Unit 14 Homeless練習(xí)答案綜合教程三_第1頁
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1、Unit 14 HomelessKey to the Exercises Text comprehension I. Decide which of the following best states the texts underlying purpose. C II. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false. 1. T (Refer to Paragraphs 1 and 2.) 2. F (Refer to Paragraph 3. She is saying tha

2、t she does not look at the world from any broad perspective. Instead, she is more interested in and sensitive to a problem inflicting the world: homelessness.) 3. F (Refer to Paragraph 5. It is not that their houses are getting smaller and smaller, but that they do not keep their houses as long as b

3、efore. Moving is becoming more frequent.) 4. F (Refer to Paragraph 7. Some people refuse to go to shelters because they still miss the feeling of a home which is absent at any shelter. They still expect a home, or at least the feeling of a home.) 5. T (Refer to Paragraphs 8 and 9.) III. Answer the f

4、ollowing questions. 1. Refer to Paragraphs 1 and 2. Ann produced some pictures kept in a folded sheet of typing paper to show that she was not homeless. She insisted that she had a home and an identity that belonged to the home. But the author discovered that she was homeless from her dirty and shab

5、by clothes, and from the fact that shed been passing through for more than two weeks. 2. Refer to Paragraphs 3 and 4. According to the author, a home is more than a shelter or something merely physical; it is where the heart is, as she puts it, or a place of certainty, stability, predictability and

6、privacy. 3. Refer to Paragraphs 5 and 6. In the U.S., the sense of a home is edging away gradually. Homes were stable for a lifetime or even generations traditionally, yet all of a sudden they are getting short-lived. They may disappear any time, because they are no longer homes; they are now real e

7、state. 4. Real estate is the modern term for land and anything that is permanently affixed to it. Fixtures include buildings, fences, and things attached to buildings, such as plumbing, heating, and light fixtures. Property that is not affixed is regarded as personal property. Home with all the love

8、, stability and sense of belonging in it, certainly means much more than real estate. 5. Refer to Paragraphs 8 and 9. There are people trying to solve the problem, but they have not understood or approached the problem in the right way. They are, according to the author, not sensitive enough to the

9、real people who have no home. Explain in your own words the following sentences. IV. 1. She asserted that I was mistaken and she was not homeless. She said that she did not stay at the bus station, but I knew she had been there for over two weeks. 2. My love for my home is far greater than the house

10、 itself and the area where it is located. 3. What some people want is more than a physical shelter. Their desire for the feeling of a home is so strong that they would not go to shelters for any facilities offered there. Structural analysis of the text First part: Paragraphs 1 -3. Second part: Parag

11、raphs 4 -7. Third part: Paragraphs 8 -9. Rhetorical features of the text That was the crux of it; not size or location, but pride of ownership. (Paragraph 7) We turn an adjective into a noun: the poor, not poor people; the homeless, not Ann or the man who lives in the box or the woman who sleeps on

12、the subway grate. (Paragraph 8) Vocabulary exercises I. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. 1. a person of importance 2. unfavorable weather conditions, such as strong winds, heavy rain, and cold; three substantial, nourishing meals 3. far more intense than the care for 4

13、. generally, on the whole 5. the general notion or the rough outline II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form. 1. crux 2. anonymous 3. rummaged 4. enfeebling 5. bureau 6. drained 7. adrift 8. customary III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate

14、forms of the given words. 1. anonymity 2. ferocious 3. unpredictably 4. leaky 5. spoonful 6. damnably/damned 7. disqualified 8. terminate IV. Fill in the blank(s) in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text. 1. edging . away 2. wind up 3. run up to 4. passing

15、 through 5. reduced to 6. sat up 7. move on to 8. locked in V. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used. 1. Synonym: dirt (soot, filth) 2. Antonym: local (partial, restricted) 3. Synonym: fierceness (intensity) 4. Synonym: security (safety) 5. Syno

16、nym: crouch 6. Antonym: inaccessible (unobtainable) 7. Antonym: indifferent (heartless, apathetic) 8. Synonym: specific (particular) VI. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words. 1. constantly complain about 2. accept 3. respected 4. mentioned 5. reveal (your) real mental state 6. disa

