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1、Module1 Unit 3學習目標:1、知識目標:1)學生能夠掌握名詞、冠詞和數(shù)詞的用法2)了解Concorde相關知識2、能力目標:靈活運用本模塊的知識點3、情感目標:了解旅行的相關知識,學會樂于助人課堂練習:一、講解名詞名詞的分類 專有名詞:姓名,國家,語言,月份,星期,節(jié)日大學等名詞個體名詞(某類人或東西中的個體)可數(shù)名詞普通名詞(有單復數(shù)之分)集體名詞(若干個個體組成的集合體)物質(zhì)名詞(自然物質(zhì),食品、飲料等)(無法分為個體的實物)不可數(shù)名詞抽象名詞(情感,學科,概念等)名詞的數(shù).規(guī)則變化構成方法例詞 在詞尾加-sdesk desksfield fieldssea - seas1.

2、以s, x, sh, ch結尾的名詞后加-es 2. 如詞尾是e,只加-sclass - classesbox- boxeshorse - horses以“輔音+o”結尾的名詞,加-espotato - potatoestomato tomatoes以“元音+o”結尾的名詞,加-sphoto - photos zoo zoos詞尾為-f或-fe一般變?yōu)?ves knife knives.不規(guī)則變化womanwomen manmen toothteeth childchildren oxoxen goosegeese . 單復數(shù)同形的單詞fishfish sheepsheep deer deer

3、 ChineseChinese 注意:1. 一般情況下,復合名詞的單復數(shù)形式在最后一個名詞上體現(xiàn):a pencil boxpencil boxesa school bag school bagsa girl studentgirl students由man或woman構成的復合名詞,其形式如下:a man doctor two men doctors a woman teacher two women teachers2. 有些名詞總是以復數(shù)形式出現(xiàn),如 trousers, glasses (眼鏡),它們在表示單個數(shù)量時需要借助量詞來表示,如: a pair of trouser, a pai

4、r of glasses.3. 有些名詞表達復數(shù)概念,常作為一個整體看待,如police, people。這些單詞沒有復數(shù)形式,但是其后的謂語動詞總是復數(shù)形式。如:The police have caught the thief. 警察抓到了那個賊。Many people have seen the film.很多人看了這部電影。IV名詞所有格名詞的所有格分兩種情況:1) 有生命的名詞一般采用 n. + s 的方式,如:mens clothes, someones bag, todays newspaper;以-s結尾的復數(shù)名詞直接加。如:the boys school bags the te

5、achers office the six students dormitory2) 無生命的名詞 用 of + n. 的方式表達,如:the window of the house the end of the week the gate of our school the square of the city the capital of our country the wall of the townthe door of the classroom二、講解冠詞泛指單一、每一、任一事物單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前一定要用冠詞a/an指類別 上文提到過的人或事物特指 被限制性修飾語限定的人或事物the

6、說話雙方默認的人或事物 世上獨一無二色事物指類別復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞/不可數(shù)名詞前上文提到的人或事物the 被限制性修飾語限定的人或事物說話雙方默認的人或事物the泛指人和事物零冠詞指類別不定冠詞a/an的用法 表示某一類中的“一個”He is a soldier. It isnt easy to run a country well. She is an honest woman. 表示“每一”I go to the cinema once a month. We have five English lessons a week. 指某人某物,但并不具體指哪個人或哪個物A reporter tell

7、s us the fact. Lend me a storybook. 表示數(shù)量“一”,但概念沒有one強烈I have a mouth, a nose and two eyes. It is an inch thick. 表示“同一”的意思These shoes are all of a size. The people and army are of a family. 在一些固定詞組中have a good time a piece of a lot of a few have a cold have a rest定冠詞the的用法定冠詞表示特指, 可以用于可數(shù)名詞之前,也可用于不可數(shù)名

