth armed to the teeth and so on.IV. ConclusionAs a unique language and cultural phenomenon, idioms and cultural information with a large load, is in English and Chinese language part of the richest cultural characteristics. As Lotman said: There is no one language is not rooted in specific culture of; do not a culture not based on the structure of a natural language-centered. Idiom in the translation, the key is a good grasp of Chinese and their own culture in English, using the perspective of cultural differences flexibly according to the actual use of the appropriate translation, as far as possible to understand the national language and culture, and deep understanding of the significance of their own idiom, to make the translation of idioms in the realm of the highestReferences1 Nida Eugene A. Toward a Science of Translating M. Leiden; 19642 Peter Newmark. Translation of M, Shanghai, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 20013 package Hui Nam, Cultural Context and Language Translation M, Beijing, China Translation and Publishing Corporation, 20014 Jinhui Kang, cross-cultural communication translation sequel M, Beijing, China Translation and Publishing Company, 20045 Liu Qing Mi, translation aesthetics Introduction M, Beijing, China Translation and Publishing Company, 20056 Lu Xun, title undecided grass A, The Complete Works of Lu Xun C, Luoyang, Henan Peoples Publishing House, 19947 Sun Huijun, ZHENG Qing-Zhu, Translation Studies in the Cultural Turn J, Chinese translation, 2000, (5) :11-148 WANG Zuo, translation of cultural comparison J, translation of communications, 1984 (1)9 ZHANG Pei, Yu Yun-kan, Li Zongjie, etc., English-Chinese Translation M, Shanghai, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1980第二種翻譯1 theory from the perspective of the cultural differences between English idiom translation of English idioms and the cultural differenceskey words culture differences idiom translation strategiesEnglish idioms as the essence of language, with strong historical and cultural accumulation, its production and use in their respective cultures show their respective features, idiom translation has been translated. From the perspective of cultural differences between English and Chinese idioms of this cultural differences affect, discusses how to translate the English idiom translation strategies flexibly, as in the original language culture readability and retain the best balance between.A, introductionIdioms (set phrases) is the idiomatic idioms (phrases), is a long-term practice and use in the process of refining the crystallization of language. Idioms usually comes from ancient classics, famous works, historical story, folklore, contains rich cultural information and has strong ethnic characteristics.English idioms are necessary, to deal with the contradiction of language and culture, not only to produce the idiom, rhetoric, image, overstepping languages will produce its cultural meaning. Such idiom waiting, is one of Chinas ancient story, as if by a stump them waiting for a hare pull, can make a person. What if it is different than refuse and a windfall and trust or guys to express the meaning, although the cultural features of idioms, but has also disappeared is not acceptable. Visible, the key is translating English idioms by the cultural differences.Second, the Chinese idioms reflect the cultural differencesIf the language is a mirror reflects the culture as the core of language an
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- 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責(zé)。
- 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
- 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。
- 部編版八年級歷史(上)第4課洋務(wù)運動聽課評課記錄
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