已閱讀5頁,還剩47頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀
4. General requirements34.1 Characteristics of CBTC systems34.2 Categorization of CBTC systems34.3 Range of applications34.4 Train configurations44.5 Train operating modes44.5.1 Normal train operating modes in CBTC territory54.5.2 Failure mode train operations in CBTC territory5CBTC區(qū)域內列車運行模式失敗54.5.3 Normal train operating modes in non-CBTC territory74.5.4 Failure mode train operations in non-CBTC territory74.6 Entering/exiting CBTC territory84.7 Train operating speeds85. Performance requirements95.3.3 CBTC vital functions125.3.4 Quantitative CBTC safety performance requirements125.3.5 Basic safety design principles135.4 System assurance requirements145.4.1 General146. Functional requirements176.1 ATP functions186.1.1 Train location/train speed determination18列車定位、列車速度測量186.1.2 Safe train separation196.1.3 Overspeed protection and brake assurance22超速防護和制動保證226.1.4 Rollback protection列車后退防護23CBTC系統(tǒng)應當能夠監(jiān)管列車實際運行方向,應當能夠對CBTC指定的方向和測量的方向進行比較。列車向反方向移動超過可容忍距離后應當觸發(fā)緊急制動。CBTC系統(tǒng)的后退檢測標準在附錄C中。236.1.5 End-of-track protection軌道末端防護236.1.6 Parted consist protection and coupling and uncoupling of trains23列車分離防護236.1.7 Zero speed detection零速檢測,見附錄C246.1.8 Door opening control protection interlocks車門控制聯(lián)動246.1.9 Departure interlocks:出發(fā)聯(lián)動246.1.10 Emergency braking緊急制動256.1.11 Route interlocking進路聯(lián)鎖功能256.1.12 Traffic direction reversal interlocks運行方向反向聯(lián)鎖?中途折返?(這一節(jié)翻譯的不好,不明白什么意思,悲劇.)276.1.13 Work zone protection276.1.14 Broken rail detection 軌道故障檢測(由主管機構配置)286.1.15 Highway grade-crossing warning286.1.16 Restricted route protections限制進路防護28CBTC系統(tǒng)應當能夠阻止列車進入危險進路的能力。28好了,就翻譯到這里,以下沒有翻譯286.2 ATO functions28摘要:本標準建立了基于通信的列車控制系統(tǒng)(CBTC)的性能和功能需求。CBTC是一個連續(xù)的自動列車控制系統(tǒng)采用高精度列車定位,和軌道線路無關;可連續(xù)高效的進行雙向軌旁數(shù)據通信;包括用車載和軌旁處理器實現(xiàn)的列車自動保護(ATP)功能;以及列車自動運營(ATO)和列車自動監(jiān)控(ATS)功能。除了CBTC功能方面的需求,本標準還定義了CBTC的行駛的標準,系統(tǒng)安全標準,系統(tǒng)可用標準。本標準可用于所有的運輸業(yè)包括導向傳輸模式。關鍵字:自動化 通信 信號 列車控制4. General requirements 通用需求4.1 Characteristics of CBTC systems CBTC系統(tǒng)的特征The primary characteristics of a CBTC system include the following:一個CBTC系統(tǒng)的主要特征包括以下幾點:a) High-resolution train location determination, independent of track circuits 不依靠軌道電路、高精度的列車定位b) Continuous, high capacity, bidirectional train-to-wayside data communications 連續(xù)的、大容量的雙向車-地數(shù)據通信c) Train-borne and wayside processors performing vital functions 車載和軌旁計算機執(zhí)行安全功能4.2 Categorization of CBTC systems CBTC系統(tǒng)的分類This standard recognizes that different configurations of CBTC systems are possible, depending on the spe-cific application. For example, a CBTC system may該標準認定不同配置的CBTC系統(tǒng)是可能的,取決于特定的應用。例如,一個CBTC系統(tǒng)可能是:a) Provide ATP functions only, with no ATO or ATS functions.只提供ATP功能,沒有ATO和ATS功能b) Provide ATP functions, as well as certain ATO and/or ATS functions, as required to satisfy theoperational needs of the specific application.提供ATP功能,同樣也提供一定的ATS和ATO功能,能夠滿足特定應用的操作需求。c) Be the only train control system in a given application or may be used in conjunction with otherauxiliary wayside systems.是既定應用的唯一列車控制系統(tǒng),或者可能與其它輔助軌旁系統(tǒng)一同工作。A typical functional block diagram for a CBTC system is given in Annex B. 4.3 Range of applications The CBTC performance and functional requirements defined in this standard are intended to be applicable to the full range of transit applications, including light rail, heavy rail, and commuter rail transit systems, and shall be applicable to other transit applications, such as automated people movers (APMs) if CBTC is used for ATC. 