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1、Family1. In taxonomy, term applied to subcategories within Orders. 2.Term applied to a group of similar things, such as languages, Chromosomes, etc. 科,Fermentationthe synthesis of ATP in the absence of oxygen through Glycolysis. 發(fā)酵ferment 發(fā)酵,酵素,Fertilizationthe fusion of two Gametes (sperm and ovum)

2、 to produce a zygote that develops into a new individual with a genetic heritage derived from both parents. 受精,Filamentsslender, thread-like stalks that make up the stamens of a flower; topped by the anthers. 花絲,First law of thermodynamics (conservation) Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it c

3、hanges from one form to another.,Flagella long, whip-like locomotion organelles found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; sing.: flagellum. Eukaryotic flagella have an internal arrangement of Microtubules in a 9 + 2 array. 鞭毛cilium 纖毛,Fluid-mosaic model widely accepted model of the plasma memb

4、rane in which proteins (the mosaic) are embedded in lipids (the fluid).,Food chainthe simplest representation of Energy flow in a Community. At the base is energy stored in plants, which are eaten by small organisms, which in turn are eaten by progressively larger organisms; the food chain is an ove

5、rsimplification in that most animals do not eat only one type of organism.,Food pyramida way of depicting Energy flow in an Ecosystem; shows producers (mostly plants or other phototrophs) on the first level and Consumers on the higher levels.,Food weba complex network of feeding interrelations among

6、 species in a natural Ecosystem; more accurate and more complex depiction of Energy flow than a Food chain.,Forebrainthe part of the Brain that consists of the Diencephalon (間腦)and Cerebrum. 前腦,Fossil 1. The remains or traces of prehistoric life preserved in rocks of the earths crust. 2. Any evidenc

7、e of past life.,Fossil record The observed remains of once-living organisms taken as a whole.,Fruit a ripened ovary wall produced from a flower.,Fungi nonmobile, Heterotrophic, mostly multicellular Eukaryotes, including yeasts and mushrooms. 真菌,gGametesHaploid reproductive cells (ovum and sperm). 配子

8、 gamete, gameto-spouse,Gene poolthe sum of all the genetic information carried by members of a population.,Generataxonomic subcategories within families (sing. genus), composed of one or more species.,Gene specific segments of DNA that control cell structure and function; the functional units of inh

9、eritance. Sequence of DNA bases usually code for a polypeptide sequence of amino acids.,Gene therapy the insertion of normal or genetically altered genes into cells through the use of recombinant DNA technology; usually done to replace defective genes as part of the treatment of genetic disorders.,G

10、enetic code the linear series of Nucleotides, read as triplets, that specifies the sequence of amino acids in proteins. Each triplet specifies an amino acid, and the same codons are used for the same amino acids in almost all life-forms, an indication of the universal nature of the code.,Genetic dri

11、ft random changes in the frequency of alleles from generation to generation; especially in small populations, can lead to the elimination of a particular allele by chance alone.,Genetic maps diagrams showing the order of and distance between genes; constructed using crossover information.,Genetics t

12、he study of the structure and function of genes and the transmission of genes from parents to offspring.,Genome 1. The set of genes carried by an individual. 2. The set of genes shared by members of a reproductive unit such as a population or species. -ome(后綴)“體”“?!薄叭骸眀iome生物群落區(qū),Genotypethe genetic

13、(alleleic) makeup of an organism with regard to an observed trait.,Geotropism plants response to gravity: roots grow downward, showing positive geotropism, while shoots grow upward in a negative response. tropism,tropicturn,Gibberellinsa group of hormones that stimulate cell division and elongation

14、in plants. 赤霉素,Glucose a six-carbon single sugar; the most common energy source.,Glycogen polysaccharide consisting of numerous monosaccharide Glucoses linked together. The animal equivalent of starch. 糖原, 動物淀粉,Glycolysis the universal cellular metabolic process in the cells Cytoplasm where 6-carbon