17、pproved 7. endure 8. getting themselves ready Grammar exercises I. Recast the sentences below by using if. 1. If you lie down for a few minutes, youll feel much better. (an imperative + and + indicative = if? 2. If you dont drive more carefully, youll cause an accident. (an imperative + or + indicat

18、ive = if卬ot ? 3. If the government had acted earlier, the present crisis could have been avoided. 4. If the flight should be delayed, passengers will be informed immediately. 5. If the money doesnt arrive before Thursday, there will be trouble. 6. If I had known the address, I would have called into

19、 the office. 7. If I were worried, I would not be playing golf at this moment. 8. If he should be found guilty, he will be deprived of the guardianship of his children. II. Put the verbs in brackets into correct forms. 1. didnt know, would not understand 2. hadnt got, would have come, wouldnt have b

20、een would you like 3. 4. do, would you please remind 5. spend, will not have 6. had, would make 7. returns / should return (This is a real conditional. Should in the if-clause suggests a less strong possibility.) 8. had admitted, wouldnt have been III. Correct the errors, where found, in the followi

21、ng sentences. 1. the success of the Exhibition has been has been the success of the Exhibition (With so + adjective placed at the beginning of a sentence, the subject and verb should be in the inverted order. When the verb is be. full inversion is used.) 2. going go 3. presided presided over 4. the

22、family life family life (Zero article is used before a plural noun or an uncountable noun when we refer to things in general.) 5. are living have been living; look looked 6. glanced glanced at 7. will would 8. 9. hitch-hike hitch-hiking 10. being missing missing IV. Complete the following sentences

23、with the appropriate forms of the verbs. 1. flows (When suggest means indicate, we dont use the subjunctive mood in the clause following it.) 2. are unfounded 3. were 4. get / should get (Should get is preferred in British English.) 5. come / should come 6. be / should be 7. make / should make 8. in

24、vest / should invest V. Punctuate the following sentences, using commas or full stops. 1. The butterfly is a marvel. It begins as an ugly caterpillar and turns into a work of art. 2. The earthquake was devastating. Tall buildings crumbled and fell to the earth. 3. The child hid behind his mothers sk

25、irt, for he was afraid of the dog. 4. We have to help the children. Or, more precisely, we have to help them to help themselves. 5. Both John and I had many errands to do yesterday. John had to go to the post office and bookstore. I had to go to the drugstore, the travel agency and the bank. 6. Hes

26、walking in the garden, the dog is playing at his feet, and the children are following him. 7. Miriam Colon, a native of Puerto Rico, is an accomplished actress. Using her own experience, she wished to acquaint Americans with the art and culture of Puerto Rico. 8. I can go camping in Yellowstone Nati

27、onal Park in June, if my grades are high, if I save enough money, and if my parents approve. VI. Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the italicized parts in your sentences. 1. e.g. There is no need for explanation. I know what you are going to say. 2. e.g. Sometimes I

28、 think we would be better-off if we spent less time in front of the TV and more time talking to each other. Translation exercises I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. 我指的不只是有一片遮風(fēng)擋雨的屋檐,或者一日保證三餐,也不是一個(gè)可以收到福利救濟(jì)支票的郵政地址盡管我知道這一切對生存非常重要。 2. 曾幾何時(shí),我們生活的地方往往是我們工作的地方,是我們種植蔬果谷物的地方,甚至還是我們離開塵世后的葬身

29、之所。 3. 人們感到困惑不解的是,那些沒有家的人為什么情愿在長凳上熬過夜晚或者蜷縮在門道里,也不愿住進(jìn)救助站。 4. 不過,有些人似乎想要一些救助站無法提供的東西,他們不愿妥協(xié),不愿意為了一張小床、一碗燕麥粥,或者是用特殊的殺菌肥皂沖個(gè)澡而進(jìn)救助站。 II. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrases given in brackets. 1. She rummaged through five drawers before she found her wedding ring. 2.