該標準定義的CBTC系統(tǒng)的性能和功能需求可以滿足所有線路應用,包括輕軌、重軌和通勤鐵路;該標準也能夠用于其它線路應用如旅客捷運系統(tǒng),如果配置ATC的話。NOTEASCE 21-96 B3 establishes additional requirements related to operating environment, safety requirements,system dependability, and audio/visual communications for APM systems. It is the intent of this standard that tiered levels of functionality, and interoperability between equipment provided by multiple vendors, are facilitated to the extent required by the authority having jurisdiction. All CBTC systems shall include ATP functions. 該標準的內容是針對不同設備提供商從功能上和互用性上進行分層,在一定程度上能更易使用。所有的CBTC系統(tǒng)都應包括ATP功能。4.4 Train configurations 列車配置A CBTC system shall be capable of supporting a variety of train configurations, including the following:一個CBTC系統(tǒng)應當能夠支持不同的列車類型,包括以下:a) Fixed-length unidirectional trains comprised of one or more basic operating units由一個或多個基本單位組成的固定長度的、單方向的列車b) Fixed-length bidirectional trains comprised of one or more basic operating units由一個或多個基本單位組成的固定長度的、雙方向的列車c) Variable-length unidirectional trains 可變長度的、單方向的列車d) Variable-length bidirectional trains可變長度的、雙方向的列車A CBTC system shall be capable of supporting a mixed fleet of trains, where specific trains, and/or classes of trains, have different performance characteristics. 一個CBTC系統(tǒng)能夠支持混跑類型列車4.5 Train operating modes列車操作模式 CBTC-equipped trains may be operated by either a single person or a multi-person crew. A CBTC system may also be required to support operation of trains without crews. 裝備CBTC系統(tǒng)的列車可以由一個人或者多人操作,同樣能夠支持無人駕駛。For operation of trains with crews, the train operator will typically be stationed in the lead car of the train and will be responsible for moving the train from station to station. With a multi-person crew, the conductor(s) will normally operate from conductor position(s) within the train to operate the trains doors. A CBTC system shall support single-person train operation by combining the conductor and train operator display information on the train operators display. For multi-person crews, conductor display information shall also be provided on separate conductor displays.列車由多人駕駛時,司機坐在駕駛室里,負責駕駛列車。乘務員通常負責車門。CBTC系統(tǒng)也可以由一個人駕駛,此時乘務員和駕駛員的職務由一個人充當。For the purposes of this standard, operation of trains without crews includes both unattended and driverless train operations. With unattended train operations, there would normally be no crew member onboard the train. With driverless train operations, there may be a crew member onboard the train, but normally not in the driving cab. This crew member, if present, would normally have no responsibility for operation of the train except for failure recovery. 在該標準中,列車無人駕駛包括(真正的無人駕駛)和(無人值守)。對于真正的無人駕駛,通常車上沒有司機。對于無人值守,通常是車上有司機,但是不在駕駛室。這個人即便在車上也不負責駕駛列車,除非故障恢復。CBTC-equipped trains (including CBTC-equipped maintenance vehicles) shall be capable of operating in various modes, depending on whether the train is operating in CBTC territory or non-CBTC territory, and depending on the operational status of the train-borne and/or wayside CBTC equipment.裝備CBTC系統(tǒng)的列車(包括裝備CBTC系統(tǒng)的工程車)應當能夠運行在不同的模式下,依賴于列車是否運行在CBTC區(qū)域或者是非CBTC區(qū)域,同樣還取決于車載或軌旁的CBTC設備的狀況。Mixed-mode operation shall also be considered a normal operating mode, to the extent specified by the authority having jurisdiction. Mixed-mode operation is defined as the simultaneous operation within CBTC territory of CBTC-equipped trains and trains that are not equipped with functional train-borne CBTC equipment (including maintenance vehicles). Mixed-mode operation may be used in one or more of the following ways:根據主管機關指定的范圍內,混跑模式也應當看作是一個常用的運行模式?;炫苣J奖欢x為在CBTC區(qū)域內裝備CBTC系統(tǒng)的列車和未裝備CBTC系統(tǒng)的列車同時存在運行?;炫苣J竭\行可能以如下一個或多種方式使用a) A regularly scheduled