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1、七年級英語下冊期末考試題一、單項選擇題(15分)( )1.-What your pen pal like? -She is medium built, and she has long black hair. A.does; is B.does; look C.is; look D.does; /( )2.-What did you do yesterday when it was raining? -I read interesting book. A.a B.the C.an D.some( )3.Look at those people lying on the beach. How t

2、hey are! A.relaxing B.beautiful C.relaxed D.busy( )4.Its purse. Wheres ? A.my; you B.my; your C.mine; yours D.my; yours ( )5.The teacher asks me to sports shoes for P.E. class. A.put on B.take off C.wear D.try on ( )6.-What do you think of Tell it like it is? - . A.I love it B.I do, too C.I dont min

3、d D.I think so( )7.- today? -Its rainy and windy. A.Is it rainy and windy? B.Whats the weather like? C.How is it going D.How do you like the weather( )8.Thank you very much my mother do the housework. A.to helping B.helping C.for helping D.to help( )9.Listen! Someone for help. A.will cry B.cries C.c

4、ried D.is crying( )10.There is a river the two cities. A.between B.next to C.in front of D.behind( )11.Yesterday afternoon, six kids and I . A.did some shoping B.did some reading C.go swimming D.do some cleaning( )12. your daughter often play the guitar after supper? A.Is B.Can C.Does D.Do( )13.My s

5、on have lunch at home. A.isnt B.dont C.cant D.doesnt( )14.My dog is very old, I still like it very much. A.but B.and C.so D.because( )15.How many weeks in a month? A.is there B.are there C.has D.have 二、完形填空。(10分)Mumu is a Chinese boy. But now he 1 in the UK. He lives and 2 with Mr and Mrs Green in L

6、ondon. They are very nice to him. But they like different(不同的) 3 .For breakfast, Mr and Mrs Green would like milk, eggs and some vegetables, sometimes they have fruits. Mumu would like milk and eggs, but he wouldnt like vegetables 4 the breakfast time. Lunch is at one 5 . Mr and Mrs Green usually ha

7、ve large hamburgers. Mumu doesnt like 6 . He thinks theyre 7 . He would like some rice. After that, 8 like some fruits. 9 Mr and Mrs. Green usually have afternoon tea. For dinner, Mr and Mrs Green have soup, beef, vegetables and fruit. Mumu wouldnt like 10 beef, hed like some noodles.( )1.A.live B.i

8、s C.am D.isnt( )2.A.eat B.have C.eats D.to have( )3.A.drink B.fruit C.food D.vegetables( )4.A.in B.of C.at D.on( )5.A.clock B.time C.oclock D.a clock( )6.A.them B.they C.it D.its( )7.A.good B.bad C.healthy D.delicious( )8.A.shes B.shed C.hed D.hes( )9.A.Or B.So C.And D.But( )10.A.any B.some C.many D

9、.a lot三、閱讀理解。(40分)ALiuxiang is a famous Chinese running star. His home is in Shanghai. His date of birth is in July 13th,1983. He likes singsing and playing computer games. He can run very well in the 110-meter-huddle-race. He did the best in 2004 Athens Olympic Games. And he won(贏得)the first place

10、in it.But when he began to run. He didnt run so well. He said, My friends in the team and I dont have the talent(天賦) of running like other runners from Africa, so I need to work hard and I think I can be the best. He ran every day and at last, he was the best in 2004 Olympic Games. In the 2008 Beiji

11、ng Olympic Games, everyone thought he could get the gold medal(金牌). But he couldnt join in the game. Because there was something wrong with his feet. Everyone in the world was very sorry for this. But we all believe(相信) he can come back one day! 根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容判斷以下句子的正(T)誤(F)( )1. Liuxiangs home is in Beijin

12、g.( )2.Liuxiang was 26 years old in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. ( )3.Liuxiang ran very well when he began to run.( )4.Liuxiang likes singing and playing the violin.( )5.Liuxiang won the first place in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.BA 60-year-old American officer (軍官) came back to his school. The tea

13、chers asked him to give a talk to the small boys and girls there. The talk was about the love of their great country. All the little ones were sitting in a large meeting room. The old officer went up and began speaking. He said, Boys and girls, I studied in this school fifty years ago(以前). When I wa

14、s your age,we were not as happy as you are today. Think it about and then answer me . Why are you so happy now?No sound came from the children. The old man waited for a long time. Then a short boy in the front put up his small dirty hand. Good boy! Please answer me , dear,said the officer.With a big

15、 smile(微笑) on his face, the boy stood up and said, If you speak long enough(足夠), we wont have to have our math and biology lessons this morning.( )6.The officer studied in the school when he was . A. fifty B. ten C. twenty D. old( )7.The officer thought(認(rèn)為) . A. the short boy can answer this questio

16、n B. all the children liked his talk C. the short boy didnt like studying D. his talk was very good( )8.we were not as happy as you are today. means (意思是) . A. The weather was not so fine as todays B. People in the old days didnt have a happy life C. People in the old days were always angry(生氣的) D.

