



1、40句經(jīng)典英語銷售對(duì)話1、Do you like this model ? 你喜歡這款嗎? 2、What would you like ? 你喜歡什么樣的? 3、What goods will you order? 你想訂什么樣的貨? 4、How do you pack them? 你想怎樣包裝它的? 5、The style is out of stock ? 這款沒貨! 6、How do you like this color? 你覺得這顏色怎樣? 7、Take your time ! 請(qǐng)隨便看! 8、We have some special offers ! 我們有一些特價(jià)產(chǎn)品! 9、We

2、 have ready stock ! 我們有現(xiàn)貨! 10、The quantity is too small ! 這個(gè)數(shù)量太少了! 11、Can you order more ! 能不能訂多點(diǎn)呢? 12、It is our latest model ! 這個(gè)是新款! 13、It is up to date style! 這是新貨(新款)! 14、Its high quality. 這是好的質(zhì)量! 15、Its well-made ! 質(zhì)量很好! 16、This is class one ! A級(jí)貨! 17、Sorry! The price is fixed ! 對(duì)不起!一口價(jià)! 18、Thi

3、s is the best price ! 這是最低價(jià)! 19、This is the last offer! 這是最低報(bào)價(jià)! 20、The goods are not available! 那貨還沒準(zhǔn)備好! 21、We have a rush on this model ! 這貨很暢銷! 22、The material is very expensive ! 現(xiàn)在面料很貴! 22、Its very hard to make. 做工很難! 23、How many pieces would you like to order ? 你要多少數(shù)量? 24、May I know what items

4、you are interested in ? 我可以知道你對(duì)哪個(gè)產(chǎn)品感興趣嗎? 25、This order will be delayed ! 這個(gè)單要推遲! 26、I will deliver the order tomorrow! 我明天可以幫你送貨! 27、Where would you like us to deliver the goods! 把貨送到哪里呢? 28、When will you deliver the goods ? 什么時(shí)候要送貨? 29、I promise, have stock a few day later ! 我保證!過幾天就有貨! 30、We can d

5、eliver the goods in end of this month ! 我們能在月底交貨! 31、We can deliver the goods in 15 days ! 我們能在15天內(nèi)交貨! 32、Because our factory is too busy , can we deliver the goods later ? 因?yàn)楣S比較忙,我們能不能遲點(diǎn)交貨? 33、If this color is not available, would you like another one ? 如果這顏色沒有,其它的行嗎? 34、The order is too small , w

6、e cant afford delivery ! 這個(gè)定單太小,我們負(fù)擔(dān)不了運(yùn)費(fèi)! 35、We will try our best to deliver it ASAP ! 我們會(huì)盡快交貨! 36、Hope you will come again next time ! 希望你下次再光臨! 37、Hope to see you again ! 希望再見到你! 38、Hope you will be our business partner ! 希望你成為我們合作的伙伴! 39、Make sure you will sign on the order ! 務(wù)必在定單上簽名! 40、Cash on delivery! 交貨付款! 41、C.O.D is our usua


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