8、詞前。1)特指某(些)人或某(些)事物: This is the house where Luxun once lived. The old man with thick glasses is their history teacher.2)指談話雙方都知道的人或事物: Take the medicine.3)復述上文提過的人或事物: He bought a house. Ive been to the house.4) 由普通名詞構成的專有名詞:t he USA the Communist Party the Great wall the Internet5) 用于獨一無二的事物前: the

9、 sun the earth the moon the worldThe sun rises in the east. The moon is far smaller than the earth. The earth goes round the sun.6) 在河流、湖泊、山脈等前面:the Yellow River the Black Sea7) 表示“某某一家人或某某夫婦”: the Greens the Browns 8) 用在方位名詞前: in the south, in the west in the north, in the east 9) 定冠詞用在形容詞前, 表示一類人或

10、東西:the rich, t he poor, the old, the young, the living10) (play, like等動詞后的 )在樂器名詞前加the:the piano, the violin, the flu, the guitar 11) 在習慣性短語中: in the morning, in the afternoon go to the theatre12) 在人或物后有限定性的后置定語: The man standing by the gate is Li Feng.13) 代替所有格代詞, 表示人體的一部分: She caught me by the arm

11、. Johns brother took him by the hand.14) 在世紀、年代名詞前加the: in the 1980s 或 in the 1980s 20世紀80年代 in the nineteenth century 十九世紀 零冠詞的用法一般來說,不可數(shù)名詞和可數(shù)名詞用復數(shù)表述泛指時不用冠詞。1. 在專有名詞和不可數(shù)名詞前: Canada, Beijing, Lei Feng, Hade Park 2. 在名詞前已有作定語的指示代詞、物主代詞、不定代詞或名詞所有格時: this, my, that, those, these, her 3. 復數(shù)名詞表示一類人或事物: H

12、orses are useful animals. They are teachers. 在稱呼語或表示頭銜的名詞前 Miss Gao Mr Green 5. 在三餐飯和球類運動的名稱前。 breakfast, lunch, supper play football/basketball/volleyball/chess6. 在物質(zhì)名詞、抽象名詞前不用冠詞, 但后有定語修飾加the: The desk is made of wood. He is fond of music. The music of the film is very beautiful.7. 在不可數(shù)名詞和專有名詞(月份,

13、星期, 季節(jié)等)前不用冠詞:China, Class Three, Sunday, summer三、講解數(shù)詞基數(shù)詞( 數(shù)目)表示數(shù)目和順序序數(shù)詞(順序)基數(shù)詞的構成112,獨立成詞。 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve13-19,由39 + teen構成。 14fourteen 16sixteen 17seventeen 19nineteen 特殊拼寫: 13 thirteen 15fifteen 18eighteen2090,以-ty結尾。 20twenty 30 thirty 40forty 50fi

14、fty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90ninety 2199,兩位數(shù),十位與個位之間“”。 21 twenty-one 55 fifty-five 99 ninety-nine 101999,三位數(shù),百位與十位/個位之間加and。 101- one hundred and one 840-eight hundred and forty 1,000以上數(shù)目,從右向左每三位用“,”分開,分別讀為thousand , million, billion 。6,500,431,729hundredBillion million thousand基數(shù)詞的用法 表示具體數(shù)目

15、,hundred, thousand, million不用復數(shù)。表示不確定數(shù)目,用復數(shù)。即hundreds of(數(shù)百), thousands of(數(shù)千), millions of(數(shù)百萬)+ 名詞復數(shù), 可以用many/several修飾,但不能與具體數(shù)目連用。Our country has a population of 1,300 million people.After the war, thousands of people became homeless. “幾十”的復數(shù)形式可以表示: 幾十多歲 in + ones + 數(shù)詞復數(shù) 年代 in + the +數(shù)詞復數(shù) He died