mode of operation within CBTC territory在CBTC區(qū)域預定的運行模式b) An infrequent, unscheduled mode of operation within CBTC territory在CBTC區(qū)域很少用的、非預定的運行模式c) During the transition period only, as a new CBTC system is cut-in d) As a result of train-borne CBTC equipment failures 由于CBTC車載設備壞掉 4.5.1 Normal train operating modes in CBTC territory作為CBTC區(qū)域內常用的列車運行模式4.5.1.1 CBTC-equipped trains 裝備CBTC系統(tǒng)的列車CBTC-equipped trains operating in CBTC territory shall operate, within ATP limits, under the protection of the CBTC system. The train shall be capable of being controlled manually by a train operator or automatically by the CBTC system (supervised by the train operator, if present), as specified by the authority having jurisdiction. When operating automatically, some functions (such as door operation and train departure initiation) may continue to be the responsibility of the train operator and/or conductor(s), if present.裝備CBTC系統(tǒng)的列車在CBTC區(qū)域運行,在ATP的限制下,受CBTC系統(tǒng)的防護。根據標準定義,此時列車可以由人駕駛或者進行自動駕駛(如果車上有司機的話,司機進行監(jiān)督列車自動運行)。當列車自動駕駛時,開關車門等功能由司機負責(如果有司機的話)。 Non-CBTC-equipped trains 非裝備CBTC列車Trains not equipped with train-borne CBTC equipment and/or trains with inoperative train-borne CBTC equipment that are operating in CBTC territory shall operate under the protection of an auxiliary wayside system and/or operating procedures, as specified by the authority having jurisdiction. 未裝備CBTC系統(tǒng)的列車或者車載CBTC設備不起作用的列車,在CBTC區(qū)域運行的時候,應當在輔助軌旁系統(tǒng)的防護下運行。4.5.2 Failure mode train operations in CBTC territory CBTC區(qū)域內列車操作模式故障For light rail, heavy rail, and commuter rail applications operating with crews, it is an operational requirement to continue to move trains safely in the event of CBTC equipment and/or data communication failures, possibly at reduced operating speeds and/or increased operating headways when compared to normal train operations. As a consequence, a CBTC system shall be designed to support degraded modes of operation in the event of failure and to continue to provide ATP with minimum reliance on adherence to operating procedures. This shall be achieved through functional elements of the CBTC system itself, an auxiliary wayside system (if specified by the authority having jurisdiction), or a combination of both systems. 對于有司機駕駛的輕軌、重軌和往返線,當CBTC設備或者數(shù)據通信失敗時仍然能夠使列車安全運行是對操作的需求,和平常列車相比,可能會以降低列車運行速度或者是增大運行安全距離的方法。因此,一個CBTC系統(tǒng)應當設計為在設備失效的情況下支持后備運行模式,并能夠繼續(xù)提供ATP的最小防護。For fully automated people mover applications operating without crews, the extent to which the CBTC system shall be designed to support degraded modes of operation in the event of failure shall be as defined by the authority having jurisdiction, and may include an ability to remotely reset train-borne equipment and the ability to support automatic push/pull train recovery, as well as the ability to support manual train operations and alternative routing strategies. 對于完全的無人駕駛,CBTC系統(tǒng)的范圍應當是在標準定義者所認定的設備失效的情況下,依然能夠支持列車的降級運行模式,并且可能包括遠程重啟車載設備、支持自動恢復、支持人為駕駛的能力。For all applications, a fall-back plan, based on failure analysis and operating procedures, shall identify train operating modes that will take advantage of the degraded modes of operation and recovery capabilities of the CBTC system. The goal of the plan shall be to eliminate hazards to passengers and staff in accordance with 5.3, while continuing to provide passenger service. Specifically, failure mode train operations in CBTC territory shall address those CBTC system failures affecting the following:對于所有的應用方案,基于故障分析和操作規(guī)程的一個后備方案應當能夠識別出列車運行模式,該運行模式能夠利用降級的運行模式,并且應當具有故障恢復為CBTC的能力。這個后備方案的目標是結合5.3節(jié)減小對旅客的危害,同時繼續(xù)為旅客提供服務。