1、LEVELFiveLesson PlanAbout the BookText Type: Nonfiction/ConceptPage Count: 10Word Count: 16Book SummaryThis simple story about a comforting family tradition will familiarize students with the high-frequency word five. Small repetitive sentences support the early emergent reader. The accompanying ill
2、ustrations are warm and colorful, and each page has a hidden number five for students to find. In addition to working on decoding skills, students will also have the opportunity to study main idea and details and plural nouns.About the LessonTargeted Reading Strategy VisualizeObjectivesVisualize to
3、understand text Identify main idea and details Blend onset and rime sounds Identify initial consonant Ff Recognize and use plural nouns Recognize and use number wordsMaterialsGreen text indicates resources that are available on the website.BookFive (copy for each student) Chalkboard or dry-erase boa
4、rd DictionariesSheets of paper Shaving creamMain idea and details, initial consonant Ff, plural nouns worksheetsIndicates an opportunity for students to mark in the book. (All activities may be demonstrated by projecting the book on an interactive whiteboard or completed with paper and pencil if the
5、 books are reused.)Vocabulary*Boldface vocabulary words also appear in a pre-made lesson for this title on VocabularyAZ.com. High-frequency word: five Content words:Story critical: bowls (n.), chairs (n.), cups (n.), five (adj.), forks (n.), lunches (n.), pans (n.),plates (n.), spoons (n.)Before Rea
6、dingBuild Background Write the word five on the board and point to the word as you read it aloud. Then, have students say the word aloud. Ask students to hold up five fingers and then count to the number five Learning AZ All rights reserved.aaLEVELFiveLesson Plan (continued
7、) Ask students to share with a partner items that commonly come in groups of five, such as fingers. Invite volunteers to share an item with the rest of the class, and record a list on the board.Book WalkIntroduce the Book Give students their copy of the story. Guide them to the front and back covers
8、 and read the title. Have students discuss what they see on the covers. Encourage them to offer ideas as to what type of book it is (genre, text type, and so on) and what it might be about. Show students the title page. Discuss the information on the page (title of book, authors name,illustrators na
9、me).Introduce the Reading Strategy: VisualizeExplain to students that engaged readers visualize, or make pictures in their mind, while they read. Explain to students that readers make their mental images on the basis of the words in the story and their own prior knowledge on the topic, and that they
10、 visualize constantly while they read.Model visualizing.Think-aloud: The title of this story is Five. As I read, I will make my own mental images that match the words in the story. For example, when I read the word five, I visualize different objectsthat are collected in groups of five. I envision f
11、ive bright red strawberries on a plate, five shiny marbles jostling in a bag, and five little kids working at desks in their classroom. I could imagine so many different things that come in groups of five! Even though the story has pictures, itis important for me to visualize my own images as I read
12、 because it helps me understand and remember what I am reading.Draw a picture on the board to represent your visualization. Point out to students that they visualize in their mind, but they can also draw pictures to show what they visualized.Have students close their eyes while you read page 3 aloud
13、 to them. Ask them to focus on the images they see while you read the words. Then, have students open their eyes and draw a picture of what they visualized. Have them share their picture with a partner and explain their visualization.Invite students to share their visualization with the rest of the
14、class. Discuss with students how their pictures compare to the picture in the book.As students read, encourage them to use other reading strategies in addition to the targeted strategy presented in this section.Introduce the Comprehension Skill: Main idea and detailsExplain to students that some sto
15、ries have a main idea, which is the big idea that is the subject of the book. Explain that details are the descriptions or extra information that help the reader better understand the main idea.Read the title aloud to students. Point out that titles often provide clues about the storys main idea. Ha
16、ve students share with a partner their predictions about the main idea of the story, and invite volunteers to share predictions with the rest of the class. Point out that the main idea will likely have something to do with the number five.Write the following sentence on the board: Five can be shown
17、in many ways. Point to each word as you read it aloud. Explain to students that this sentence expresses the main idea of the book. Model identifying details that support the main idea.Think-aloud: I know that details are descriptions that help the reader understand the main idea. Since the main idea
18、 of this story is five can be shown in many ways, the details will describe different waysof showing five. On the cover, I see five bowls lined up in a row. The bowls are in a group of five. Therefore, bowls is a detail of the story since they represent one way five can be shown.Review with students
19、 the list of items in groups of five recorded on the board during the Build Background portion of the lesson. Have students nod their head if these items could be details supporting the main idea, five can be shown in many ways. Ask students to share with a partner one new detail that could also sup