30、 Somehow I feel he is edging away from his former position, a rather radical one. 3. Their newly established company is not running smoothly; the crux of the matter lies in lack of funds and expert knowledge. 4. Over a decade, it has been customary for me to think before I leap whenever I come acros

31、s something new. 5. He wondered why the donor remained anonymous. 6. Beowulf, the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons, describes how ancient people waged heroic struggles against the hostile elements. 7. He thinks he will be a second Bill Gates, which, to me, is nothing but a mere fantasy. 8. He does

32、everything well, as he pays sufficient attention to details instead of just relying on broad stokes. III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 雖然不同的人對“家”有不同的解釋,但是大部分人認(rèn)為家是一個(gè)讓人感到舒適和寧靜的地方。然而,現(xiàn)在人們看重的是房子,而不是家,因?yàn)閾碛形镔|(zhì)財(cái)產(chǎn)表明社會地位。一個(gè)人只有取得一定的社會地位,才能贏得社會的尊重。因此,寬敞的房子、時(shí)髦的裝潢便成了許 多人夢寐以求的東西。我認(rèn)為家是重要的,因?yàn)槟鞘菫槲覀冋陲L(fēng)

33、擋雨、提供一日三餐的地方,更因?yàn)榧沂亲屛覀兏械教?shí)、有私密空間的地方。歌德說過:“無論是國王還是農(nóng)夫,在家找到安寧的人是最幸福的人。”我懷戀往昔的日子,那時(shí)家是一個(gè)人從搖籃到墓地一輩子居住的地方,因此,人們對家有著千絲萬縷的情感依戀。然而,一個(gè)人可以懷舊,但不能生活在過去。相反,我們必須面對現(xiàn)實(shí),面對一個(gè)允許人們擁有彩虹般多彩經(jīng)歷的當(dāng)今社會。重要的是,不管我們追求什么,我們不應(yīng)該忽視所追求的東西的情感和精神內(nèi)涵。 Exercises for integrated skills I. Dictation script Families with children comprise 34% of

34、/ the homeless population of the United States, / and this number is growing. / Within a single year, nearly all homeless children have moved, / at least 25% have witnessed violence, / and 22% have been separated from their families. / About half of all school-age children experiencing homelessness

35、/ have problems with anxiety and depression, / and 20% of homeless preschoolers have emotional problems / that require professional care. / Their education is often disrupted / and challenges in school are common. II. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate. (1) w

36、orldwide (2) homelessness (3) living (4) countries (5) despite (6) finding (7) especially (8) continuing (9) its (10) developed (11) life (12) lower Cultural Background ? The theme of “home” is sentimental, and most writers and poets have some works related to “home”, and Emily Dickinson, the famous

37、 American poet, is one of them. ? She has been “l(fā)ocked” at her house for almost a whole life, yet a sense of “homelessness” can be felt from most of her poems. It does not mean material house shortage, but the feeling of isolation. Home by Emily Dickinson Years I had been from home, And now, before

38、the door I dared not open, lest a face I never saw before Stare vacant into mine And ask my business there. My business, just a life I left, Was such still dwelling there? I fumbled at my nerve, I scanned the windows near; The silence like an ocean rolled, And broke against my ear. I laughed a woode

39、n laugh That I could fear a door, Who danger and the dead had faced, But never quaked before. I fitted to the latch, My hand, with trembling care, Lest back the awful door should spring, And leave me standing there. I moved my fingers off As cautiously as glass, And held my ears, and like a thief Fl

40、ed gasping from the house. Text I Homeless Anna Quindlen Global Reading I. Text Analysis Modern life is progressing on an accelerating pace and the majority of modern people are losing more and more control of their own lives. This makes them the victims of endless anxiety. Yet they do not know the

41、cause of all this, nor can they find any solution to it. The author of this essay wants to find the cause of this problem and she focuses her attention on home. By the word “homeless”, we generally mean the state of not having a material house. Yet, through her investigation and observation, the wri

42、ter adds new meaning to this word which reveals a worse problem suffered by many people living in modern society, even if they do have a house. The problem is the loss of the traditional conception of home and traditional family values in peoples mind. With the development of modern life, the concept of home has gradually lost its connotation of permanence and stability. People living in a house have no sense of belonging and pride of ownership at all. The writer points out the faults of society in dealing with th


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