a) All trains operating within a particular area of control b) A particular train operating within any area of control CBTC system failures affecting all trains operating within a particular area of control CBTC系統(tǒng)失效影響一定區(qū)域內所有列車的運行In the event of a CBTC system failure that affects all CBTC-equipped trains operating within a particular area of control within CBTC territory (e.g., wayside CBTC equipment or wayside-to-train data communications failure), trains shall have the capability to provide continued safe operations under the control of a train operator, and 如果發(fā)生CBTC系統(tǒng)故障(如軌旁CBTC設備或地-車通信中斷)并且影響一定區(qū)段內所有CBTC裝備列車,列車應當能夠在司機的控制下繼續(xù)安全運行,并且a) With the protection of an auxiliary wayside system (if specified by the authority havingjurisdiction); or有軌旁系統(tǒng)的保護(如果主管機關指定)b) Through strict adherence to operating procedures; or或者嚴格按照運行手冊c) A combination of both items a) and b). When operating in this failure mode, ATP functions that reside within individual train-borne CBTC equipment shall continue to function to the extent safety can be assured. 當在這樣的故障模式下運行時,駐留在每個車載CBTC設備的ATP功能將繼續(xù)工作直到安全能夠確保。 CBTC system failures affecting a particular train operating within any area of control CBTC系統(tǒng)故障影響某一特定的列車在整個線路上的運行In the event of a CBTC system failure affecting a particular CBTC-equipped train operating within any area of control within CBTC territory (e.g., train-borne CBTC equipment failure), that train shall be capable of continued safe operations under the control of a train operator, and 如果發(fā)生CBTC系統(tǒng)故障影響某一特定的列車在整個線路上的運行(比如車載CBTC設備故障),列車應當能夠在司機的控制下繼續(xù)安全運行,并且a) With the protection of an auxiliary wayside system (if specified by the authority havingjurisdiction); or在軌旁系統(tǒng)的保護下(如果主管機關指定);或者是b) With the train speed limited by the propulsion system; or牽引系統(tǒng)控制列車速度c) Through strict adherence to operating procedures; or或者嚴格按照運行手冊d) A combination of any or all of items a), b), and c). When operating in this failure mode, ATP functions that reside within wayside CBTC equipment and within other train-borne CBTC equipment shall continue to function to the extent safety can be assured. 當在這樣的故障模式下運行時,駐留在軌旁CBTC設備和其他的車載CBTC設備中的ATP功能將繼續(xù)工作直到安全能夠確保。 4.5.3 Normal train operating modes in non-CBTC territory 非CBTC區(qū)域內列車的正常運行模式For the purposes of this standard, non-CBTC territory is defined as any territory that is not equipped with wayside CBTC equipment fully compatible with the train-borne CBTC equipment. CBTC equipment installed on trains operating in non-CBTC territory shall include the necessary capabilities to support transitions into CBTC territory. In addition, if specified by the authority having jurisdiction, train-borne CBTC equipment may also perform other ATP functions while operating in non-CBTC territory, such as limiting train speed and/or providing zero speed detection. 非CBTC區(qū)域被定義為未裝備軌旁CBTC設備的任何區(qū)域,該軌旁設備能夠與車載CBTC設備完全兼容。安裝在運行于非CBTC區(qū)域車上的CBTC設備應當包括向CBTC區(qū)域轉入時所必需的功能。此外,如果主管機關同意,車載CBTC設備可以在運行于非CBTC區(qū)域時執(zhí)行別的ATP功能,如限速列車速度或提供零速檢測。If specified by the authority having jurisdiction, train-borne CBTC equipment operating in non-CBTC territory may also interface with wayside equipment that is not fully compatible with the train-borne CBTC equipment. In no case, however, shall the train-borne CBTC equipment provide an indication of standard CBTC operation when operating in non-CBTC territory, unless the applicable authority or authorities having jurisdiction over the train-borne and wayside equipment have ensured that standard CBTC operation is supported by the integrated train-borne and wayside systems. 如果主管機關同意,運行于非CBTC區(qū)域的車載CBTC設備可以與軌旁設備(與車載CBTC設備不完全兼容)有接口。