17、People in the old days didnt like to be happy( )9.The old officer found that the children at that school were before(以前) A. as good as B. as sad as C. as happy as D. much happier than (比快樂) (注:as.as短語意為“和一樣”)( )10.From the story we know that . A. the short boy didnt like the talk B. no children like

18、d the talk C. the short boy didnt like to have his lessons D. all the children liked the old manC TV shows, Saturday, May 31, 2003 (CCTV)CCTV-1 Channel 218:00 TV Classroom: Computer18:30 China Music TV19:00 News19:30 Weather Report19:40 Todays Focus (焦點)20:05 40 Part Serial (連續(xù)劇): The Gate of Reign

19、(39) (大宅門)21:25 Economies and Law (經(jīng)濟(jì)與法)22:30 China Sports Report23:00 On the Screen (熒屏) Next WeekCCTV-2 Channel 817:30 Foreign Light Music18:10 Childrens Program (節(jié)目): Cartoon City (動畫城)19:05 World-famous Cities: Paris20:55 The Story of Earth(地球)21:30 Economy (經(jīng)濟(jì)) 30 Minutes (分鐘)22:00 News in Engl

20、ish22:30 Special Sports: Football Match00:20 On the Screen Next Week( ) 11. If you are interested in (對感興趣) football games, you will choose (選擇) _.A. China Sports Report B. Special SportsC. Todays Focus D. China Music TV( ) 12. If you are going to Beijing by plane from Airport, youd better pay atten

21、tion to (最好關(guān)注) the program _.A. Weather Report B. World-famous CitiesC. The Story of Earth D .Economy 30 Minutes( ) 13. An Englishman wants to know about whats happening (發(fā)生) in China, but he doesnt know any Chinese (漢語), he may watch TV at _.A.19:00 on CCTV-1 Channel 2 B.21:30 on CCTV-2 Channel 8C.

22、22:00 on CCTV-2 Channel 8 D.20:05 on CCTV-1 Channel 2( ) 14. If you would like to know something about the capital (首都) of France, please watch TV at _.A. 23:00 on CCTV-1 Channel 8 B. 17:30 on CCTV-2 Channel 8C. 20:50 on CCTV-2 Channel 8 D.19:05 on CCTV-2 Channel 8( ) 15. Which of the following is R

23、IGHT?A. Most of the children love the program Cartoon City.B. TV Classroom is a room full of(充滿) TV.C. The program Todays Focus is only about todays traffic accidents (交通事故).D The programs on CCTV-2 Channel 8 will stop at 23:00. DIts Monday today. The young couple(夫婦)are at work and their children a

24、re at school but their parents are at home. “Its your birthday today, dear.” Mrs. Morison says. “We must celebrate (慶祝) it. Lets go shopping and well have a dinner.” The old man agrees with her. So they go out. But its very cold outside. Most shops are not open and they cant buy any vegetables or me

25、at. When they pass a small restaurant, Mr. Morison says, “Well, then. Lets go in and have something there.” The old woman thinks hes right and they come in. Theres nobody but a girl. “Can I help you?” asks the girl. “A fish, four eggs and some chicken and bread,” says Mrs. Morison. Half an hour late

26、r the girl brings all their dishes (菜) to them and Mr. Morison asks her husband to eat them first and she watches him. The girl feels strange(奇怪) and asks, “Arent you hungry, madam?” “Yes, I am,” says the old woman, “But I have to wait. Hes using my false (假的) teeth now.”( ) 16. Mr. and Mrs. Morison

27、 are at home because _.A. its Monday today B. its very cold todayC. they are old and they dont go to work D. they have some housework (家務(wù)活) to do( ) 17. Mr. and Mrs. Morison go shopping _.A. to have a birthday dinner at home B. to have dinner in the restaurant C. to cook lunch for their children D.

28、to wait for their friends ( ) 18. The word “but” in “Theres nobody but a girl.” means(意思是,意味著)_ in Chinese. A. 但是 B. 除了 C. 僅僅 D. 然而( ) 19. The old woman asks her husband to eat first because _.A. he leaves (把.忘在) his money at home B. shes afraid of(害怕) him C. she isnt hungry D. its his birthday toda

29、y( ) 20. The old woman waits for _. A. better dishes B. some drinks C. her false teeth D. her children 四、詞語運用(10分) 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,用方框所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,使文章通順完整,每空只能填一個單詞。afternoon, good, bad, delicious, went, came, stop, arrived, holiday, fun, cooked, tookHi, Molly! How are you? Did you have a good _1_ in Californi

30、a? I had a really _2_ weekend. My brother and I _3_ to my cousins house in London. We _4_the train on Friday evening and _5_ at six oclock the next morning. My aunt and uncle _6_ delicious food for us, and then we all went bowling (保齡球). I didnt do it well, but it was _7_. In the _8_ we went to Oxfo

31、rd Street for shopping. In the evening we all went to a nice Italian restaurant. I had a pizza and it was_9_. We went home on Sunday, but I still wanted to stay in London. My mom is calling me, so I have to _10_. Write soon and tell me about your holiday. Love, Susan1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9.

32、_ 10. _五、補(bǔ)全對話(5個句子,每句2分,共10分)根據(jù)下面的對話情景,在每個空白處填上一個適當(dāng)?shù)木渥?,使對話的意義連貫、完整。Jack: Hello, is Helen at home?Mr. Black: 1._. She goes to the library.Jack: 2. _?Mr. Black: No, she isnt reading books there.Jack: 3. _?Mr. Black: Because she has to return the books.Jack: Oh.4. _?Mr. Black: Sorry, John is going to the library with Helen.Jack: OK, I will call them later. Thank you very much. Mr. Black: 5. _.六、書面表達(dá)。(15分)2012


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