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1、Test 1. He told me that I should not leave the room until I _all the windows. A) closed B) have closed C) would have closed D) had closed2. I _the novel by the time you come next week. A) shall finishing reading B) shall have finished reading C) shall be finishing reading D) shall have been finishin

2、g reading3. Go and get some chalk, _? A) will you B) shant you C) dont you D) do you4. I am pleased with what you have given me and _you have told me. A) that B) all that C) all what D) which5. I shall give one dollar to _comes first.A) whom B) whomever C) who D) whoever6. I suggest _ on an excursio

3、n this Sunday.A) us going B) our going C) to go D) us to go7. Your hair wants _. Youd better have it _ tomorrow. A) cutting do B) cuttingdone C) being cutdone D) to be cut to be done8. When she was combing her hair, I discovered that there were _on her shoulders.A) a little gray hair. B) a few gray

4、hair C) a few gray hairs D) some gray hair9. “Enough food will be supplied; some entertainment will be arranged; _, no escape should be attempted,” the officer said to the prisoners. A) and B) however C) in fact D) therefore10. _ show himself in front of the rebels? A) Dares the king B) Dares the ki

5、ng to C) Dare the king D) Does the king dare11. It was _ her carelessness that the key was lost.A) of B) because C) with D) through12. The woman who lost the key hoped the finder would turn it over to _.A) official B) official anyone C) anyone official D) anyone officially13. The correct approach _

6、all sport is enthusiasm.A) into B) of C) with D) to14. He said that he would be able to see me when he _ that letter.A) wrote B) has written C) would have written D) had written15. They insist that a computer does only what thinking humans have planned _.A) to have it do B) to have it done C) having

7、 it done D) to have do it16. My parents are not interested in modern music. They are _ the times.A) after B) behind C) against D) back17. “Now please give me the shirt. Cant you remember _?” said the customer to salesman.A) receive twenty dollars from me B) to receive twenty dollars from me C) to ha

8、ve received twenty dollars from me D) receiving twenty dollars from me 18. The soldier shot his comrades. He _.A) must be mad B) must have been mad C) should be mad D) may have been mad19. _ second thoughts, I have decided to postpone my visit to Japan.A) In B) On C) By D) With20. How many times hav

9、e I told you _ football on the main road?A) do not play B) not to play C) not playing D) not to have played21. The price of fruit has increased recently _ the price of vegetables has gone down. A) when B) whether C) whereas D) otherwise22. This canteen is _ only by employees of the company. A) to us

10、e B) to have used C) to be used D) for the use of 23. He cannot speak Japanese well; _, he is incapable of speaking the language. A) therefore B) so C) but D) in fact24. She followed him, with her eyes _ on the ground. A) fix B) fixed C) fixing D) to fix25. _, somebody rang me up. A) On having a bat

11、h B) While having a bath C) Having a bath D) While I was having a bath26. When they arrived at the railway station, the train had not arrived. We _. A) need not have hurried B) need not hurry C) should not hurry D) must not have hurried27. What _ if I had been asked to join, I cannot tell. A) should

12、 I have done B) should I do C) I should do D) I should have done28. Id rather that you _ the operation right away. A) perform B) should perform C) will perform D) performed29. If it _ too much trouble, Id love a cup of tea. A) hadnt been B) isnt C) werent D) may not be30. She set up in business _ he

13、r own and was very successful. A) in B) of C) on D) by31. Elizabeth, _ Jane very soon communicated the chief of all this, heard it in silent indignation.A) who B) whom C) with whom D) to whom32. It is very improbable they should meet at all _he really comes to see her. A) lest B) for fear that C) un

14、til D) unless33. Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins, and I will never see you again if you_.A) will B) do C) have D) married34. It_ a fine day, we went for a picnic. A) to B) be C) being D) for35. For two hundred years before John Sebastian Bach was born, _ had been

15、 musicians. A) the Bach B) the Bachs C) the Bachs D) the Bachss36. It is essential that a child _ loving attention. A) receives B) is given C) must be given D) should be given37. _ he had been ill, I enquired about him. A) Learned B) To learn C) Having learnt D) Learnt38. You want to tell me, and I

16、have no objection _it. A) to hear B) to hearing C) hearing D) having heard39. “I_ poetry as the food of love,” said Darcy. A) have been used to considering B) have used to consider C) use to consider D) used to considering40. Not that I mean to find fault _you, for such things I know are all chance

17、in the world. A) to B) for C) with D) on41. The performance will be so exquisite that the dancer gives artistic joy to those _ watch. A) whom B) who C) which D) to42. Elizabeth could not refuse, _she foresaw little pleasure in the visit. A) since B) for C) though D) when43. We saw how Beethoven made

18、 the melody of the shepherds song _three notes. A) out B) out from C) out of D) to44. It is very hard to think that she _Mr. Collinss wife by this time, had not it been for her own perverseness.A) might have been B) must have been C) might be D) must be45. The facilities of the older hospital _.A) i

19、s as good or better than the new hospital B) are as good or better than the new hospitalC) are as good as or better than the new hospital D) are as good as or better than those of the new hospital46. My husband talked me _buying the new house near the park. A) into B) to C) up D) through47. I was as

20、 much at a loss _. A) as the others did B) as others all were C) as others have done D) as all the others were48. Without air, the earth _extreme changes in temperature. A) undergoes B) would undergo C) will undergo D) has undergone49. By the end of July, you _here for three years. A) will have stud