然而,當運行于非CBTC區(qū)域時,車載CBTC設備決不能提供標準的CBTC運行指示,除非可用授權或主管機關通過車載和軌旁設備能夠確保完整的車載和軌旁系統(tǒng)能夠支持標準的CBTC運行。4.5.4 Failure mode train operations in non-CBTC territory 非CBTC區(qū)域內列車運行故障Except where specified to perform certain ATP functions while operating in non-CBTC territory, failure of the train-borne CBTC equipment shall have minimal impact on train operation. The failure shall be indicated to the train operator, if present. 當運行于非CBTC區(qū)域時,除非指定執(zhí)行特定的ATP功能,車載CBTC設備的故障應對列車運行產生最小的影響,如果有司機的話,故障將會報由司機。 4.6 Entering/exiting CBTC territory 進入、離開CBTC區(qū)域4.6.1 Entering into CBTC territory 進入CBTC區(qū)域A CBTC system shall have precise knowledge of the limits of CBTC territory and shall include the capability to perform verification checks of the train-borne CBTC equipment prior to entering CBTC territory. The checks shall be performed sufficiently in advance of entry into CBTC territory to verify the proper operation of the train-borne CBTC equipment (including any wayside CBTC equipment dependencies). 一個CBTC系統(tǒng)應當精確地知道CBTC區(qū)域的范圍,并且應當包括在進入CBTC區(qū)域之前能夠驗證列車是否有CBTC裝備的能力。這些驗證應當在進入CBTC區(qū)域之前進行充分的執(zhí)行,以便核實對車載CBTC設備(包括任何對軌旁CBTC設備的依賴)進行正確的操作。If the verification check is passed, an indication to this effect shall be provided. Under normal circumstances and subject to ATP constraints, it shall not be necessary for a train to come to a stop when entering CBTC territory unless required for other operational reasons. 如果驗證通過,就會提供一個指示信息。在正常情況和ATP的限制下,當進入CBTC區(qū)域時,就不需要先停車了,除非有特殊操作要求。In the event that the verification check fails, an indication of the CBTC system failure shall be provided, and train operation may revert to the auxiliary wayside signal system if available or to operating rules if no auxiliary wayside signal system is provided.The results of the verification checks shall be displayed on the ATS user interface. For trains operating with crews, the results of the verification checks shall also be indicated to the train operator. 如果驗證失敗,就會提供一個CBTC系統(tǒng)故障的指示信息,列車運行就會重新依賴于軌旁信號系統(tǒng),或者如果沒有軌旁系統(tǒng)的話,就會按照運行規(guī)則。驗證信息會顯示在ATS用戶界面上,對于有人駕駛的列車,驗證信息同樣也會顯示給司機。 4.6.2 Exiting from CBTC territory 離開CBTC區(qū)域For trains operating with crews, prior to exiting CBTC territory, a CBTC system may provide a visual indication to the train operator of time and/or distance until the train will be exiting the CBTC territory. When known by the CBTC system, the train operator may also receive an indication of the type of train control system into which the train will be traversing. 對于有司機的列車,在離開CBTC區(qū)域之前,CBTC系統(tǒng)可能會提供一個可視的指示信息(當前距離開CBTC區(qū)域還有多少時間、距離)給司機。司機可能還會收到一個列車即將要切入的控制模式的指示信息。Under normal circumstances and subject to ATP constraints, it shall not be necessary for a train to come to a stop when exiting CBTC territory unless required for other operational reasons. 在正常情況和ATP的限制下,當進入CBTC區(qū)域時,就不需要先停車了,除非有特殊操作要求。4.7 Train operating speeds列車運行速度A CBTC system shall be capable of meeting the performance and functional requirements of this standard, over the full range of possible train operating speeds specified by the authority having jurisdiction.CBTC系統(tǒng)應當能夠滿足本標準所提的性能和功能需求5. Performance requirements性能需求5.1 CBTC factors contributing to achievable headwaysThe required design and operating headways (i.e., the minimum and scheduled headways) for both normal and reverse directions shall be specified by the authority having jurisdiction. Headway may be specified as uninterfered and/or interfered.正向或反向運行所要求的設計和運行間隔應當由主管機構來指定,運行間隔可以人為干預或不進行干預。In all cases, the design headway shall be constrained by the safe tr
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