15、 Glucose is split into two 3-carbon pyruvate molecules, and some ATP and NADH are produced. 糖酵解,Golgi complexorganelles in animal cells composed of a series of flattened sacs that sort, chemically modify, and package proteins produced on the rough Endoplasmic reticulum.,Greenhouse effect the heating

16、 that occurs when gases such as carbon dioxide trap heat escaping from the earth and radiate it back to the surface; so-called because the gases are transparent to sunlight but not to heat and thus act like the glass in a greenhouse.,Guard cells specialized epidermal cells that flank stomates and wh

17、ose opening and closing regulates gas exchange and water loss.,Guanine one of the nitrogenous bases in Nucleic acids, guanine is one of the two purine bases.,Haploidcells that contain only one member of each homologous pair of Chromosomes (haploid number = n).,Hemoglobina red pigment in red blood ce

18、lls that can bind with oxygen and is largely responsible for the bloods oxygen-Carrying capacity. Hemoglobin is composed of four polypeptide chains, two and two chains.,Hemophiliaa human sex-linked recessive genetic disorder that results in the absence of certain blood-clotting factors, usually fact

19、or vii. Hemophiliacs suffer from an inability to clot their blood. Hemo=blood; philialove,Hepatitis a potentially serious viral disease that affects the liver; can be transmitted through sexual contact or through contact with infected blood. 肝炎 hepat-liver,Herbivore term pertaining to a Heterotroph,

20、 usually an animal, that eats plants or algae. Herbivores function in Food chains and Food webs as primary Consumers.,Heterotrophicrefers to organisms, such as animals, that depend on preformed organic molecules from the environment (or another organism) as a source of nutrients/energy. troph=nouris

21、hment; feeding,Heterotrophsorganisms that obtain their nutrition by breaking down organic molecules in foods; include animals and fungi.,Heterozygoushaving two different alleles (one Dominant, one recessive) of a gene pair.,Homologuesa pair of Chromosomes in which one member of the pair is obtained

22、from the organisms maternal parent and the other from the paternal parent; found in Diploid cells. = homologous chromosomes. 同源染色體,Hormoneschemical substances that are produced in the endocrine glands and travel in the blood to target organs where they elicit a response.,Human genome project federal

23、ly funded project to determine the DNA base sequence of every gene in the human Genome.,Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) the retrovirus逆轉(zhuǎn)錄酶病毒 that attacks T-cells in the human Immune system, destroying the bodys defenses and allowing the development of AIDS.,Hydrogen bonda weak bond between two at

24、oms (one of which is hydrogen) with partial but opposite electrical charges.,Hydrophilicwater-loving. Term applied to polar molecules that can form a Hydrogen bond with water.,Hydrophobic water-fearing. Term applied to nonpolar molecules that cannot bond with water. -phobe=fear,Hydrospherethe part o

25、f the physical environment that consists of all the liquid and solid water at or near the earths surface.,Hypertension high blood pressure; blood pressure consistently above 140/90. hypotension,Ice age interval of geologic time between 2 million and 10,000 years ago during which the northern hemisph

26、ere experienced several episodes of continental glacial advance and retreat along with a climatic cooling.,Immune systemone of the eleven major body organ systems in vertebrates; defends the Internal environment against invading microorganisms and viruses and provides defense against the growth of c

27、ancer cells.,Immunoglobulin(Ig) the five classes of protein to which antibodies belong (IgA , IgD, IgG, IgE , IgM ).,Incomplete dominancea type of inheritance in which the heterozygote has a phenotype intermediate to those of the Homozygous parents.,Inflammationa reaction to the invasion of microorg

28、anisms through the skin or through the epithelial layers of the respiratory, digestive, or urinary system; characterized by four signs: redness, swelling, heat, and pain.,Inheritance of acquired characteristics Lamarcks view that features acquired during an organisms lifetime would be passed on to succeeding generations, leading to inheritable change in species over time.,Initiation codon (AUG) three-


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