21、ied B) studies C) will study D) have studied50.The students were all gone. Because of the bad weather, the teacher permitted them _early.A) leave B) to leaving C) to being leaving D) to leave51. Harry wishes to be a doctor. Can you tell me what _? A) are you aiming at B) are you aiming for C) you ar

22、e aiming at D) you are aiming for52. He read the newspapers regularly so he _ about the world situation. A) was well informed B) has well informed C) well informed D) was well informing53. I am reading the novel _my husband recommended to me. A) what B) of which C) that which D) that 54. He acted as

23、 if he _ in England before. A) has never lived B) had never lived C) never lived D) would have never lived55. His son must have real talent _into fights. A) for to get B) having got C) getting D) for getting56. John was so worn out that he just _down and slept for 24 hours. A) lied B) laid C) lay D)

24、 had lain57. I raced through my breakfast and dressing, all thought of weariness _ as my wife hurriedly packed my bag.A) gone B) going C) had gone D) went58. He has not been to Paris yet, and _. A) I havent either B) I have neither C) neither I have D) either have I59. He will finish the job quickly

25、 _. A) if he applies himself to the task B) if he applied himself to the task C) if he will apply himself for the task D) if he apply himself for the task60. Im glad to book a room _look out the sea. A) which windows B) that widows C) the windows of it D) whose windows61. Even if his letter _tomorro

26、w, it _ too late to do anything. A) will arriveis B) should arrivewere C) arriveswill be D) arriveswould be62. Having missed school for such a long time, hell never pass the examination _hard he tried. A) despite B) even though C) yet D) however63. We have succeeded _public interest in this topic. A

27、) to arouse B) to rise up C) in arousing D) in arising64. The shopkeeper offered _exchange the goods _refund the money. A) to eitheror B) either to or to C) to neither nor D) whether to or to65. _ is none of your business. A) She spends her time B) Where does she spends her time C) Where she spends

28、her time D) It is where she spends her time66. Sarah has just arrived, but he talks as if he _all about that. A) will know B) know C) has known D) knew67. It is high time you _. A) stopped to smoke B) stopped smoking C) stop to smoke D) will stop smoking68. The Stock Exchange exists to provide a cha

29、nnel through _ the savings can reach those _need finance.A) that who B) whichwho C) whom that D) what that69. The prisoner was accused of _this maze to the scene of the crime at night, not just once but repeatedly.A) crossing B) being crossed C) having crossed D) having been crossed70. They _down al

30、l the trees in the area to make way _the new motorway. A) cutfor B) broketo C) setof D) puton71. Five pounds _not buy as much as _used to. A) doesit B) dothey C) didthey D) doesthat72. He finished the painting _for the exhibition. A) in good time B) for the time being C) from time to time D) time af

31、ter time73. I dont know _.A) how you can do a crossword puzzle and spend all eveningB) how can you spend all evening to do a crossword puzzleC) however can you spend all evening for doing a crossword puzzleD) how you can spend all evening doing a cross word puzzle74. If _we had invested our money in

32、 a different company! A) ever B) once C) just D) only75. I dont want it in the house, no matter _. A) how much did you pay for it B) however much it is for you to pay C) how much you paid for it D) however much for it you paid76. The city assigned a policeman to the school crossing because _traffic

33、there was so heavy.A) a B) an C) the D) one77. Your temperature has dropped, so you _take that medicine. A) do not B) must not C) neednt D) should not have78. Wed better wait _, Peter and Tom will come very soon. A) a little longer B) more longer C) long D) as longer79. Dont be too hard on Mary, it

34、was not her fault that the vase _. A) has broken B) is breaking C) was broken D) has been broken80. The river was high because it _for several days. A) had been raining B) was raining C) has been raining D) rained81. Tom felt a lot of sympathy _his old friend. A) to B) for C) with D) at82. Dont eat

35、that fruit _it is ripe. A) in case B) unless C) if D) like 83. He kept asking questions, but not a word _. A) could we understand B) we could understand C) we understand could D) understand could we84. The captain controls two thousand men, _must obey his orders in both war and peace. A) all of whic

36、h B) those C) all of whom D) whom85. Im afraid I shall be away from the office for a while next month. I have to have my tonsils _. A) take out B) taken out C) took out D) taking out86. Fares are cheap; they _, Im told, for almost a hundred years. A) havent been risen B) havent raised C) havent rise

37、n D) havent being raised87. He has no alternative but _and ask his brother for assistance. A) to go B) go C) going D) will go88. “Lets go, Tom. Its time we _. ” “All right, Mary. Ill finish it in a few seconds.”A) play baseball B) played baseball C) will play baseball D) are playing baseball89. Jim

38、took his golf bag out of the car, wishing he had _freedom as Mr. Smith. A) so much B) so many C) as much D) as more90. _, you would have seen my nephew a very outstanding and promising boy. A) Had you arrived earlier B) If you arrived earlier C) Did you arrive earlier D) Unless you had arrived earli

39、er91.During last nights fog, _train was derailed and _ship ran around in _Thames estuary. A) athethe B) aathe C) thethea D) theaa92. You really deserved the award because you performed _was expected of you. A) much better than B) more better than C) much better from D) much better as93. We are both looking forward _next week. A) to going on vacation B) to on vacation C) to be going on vacation D) to have gone on vacation94. Sometimes


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