20、port this main Learning AZ All rights reserved.aaLEVELFiveLesson Plan (continued) Point out that although many possible details can support a main idea, authors choose the details that best fit their story. Encourage students to pause often to identify the details from the s
21、tory that support the main idea.Introduce the VocabularyWhile previewing the book, reinforce the vocabulary words students will encounter. For example, while looking at the picture on page 4, you might say: How many plates do you see? What shape are the plates? What color are the plates? Remember, a
22、 plate is a flat dish used for serving food.Write the following words on the board: bowl, cup, fork, lunch, and pan. Read each word aloud and have students repeat. Have students fold five sheets of paper in half, and ask them to write each word on the first half of one sheet of paper.Have students w
23、ork with a partner to search through the book and find an example of each word in the pictures. Say the word bowl aloud, and invite a volunteer to share with the rest of the class the picture he or she found. Discuss with students the meaning of the word. Repeat this process with the remaining words
24、.Have students draw a picture for each word on the second half of their sheets of paper. Ask students to share their vocabulary words and corresponding pictures with the student beside them.Set the Purpose Have students read to find out more about the number five. Ask students to look for the hidden
25、 five in each page as they read. Remind them to visualize as they read and to identify details that support the main idea of the story.During ReadingStudent ReadingGuide the reading: Have students read from page 3 to the end of page 5. Encourage those who finish early to go back and reread.Model vis
26、ualizing.Think-aloud: On page 4, I read the following phrase: Five plates. As I read those words, I created a mental picture in my mind to match them. I saw five large blue plates with a border of flowers around the edges. The plates were delicate and thin, perfect for fancy dinners. When I lookedat
27、 the picture in the story, I saw that the plates were white with a blue border. Im not surprised the picture in the story was different. Visualizations are personal to the reader and build on the readers own prior knowledge, so they should be different from what is in the book.Draw a picture on the
28、board to represent your visualization.Have students cover the picture on page 5 and read the page aloud together. Ask students to focus on the image they see in their mind for those words. Have students draw their visualization on a separate sheet of paper. Ask students to uncover the picture on pag
29、e 5 and compare it with the picture they drew. Have students work in groups to discuss how their visualization compares to the picture in the story and the visualizations of other students in their group.Review with students the main idea of the story: five can be shown in many ways. Ask students to
30、 give a thumbs-up signal if five cups is a detail supporting the main idea. Have students discuss with a partner why five cups is a detail. (It is one of the ways five can be shown.)Have students work in groups to discuss the other details they found in the first three pages (five plates, five bowls
31、). Invite volunteers to share a detail with the rest of the class. Record the three details on the board: five cups, five plates, and five bowls. Draw a picture for each detail.Check for understanding: Have students read to the end of page 8. Encourage students to create a mental picture for each pa
32、ge they read. Ask them to draw one more picture to show what they visualized, and invite them to share and explain their picture to the rest of the Learning AZ All rights reserved.aaLEVELFiveLesson Plan (continued)Have students work in groups to discuss new details they dis
33、covered in this section of the story. Call on students to share details with the rest of the class, and record them on the board. Invite volunteers to come to the board and draw a picture for each detail.Introduce and explain the main-ideas-and-details worksheet. Have students read the main idea fro
34、m the worksheet to a partner. Ask students to choose one detail from the story to record on their worksheet. Have students write two words that describe the detail in one of the empty spaces on the worksheet (five spoons, five forks, and so on). Then, have students draw a picture illustrating the de
35、tail.Have students read the remainder of the book. Remind them to visualize as they read and identify all the remaining details in the story.Have students make a small question mark in their book beside any word they do not understand or cannot pronounce. These can be addressed in the discussion tha
36、t follows.After Reading Ask students what words, if any, they marked in their book. Use this opportunity to model how they can read these words using decoding strategies and context clues.Reflect on the Reading StrategyAsk students to draw one final picture representing what they visualized during t
37、he last pages of the story.Think-aloud: The sentence on the last page is about the five lunches for the family. For this page, I visualized a table set for lunch, similar to the way my table might look at home. I saw five plates with forks beside them and a napkin under each fork. The plates were fi
38、lled with foods we normally eat at lunch: sandwiches, carrots, crackers, and pears. Since the sentence described five lunches, I visualized five of everything at the table. When I looked at the picture in thebook, I saw that my visualization was similar to it, but also different. Whats important is