16、 in his fortiesIn the nineties, most people go to work by bike.“基數(shù)詞+名詞” 的合成形容詞作定語, 中間有連字符“”,當中的名詞用單數(shù)。a 3- year- old girl a seven- day holiday表計量 “基數(shù)詞+度量單位+形容詞”The classroom is 7 meters long, 6 meters wide and 3 meters high.表示時刻 (介詞用at) 1)順讀法先時后分,“幾點幾分” 9:30 nine thirty 6:21 six twenty-one 2)逆讀法先分后時

17、a. 表示“幾點過幾分”,半小時以內(nèi), 介詞用past, 分鐘數(shù)+past +鐘點數(shù)。 10:10 ten past ten 8:20 twenty past eight b. 表示“幾點差幾分”, 半小時以上, 介詞用 to, 60減原分鐘+ to + (下一個)鐘點數(shù)。 9:50 ten to ten 7:40 twenty to eight 3)15分鐘:a quarter 30分鐘:a half 9:15 a quarter past nine 12:30 half past twelve四、練習題1、Complete the conversation with a, an, the

18、or zero article whereA: Im really looking forward to (1) _ summer holiday. Were taking (2) _ trip to (3) _ Paris!B: How wonderful! Its (4) _ interesting and beautiful city. How long will (5) _ flight A: The flight takes about (6) _ hour. When we arrive, we will get to our hotel by (7) _ bus. (8) _ h

19、otel is right in (9) _ centre of (10) _ city, so we can visit all the famous places.B: Are you planning to visit (11) _ Louvre Museum?A: Yes, we are.2、Underline the correct words.(1). Children have to go to school / the school when they are six years old.(2). Im a teacher at school / the school on t

20、he corner.(3). Hes got a lovely garden. Flowers / The flowers in it are really beautiful.(4). Make sure you get to the airport in time / in the time for your plane.(5). How many CDs have you got? Only few / a few.(6). Thats most / the most interesting news Ive heard for a long time.(7). How long hav

21、e Whites / the Whites lived here?3、Complete the sentences with the words in the box.flight landed ready seat station tour(1). She had an important meeting that afternoon, so she had to take an earlier _.(2). Please take your _.(3). Sam went with Jane to the railway _ to see her off.(4). It is wonder

22、ful to _ the streets of the city.(5). Flight KA846 from Hong Kong _ five minutes ago.(6). “Please have your tickets _,” said the ticket officer.4、Complete the sentences with the expressions in the boxAs long as because of full of looking forward to make yourself comfortable(1). They will not arrive

23、on time _ the bad weather.(2). Everyone in China is _ seeing their family members during the Spring Festival.(3). Lie down on your bed and _.(4). The journey was _ exciting experiences.(5). _ you can come by six, I will be here. 5.Listen and complete the notes.London to Sydney London Hong Kong: _ ho

24、ur(s) Hong Kong Sydney: _ hour(s) From airport to centre of Hong Kong: _ hour(s) Price of flight: _ Price of flight and hotel: _ Sydney to London Sydney London: _ hour(s) Price of flight: _ Price of flight and hotel near airport: _ From airport to centre of Sydney: _ kilometres 6.Work in pairs. Look

25、 at the notes you have made in Activity 5. Talk about:Which flight takes a longer time?Which flight is more expensive?7.Read the passage and complete the table.Advantage of ConcordeDisadvantage of Concorde8.Read the passage again and answer the questions. How many passengers could Concorde carry?. W

26、hy do many people think Concorde was one of the greatest planes?. How many hours did Concorde take to fly from London or Paris to New York?9.Work in pairs. Talk about your recent travel experience. Say: how you travelled how long the journey took how you felt about it10.Around the world . When was h

27、is plane completed?.What was the plane like?.Where did he take off in May 1927?.Did he succeed at last?五、小測1. What would you like to drink, girls? _, please. A. Two glass of water C. Two cups of tea B. Two glass of waters D. Two cups of teas2. Mum, I am hungry. May I have some _? Of course. But dont eat too much.A. bread B. noodle C. dumpling D. hambur


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