39、that myvisualization was meaningful to me and helped me remember the story.Have students review with a partner all the pictures they drew to represent what they visualized as they read. Have them discuss with their partner how visualizing helped them to remember and understand what they read. Invite
40、 volunteers to share their thoughts with the rest of the class.Reflect on the Comprehension SkillDiscussion: Review with students the main idea and details recorded on the board. Invite volunteers to share with the rest of the class any final details from the story. Have students explain to a partne
41、r why each detail supports the main idea.Independent practice: Have students complete their main-idea-and-details worksheet by choosing three more details from the story to record on their worksheet. Have them work in pairs to check their work.Enduring understanding: In this story a family of five i
42、s collecting materials for lunch. How is your family meal time similar to the one presented in this story? How is it different?Build SkillsPhonological Awareness: Blend onset and rime Ask students to listen as you say two parts of a word and then blend them together: b-owl, bowl. Say the onset and r
43、ime again, have students repeat the two sounds, and then have students blend the parts together to say the word. Explain to students that words can be divided into two parts, the beginning sound and the rest of the word. For example, in the word cup, the beginning is the /k/ sound, and the rest of t
44、he word is the /up/ sound. Lead students in blending the onset and rime together to create the word Learning AZ All rights reserved.aaLEVELFiveLesson Plan (continued) Check for understanding: Say the following onsets and rimes, one at a time: p-an, s-it, f-ive, and b- at. Hav
45、e students repeat to a partner the onset and rime for each word. Then, have partners blend the word parts together to say the word.Phonics: Initial consonant FfWrite the word fork on the board and say it aloud with students.Have students say the /f/ sound aloud. Then, run your finger under the lette
46、rs in the word as students say the whole word aloud. Ask students to identify which letter represents the /f/ sound in the word fork.Ask students to identify the other word in the story that begwith the letter Ff (five). Havestudents work in groups to bratorm to generate a list of other words that b
47、egin with the/f/ sound. Invite volunteers to share a word with the rest of the class, and have other studentsgive a thumbs-up signal if the word begwith the letter Ff.Spread shaving cream on each desk. Have students practice writing the letter Ff in the shaving cream while saying the /f/ sound aloud
48、.Check for understanding: Write the following words that begin with the /f/ sound on the board, leaving off the initial consonant: fox, fan, for, fun, fed, and fog. Have volunteers come to the board and add the initial Ff to each word. Then, read each word aloud and have students repeat.Independent
49、practice: Introduce, explain, and have students complete the initial consonant Ffworksheet. If time allows, discuss their answers.Grammar and Mechanics: Plural nounsDraw on the board pictures of a kid, a tree, and a house. Point to each picture and ask students to identify it. Write the nouns beneat
50、h the appropriate pictures. Remind students that a noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing. Ask students to call out the noun from the board that is a person. Repeat with the nouns for place and thing.Beneath the picture of a kid, draw a new picture of a group of children. Ask students t
51、o identify the picture. Have them call out whether there is one kid or more than one. Write the word kids beneath the picture. Have students discuss with a partner the difference between the words kid and kids. Repeat this process for the nouns tree and house.Explain to students that plural nouns ar
52、e words that name more than one person, place, or thing.Explain that a plural noun is usually created by adding the letter Ss to the end of the noun. Have students work with a partner to locate and circle all the plural nouns in the book. Remind students that plural nouns always name more than one t
53、hing and usually end in the letter Ss. Check for understanding: Write the following words on the board: desk, girl, book, cat, and boy.Draw a picture for each word. Have students discuss with a partner how to change these wordsto plural nouns. Invite volunteers to come to the board and add the lette
54、r Ss to the end of each noun. Point to each word and have students read it aloud. Invite volunteers to come to the board and change the pictures so they reflect plural nouns.Independent practice: Introduce, explain, and have students complete the plural nouns worksheet. If time allows, discuss their
55、 answers.Word Work: Number wordsWrite the numerals 1 through 10 on the board. Point to each numeral and have students identify it. Write the corresponding number word beneath each numeral.Explain to students that number words describe the name of a numeral in word form. Point to each number word and
56、 have students read it aloud with you.Ask students to identify the number word used in their story. Circle the word five written on the board. Point to the word and have students spell it aloud.Check for understanding: Have students work with a partner to use number words in oral sentences. Invite v
57、olunteers to share sentences with the rest of the class, and have the other students clap their desk whenever they hear a number Learning AZ All rights reserved.aaLEVELFiveLesson Plan (continued)Build FluencyIndependent Reading Allow students to read their book independently. Additionally, partners can take turns reading
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